Scale Data Science with Domino Data Lab
Scale Data Science with Domino Data Lab (Latest Version)

Step #4: Collaborate Results

Congratulations! You have now gone through a full workflow to pull data from an S3 bucket, clean and visualize the data, train several models across different frameworks, deploy the best performing model, and use a web app frontend for easy scoring of your model. Now the final step is to get your model and app into the hands of the end users.

  1. Navigate back to our project and click on the App tab


  2. From the App page navigate to the Permissions tab

    • In the permissions tab update the permissions to allow anyone, including anonymous users


    • Navigate back to the Settings tab and click Copy Link to App.


With this link you’re able to view the app without being logged into Domino (though you will still need to be logged into Launchpad as this trial environment blocks all other ingress).


Domino provides free licenses for business users to login and view models/apps etc.

© Copyright 2022-2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Jan 10, 2023.