Federated learning administrator commands
For an example of operating the federated learning environment with these administrator commands and more information, see the Federated learning user guide.
Admin commands and functions
Typing “help” or “?” will display a list of the commands and a brief description for each. Typing “? ” before a command like “? check_status” or “?ls” will provide additional details for the usage of a command. Provided below is a list of commands shown as examples of how they may be run with a description.
Command |
Example |
Description |
bye |
Exit from the client |
help |
Get command help information |
lpwd |
Print local workspace root directory of the admin client |
info |
Show folder setup info (upload and download sources and destinations) |
check_status |
The FL run number, FL server status, and the registered clients with their names and tokens are displayed. If training is running, the round information is also displayed. |
The name, token, and status of each connected client are displayed. |
The name, token, and status of the specified client with clientname are displayed. |
upload_folder |
Uploads the MMAR folder provided to the FL server. Note that mmarfolderpathandname is relative to the “transfer” directory which is at the same level as the “startup” directory containing the script running the admin client. |
set_run_number |
Creates a folder “run_1” on the server at the same level as the “startup” directory to contain all of the MMARs for deployment. |
delete_run_number |
Deletes all the folders “run_1” on the server and clients at the same level as the “startup” directory containing the MMARs. This deletes data! |
deploy |
Deploys the MMAR specified by mmarname to the server. Note that mmarname is expected to be an MMAR which has been uploaded to the server already and resides in the transfer directory on the server (which is at the same level as the startup directory by default). mmarname can be a relative path if the MMAR is contained in any parent directories, for example mmars/segmentation_ct_spleen. |
Deploys the MMAR specified by mmarname to each client. This can also be done per client by specifying a specific client name for this command. Please note that the deployed MMARs are also in their own workspace named after the run number set by set_run_number above. |
start |
Starts the server training. |
Starts all of the clients. Individual clients can be started by specifying the client instance name after the start client command. |
start_mgpu |
Starts training with multiple GPUs. The number of GPUs to be used must be specified in the command. |
abort |
Aborts the client specified by clientname. Please note that this may not be instant but may take time for the command to take effect. |
Aborts the server training |
shutdown |
Shuts down the client specified by clientname. Please note that this may not be instant but may take time for the command to take effect. |
Shuts down the server. Clients must be shut down first before the server is shut down. |
cat |
Show content of a file (-n: number all output lines; -s: suppress repeated empty output lines) |
Show content of a file (-b: number nonempty output lines; -T: display TAB characters as ^I) |
env |
Show environment variables |
Show environment variables |
grep |
Search for a pattern in a file (-n: print line number; -i: ignore case) |
head |
Print the first 10 lines of a file |
Print the first 15 lines of a file (-n: print the first N lines instead of the first 10) |
tail |
Print the last 10 lines of a file |
Print the last 15 lines of a file (-n: output the last N lines instead of the last 10) |
ls |
List files in workspace root directory (-a: all; -l: use a long listing format; -t: sort by modification time) |
List files in workspace root directory (-S: sort by file size; -R: list subdirectories recursively) |
pwd |
Print the name of workspace root directory |
Print the name of workspace root directory |
Outputs of any command can be redirected into a file by using the greater-than symbol “>”, however there must be no
whitespace before the filename. For example, you may run sys_info server >serverinfo.txt
. To only save the
file output without printing it, use two greater-than symbols “>>” instead: sys_info server >>serverinfo.txt
To continue training from the previous model in the case the server is interrupted, set “MMAR_CKPT”: “FL_global_model.ckpt”, in environment.json of the server’s MMAR. Without this parameter, even if you are using a previously used run number with an existing model, training will start from scratch.`
validate source_client dest_client
this gets the performance metrics for validation of a model
validate –all (all source clients with all dest. clients)
this gets the performance metrics for validation of all models