NVIDIA Holoscan SDK v2.5.0
Holoscan v2.5.0

Holoscan CLI - Package Command

holoscan package - generate HAP-compliant container for your application.

The code below package a python application for x86_64 systems:


# Using a Python directory as input # Required: a `__main__.py` file in the application directory to execute # Optional: a `requirements.txt` file in the application directory to install dependencies holoscan package --platform x64-workstation --tag my-awesome-app --config /path/to/my/awesome/application/config.yaml /path/to/my/awesome/application/ # Using a Python file as input holoscan package --platform x64-workstation --tag my-awesome-app --config /path/to/my/awesome/application/config.yaml /path/to/my/awesome/application/my-app.py

The code below package a C++ application for the IGX Orin DevKit (aarch64) with a discrete GPU:


# Using a C++ source directory as input # Required: a `CMakeLists.txt` file in the application directory holoscan package --platform igx-orin-devkit --platform-config dgpu --tag my-awesome-app --config /path/to/my/awesome/application/config.yaml /path/to/my/awesome/application/ # Using a C++ pre-compiled executable as input holoscan package --platform igx-orin-devkit --platform-config dgpu --tag my-awesome-app --config /path/to/my/awesome/application/config.yaml /path/to/my/awesome/bin/application-executable


The commands above load the generated image onto Docker to make the image accessible with docker images.

If you need to package for a different platform or want to transfer the generated image to another system, use the --output /path/to/output flag so the generated package can be saved to the specified location.


Path to the application to be packaged. The following inputs are supported:

  • C++ source code: you may pass a directory path with your C++ source code with a CMakeLists.txt file in it, and the Packager will attempt to build your application using CMake and include the compiled application in the final package.

  • C++ pre-compiled executable: A pre-built executable binary file may be directly provided to the Packager.

  • Python application: you may pass either:

    • a directory which includes a __main__.py file to execute (required) and an optional requirements.txt file that defined dependencies for your Python application, or

    • the path to a single python file to execute


Python (PyPI) modules are installed into the user’s (via [--username USERNAME] argument) directory with the user ID specified via [--uid UID]. Therefore, when running a packaged Holoscan application on Kubernetes or other service providers, running Docker with non root user, and running Holoscan CLI run command where the logged-on user’s ID is different, ensure to specify the USER ID that is used when building the application package.

For example, include the securityContext when running a Holoscan packaged application with UID=1000 using Argo:


spec: securityContext: runAsUser: 1000 runAsNonRoot: true

--config|-c CONFIG

Path to the application’s configuration file. The configuration file must be in YAML format with a .yaml file extension.

[--docs|-d DOCS]

An optional directory path of documentation, README, licenses that shall be included in the package.

[--models|-m MODELS]

An optional directory path to a model file, a directory with a single model, or a directory with multiple models.

Single model example:


my-model/ ├── surgical_video.gxf_entities └── surgical_video.gxf_index my-model/ └── model ├── surgical_video.gxf_entities └── surgical_video.gxf_index

Multi-model example:


my-models/ ├── model-1 │ ├── my-first-model.gxf_entities │ └── my-first-model.gxf_index └── model-2 └── my-other-model.ts

--platform PLATFORM

A comma-separated list of platform types to generate. Each platform value specified generates a standalone container image. If you are running the Packager on the same architecture, the generated image is automatically loaded onto Docker and is available with docker images. Otherwise, use --output flag to save the generated image onto the disk.

PLATFORM must be one of: clara-agx-devkit, igx-orin-devkit, jetson-agx-orin-devkit, x64-workstation.

  • igx-orin-devkit: IGX Orin DevKit

  • jetson-agx-orin-devkit: Orin AGX DevKit

  • x64-workstation: systems with a x86-64 processor(s)

[--platform-config PLATFORM_CONFIG]

Specifies the platform configuration to generate. PLATFORM_CONFIG must be one of: igpu, igpu-assist, dgpu.

