Creating an Application
In this section, we’ll address:
How to define an Application class.
How to configure an Application.
How to build and run your application.
This section covers basics of applications running as a single fragment. For multi-fragment applications, refer to the distributed application documentation.
The following code snippet shows an example Application code skeleton:
We define the
class that inherits from theApplication
base class.We create an instance of the
class inmain()
using themake_application()
method starts the application which will execute itscompose()
method where the custom workflow will be defined.
#include <holoscan/holoscan.hpp>
class App : public holoscan::Application {
void compose() override {
// Define Operators and workflow
// ...
int main() {
auto app = holoscan::make_application<App>();
return 0;
We define the
class that inherits from theApplication
base class.We create an instance of the
class in amain()
function that is called from__main__
method starts the application which will execute itscompose()
method where the custom workflow will be defined.
from holoscan.core import Application
class App(Application):
def compose(self):
# Define Operators and workflow
# ...
def main():
app = App()
if __name__ == "__main__":
It is recommended to call run()
from within a separate main()
function rather than calling it directly from __main__
. This will ensure that the Application’s destructor is called before the Python process exits.
This is also illustrated in the hello_world example.
It is also possible to instead launch the application asynchronously (i.e., non-blocking for the thread launching the application), as shown below:
This can be done simply by replacing the call to run()
with run_async()
which returns a std::future
. Calling future.get()
will block until the application has finished running and throw an exception if a runtime error occurred during execution.
int main() {
auto app = holoscan::make_application<App>();
auto future = app->run_async();
return 0;
This can be done simply by replacing the call to run()
with run_async()
which returns a Python concurrent.futures.Future
. Calling future.result()
will block until the application has finished running and raise an exception if a runtime error occurred during execution.
def main():
app = App()
future = app.run_async()
if __name__ == "__main__":
This is also illustrated in the ping_simple_run_async example.
An application can be configured at different levels:
providing the GXF extensions that need to be loaded (when using GXF operators).
configuring parameters for your application, including for: a. the operators in the workflow. b. the scheduler of your application.
configuring some runtime properties when deploying for production.
The sections below will describe how to configure each of them, starting with a native support for YAML-based configuration for convenience.
YAML configuration support
Holoscan supports loading arbitrary parameters from a YAML configuration file at runtime, making it convenient to configure each item listed above, or other custom parameters you wish to add on top of the existing API. For C++ applications, it also provides the ability to change the behavior of your application without needing to recompile it.
Usage of the YAML utility is optional. Configurations can be hardcoded in your program, or done using any parser that you choose.
Here is an example YAML configuration:
string_param: "test"
float_param: 0.50
bool_param: true
key_1: value_1
key_2: value_2
Ingesting these parameters can be done using the two methods below:
method takes the path to the YAML configuration file. If the input path is relative, it will be relative to the current working directory.The
method returns anArgList
object for a given key in the YAML file. It holds a list ofArg
objects, each of which holds a name (key) and a value.If the
object has only oneArg
(when the key is pointing to a scalar item), it can be converted to the desired type using theas()
method by passing the type as an argument.The key can be a dot-separated string to access nested fields.
method returns an unordered set of the key names accessible viafrom_config()
// Pass configuration file
auto app = holoscan::make_application<App>();
// Scalars
auto string_param = app->from_config("string_param").as<std::string>();
auto float_param = app->from_config("float_param").as<float>();
auto bool_param = app->from_config("bool_param").as<bool>();
// Dict
auto dict_param = app->from_config("dict_param");
auto dict_nested_param = app->from_config("dict_param.key_1").as<std::string>();
// Print
std::cout << "string_param: " << string_param << std::endl;
std::cout << "float_param: " << float_param << std::endl;
std::cout << "bool_param: " << bool_param << std::endl;
std::cout << "dict_param:\n" << dict_param.description() << std::endl;
std::cout << "dict_param['key1']: " << dict_nested_param << std::endl;
// // Output
// string_param: test
// float_param: 0.5
// bool_param: 1
// dict_param:
// name: arglist
// args:
// - name: key_1
// type: YAML::Node
// value: value_1
// - name: key_2
// type: YAML::Node
// value: value_2
// dict_param['key1']: value_1
method takes the path to the YAML configuration file. If the input path is relative, it will be relative to the current working directory.The
method return a regular Python dict for a given key in the YAML file.Advanced: this method wraps the
method similar to the C++ equivalent, which returns anArgList
object if the key is pointing to a map item, or anArg
object if the key is pointing to a scalar item. AnArg
object can be cast to the desired type (e.g.,str(app.from_config("string_param"))
method returns a set of the key names accessible viafrom_config()
# Pass configuration file
app = App()
# Scalars
string_param = app.kwargs("string_param")["string_param"]
float_param = app.kwargs("float_param")["float_param"]
bool_param = app.kwargs("bool_param")["bool_param"]
# Dict
dict_param = app.kwargs("dict_param")
dict_nested_param = dict_param["key_1"]
# Print
# # Output:
# string_param: test
# float_param: 0.5
# bool_param: True
# dict_param: {'key_1': 'value_1', 'key_2': 'value_2'}
# dict_param['key_1']: 'value_1'
cannot be used as inputs to the built-in operators
at this time. Therefore, it’s recommended to use kwargs()
in Python.
