NVIDIA DeepStream SDK API Reference

7.0 Release
nvdsinferserver Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

This is a header file for pre-processing cuda kernels with normalization and mean subtraction required by nvdsinfer.



Data Structures

class  BaseBackend
 Base class of inference backend processing. More...
class  BaseBatchArray
 The base class for array of batch buffers. More...
class  BaseBatchBuffer
 The base class for batch buffers. More...
class  BasePostprocessor
 Base post-processor class. More...
class  BasePreprocessor
 Base preprocessor class. More...
class  BatchSurfaceBuffer
class  BufOptions
class  ClassificationOutput
class  ClassifyPostprocessor
 Post processor class for classification output. More...
class  CpuMem
 Allocates and manages host memory. More...
class  CropSurfaceConverter
 Preprocessor for cropping, scaling and padding the inference input to required height, width. More...
class  CudaDeviceMem
 Allocates and manages CUDA device memory. More...
class  CudaEvent
 Wrapper class for CUDA events. More...
class  CudaHostMem
 Allocates and manages CUDA pinned memory. More...
class  CudaStream
 Wrapper class for CUDA streams. More...
class  CudaTensorBuf
 A batch buffer with CUDA memory allocation. More...
class  DetectionOutput
class  DetectPostprocessor
 Post processor class for detection output. More...
class  IBackend
class  IBatchArray
 Interface class for an array of batch buffers. More...
class  IBatchBuffer
 Interface class for a batch buffer. More...
class  IInferCustomProcessor
 Interface of Custom processor which is created and loaded at runtime through CreateCustomProcessorFunc. More...
class  ImageAlignBuffer
class  InferBaseContext
 The base class for handling the inference context. More...
struct  InferBatchDims
 Holds full dimensions (including batch size) for a layer. More...
struct  InferBufferDescription
 Holds the information about a inference buffer. More...
class  InferCudaContext
 Class for inference context CUDA processing. More...
struct  InferDims
 Holds the information about the dimensions of a neural network layer. More...
class  InferExtraProcessor
 : Extra processing pre/post inference. More...
class  InferGrpcClient
 Wrapper class for the gRPC client of the Triton Inference Server, interfaces with the Triton client library. More...
class  InferGrpcContext
 Inference context class accessing Triton Inference Server in gRPC mode. More...
class  InferSimpleContext
class  InferTrtISContext
 Inference context accessing Triton Inference Server in C-API mode. More...
class  IOptions
class  IPostprocessor
 Post-processor interface class. More...
class  IPreprocessor
 Preprocessor interface class. More...
struct  LayerDescription
 Stores the information of a layer in the inference model. More...
class  LstmController
class  NetworkPreprocessor
 Preprocessor for scaling and normalization of the input and conversion to network media format. More...
class  OtherPostprocessor
 Post processor class for tensor output for custom post processing. More...
class  Postprocessor
 A generic post processor class. More...
class  RefBatchBuffer
 A batch buffer with allocated memory. More...
class  SegmentationOutput
class  SegmentPostprocessor
 Post processor class for segmentation output. More...
class  StreamManager
class  SurfaceBuffer
class  SysMem
 Base class for managing memory allocation. More...
class  ThreadCudaPostprocessor
 A CUDA post processor thread queue template class. More...
class  ThreadHostPostprocessor
 A host post processor thread queue template class. More...
class  ThreadPreprocessor
 Preprocessor thread queue class template. More...
class  TritonGrpcBackend
 Triton gRPC mode backend processing class. More...
class  TritonGrpcRequest
 Triton gRPC inference request class holding data associated with one inference request. More...
class  TritonSimpleRuntime
class  TrtISBackend
 Triton backend processing class. More...
class  TrtIsClassifier
 Post processor class for Triton Classification option. More...
class  TrtISServer
 Wrapper class for creating Triton Inference Server instance. More...
class  TrtServerAllocator
 Wrapper class for Triton server output memory allocator. More...
class  TrtServerRequest
 Wrapper class for Triton inference request. More...
class  TrtServerResponse
 Wrapper class for Triton output parsing. More...
class  WrapCBatchBuffer


