Next Item Prediction
Next Item Prediction (Latest Version)

Next Steps

Congratulations! You have completed the Next Item Prediction AI workflow lab. This NVIDIA AI workflow is provided as a reference to enable you to build your own AI solution with minimal preparation and includes enterprise-ready implementation best practices which range from authentication, monitoring, reporting, and load balancing, helping you achieve the desired AI outcome more quickly while still allowing a path for you to deviate.

NVIDIA Merlin, which this workflow is based on, is an end-to-end framework for building, training, optimizing, and deploying recommender systems at any scale. Merlin empowers data scientists, machine learning engineers, and their companies to streamline and harden their session-based recommender pipeline. Merlin libraries can be used as a stand-alone or within an ensemble model solution.

Leverage the NVIDIA Merlin SDK to build your own AI-based session based recommendation solutions, and learn more about how to use NVIDIA Merlin through our Deep Learning Institute platform. Access the course here.

NVIDIA Merlin is open source, built on NVIDIA AI, and free for practitioners. As practitioners and their companies grow and scale, they may require additional support as they seek to productionize their workflow. NVIDIA AI Enterprise, as the operating system of NVIDIA AI, is essential for production and support of applications. NVIDIA AI Enterprise is available to license.

Access a 90-day trial of NVIDIA AI Enterprise software to get a temporary free evaluation of the next-item prediction AI workflow, available through the Enterprise Catalog.

Review the additional resources below for more detailed documentation for the workflow and for NVIDIA Merlin, and how to proceed with your journey towards building your own recommender system.

© Copyright 2022-2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 20, 2023.