This is also illustrated in the video_replayer example.
With both from_config
and kwargs
, the returned ArgList
/dictionary will include both the key and its associated item if that item value is a scalar. If the item is a map/dictionary itself, the input key is dropped, and the output will only hold the key/values from that item.
Loading GXF extensions
If you use operators that depend on GXF extensions for their implementations (known as GXF operators), the shared libraries (.so
) of these extensions need to be dynamically loaded as plugins at runtime.
The SDK already automatically handles loading the required extensions for the built-in operators in both C++ and Python, as well as common extensions (listed here). To load additional extensions for your own operators, you can use one of the following approach:
- /path/to/
auto app = holoscan::make_application<App>();
auto exts = {"", "/path/to/"};
for (auto& ext : exts) {
from holoscan.gxf import load_extensions
from holoscan.core import Application
app = Application()
context = app.executor.context_uint64
exts = ["", "/path/to/"]
load_extensions(context, exts)
To be discoverable, paths to these shared libraries need to either be absolute, relative to your working directory, installed in the lib/gxf_extensions
folder of the holoscan package, or listed under the HOLOSCAN_LIB_PATH
environment variables.
Please see other examples in the system tests in the Holoscan SDK repository.
Configuring operators
Operators are defined in the compose()
method of your application. They are not instantiated
(with the initialize
method) until an application’s run()
method is called.
Operators have three type of fields which can be configured: parameters, conditions, and resources.
Configuring operator parameters
Operators could have parameters defined in their setup
method to better control their behavior (see details when creating your own operators). The snippet below would be the implementation of this method for a minimal operator named MyOp
, that takes a string and a boolean as parameters; we’ll ignore any extra details for the sake of this example:
void setup(OperatorSpec& spec) override {
spec.param(string_param_, "string_param");
spec.param(bool_param_, "bool_param");
def setup(self, spec: OperatorSpec):
# Optional in python. Could define `self.<param_name>` instead in `def __init__`
Given this YAML configuration:
string_param: "test"
bool_param: true
bool_param: false # we'll use this later
We can configure an instance of the MyOp
operator in the application’s compose
method like this:
void compose() override {
// Using YAML
auto my_op1 = make_operator<MyOp>("my_op1", from_config("myop_param"));
// Same as above
auto my_op2 = make_operator<MyOp>("my_op2",
Arg("string_param", std::string("test")), // can use Arg(key, value)...
Arg("bool_param") = true // ... or Arg(key) = value
def compose(self):
# Using YAML
my_op1 = MyOp(self, name="my_op1", **self.kwargs("myop_param"))
# Same as above
my_op2 = MyOp(self,
This is also illustrated in the ping_custom_op example.
If multiple ArgList
are provided with duplicate keys, the latest one overrides them:
void compose() override {
// Using YAML
auto my_op1 = make_operator<MyOp>("my_op1",
// Same as above
auto my_op2 = make_operator<MyOp>("my_op2",
Arg("string_param", "test"),
Arg("bool_param") = true,
Arg("bool_param") = false
// -> my_op `bool_param_` will be set to `false`
def compose(self):
# Using YAML
my_op1 = MyOp(self, name="my_op1",
# Note: We're using from_config above since we can't merge automatically with kwargs
# as this would create duplicated keys. However, we recommend using kwargs in Python
# to avoid limitations with wrapped operators, so the code below is preferred.
# Same as above
params = self.kwargs("myop_param").update(self.kwargs("bool_param"))
my_op2 = MyOp(self, name="my_op2", params)
# -> my_op `bool_param` will be set to `False`
Configuring operator conditions
By default, operators with no input ports will continuously run, while operators with input ports will run as long as they receive inputs (as they’re configured with the MessageAvailableCondition
To change that behavior, one or more other conditions’ classes can be passed to the constructor of an operator to define when it should execute.