using SharedBufOptions = std::shared_ptr< BufOptions >
using SharedIBatchBuffer = std::shared_ptr< IBatchBuffer >
using SharedIBatchArray = std::shared_ptr< IBatchArray >
using SharedIOptions = std::shared_ptr< IOptions >
using UniqSurfaceBuf = std::unique_ptr< SurfaceBuffer >
using SharedBatchSurface = std::shared_ptr< BatchSurfaceBuffer >
using InferCompleted = std::function< void(NvDsInferStatus, SharedBatchArray)>
using UniqBackend = std::unique_ptr< BaseBackend >
using LayerDescriptionList = std::vector< LayerDescription >
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > Headers
using SharedGrpcRequest = std::shared_ptr< TritonGrpcRequest >
using TritonGrpcAsyncDone = std::function< void(NvDsInferStatus, SharedBatchArray)>
using SharedRequest = std::shared_ptr< TrtServerRequest >
using UniqResponse = std::unique_ptr< TrtServerResponse >
using SharedResponse = std::shared_ptr< TrtServerResponse >
using TritonInferAsyncDone = std::function< void(SharedRequest, UniqResponse)>
using SharedClassOutput = std::shared_ptr< ClassificationOutput >
using TensorMapPool = MapBufferPool< std::string, UniqCudaTensorBuf >
using TensorMapPoolPtr = std::unique_ptr< TensorMapPool >


enum  OptionType : int {
  OptionType::oBool = 0,
  OptionType::oNone = -1
enum  InferTensorOrder : int {
  InferTensorOrder::kNone = 0,
  InferTensorOrder::kLinear = 1,
  InferTensorOrder::kNHWC = 2
 The type of tensor order. More...
enum  InferMemType : int {
  InferMemType::kNone = 0,
  InferMemType::kGpuCuda = 1,
  InferMemType::kCpu = 2,
  InferMemType::kCpuCuda = 3,
  InferMemType::kNvSurface = 5,
  InferMemType::kNvSurfaceArray = 6
 The memory types of inference buffers. More...
enum  InferDataType : int {
  InferDataType::kFp32 = FLOAT,
  InferDataType::kFp16 = HALF,
  InferDataType::kInt8 = INT8,
  InferDataType::kInt32 = INT32,
  InferDataType::kInt16 = 7,
  InferDataType::kNone = -1
 Datatype of the tensor buffer. More...
enum  InferPostprocessType : int {
  InferPostprocessType::kDetector = 0,
  InferPostprocessType::kClassifier = 1,
  InferPostprocessType::kSegmentation = 2,
  InferPostprocessType::kTrtIsClassifier = 3,
  InferPostprocessType::kOther = 100
 Inference post processing types. More...
enum  InferMediaFormat : int {
  InferMediaFormat::kRGB = 0,
  InferMediaFormat::kUnknown = -1
 Image formats. More...


