Network Operator Application Notes 23.10.0 - Sphinx Test



This API is available for Tenants only

Proto file, generated GO client and test tool for the API can be found in universe-api repo

This API is served by universe-infra-resource-manager

The intent of this API is to provide a way to create Kubernetes resource in the infrastructure cluster from the Tenant cluster.

universe-k8s-tenant-resource-plugin relies on this API for resource creation.

check Manual GRPC API usage doc before start

Here some examples using ‘grpcurl’ tool to access the API:


Replace $API_GW_ADDRESS with address of iCP API GW in your environment

Replace $TENANT_ID with existing tenant id

Create and Update requests contain binary fields. grpcurl utility requires binary fields to be encoded to base64 encoded before they can be used as request parameters.

Create Pod


# put base64 encoded Pod spec to RULE_TEMPLATE shel variable POD_TEMPLATE=$(cat << EOM | base64 -w0 { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "name": "nginx" }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "nginx", "image": "nginx:1.14.2", "ports": [ { "containerPort": 80 } ] } ] } } EOM ) # -d @ argument for grpcurl mean read arguments from STDIN # use content of POD_TEMPLATE shel variable as obj_spec grpcurl -cacert=ca.crt -cert=admin.crt -key=admin.key -servername api-gateway.local \ -H tenant-id:$TENANT_ID \ -d @ -proto universe/resource/v1/universe_resource.proto $API_GW_ADDRESS \ universe.resource.v1.UniverseResourceService.Create << EOM { "type": {"api_version": "v1", "kind": "Pod"}, "obj": {"obj_spec" : "$POD_TEMPLATE"} } EOM

Update Pod


# put base64 encoded Pod spec to RULE_TEMPLATE shel variable POD_TEMPLATE=$(cat << EOM | base64 -w0 { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Pod", "metadata": { "name": "nginx", "labels": {"foo": "bar"} }, "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "nginx", "image": "nginx:1.14.2", "ports": [ { "containerPort": 80 } ] } ] } } EOM ) # -d @ argument for grpcurl mean read arguments from STDIN # use content of POD_TEMPLATE shel variable as obj_spec grpcurl -cacert=ca.crt -cert=admin.crt -key=admin.key -servername api-gateway.local \ -H tenant-id:$TENANT_ID \ -d @ -proto universe/resource/v1/universe_resource.proto $API_GW_ADDRESS \ universe.resource.v1.UniverseResourceService.Update << EOM { "type": {"api_version": "v1", "kind": "Pod"}, "obj": {"obj_spec" : "$POD_TEMPLATE"} } EOM

List Pods


grpcurl -cacert=ca.crt -cert=admin.crt -key=admin.key -servername api-gateway.local \ -H tenant-id:$TENANT_ID \ -d '{"type": {"api_version": "v1", "kind": "Pod"}}' \ -proto universe/resource/v1/universe_resource.proto $API_GW_ADDRESS \ universe.resource.v1.UniverseResourceService.List

Get Pod


grpcurl -cacert=ca.crt -cert=admin.crt -key=admin.key -servername api-gateway.local \ -H tenant-id:$TENANT_ID \ -d '{"type": {"api_version": "v1", "kind": "Pod"}, "name": "nginx" }' \ -proto universe/resource/v1/universe_resource.proto $API_GW_ADDRESS \ universe.resource.v1.UniverseResourceService.Get

Delete Pod


grpcurl -cacert=ca.crt -cert=admin.crt -key=admin.key -servername api-gateway.local \ -H tenant-id:$TENANT_ID \ -d '{"type": {"api_version": "v1", "kind": "Pod"}, "name": "nginx" }' \ -proto universe/resource/v1/universe_resource.proto $API_GW_ADDRESS \ universe.resource.v1.UniverseResourceService.Delete


syntax = "proto3"; package universe.resource.v1; // UniverseResourceService is a service used to perform CRUD operations on Universe K8s Objects for the specified tenant // The following client metadata fields are used: // "tenant-id" (required): tenant identifier service UniverseResourceService { rpc Create(CreateRequest) returns (CreateResponse) {} rpc Delete(DeleteRequest) returns (DeleteResponse) {} rpc Update(UpdateRequest) returns (UpdateResponse) {} rpc Get(GetRequest) returns (GetResponse) {} rpc List(ListRequest) returns (ListResponse) {} } // ResourceType is a message passed as part of CRUD requests for server to determine the resource type to work with message ResourceType { string api_version = 1; // API version of the universe resource e.g apps/v1 string kind = 2; // The kind of resource e.g DaemonSet } // RawUniverseObject is a message that contains a raw universe object and its status as byte arrays message RawUniverseObject { bytes obj_spec = 1; // Universe object spec bytes obj_status = 2; // Universe object status } // CreateRequest is used to create Universe objects in the infrastructure cluster message CreateRequest { ResourceType type = 1; // Type of the object to create RawUniverseObject obj = 2; // Raw object to create } // Keep empty for now, later on rpc may be extended message CreateResponse {} // UpdateRequest is used to update already existing Universe objects in the infrastructure cluster message UpdateRequest { ResourceType type = 1; // Type of the object to update RawUniverseObject obj = 2; // Changed raw object to update } // Keep empty for now, later on rpc may be extended message UpdateResponse {} // DeleteRequest is used to delete already existing Universe objects in the infrastructure cluster message DeleteRequest { ResourceType type = 1; // Type of the object to delete string name = 2; // Name of the object to delete } // Keep empty for now, later on rpc may be extended message DeleteResponse {} // GetRequest is used to request already existing Universe objects in the infrastructure cluster message GetRequest { ResourceType type = 1; // Type of the object to get string name = 2; // Name of the object to get } // GetResponse contains the object requested with GetRequest message GetResponse { RawUniverseObject obj = 1; } // ListRequest is used to list already existing Universe objects of certain type message ListRequest { ResourceType type = 1; // Type of the objects to list } // ListRequest contains the list of objects requested with ListRequest message ListResponse { repeated RawUniverseObject objs = 1; }

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