For example, we set three conditions on this operator my_op
void compose() override {
// Limit to 10 iterations
auto c1 = make_condition<CountCondition>("my_count_condition", 10);
// Wait at least 200 milliseconds between each execution
auto c2 = make_condition<PeriodicCondition>("my_periodic_condition", "200ms");
// Stop when the condition calls `disable_tick()`
auto c3 = make_condition<BooleanCondition>("my_bool_condition");
// Pass directly to the operator constructor
auto my_op = make_operator<MyOp>("my_op", c1, c2, c3);
def compose(self):
# Limit to 10 iterations
c1 = CountCondition(self, 10, name="my_count_condition")
# Wait at least 200 milliseconds between each execution
c2 = PeriodicCondition(self, timedelta(milliseconds=200), name="my_periodic_condition")
# Stop when the condition calls `disable_tick()`
c3 = BooleanCondition(self, name="my_bool_condition")
# Pass directly to the operator constructor
my_op = MyOp(self, c1, c2, c3, name="my_op")
This is also illustrated in the conditions’ examples.
You’ll need to specify a unique name for the conditions if there are multiple conditions applied to an operator.
Configuring operator resources
Some resources can be passed to the operator’s constructor, typically an allocator passed as a regular parameter.
For example:
void compose() override {
// Allocating memory pool of specific size on the GPU
// ex: width * height * channels * channel size in bytes
auto block_size = 640 * 480 * 4 * 2;
auto p1 = make_resource<BlockMemoryPool>("my_pool1", 1, size, 1);
// Provide unbounded memory pool
auto p2 = make_condition<UnboundedAllocator>("my_pool2");
// Pass to operator as parameters (name defined in operator setup)
auto my_op = make_operator<MyOp>("my_op",
Arg("pool1", p1),
Arg("pool2", p2));
def compose(self):
# Allocating memory pool of specific size on the GPU
# ex: width * height * channels * channel size in bytes
block_size = 640 * 480 * 4 * 2;
p1 = BlockMemoryPool(self, name="my_pool1", storage_type=1, block_size=block_size, num_blocks=1)
# Provide unbounded memory pool
p2 = UnboundedAllocator(self, name="my_pool2")
# Pass to operator as parameters (name defined in operator setup)
auto my_op = MyOp(self, name="my_op", pool1=p1, pool2=p2)
Native resource creation
The resources bundled with the SDK are wrapping an underlying GXF component. However, it is also possible to define a “native” resource without any need to create and wrap an underlying GXF component. Such a resource can also be passed conditionally to an operator in the same way as the resources created in the previous section.
For example:
To create a native resource, implement a class that inherits from Resource
namespace holoscan {
class MyNativeResource : public holoscan::Resource {
MyNativeResource() = default;
// add any desired parameters in the setup method
// (a single string parameter is shown here for illustration)
void setup(ComponentSpec& spec) override {
spec.param(message_, "message", "Message string", "Message String", std::string("test message"));
// add any user-defined methods (these could be called from an Operator's compute method)
std::string message() { return message_.get(); }
Parameter<std::string> message_;
} // namespace: holoscan
The setup
method can be used to define any parameters needed by the resource.
This resource can be used with a C++ operator, just like any other resource. For example, an operator could have a parameter holding a shared pointer to MyNativeResource
as below.
class MyOperator : public holoscan::Operator {
MyOperator() = default;
void setup(OperatorSpec& spec) override {
spec.param(message_resource_, "message_resource", "message resource",
"resource printing a message");
void compute(InputContext&, OutputContext& op_output, ExecutionContext&) override {
// get a resource based on its name (this assumes the app author named the resource "message_resource")
auto res = resource<MyNativeResource>("message_resource");
if (!res) {
throw std::runtime_error("resource named 'message_resource' not found!");
// call a method on the retrieved resource class
auto message = res->message();
Parameter<std::shared_ptr<holoscan::MyNativeResource> message_resource_;
The compute
method above demonstrates how the templated resource
method can be used to retrieve a resource.
and the resource could be created and passed via a named argument in the usual way
// example code for within Application::compose (or Fragment::compose)
auto message_resource = make_resource<holoscan::MyNativeResource>(
"message_resource", holoscan::Arg("message", "hello world");
auto my_op = std::make_operator<holoscan::ops::MyOperator>(
"my_op", holoscan::Arg("message_resource", message_resource));
As with GXF-based resources, it is also possible to pass a native resource as a positional argument to the operator constructor.