void BufOptions::D::BasicValue::setV< std::string > (const std::string &v, OptionType t)
void normalizeDims (InferDims &dims)
SharedBufPool< UniqSurfaceBufcreateSurfaceBufPool (int width, int height, InferMediaFormat color, int batchSize, int gpuId, int poolSize)
InferDataType dataTypeFromDsProto (ic::TensorDataType dt)
InferTensorOrder tensorOrderFromDsProto (ic::TensorOrder o)
InferMediaFormat mediaFormatFromDsProto (ic::MediaFormat f)
InferMemType memTypeFromDsProto (ic::MemoryType t)
NvBufSurfTransform_Compute computeHWFromDsProto (ic::FrameScalingHW h)
NvBufSurfTransform_Inter scalingFilterFromDsProto (uint32_t filter)
bool validateProtoConfig (ic::InferenceConfig &c, const std::string &path)
bool compareModelRepo (const ic::TritonModelRepo &repoA, const ic::TritonModelRepo &repoB)
bool hasTriton (const ic::BackendParams &params)
const ic::TritonParams & getTritonParam (const ic::BackendParams &params)
ic::TritonParams * mutableTriton (ic::BackendParams &params)
InferDataType DataTypeFromTriton (TRITONSERVER_DataType type)
 Maps the TRITONSERVER_DataType to the InferDataType. More...
TRITONSERVER_DataType DataTypeToTriton (InferDataType type)
 Maps the InferDataType to TRITONSERVER_DataType. More...
InferDataType DataTypeFromTritonPb (ni::DataType type)
 Maps the data type from Triton model configuration proto definition to InferDataType. More...
InferTensorOrder TensorOrderFromTritonPb (ni::ModelInput::Format order)
 Maps the tensor order from Triton model configuration proto definition to the InferTensorOrder type. More...
InferTensorOrder TensorOrderFromTritonMeta (const std::string &format)
 Maps the tensor order from Triton metadata string to the InferTensorOrder type. More...
TRITONSERVER_MemoryType MemTypeToTriton (InferMemType type)
 Maps the InferMemType to the TRITONSERVER_MemoryType. More...
InferMemType MemTypeFromTriton (TRITONSERVER_MemoryType type)
 Maps the TRITONSERVER_MemoryType to the InferMemType. More...
template<typename VecDims >
InferDims DimsFromTriton (const VecDims &shape)
 Converts the input shape vector from Triton to InferDims type. More...
const char * TritonControlModeToStr (int32_t mode)
 Returns a string describing the TRITONSERVER_ModelControlMode: none, explicit or poll. More...
UniqCudaTensorBuf createTensorBuf (const InferDims &dims, InferDataType dt, int batchSize, const std::string &name, InferMemType mt, int devId, bool initCuEvent)
 Create a tensor buffer of the specified memory type, dimensions on the given device. More...
UniqCudaTensorBuf createGpuTensorBuf (const InferDims &dims, InferDataType dt, int batchSize, const std::string &name="", int devId=0, bool initCuEvent=false)
 Create a CUDA device memory tensor buffer of specified dimensions on the given device. More...
UniqCudaTensorBuf createCpuTensorBuf (const InferDims &dims, InferDataType dt, int batchSize, const std::string &name="", int devId=0, bool initCuEvent=false)
 Create a CUDA pinned memory tensor buffer of specified dimensions on the given device. More...
NvDsInferStatus syncAllCudaEvents (const SharedBatchArray &bufList)
 Synchronize on all events associated with the batch buffer array. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ Headers

typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> nvdsinferserver::Headers

Definition at line 42 of file infer_grpc_client.h.

◆ InferCompleted

using nvdsinferserver::InferCompleted = typedef std::function<void(NvDsInferStatus, SharedBatchArray)>

Definition at line 45 of file infer_base_context.h.

◆ InferCustomProcessorPtr

Definition at line 141 of file infer_common.h.

◆ LayerDescriptionList

Definition at line 58 of file infer_ibackend.h.

◆ SharedBatchArray

using nvdsinferserver::SharedBatchArray = typedef std::shared_ptr<BaseBatchArray>

Definition at line 75 of file infer_common.h.

◆ SharedBatchBuf

using nvdsinferserver::SharedBatchBuf = typedef std::shared_ptr<BaseBatchBuffer>

Common buffer interfaces (internal).

Definition at line 71 of file infer_common.h.

◆ SharedBatchSurface

using nvdsinferserver::SharedBatchSurface = typedef std::shared_ptr<BatchSurfaceBuffer>

Definition at line 198 of file infer_surface_bufs.h.

◆ SharedBufOptions

using nvdsinferserver::SharedBufOptions = typedef std::shared_ptr<BufOptions>

Definition at line 41 of file infer_options.h.

