Stable Diffusion XL Int8 Quantization

User Guide (Latest Version)

This example shows how to use Ammo to calibrate and quantize the UNet part of the SDXL. The UNet part typically consumes >95% of the e2e Stable Diffusion latency.

We also provide instructions on deploying and running E2E SDXL pipeline with Ammo quantized int8 UNet to generate images and measure latency on target GPUs.

To get started, it is required to have a pretrained SDXL checkpoint in nemo format. The example training configs are provided in NeMo, which is located in NeMo/examples/multimodal/text2img/stable_diffusion.

The first step is to run quantization script with default config, and finally the script will export the quantized unet to onnx file. Here is the default config for NeMo/examples/multimodal/text2img/stable_diffusion/


quantize exp_name: nemo n_steps: 20 # number of inference steps format: 'int8' # only int8 quantization is supported now percentile: 1.0 # Control quantization scaling factors (amax) collecting range, meaning that we will collect the minimum amax in the range of `(n_steps * percentile)` steps. Recommendation: 1.0 batch_size: 1 # batch size calling sdxl inference pipeline during calibration calib_size: 32 # For SDXL, we recommend 32, 64 or 128 quant_level: 2.5 #Which layers to be quantized, 1: `CNNs`, 2: `CNN + FFN`, 2.5: `CNN + FFN + QKV`, 3: `CNN + Linear`. Recommendation: 2, 2.5 and 3, depending on the requirements for image quality & speedup. alpha: 0.8 # A parameter in SmoothQuant, used for linear layers only. Recommendation: 0.8 for SDXL

Important Parameters

  • percentile: Control quantization scaling factors (amax) collecting range, meaning that we will collect the minimum amax in the range of (n_steps * percentile) steps. Recommendation: 1.0

  • alpha: A parameter in SmoothQuant, used for linear layers only. Recommendation: 0.8 for SDXL, 1.0 for SD 1.5

  • quant-level: Which layers to be quantized, 1: CNNs, 2: CNN + FFN, 2.5: CNN + FFN + QKV, 3: CNN + Linear. Recommendation: 2, 2.5 and 3, depending on the requirements for image quality & speedup.

  • calib-size: For SDXL, we recommend 32, 64 or 128, for SD 1.5, set to 512 or 1024.


trtexec --onnx=./nemo_onnx/unet.onnx --shapes=x:8x4x128x128,timesteps:8,context:8x80x2048,y:8x2816 --fp16 --int8 --builderOptimizationLevel=4 --saveEngine=nemo_unet_xl.plan

Important Parameters

Input shape has to be provided here when building TRT engine. - x: Input image latent shape (B * C * H * W) - context: Input text conditioning (B * S * hidden_dimention) - y: Additional embedding (B * adm_in_channels)

We provide a script to build end to end TRT inference pipeline with NeMo backend, which is located at NeMo/examples/multimodal/text2img/stable_diffusion/


infer: out_path: sdxl_export width: 1024 height: 1024 batch_size: 2 trt: static_batch: False min_batch_size: 1 max_batch_size: 8

Important Parameters

  • out_path: Directory to save onnx file and TRT engine files

  • width and height: Image resolution of inference output

  • batch_size: Only used for dummy input generation and onnx sanity check

  • {min,max}_batch_size: The input batch size of TRT engine along its dynamic axis

The inference script can be found at NeMo/examples/multimodal/text2img/stable_diffusion/


unet_xl: sdxl_export/plan/unet_xl.plan vae: sdxl_export/plan/vae.plan clip1: sdxl_export/plan/clip1.plan clip2: sdxl_export/plan/clip2.plan out_path: trt_output

Please specify unet_xl as the quantized Unet engine to run the quantized solution. The system will load the original engine file by default.

TRT version 9.3.0 GPU: H100

TRT int8 vs Framework fp16


Batch Size

Latency (ms)


Batch Size



Framework fp16 base 1 3056.01 Ammo TRT Int8 1 1406.68 2.172498365
Framework fp16 base 2 4832.24 Ammo TRT Int8 2 2403.29 2.01067703
Framework fp16 base 4 8433.71 Ammo TRT Int8 4 4252.6 1.983189108

TRT int8 vs TRT fp16


Batch Size

Latency (ms)


Batch Size



fp16 base 1 1723.97 Ammo Int8 1 1406.68 1.225559473
fp16 base 2 3004.47 Ammo Int8 2 2403.29 1.250148754
fp16 base 4 5657.19 Ammo Int8 4 4252.6 1.330289705

Prompt: A photo of a Shiba Inu dog with a backpack riding a bike. It is wearing sunglasses and a beach hat. (FP16 upper vs Int8 lower)

Prompt: A cute corgi lives in a house made out of sushi. (FP16 upper vs Int8 lower)

Prompt: A high contrast portrait of a very happy fuzzy panda dressed as a chef in a high end kitchen making dough. There is a painting of flowers on the wall behind him. (FP16 upper vs Int8 lower)

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