For a concreate example of native resource use in a real application, see the volume_rendering_xr application on Holohub. This application uses a native XrSession resource type which corresponds to a single OpenXR session. This single “session” resource can then be shared by both the XrBeginFrameOp
and XrEndFrameOp
To create a native resource, implement a class that inherits from Resource
class MyNativeResource(Resource):
def __init__(self, fragment, message="test message", *args, **kwargs):
self.message = message
super().__init__(fragment, *args, **kwargs)
# Could optionally define Parameter as in C++ via spec.param as below.
# Here, we chose instead to pass message as an argument to __init__ above.
# def setup(self, spec: ComponentSpec):
# spec.param("message", "test message")
# define a custom method
def message(self):
return self.message
The below shows how some custom operator could use such a resource in its compute method
class MyOperator(Operator):
def compute(self, op_input, op_output, context):
resource = self.resource("message_resource")
if resource is None:
raise ValueError("expected message resource not found")
assert isinstance(resource, MyNativeResource)
print(f"message ={resource.message()")
where this native resource could have been created and passed positionally to MyOperator
as follows
# example code within Application.compose (or Fragment.compose)
message_resource = MyNativeResource(
fragment=self, message="hello world", name="message_resource")
# pass the native resource as a positional argument to MyOperator
my_op = MyOperator(fragment=self, message_resource)
There is a minimal example of native resource use in the examples/native folder.
Configuring the scheduler
The scheduler controls how the application schedules the execution of the operators that make up its workflow.
The default scheduler is a single-threaded GreedyScheduler
. An application can be configured to use a different scheduler Scheduler
) or change the parameters from the default scheduler, using the scheduler()
function (C++
For example, if an application needs to run multiple operators in parallel, the MultiThreadScheduler
or EventBasedScheduler
can instead be used. The difference between the two is that the MultiThreadScheduler is based on actively polling operators to determine if they are ready to execute, while the EventBasedScheduler will instead wait for an event indicating that an operator is ready to execute.
The code snippet belows shows how to set and configure a non-default scheduler:
We create an instance of a holoscan::Scheduler derived class by using the
function. Like operators, parameters can come from explicitArg
s orArgList
, or from a YAML configuration.The
method assigns the scheduler to be used by the application.
auto app = holoscan::make_application<App>();
auto scheduler = app->make_scheduler<holoscan::EventBasedScheduler>(
Arg("worker_thread_number", 4),
Arg("stop_on_deadlock", true)
We create an instance of a
class in theschedulers
module. Like operators, parameters can come from an explicitArg
, or from a YAML configuration.The
method assigns the scheduler to be used by the application.
app = App()
scheduler = holoscan.schedulers.EventBasedScheduler(
This is also illustrated in the multithread example.
Configuring worker thread pools
Both the MultiThreadScheduler
and EventBasedScheduler
discussed in the previous section automatically create an internal worker thread pool by default. In some scenarios, it may be desirable for users to instead assign operators to specific user-defined thread pools. This also allows optionally pinning operators to a specific thread.
Assuming that, I have three operators, op1
, op2
and op3
. Assume that I want to assign these two a thread pool and that I would like operators 2 and 3 to be pinned to specific threads in the thread pool. The code for configuring thread pools from the Fragment compose
method is shown in the example below.
We create thread pools via calls to the make_thread_pool()
method. The first argument is a user-defined name for the thread pool while the second is the number of threads initially in the thread pool. This make_thread_pool
method returns a shared pointer to a ThreadPool
object. The add()
method of that object can then be used to add a single operator or a vector of operators to the thread pool. The second argument to the add
function is a boolean indicating whether the given operators should be pinned to always run on a specific thread within the thread pool.
// The following code would be within `Fragment::compose` after operators have been defined
// Assume op1, op2 and op3 are `shared_ptr<OperatorType>` as returned by `make_operator`
// create a thread pool with a three threads
auto pool1 = make_thread_pool("pool1", 3);
// assign a single operator to the thread pool (unpinned)
pool1->add(op1, false);
// assign multiple operators to this thread pool (pinned)
pool1->add({op2, op3}, true);
We create thread pools via calls to the make_thread_pool()
method. The first argument is a user-defined name for the thread pool while the second is the initial size of the thread pool. It is not necessary to modify this as the size will be incremented as needed automatically. This make_thread_pool
method returns a shared pointer to a ThreadPool
object. The add()
method of that object can then be used to add a single operator or a vector of operators to the thread pool. The second argument to the add
function is a boolean indicating whether the given operators should be pinned to always run on a specific thread within the thread pool.
# The following code would be within `Fragment::compose` after operators have been defined
# Assume op1, op2 and op3 are `shared_ptr<OperatorType>` as returned by `make_operator`
# create a thread pool with a single thread
pool1 = self.make_thread_pool("pool1", 1);
# assign a single operator to the thread pool (unpinned)
pool1.add(op1, True);
# assign multiple operators to this thread pool (pinned)
pool1.add([op2, op3], True);
It is not necessary to define a thread pool for Holoscan applications. There is a default thread pool that gets used for any operators the user did not explicitly assign to a thread pool. The use of thread pools provides a way to explicitly indicate that threads should be pinned.