◆ SharedClassOutput

using nvdsinferserver::SharedClassOutput = typedef std::shared_ptr<ClassificationOutput>

Definition at line 132 of file infer_postproc_buf.h.

◆ SharedCudaTensorBuf

using nvdsinferserver::SharedCudaTensorBuf = typedef std::shared_ptr<CudaTensorBuf>

Definition at line 91 of file infer_common.h.

◆ SharedCuEvent

using nvdsinferserver::SharedCuEvent = typedef std::shared_ptr<CudaEvent>

Definition at line 86 of file infer_common.h.

◆ SharedCuStream

using nvdsinferserver::SharedCuStream = typedef std::shared_ptr<CudaStream>

Cuda based pointers.

Definition at line 84 of file infer_common.h.

◆ SharedDllHandle

using nvdsinferserver::SharedDllHandle = typedef std::shared_ptr<DlLibHandle>

Definition at line 111 of file infer_common.h.

◆ SharedGrpcRequest

using nvdsinferserver::SharedGrpcRequest = typedef std::shared_ptr<TritonGrpcRequest>

Definition at line 46 of file infer_grpc_client.h.

◆ SharedIBatchArray

using nvdsinferserver::SharedIBatchArray = typedef std::shared_ptr<IBatchArray>

Definition at line 205 of file infer_datatypes.h.

◆ SharedIBatchBuffer

using nvdsinferserver::SharedIBatchBuffer = typedef std::shared_ptr<IBatchBuffer>

Definition at line 204 of file infer_datatypes.h.

◆ SharedIOptions

using nvdsinferserver::SharedIOptions = typedef std::shared_ptr<IOptions>

Definition at line 206 of file infer_datatypes.h.

◆ SharedOptions

using nvdsinferserver::SharedOptions = typedef std::shared_ptr<IOptions>

Definition at line 73 of file infer_common.h.

◆ SharedRefBatchBuf

using nvdsinferserver::SharedRefBatchBuf = typedef std::shared_ptr<RefBatchBuffer>

Definition at line 77 of file infer_common.h.

◆ SharedRequest

using nvdsinferserver::SharedRequest = typedef std::shared_ptr<TrtServerRequest>

Definition at line 59 of file infer_trtis_server.h.

◆ SharedResponse

using nvdsinferserver::SharedResponse = typedef std::shared_ptr<TrtServerResponse>

Definition at line 61 of file infer_trtis_server.h.

◆ SharedSysMem

using nvdsinferserver::SharedSysMem = typedef std::shared_ptr<SysMem>

Definition at line 88 of file infer_common.h.

◆ ShrTritonAllocator

using nvdsinferserver::ShrTritonAllocator = typedef std::shared_ptr<TrtServerAllocator>

Definition at line 124 of file infer_common.h.

◆ ShrTritonT

template<typename T >
using nvdsinferserver::ShrTritonT = typedef std::shared_ptr<T>

Definition at line 117 of file infer_common.h.

◆ TensorMapPool

using nvdsinferserver::TensorMapPool = typedef MapBufferPool<std::string, UniqCudaTensorBuf>

Definition at line 31 of file infer_extra_processor.h.

◆ TensorMapPoolPtr

using nvdsinferserver::TensorMapPoolPtr = typedef std::unique_ptr<TensorMapPool>

Definition at line 32 of file infer_extra_processor.h.

◆ TritonGrpcAsyncDone

Definition at line 48 of file infer_grpc_client.h.

◆ TritonInferAsyncDone

using nvdsinferserver::TritonInferAsyncDone = typedef std::function<void(SharedRequest, UniqResponse)>

Definition at line 63 of file infer_trtis_server.h.

◆ TrtServerPtr

using nvdsinferserver::TrtServerPtr = typedef std::shared_ptr<TrtISServer>

Definition at line 121 of file infer_common.h.

◆ UniqBackend

using nvdsinferserver::UniqBackend = typedef std::unique_ptr<BaseBackend>

Definition at line 212 of file infer_base_backend.h.

