Program Listing for File codecs.hpp

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/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2023 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <array> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "./holoviz.hpp" #include "holoscan/core/codec_registry.hpp" #include "holoscan/core/endpoint.hpp" #include "holoscan/core/expected.hpp" namespace holoscan { // Define codec for ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec::View template <> struct codec<ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec::View> { static expected<size_t, RuntimeError> serialize(const ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec::View& view, Endpoint* endpoint) { size_t total_size = 0; auto maybe_size = serialize_trivial_type<float>(view.offset_x_, endpoint); if (!maybe_size) { forward_error(maybe_size); } total_size += maybe_size.value(); maybe_size = serialize_trivial_type<float>(view.offset_y_, endpoint); if (!maybe_size) { forward_error(maybe_size); } total_size += maybe_size.value(); maybe_size = serialize_trivial_type<float>(view.width_, endpoint); if (!maybe_size) { forward_error(maybe_size); } total_size += maybe_size.value(); maybe_size = serialize_trivial_type<float>(view.height_, endpoint); if (!maybe_size) { forward_error(maybe_size); } total_size += maybe_size.value(); bool has_matrix = view.matrix_.has_value(); maybe_size = serialize_trivial_type<bool>(has_matrix, endpoint); if (!maybe_size) { forward_error(maybe_size); } total_size += maybe_size.value(); if (has_matrix) { ContiguousDataHeader header; header.size = 16; header.bytes_per_element = sizeof(float); maybe_size = endpoint->write_trivial_type<ContiguousDataHeader>(&header); if (!maybe_size) { return forward_error(maybe_size); } total_size += maybe_size.value(); maybe_size = endpoint->write(view.matrix_.value().data(), header.size * header.bytes_per_element); if (!maybe_size) { return forward_error(maybe_size); } total_size += maybe_size.value(); } return total_size; } static expected<ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec::View, RuntimeError> deserialize(Endpoint* endpoint) { ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec::View out; auto offset_x = deserialize_trivial_type<float>(endpoint); if (!offset_x) { forward_error(offset_x); } out.offset_x_ = offset_x.value(); auto offset_y = deserialize_trivial_type<float>(endpoint); if (!offset_y) { forward_error(offset_y); } out.offset_y_ = offset_y.value(); auto width = deserialize_trivial_type<float>(endpoint); if (!width) { forward_error(width); } out.width_ = width.value(); auto height = deserialize_trivial_type<float>(endpoint); if (!height) { forward_error(height); } out.height_ = height.value(); auto maybe_has_matrix = deserialize_trivial_type<bool>(endpoint); if (!maybe_has_matrix) { forward_error(maybe_has_matrix); } bool has_matrix = maybe_has_matrix.value(); if (has_matrix) { out.matrix_ = std::array<float, 16>{}; ContiguousDataHeader header; auto header_size = endpoint->read_trivial_type<ContiguousDataHeader>(&header); if (!header_size) { return forward_error(header_size); } auto result = endpoint->read(out.matrix_.value().data(), header.size * header.bytes_per_element); if (!result) { return forward_error(result); } } return out; } }; // Define codec for std::vector<ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec::View> template <> struct codec<std::vector<ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec::View>> { static expected<size_t, RuntimeError> serialize( const std::vector<ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec::View>& views, Endpoint* endpoint) { size_t total_size = 0; // header is just the total number of views size_t num_views = views.size(); auto size = endpoint->write_trivial_type<size_t>(&num_views); if (!size) { return forward_error(size); } total_size += size.value(); // now transmit each individual view for (const auto& view : views) { size = codec<ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec::View>::serialize(view, endpoint); if (!size) { return forward_error(size); } total_size += size.value(); } return total_size; } static expected<std::vector<ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec::View>, RuntimeError> deserialize( Endpoint* endpoint) { size_t num_views; auto size = endpoint->read_trivial_type<size_t>(&num_views); if (!size) { return forward_error(size); } std::vector<ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec::View> data; data.reserve(num_views); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_views; i++) { auto view = codec<ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec::View>::deserialize(endpoint); if (!view) { return forward_error(view); } data.push_back(view.value()); } return data; } }; // Define codec for serialization of ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec template <> struct codec<ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec> { static expected<size_t, RuntimeError> serialize(const ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec& spec, Endpoint* endpoint) { size_t total_size = 0; auto maybe_size = codec<std::string>::serialize(spec.tensor_name_, endpoint); if (!maybe_size) { forward_error(maybe_size); } total_size += maybe_size.value(); maybe_size = serialize_trivial_type<ops::HolovizOp::InputType>(spec.type_, endpoint); if (!maybe_size) { forward_error(maybe_size); } total_size += maybe_size.value(); maybe_size = serialize_trivial_type<float>(spec.opacity_, endpoint); if (!maybe_size) { forward_error(maybe_size); } total_size += maybe_size.value(); maybe_size = serialize_trivial_type<int32_t>(spec.priority_, endpoint); if (!maybe_size) { forward_error(maybe_size); } total_size += maybe_size.value(); maybe_size = codec<std::vector<float>>::serialize(spec.color_, endpoint); if (!maybe_size) { forward_error(maybe_size); } total_size += maybe_size.value(); maybe_size = serialize_trivial_type<float>(spec.line_width_, endpoint); if (!maybe_size) { forward_error(maybe_size); } total_size += maybe_size.value(); maybe_size = serialize_trivial_type<float>(spec.point_size_, endpoint); if (!maybe_size) { forward_error(maybe_size); } total_size += maybe_size.value(); maybe_size = codec<std::vector<std::string>>::serialize(spec.text_, endpoint); if (!maybe_size) { forward_error(maybe_size); } total_size += maybe_size.value(); maybe_size = serialize_trivial_type<ops::HolovizOp::DepthMapRenderMode>( spec.depth_map_render_mode_, endpoint); if (!maybe_size) { forward_error(maybe_size); } total_size += maybe_size.value(); maybe_size = codec<std::vector<ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec::View>>::serialize(spec.views_, endpoint); if (!maybe_size) { forward_error(maybe_size); } total_size += maybe_size.value(); return total_size; } static expected<ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec, RuntimeError> deserialize(Endpoint* endpoint) { ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec out; auto tensor_name = codec<std::string>::deserialize(endpoint); if (!tensor_name) { forward_error(tensor_name); } out.tensor_name_ = tensor_name.value(); auto type = deserialize_trivial_type<ops::HolovizOp::InputType>(endpoint); if (!type) { forward_error(type); } out.type_ = type.value(); auto opacity = deserialize_trivial_type<float>(endpoint); if (!opacity) { forward_error(opacity); } out.opacity_ = opacity.value(); auto priority = deserialize_trivial_type<int32_t>(endpoint); if (!priority) { forward_error(priority); } out.priority_ = priority.value(); auto color = codec<std::vector<float>>::deserialize(endpoint); if (!color) { forward_error(color); } out.color_ = color.value(); auto line_width = deserialize_trivial_type<float>(endpoint); if (!line_width) { forward_error(line_width); } out.line_width_ = line_width.value(); auto point_size = deserialize_trivial_type<float>(endpoint); if (!point_size) { forward_error(point_size); } out.point_size_ = point_size.value(); auto text = codec<std::vector<std::string>>::deserialize(endpoint); if (!text) { forward_error(text); } out.text_ = text.value(); auto depth_map_render_mode = deserialize_trivial_type<ops::HolovizOp::DepthMapRenderMode>(endpoint); if (!depth_map_render_mode) { forward_error(depth_map_render_mode); } out.depth_map_render_mode_ = depth_map_render_mode.value(); auto views = codec<std::vector<ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec::View>>::deserialize(endpoint); if (!views) { forward_error(views); } out.views_ = views.value(); return out; } }; // Define codec for serialization of std::vector<ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec> template <> struct codec<std::vector<ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec>> { static expected<size_t, RuntimeError> serialize( const std::vector<ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec>& specs, Endpoint* endpoint) { size_t total_size = 0; // header is just the total number of specs size_t num_specs = specs.size(); auto size = endpoint->write_trivial_type<size_t>(&num_specs); if (!size) { return forward_error(size); } total_size += size.value(); // now transmit each individual spec for (const auto& spec : specs) { size = codec<ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec>::serialize(spec, endpoint); if (!size) { return forward_error(size); } total_size += size.value(); } return total_size; } static expected<std::vector<ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec>, RuntimeError> deserialize( Endpoint* endpoint) { size_t num_specs; auto size = endpoint->read_trivial_type<size_t>(&num_specs); if (!size) { return forward_error(size); } std::vector<ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec> data; data.reserve(num_specs); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_specs; i++) { auto spec = codec<ops::HolovizOp::InputSpec>::deserialize(endpoint); if (!spec) { return forward_error(spec); } data.push_back(spec.value()); } return data; } }; } // namespace holoscan

© Copyright 2022-2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Sep 13, 2023.