One case where separate thread pools must be used is in order to support pinning of operators involving separate GPU devices. Only a single GPU device should be used from any given thread pool. Operators associated with a GPU device resource are those using one of the CUDA-based allocators like
, CudaStreamPool
, RMMAllocator
or StreamOrderedAllocator
A concrete example of a simple application with two pairs of operators in separate thread pools is given in the thread pool resource example.
Note that any given operator can only belong to a single thread pool. Assigning the same operator to multiple thread pools may result in errors being logged at application startup time.
There is also a related boolean parameter, strict_thread_pinning
that can be passed as a holoscan::Arg
to the MultiThreadScheduler
constructor. When this argument is set to false
and an operator is pinned to a specific thread, it is allowed for other operators to also run on that same thread whenever the pinned operator is not ready to execute. When strict_thread_pinning
is true
, the thread can ONLY be used by the operator that was pinned to the thread. For the EventBasedScheduler
, it is always in strict pinning mode and there is no such parameter.
If a thread pool is configured by the single-thread GreedyScheduler
is used a warning will be logged indicating that the user-defined thread pools would be ignored. Only MultiThreadScheduler
and EventBasedScheduler
can make use of the thread pools.
Configuring runtime properties
As described below, applications can run simply by executing the C++ or Python application manually on a given node, or by packaging it in a HAP container. With the latter, runtime properties need to be configured: refer to the App Runner Configuration for details.
Operators are initialized according to the topological order of its fragment-graph. When an application runs, the operators are executed in the same topological order. Topological ordering of the graph ensures that all the data dependencies of an operator are satisfied before its instantiation and execution. Currently, we do not support specifying a different and explicit instantiation and execution order of the operators.
One-operator Workflow
The simplest form of a workflow would be a single operator.

Fig. 12 A one-operator workflow
The graph above shows an Operator (C++
) (named MyOp
) that has neither inputs nor output ports.
Such an operator may accept input data from the outside (e.g., from a file) and produce output data (e.g., to a file) so that it acts as both the source and the sink operator.
Arguments to the operator (e.g., input/output file paths) can be passed as parameters as described in the section above.
We can add an operator to the workflow by calling add_operator
) method in the compose()
The following code shows how to define a one-operator workflow in compose()
method of the App
class (assuming that the operator class MyOp
is declared/defined in the same file).
class App : public holoscan::Application {
void compose() override {
// Define Operators
auto my_op = make_operator<MyOp>("my_op");
// Define the workflow
class App(Application):
def compose(self):
# Define Operators
my_op = MyOp(self, name="my_op")
# Define the workflow
Linear Workflow
Here is an example workflow where the operators are connected linearly:

Fig. 13 A linear workflow
In this example, SourceOp produces a message and passes it to ProcessOp. ProcessOp produces another message and passes it to SinkOp.
We can connect two operators by calling the add_flow()
method (C++
) in the compose()
The add_flow()
method (C++
) takes the source operator, the destination operator, and the optional port name pairs.
The port name pair is used to connect the output port of the source operator to the input port of the destination operator.
The first element of the pair is the output port name of the upstream operator and the second element is the input port name of the downstream operator.
An empty port name (“”) can be used for specifying a port name if the operator has only one input/output port.
If there is only one output port in the upstream operator and only one input port in the downstream operator, the port pairs can be omitted.
The following code shows how to define a linear workflow in the compose()
method of the App
class (assuming that the operator classes SourceOp
, ProcessOp
, and SinkOp
are declared/defined in the same file).