◆ UniqBatchArray

using nvdsinferserver::UniqBatchArray = typedef std::unique_ptr<BaseBatchArray>

Definition at line 76 of file infer_common.h.

◆ UniqBatchBuf

using nvdsinferserver::UniqBatchBuf = typedef std::unique_ptr<BaseBatchBuffer>

Definition at line 72 of file infer_common.h.

◆ UniqCudaTensorBuf

using nvdsinferserver::UniqCudaTensorBuf = typedef std::unique_ptr<CudaTensorBuf>

Definition at line 90 of file infer_common.h.

◆ UniqCuEvent

using nvdsinferserver::UniqCuEvent = typedef std::unique_ptr<CudaEvent>

Definition at line 87 of file infer_common.h.

◆ UniqCuStream

using nvdsinferserver::UniqCuStream = typedef std::unique_ptr<CudaStream>

Definition at line 85 of file infer_common.h.

◆ UniqInferExtraProcessor

Definition at line 139 of file infer_common.h.

◆ UniqLock

using nvdsinferserver::UniqLock = typedef std::unique_lock<std::mutex>

Miscellaneous declarations.

Definition at line 108 of file infer_common.h.

◆ UniqLstmController

using nvdsinferserver::UniqLstmController = typedef std::unique_ptr<LstmController>

Definition at line 128 of file infer_common.h.

◆ UniqPostprocessor

using nvdsinferserver::UniqPostprocessor = typedef std::unique_ptr<BasePostprocessor>

Processor interfaces.

Definition at line 98 of file infer_common.h.

◆ UniqPreprocessor

using nvdsinferserver::UniqPreprocessor = typedef std::unique_ptr<BasePreprocessor>

Definition at line 99 of file infer_common.h.

◆ UniqResponse

using nvdsinferserver::UniqResponse = typedef std::unique_ptr<TrtServerResponse>

Definition at line 60 of file infer_trtis_server.h.

◆ UniqStreamManager

using nvdsinferserver::UniqStreamManager = typedef std::unique_ptr<StreamManager>

Definition at line 131 of file infer_common.h.

◆ UniqSurfaceBuf

using nvdsinferserver::UniqSurfaceBuf = typedef std::unique_ptr<SurfaceBuffer>

Definition at line 44 of file infer_surface_bufs.h.

◆ UniqSysMem

using nvdsinferserver::UniqSysMem = typedef std::unique_ptr<SysMem>

Definition at line 89 of file infer_common.h.

◆ UniqTritonAllocator

using nvdsinferserver::UniqTritonAllocator = typedef std::unique_ptr<TrtServerAllocator>

Definition at line 123 of file infer_common.h.

◆ UniqTritonT

template<typename T >
using nvdsinferserver::UniqTritonT = typedef std::unique_ptr<T, std::function<void(T*)> >

Definition at line 114 of file infer_common.h.

◆ UniqTrtISBackend

using nvdsinferserver::UniqTrtISBackend = typedef std::unique_ptr<TrtISBackend>

Definition at line 101 of file infer_common.h.

◆ WeakTritonAllocator

Definition at line 125 of file infer_common.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ InferDataType

enum nvdsinferserver::InferDataType : int

Datatype of the tensor buffer.


Definition at line 83 of file infer_datatypes.h.

◆ InferMediaFormat

Image formats.


24-bit interleaved R-G-B


24-bit interleaved B-G-R


8-bit Luma


32-bit interleaved R-G-B-A


32-bit interleaved B-G-R-x


Definition at line 129 of file infer_datatypes.h.

◆ InferMemType

enum nvdsinferserver::InferMemType : int

The memory types of inference buffers.


GPU CUDA memory.


Host (CPU) memory.


CUDA pinned memory.


NVRM surface memory.


NVRM surface array memory.

Definition at line 56 of file infer_datatypes.h.

◆ InferPostprocessType

Inference post processing types.