  • igpu: Supports integrated GPU

  • igpu-assist: Supports compute-only tasks on iGPU in presence of a dGPU

  • dgpu: Supports dedicated GPU


--platform-config is required when --platform is not x64-workstation (which uses dgpu).

[--timeout TIMEOUT]

An optional timeout value of the application for the supported orchestrators to manage the application’s lifecycle. Defaults to 0.

[--version VERSION]

An optional version number of the application. When specified, it overrides the value specified in the configuration file.

[--base-image BASE_IMAGE]

Optionally specifies the base container image for building packaged application. It must be a valid Docker image tag either accessible online or via `docker images. By default, the Packager picks a base image to use from NGC.

[--build-image BUILD_IMAGE]

Optionally specifies the build container image for building C++ applications. It must be a valid Docker image tag either accessible online or via `docker images. By default, the Packager picks a build image to use from NGC.

[--includes [{debug,holoviz,torch,onnx}]]

To reduce the size of the packaged application container, the CLI Packager, by default, includes minimum runtime dependencies to run applications designed for Holoscan. You can specify additional runtime dependencies to be included in the packaged application using this option. The following options are available:

  • debug: includes debugging tools, such as gdb

  • holoviz: includes dependencies for Holoviz rendering on x11 and Wayland

  • torch: includes libtorch and torchvision runtime dependencies

  • onnx: includes onnxruntime runtime, libnvinfer-plugin8, libnconnxparser8 dependencies.


Refer to Developer Resources for dependency versions.



holoscan package --includes holoviz torch onnx

[--build-cache BUILD_CACHE]

Specifies a directory path for storing Docker cache. Defaults to ~/.holoscan_build_cache. If the $HOME directory is inaccessible, the CLI uses the /tmp directory.

[--cmake-args CMAKE_ARGS]

A comma-separated list of cmake arguments to be used when building C++ applications.

For example:


holoscan package --cmake-args "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG -DCMAKE_ARG=VALUE"


Do not use cache when building image.

[--sdk SDK]

SDK for building the application: Holoscan or MONAI-Deploy. SDK must be one of: holoscan, monai-deploy.

[--source URL|FILE]

Override the artifact manifest source with a securely hosted file or from the local file system.

E.g. https://my.domain.com/my-file.json

[--sdk-version SDK_VERSION]

Set the version of the SDK that is used to build and package the Application. If not specified, the packager attempts to detect the installed version.

[--holoscan-sdk-file HOLOSCAN_SDK_FILE]

Path to the Holoscan SDK Debian or PyPI package. If not specified, the packager downloads the SDK file from the internet depending on the SDK version detected/specified. The HOLOSCAN_SDK_FILE filename must have .deb or .whl file extension for Debian package or PyPI wheel package, respectively.

[--monai-deploy-sdk-file MONAI_DEPLOY_SDK_FILE]

Path to the MONAI Deploy App SDK Debian or PyPI package. If not specified, the packager downloads the SDK file from the internet based on the SDK version. The MONAI_DEPLOY_SDK_FILE package filename must have .whl or .gz file extension.

[--output|-o OUTPUT]

Output directory where result images will be written.


If this flag isn’t present, the packager will load the generated image onto Docker to make the image accessible with docker images. The --output flag is therefore required when building a packaging for a different target architecture than the host system that runs the packaer.

--tag|-t TAG

Name and optionally a tag (format: name:tag).

For example:


my-company/my-application:latest my-company/my-application:1.0.0 my-application:1.0.1 my-application

[--username USERNAME]

Optional username to be created in the container execution context. Defaults to holoscan.

[--uid UID]

Optional user ID to be associated with the user created with --username with default of 1000.


A very large UID value may result in a very large image due to an open issue with Docker. It is recommended to use the default value of 1000 when packaging an application and use your current UID/GID when running the application.

[--gid GID]

Optional group ID to be associated with the user created with --username with default of 1000

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