Model Fine-Tuning

User Guide (Latest Version)

NVIDIA provides an easy-to-use tool to help you fine-tune the trained checkpoints on XQuAD for mT5 models.

To fine-tune the checkpoint on an XQuAD task, set the fine_tuning configuration in conf/config.yaml to mt5/xsquad, which specifies the fine-tuning configuration file as conf/fine_tuning/mt5/xsquad.yaml. Include the fine_tuning value in stages to run the fine-tuning pipeline.


To specify the configuration for what tasks to run for fine-tuning, use the run.task_name configuration. And use all of The run configurations to define the job specific config:


run: name: ${.task_name}_${.model_train_name} time_limit: "04:00:00" dependency: "singleton" convert_name: convert_nemo model_train_name: mt5_220m task_name: "xquad" results_dir: ${base_results_dir}/${.model_train_name}/${.task_name}

Use the model configuration to specify the model checkpoint to load and its definition:


model: restore_from_path: ${base_results_dir}/${}/${}/megatron_mt5.nemo # Path to a trained mt5 .nemo file tensor_model_parallel_size: 1 pipeline_model_parallel_size: 1


Set the configuration for a Slurm cluster in the conf/cluster/bcm.yaml file:


partition: null account: null exclusive: True gpus_per_task: null gpus_per_node: 8 mem: 0 overcommit: False job_name_prefix: "nemo-megatron-"


To run only the evaluation pipeline and not the data preparation, training, conversion, or inference pipelines, set the the stages section of conf/config.yaml to:


stages: - fine_tuning

Then enter:



Base Command Platform

To run the fine-tuning script on Base Command Platform, set the cluster_type configuration in conf/config.yaml to bcp. This configuration can be overridden from the command line using hydra. This script must be launched in a multi-node job.

To run the fine-tuning pipeline to fine-tune a 390M mT5 model converted checkpoint stored in /mount/results/mt5_390m/convert_nemo, enter:


python3 /opt/NeMo-Framework-Launcher/launcher_scripts/ fine_tuning=mt5/xquad stages=fine_tuning \ cluster_type=bcp \ launcher_scripts_path=/opt/NeMo-Framework-Launcher/launcher_scripts data_dir=/mount/data base_results_dir=/mount/results \ \ fine_tuning.model.restore_from_path=/mount/results/mt5_390m/convert_nemo/results/megatron_mt5_xquad.nemo \ >> /results/finetune_mt5_log.txt 2>&1

The command above assumes that you mounted the data workspace in /mount/data, and the results workspace in /mount/results. stdout and stderr are redirected to the file /results/data_gpt3_log.txt, which you can download from NGC. Any other required configuration may be added to modify the command’s behavior.

NVIDIA supports fine-tuning on custom downstream tasks in T5 and mT5. To run a benchmark on your own dataset, split the original dataset into two files, i.e. a TXTfile corresponding to the source (context) data, and a TXT file corresponding to the target data. Each pair of corresponding lines of these two files forms a fine-tuning sample.

Custom fine-tuning configuration files are in conf/fine_tuning/t5/custom_task.yaml for T5 models and conf/fine_tuning/mt5/custom_task.yaml for mT5 models. The essential configurations are listed below. The dataset paths and preferred benchmark metrics must be specified.


data: train_ds: src_file_name: ??? # Path to the txt file corresponding to the source data. tgt_file_name: ??? # Path to the txt file corresponding to the target data. validation_ds: src_file_name: ??? # Path to the txt file corresponding to the source data. tgt_file_name: ??? # Path to the txt file corresponding to the target data. metric: name: "exact_string_match" # Name of the evaluation metric to use. average: null # Average the metric over the dataset. Options: ['macro', 'micro']. Works only for 'F1', 'accuracy' etc. Refer to torchmetrics for metrics where this is supported. num_classes: null

To submit a custom task job, follow the instructions in section XQuAD Fine-Tuning.

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