Post processing for object detection.


Post processing for object classification.


Post processing for image segmentation.


Post processing using Triton Classifier.


Custom post processing.

Definition at line 103 of file infer_datatypes.h.

◆ InferTensorOrder

The type of tensor order.


NCHW (batch-channels-height-width) tensor order.


NHWC (batch-height-width-channels) tensor order.

Definition at line 41 of file infer_datatypes.h.

◆ OptionType

enum nvdsinferserver::OptionType : int

Definition at line 28 of file infer_ioptions.h.

Function Documentation

◆ BufOptions::D::BasicValue::setV< std::string >()

void nvdsinferserver::BufOptions::D::BasicValue::setV< std::string > ( const std::string &  v,
OptionType  t 

Definition at line 183 of file infer_options.h.

References oString.

◆ compareModelRepo()

bool nvdsinferserver::compareModelRepo ( const ic::TritonModelRepo &  repoA,
const ic::TritonModelRepo &  repoB 

◆ computeHWFromDsProto()

NvBufSurfTransform_Compute nvdsinferserver::computeHWFromDsProto ( ic::FrameScalingHW  h)

◆ createCpuTensorBuf()

UniqCudaTensorBuf nvdsinferserver::createCpuTensorBuf ( const InferDims dims,
InferDataType  dt,
int  batchSize,
const std::string &  name = "",
int  devId = 0,
bool  initCuEvent = false 

Create a CUDA pinned memory tensor buffer of specified dimensions on the given device.

[in]dimsDimensions of the tensor.
[in]batchSizeBatch size.
[in]nameName of the buffer.
[in]devIdDevice ID for the memory allocation.
[in]initCuEventFlag to create an associated CUDA event.
Pointer to the newly created tensor buffer, null if the buffer could not be created.

◆ createGpuTensorBuf()

UniqCudaTensorBuf nvdsinferserver::createGpuTensorBuf ( const InferDims dims,
InferDataType  dt,
int  batchSize,
const std::string &  name = "",
int  devId = 0,
bool  initCuEvent = false 

Create a CUDA device memory tensor buffer of specified dimensions on the given device.

[in]dimsDimensions of the tensor.
[in]batchSizeBatch size.
[in]nameName of the buffer.
[in]devIdDevice ID for the memory allocation.
[in]initCuEventFlag to create an associated CUDA event.
Pointer to the newly created tensor buffer, null if the buffer could not be created.

◆ createSurfaceBufPool()

SharedBufPool<UniqSurfaceBuf> nvdsinferserver::createSurfaceBufPool ( int  width,
int  height,
InferMediaFormat  color,
int  batchSize,
int  gpuId,
int  poolSize 

◆ createTensorBuf()

UniqCudaTensorBuf nvdsinferserver::createTensorBuf ( const InferDims dims,
InferDataType  dt,
int  batchSize,
const std::string &  name,
InferMemType  mt,
int  devId,
bool  initCuEvent 

Create a tensor buffer of the specified memory type, dimensions on the given device.

[in]dimsDimensions of the tensor.
[in]batchSizeBatch size.
[in]nameName of the buffer.
[in]mtMemory type.
[in]devIdDevice ID for the memory allocation.
[in]initCuEventFlag to create an associated CUDA event.
Pointer to the newly created tensor buffer, null if the buffer could not be created.

◆ dataTypeFromDsProto()

InferDataType nvdsinferserver::dataTypeFromDsProto ( ic::TensorDataType  dt)

◆ DataTypeFromTriton()

InferDataType nvdsinferserver::DataTypeFromTriton ( TRITONSERVER_DataType  type)

Maps the TRITONSERVER_DataType to the InferDataType.

InferDataType corresponding to the input type.

◆ DataTypeFromTritonPb()

InferDataType nvdsinferserver::DataTypeFromTritonPb ( ni::DataType  type)

Maps the data type from Triton model configuration proto definition to InferDataType.

typeThe protobuf datatype.
InferDataType corresponding to the protobuf type.

