

Metropolis Media Service (MMS) is abstraction layer for third-party VMS.

MMS is designed as a scalable service which supports pluggable adaptors. It provides a standard REST API to manage video streams and abstract VMS specific complexity. API endpoints help retrieve RTSP URLs from VMS and supports WebRTC streaming for live and recorded streams hosted at VMS. MMS also supports overlay bounding box feature in WebRTC streaming of recorded streams.

Media Service Features

  • Pluggable adaptors to use any 3rd-party VMS.

  • REST API to interact with VMS.

  • REST API to retrieve live and recorded RTSP streams from VMS.

  • WebRTC media streaming of live and recorded VMS streams.

  • Overlay option to draw bounding boxes on objects in video.

MMS Architecture

MMS Architecture

Adaptor Architecture

For more details on the adaptor architecture, refer to VST’s Adaptor Architecture section.