class App : public holoscan::Application {
void compose() override {
// Define Operators
auto source = make_operator<SourceOp>("source");
auto process = make_operator<ProcessOp>("process");
auto sink = make_operator<SinkOp>("sink");
// Define the workflow
add_flow(source, process); // same as `add_flow(source, process, {{"output", "input"}});`
add_flow(process, sink); // same as `add_flow(process, sink, {{"", ""}});`
class App(Application):
def compose(self):
# Define Operators
source = SourceOp(self, name="source")
process = ProcessOp(self, name="process")
sink = SinkOp(self, name="sink")
# Define the workflow
self.add_flow(source, process) # same as `self.add_flow(source, process, {("output", "input")})`
self.add_flow(process, sink) # same as `self.add_flow(process, sink, {("", "")})`
Complex Workflow (Multiple Inputs and Outputs)
You can design a complex workflow like below where some operators have multi-inputs and/or multi-outputs:

Fig. 14 A complex workflow (multiple inputs and outputs)
class App : public holoscan::Application {
void compose() override {
// Define Operators
auto reader1 = make_operator<Reader1>("reader1");
auto reader2 = make_operator<Reader2>("reader2");
auto processor1 = make_operator<Processor1>("processor1");
auto processor2 = make_operator<Processor2>("processor2");
auto processor3 = make_operator<Processor3>("processor3");
auto writer = make_operator<Writer>("writer");
auto notifier = make_operator<Notifier>("notifier");
// Define the workflow
add_flow(reader1, processor1, {{"image", "image1"}, {"image", "image2"}, {"metadata", "metadata"}});
add_flow(reader1, processor1, {{"image", "image2"}});
add_flow(reader2, processor2, {{"roi", "roi"}});
add_flow(processor1, processor2, {{"image", "image"}});
add_flow(processor1, writer, {{"image", "image"}});
add_flow(processor2, notifier);
add_flow(processor2, processor3);
add_flow(processor3, writer, {{"seg_image", "seg_image"}});
class App(Application):
def compose(self):
# Define Operators
reader1 = Reader1Op(self, name="reader1")
reader2 = Reader2Op(self, name="reader2")
processor1 = Processor1Op(self, name="processor1")
processor2 = Processor2Op(self, name="processor2")
processor3 = Processor3Op(self, name="processor3")
notifier = NotifierOp(self, name="notifier")
writer = WriterOp(self, name="writer")
# Define the workflow
self.add_flow(reader1, processor1, {("image", "image1"), ("image", "image2"), ("metadata", "metadata")})
self.add_flow(reader2, processor2, {("roi", "roi")})
self.add_flow(processor1, processor2, {("image", "image")})
self.add_flow(processor1, writer, {("image", "image")})
self.add_flow(processor2, notifier)
self.add_flow(processor2, processor3)
self.add_flow(processor3, writer, {("seg_image", "seg_image")})
If there is a cycle in the graph with no implicit root operator, the root
operator is either the first operator in the first call to add_flow
method (C++
), or the
operator in the first
call to add_operator
method (C++
auto op1 = make_operator<...>("op1");
auto op2 = make_operator<...>("op2");
auto op3 = make_operator<...>("op3");
add_flow(op1, op2);
add_flow(op2, op3);
add_flow(op3, op1);
// There is no implicit root operator
// op1 is the root operator because op1 is the first operator in the first call to add_flow
If there is a cycle in the graph with an implicit root operator which has no input port, then the initialization and execution orders of the operators are still topologically sorted as far as possible until the cycle needs to be explicitly broken. An example is given below:

You can build your C++ application using CMake, by calling find_package(holoscan)
in your CMakeLists.txt
to load the SDK libraries. Your executable will need to link against:
any operator defined outside your
which you wish to use in your app workflow, such as:SDK built-in operators under the
namespace.operators created separately in your project with
.operators imported externally using with
Listing 1
# Your CMake project
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20)
project(my_project CXX)
# Finds the holoscan SDK
find_package(holoscan REQUIRED CONFIG PATHS "/opt/nvidia/holoscan")
# Create an executable for your application
add_executable(my_app main.cpp)
# Link your application against holoscan::core and any existing operators you'd like to use
This is also illustrated in all the examples:
for the SDK installation directory -/opt/nvidia/holoscan/examples
for the SDK source directory.
Once your CMakeLists.txt
is ready in <src_dir>
, you can build in <build_dir>
with the command line below. You can optionally pass Holoscan_ROOT
if the SDK installation you’d like to use differs from the PATHS
given to find_package(holoscan)
# Configure
cmake -S <src_dir> -B <build_dir> -D Holoscan_ROOT="/opt/nvidia/holoscan"
# Build
cmake --build <build_dir> -j
You can then run your application by running <build_dir>/my_app
Python applications do not require building. Simply ensure that:
python module is installed in yourdist-packages
or is listed under thePYTHONPATH
env variable so you can importholoscan.core
and any built-in operator you might need inholoscan.operators
.Any external operators are available in modules in your
or contained inPYTHONPATH
While Python applications do not need to be built, they might depend on operators that wrap C++ operators. All Python operators built-in in the SDK already ship with the Python bindings pre-built. Follow this section if you are wrapping C++ operators yourself to use in your Python application.
You can then run your application by running python3
Given a CMake project, a pre-built executable, or a Python application, you can also use the Holoscan CLI to package and run your Holoscan application in a OCI-compliant container image.
