

The Behavior Analytics microservice is based on Apache Spark Structured streaming and implementation language is Scala.

Behavior Analytics workflow

The perception layer read camera/video input streams, sequentially process the frames for object detection and tracking, generates object embeddings, sends protobuf message with frame metadata to the Kafka broker. The diagram above represents the Behavior Analytics pipeline input and output in context of the entire dataflow. The metadata generated by the perception layer represent a frame with details about object detection bbox + tracking ID + embedding vector + other attributes. The input is processed by the pipeline to generate Behavior. Behavior in short is object tracked over a period of time with it attributes. The key component of the pipeline are:

  • Protobuf Message to Frame: Takes protobuf message / byte array and translates into Frame object.

  • Image to Real world Coordinate: transform the Image coordinates to real world coordinates (latitude, longitude) or other coordinates system like cartesian. Also, if Region of Interest (ROI) is defined, it checks that the points fall within the defined ROI.

  • Behavior State Management: Manages state of each object Behavior with respect to single camera, objects across all camera sensors are processed simultaneously.

  • Behavior Processing: Derives key information like speed, direction and distance based on the movement, appearance, embeddings of the object.

  • Behavior Clustering: This helps discovering movement patterns over a period of time. The movement could be traffic on road or by people inside a building. The behavior objects are clustered using models deployed on Triton Inference Server. The service is used for assigning cluster index to an instance of object-behavior.

  • Event Detection: There are different kind of events which are generated by the pipeline. These events are Tripwire, Social distancing violation, ROI detections.

  • Sink: The Behavior and events generated by the Behavior Analytics pipeline is send to Kafka and Behavior embeddings are stored in Milvus vector database.

Input & Output

The various stages of the pipeline is shown below, with inputs and outputs for each sub-component.

Behavior Analytics microservice

Each of the stages with inputs and outputs:


Input (source)

Output (sink)


Protobuf to Frame Object

Protobuf (Kafka)

Dataset of Frame Object

Converts JSON string to Dataset of frames

Image to Geo Coordinates

Dataset + Calibration

Dataset with Geo Coordinates

Perspective Transform using camera

Calibration ROI Check

Dataset + ROI

Filtered Dataset

Point in Polygon

Behavior State Management


Dataset of Behavior (backed up by persistence storage)

Maintain state of Behavior for larger number of moving objects

Behavior Processing

Dataset of Behavior + Configuration

Dataset of Behavior with enriched features

Compute Length /Speed / Direction, Object embeddings cluster

Sink: Kafka Sink + Milvus Sink

Dataset of Frame or Behavior

Protobuf (Kafka) + embeddings (Milvus)

Puts the dataset to Kafka and embedding to Milvus

Behavior Cluster Classification

Dataset of Behavior + per-sensor DL models

Dataset of Behavior With cluster info

Based on unsupervised behavior learning , the DL model predicts Behavior cluster

Tripwire Events

Dataset of Behavior + tripwire definitions

Tripwire Events

Trip events are generated when a Person / Object walks over a tripwire

ROI + FOI Count SocialDistancing

Dataset of frames

enhanced Frames

ROI and FOV count based on object type detect social distancing violation based on proximity of objects