◆ DataTypeToTriton()

TRITONSERVER_DataType nvdsinferserver::DataTypeToTriton ( InferDataType  type)

Maps the InferDataType to TRITONSERVER_DataType.

TRITONSERVER_DataType corresponding to the input type.

◆ DimsFromTriton()

template<typename VecDims >
InferDims nvdsinferserver::DimsFromTriton ( const VecDims &  shape)

Converts the input shape vector from Triton to InferDims type.

This functions provides a InferDims structure created based on the input dimensions vector. Any negative dimensions are mapped to -1. The numElements value is updated if there is no dynamic size dimension.

Template Parameters
VecDimsInput dimensions vector type.
shapeInput dimensions vector.
The InferDims structure object created based on the input.

Definition at line 131 of file infer_trtis_utils.h.

References INFER_EXPORT_API::hasWildcard(), normalizeDims(), and NVDSINFER_MAX_DIMS.

◆ getTritonParam()

const ic::TritonParams& nvdsinferserver::getTritonParam ( const ic::BackendParams &  params)

Definition at line 61 of file infer_proto_utils.h.

◆ hasTriton()

bool nvdsinferserver::hasTriton ( const ic::BackendParams &  params)

Definition at line 56 of file infer_proto_utils.h.

◆ mediaFormatFromDsProto()

InferMediaFormat nvdsinferserver::mediaFormatFromDsProto ( ic::MediaFormat  f)

◆ memTypeFromDsProto()

InferMemType nvdsinferserver::memTypeFromDsProto ( ic::MemoryType  t)

◆ MemTypeFromTriton()

InferMemType nvdsinferserver::MemTypeFromTriton ( TRITONSERVER_MemoryType  type)

Maps the TRITONSERVER_MemoryType to the InferMemType.

◆ MemTypeToTriton()

TRITONSERVER_MemoryType nvdsinferserver::MemTypeToTriton ( InferMemType  type)

Maps the InferMemType to the TRITONSERVER_MemoryType.

◆ mutableTriton()

ic::TritonParams* nvdsinferserver::mutableTriton ( ic::BackendParams &  params)

Definition at line 71 of file infer_proto_utils.h.

◆ normalizeDims()

void nvdsinferserver::normalizeDims ( InferDims dims)

◆ scalingFilterFromDsProto()

NvBufSurfTransform_Inter nvdsinferserver::scalingFilterFromDsProto ( uint32_t  filter)

◆ syncAllCudaEvents()

NvDsInferStatus nvdsinferserver::syncAllCudaEvents ( const SharedBatchArray bufList)

Synchronize on all events associated with the batch buffer array.

[in]bufListArray of the batch buffers.

◆ tensorOrderFromDsProto()

InferTensorOrder nvdsinferserver::tensorOrderFromDsProto ( ic::TensorOrder  o)

◆ TensorOrderFromTritonMeta()

InferTensorOrder nvdsinferserver::TensorOrderFromTritonMeta ( const std::string &  format)

Maps the tensor order from Triton metadata string to the InferTensorOrder type.

[in]formatThe Triton metadata tensor order string.
InferTensorOrder type corresponding to the protobuf order.

◆ TensorOrderFromTritonPb()

InferTensorOrder nvdsinferserver::TensorOrderFromTritonPb ( ni::ModelInput::Format  order)

Maps the tensor order from Triton model configuration proto definition to the InferTensorOrder type.

[in]orderThe protobuf tensor order type.
InferTensorOrder type corresponding to the protobuf order.

◆ TritonControlModeToStr()

const char* nvdsinferserver::TritonControlModeToStr ( int32_t  mode)

Returns a string describing the TRITONSERVER_ModelControlMode: none, explicit or poll.

◆ validateProtoConfig()

bool nvdsinferserver::validateProtoConfig ( ic::InferenceConfig &  c,
const std::string &  path 