As of Holoscan v2.3 (for C++) or v2.4 (for Python) it is possible to send metadata alongside the data emitted from an operator’s output ports. This metadata can then be used and/or modified by any downstream operators. The subsections below describe how this feature can be enabled and used.
Enabling application metadata
Currently the metadata feature is disabled by default and must be explicitly enabled as shown in the code block below
app = holoscan::make_application<MyApplication>();
// Enable metadata feature before calling app->run() or app->run_async()
app = MyApplication()
# Enable metadata feature before calling or app.run_async()
app.is_metadata_enabled = True
Understanding Metadata Flow
Each operator in the workflow has an associated MetadataDictionary
object. At the start of each operator’s compute()
call this metadata dictionary will be empty (i.e. metadata does not persist from previous compute calls). When any call to receive()
data is made, any metadata also found in the input message will be merged into the operator’s local metadata dictionary. The operator’s compute method can then read, append to or remove metadata as explained in the next section. Whenever the operator emits data via a call to emit()
the current status of the operator’s metadata dictionary will be transmitted on that port alonside the data passed via the first argument to the emit call. Any downstream operators will then receive this metadata via their input ports.
Working With Metadata from Operator::compute
Within the operator’s compute()
method, the metadata()
method can be called to get a shared pointer to the MetadataDictionary
of the operator. The metadata dictionary provides a similar API to a std::unordered_map
(C++) or dict
(Python) where the keys are strings (std::string
for C++) and the values can store any object type (via a C++ MetadataObject
holding a std::any
Templated get()
and set()
method are provided as demonstrated below to allow directly setting values of a given type without having to explicitly work with the internal MetadataObject
// Receiving from a port updates operator metadata with any metadata found on the port
auto input_tensors = op_input.receive<TensorMap>("in");
// Get a reference to the shared metadata dictionary
auto meta = metadata();
// Retrieve existing values.
// Use get<Type> to automatically cast the `std::any` contained within the `holsocan::Message`
auto name = meta->get<std::string>("patient_name");
auto age = meta->get<int>("age");
// Get also provides a two-argument version where a default value to be assigned is given by
// the second argument. The type of the default value should match the expected type of the value.
auto flag = meta->get("flag", false);
// Add a new value (if a key already exists, the value will be updated according to the
// operator's metadata_policy).
std::vector<float> spacing{1.0, 1.0, 3.0};
meta->set("pixel_spacing"s, spacing);
// Remove an item
// Check if a key exists
bool has_patient_name = meta->has_key("patient_name");
// Get a vector<std::string> of all keys in the metadata
const auto& keys = meta->keys();
// ... Some processing to produce output `data` could go here ...
// Current state of `meta` will automatically be emitted along with `data` in the call below
op_output.emit(data, "output1");
// Can clear all items
// Any emit call after this point would not transmit a metadata object
op_output.emit(data, "output2");
See the MetadataDictionary
API docs for all available methods.
A Pythonic interface is provided for the MetadataObject
# Receiving from a port updates operator metadata with any metadata found on the port
input_tensors = op_input.receive("in")
# self.metadata can be used to access the shared MetadataDictionary
# for example we can check if a key exists
has_key = "my_key" in self.metadata
# get the number of keys
num_keys = len(self.metadata)
# get a list of the keys
print(f"metadata keys ={self.metadata.keys()}")
# iterate over the values in the dictionary using the `items()` method
for key, value in self.metadata.items():
# process item
# print a Python dict of the keys/values
# Retrieve existing values. If the underlying value is a C++ class, a conversion to an equivalent Python object will be made (e.g. `std::vector<std::string>` to `List[str]`).
name = self.metadata["patient_name"]
age = self.metadata["age"]
# It is also supported to use the get method along with an optional default value to use
# if the key is not present.
flag = self.metadata.get("flag", False)
# print the current metadata policy
print(f"metadata policy ={self.metadata_policy}")
# Add a new value (if a key already exists, the value will be updated according to the
# operator's metadata_policy). If the value is set via the indexing operator as below,
# the Python object itself is stored as the value.
spacing = (1.0, 1.0, 3.0)
