Scale Data Science with Domino Data Lab
Scale Data Science with Domino Data Lab (Latest Version)

Sign up & Sign In to Domino

To proceed with your NVIDIA-hosted Domino experience, you will need to create a Domino account in this environment.

  1. Click on the Domino User Interface on the left hand side to begin.


  2. You should see the Domino login prompt. Here is where you can sign up for an account if you don’t already have one.


  3. The following form will be displayed, fill in the form with your contact information and create a username and password.


  4. Once you have successfully logged in you should see a single project called quick-start.



    If you will be the first person to log in, you currently need to do one additional manual configuration on the LaunchPad instance before you get started. Modify your url to go to /admin/hwtiers/edit/gpu-k8s so we can modify the GPU Hardware Tier. You will need to set Node Pool to default, select the checkbox next to Allow executions to exceed the default shared memory limit, and click Update at the bottom-left of the page. Now you can return to the Domino home screen by clicking the Domino logo at the upper-left of the page.


© Copyright 2022-2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Jan 10, 2023.