Components & Customization

Adaptor Architecture

Adaptor architecture

Adaptor architecture has 2 interfaces. Both the interfaces can be loaded using Adaptor loader.

1) Device Discovery Interface

This adaptor interface is used to discover devices, for example, ONVIF Protocol or UPnP Protocol:

  • A new Device Discovery Adaptor should implement *IDeviceDiscoveryInterface* Class (refer to the include/device_discovery_adaptor.h header file from VST container)

  • Implement the following methods to create and destroy adaptor object:

    typedef IDeviceDiscoveryInterface* createDiscoveryObject();
    typedef void destroyDiscoveryObject ( IDeviceDiscoveryInterface* object );

2) Device Control Interface

This adaptor interface controls the devices, for example, ONVIF Control Protocol:

  • A new Device Control Adaptor should implement IDeviceControlInterface Class (refer to the include/device_control_adaptor.h header file from VST container)

  • Implement the following methods to create and destroy adaptor object:

    typedef IDeviceControlInterface* createObject();
    typedef void destroyObject( IDeviceControlInterface* object );