self.metadata["pixel_spacing"] = spacing
# In some cases, if sending metadata to downstream C++-based operators, it may be desired
# to instead store the metadata value as an equivalent C++ type. In that case, it is
# necessary to instead set the value using the `set` method with `cast_to_cpp=True`.
# Automatic casting is supported for bool, str, and various numeric and iterator or
# sequence types.
# The following would result in the spacing `Tuple[float]` being stored as a
# C++ `std::vector<double>`. Here we show use of the `pop` method to remove a previous value
# if present.
self.metadata.pop("pixel_spacing", None)
self.metadata.set("pixel_spacing", spacing, cast_to_cpp=True)
# To store floating point elements at a different than the default (double) precision or
# integers at a different precision than int64_t, use the dtype argument and pass a
# numpy.dtype argument corresponding to the desired C++ type. For example, the following
# would instead store `spacing` as a std::vector<float> instead. In this case we show
# use of Python's `del` instead of the pop method to remove an existing item.
del self.metadata["pixel_spacing"]
self.metadata.set("pixel_spacing", spacing, dtype=np.float32, cast_to_cpp=True)
# Remove a value
del self["patient name"]
# ... Some processing to produce output `data` could go here ...
# Current state of `meta` will automatically be emitted along with `data` in the call below
op_output.emit(data, "output1")
# Can clear all items
# Any emit call after this point would not transmit a metadata object
op_output.emit(data, "output2")
See the MetadataDictionary
API docs for all available methods.
The above code illustrated various ways of working with and updating an operator’s metadata.
Pay particular attention to the details of how metadata is set. When working with pure Python applications it is best to just use self.metadata[key] = value
or self.metadata.set(key, value)
to pass Python objects as the value. This will just use a shared object and not result in copies to/from corresponding C++ types. However, when interacting with other operators that wrap a C++ implementation, their compute
method would expected C++ metadata. In that case, the set
method with cast_to_cpp=True
is needed to cast to the expected C++ type. This was shown in some of the “pixel_spacing” set calls in the example above. For convenience, the value
passed to the set
method can also be a NumPy array, but note that in this case, a copy into a new C++ std::vector is performed. The dtype of the array will be respected when creating the vector. In general, the types that can currently be cast to C++ are scalar numeric values, strings and Python Iterators or Sequences of these (the sequence will be converted to a 1D or 2D C++ std::vector
Metadata Update Policies
The operator class also has a metadata_policy()
method that can be used to set a MetadataPolicy
to use when handling duplicate metadata keys across multiple input ports of the operator. The available options are:
“update” (
): replace any existing key from a priorreceive
call with one present in a subsequentreceive
call.“reject” (
): Reject the new key/value pair when a key already exists due to a priorreceive
call.“raise” (
): Throw astd::runtime_error
if a duplicate key is encountered. This is the default policy.
The metadata policy would typically be set during compose()
as in the following example:
// Example for setting metadata policy from Application::compose()
my_op = make_operator<MyOperator>("my_op");
The operator class also has a metadata_policy()
property that can be used to set a MetadataPolicy
to use when handling duplicate metadata keys across multiple input ports of the operator. The available options are:
“update” (
): replace any existing key from a priorreceive
call with one present in a subsequentreceive
call. This is the default policy.“reject” (
): Reject the new key/value pair when a key already exists due to a priorreceive
call.“raise” (
): Throw an exception if a duplicate key is encountered.
The metadata policy would typically be set during compose()
as in the following example:
# Example for setting metadata policy from Application.compose()
my_op = MyOperator(self, name="my_op")
my_op.metadata_policy = holoscan.core.MetadataPolicy.RAISE
The policy only applies to the operator on which it was set.
Use of Metadata in Distributed Applications
Sending metadata between two fragments of a distributed application is supported, but there are a couple of aspects to be aware of.
Sending metadata over the network requires serialization and deserialization of the metadata keys and values. The value types supported for this are the same as for data emitted over output ports (see the table in the section on object serialization). The only exception is that
values cannot be sent as metadata values between fragments (this restriction also applies to tensor-like Python objects). Any custom codecs registered for the SDK will automatically also be available for serialization of metadata values.There is a practical size limit of several kilobytes in the amount of metadata that can be transmitted between fragments. This is because metadata is currently sent along with other entity header information in the UCX header, which has fixed size limit (the metadata is stored along with other header information within the size limit defined by the
environment variable).
The above restrictions only apply to metadata sent between fragments. Within a fragment there is no size limit on metadata (aside from system memory limits) and no serialization or deserialization step is needed.
Current limitations
The current metadata API is only fully supported for native holoscan Operators and is not currently supported by operators that wrap a GXF codelet (i.e. inheriting from
or created viaGXFCodeletOp
). Aside fromGXFCodeletOp
, the built-in operators provided under theholoscan::ops
namespace are all native operators, so the feature will work with these. Currently none of these built-in opereators add their own metadata, but any metadata received on input ports will automatically be passed on to their output ports (as long asapp->is_metadata_enabled(true)
was set to enable the metadata feature).
Please see the dedicated Holoscan CUDA stream handling page for details on how Holoscan applications using non-default CUDA streams can be written.