--error-rate-pre-umi ERROR_RATE_PRE_UMI
Set the Phred-scaled error rate for an error prior to the UMIs being integrated. (default: 45)
--error-rate-post-umi ERROR_RATE_POST_UMI
The Phred-scaled error rate for an error post the UMIs have been integrated. (default: 40)
--min-input-base-quality MIN_INPUT_BASE_QUALITY
Ignore bases in raw reads that have Q below this value. (default: 10)
--min-consensus-base-quality MIN_CONSENSUS_BASE_QUALITY
Mask (make ‘N’) consensus bases with quality less than this threshold. (default: 2)
The CNVkit implementation now supports the batch, autobin and coverage subcommands.
Divide the whole genome into multiple partition and run multiple processes at the same time, each on 1 partition.
Divide the whole genome into multiple partition and run multiple processes at the same time, each on 1 partition.
Get rid of output records for alternate contigs.
--min-map-q MIN_MAP_Q
Minimum mapping quality (default: 30)
Divide the whole genome into multiple partition and run multiple processes at the same time, each on 1 partition.
Get rid of output records for alternate contigs.
Use the pseudoautosomal regions for GRCh37 reference types. This flag should be used for GRCh37 and UCSC hg19 references. By default, GRCh38 regions are used.
Divide the whole genome into multiple partition and run multiple processes at the same time, each on 1 partition.
Get rid of output records for alternate contigs.
Do not discard anomalous read pairs.
Output mapping quality.
Output base positions on reads.
Optional bgzip-compressed/tabix-indexed BED file containing the set of regions to exclude.
--min-map-q MIN_MAP_Q
Minimum mapping quality. (default: 30)
--error-rate-pre-umi ERROR_RATE_PRE_UMI
The Phred-scaled error rate for an error prior to the UMIs being integrated. (default: 45)
--error-rate-post-umi ERROR_RATE_POST_UMI
The Phred-scaled error rate for an error post the UMIs have been integrated. (default: 40)
--min-input-base-quality MIN_INPUT_BASE_QUALITY
Ignore bases in raw reads that have Q below this value. (default: 10)
--min-consensus-base-quality MIN_CONSENSUS_BASE_QUALITY
Mask (make ‘N’) consensus bases with quality less than this threshold. (default: 2)
Output mapping quality.
Output base positions on reads.
Added support for A10, A30, A40, A6000 GPUs for all tools in Clara Parabricks. Visit the Deepvariant documentation page for more details.
Improved tumor-only calling in LoFreq.
Added end-to-end support for germline on Hopper.
Improved CNNScoreVariants tool.
Added multi-TSV annotation database support.
Added consequence calling using bcftools 'csq' option.
Speedup in reading and writing VCF files.
Add mapquality, basequality and fwd/rev alleles to summary in vcfqcbybam.
Improve float comparison in vcfdiff.
Add two sample support to votebasedvcfmerger.
Update CNVKIT to v0.9.9.
bam2fq no longer requires a reference file if BAM input is used.
haplotypecaller now uses multiple CPUs to process multiple partitions.