NVIDIA Parabricks 4.2.1
NVIDIA Parabricks 4.2.1

New Tools

Added markdup, a tool to locate and tag duplicate reads in a BAM or SAM file, where duplicate reads are defined as originating from a single fragment of DNA.


  • Major performance improvements.


  • Supports read lengths of up to 500 base pairs.


  • Updated to GATK 4.3.

  • Supports read lengths of up to 500 base pairs.

  • Adds support for the --htvc-bam-output option.

  • --batch is deprecated.


  • Updated to GATK 4.3.

  • Supports read lengths of up to 500 base pairs.

  • Adds support for the --run-partition option.


  • Updated to GATK 4.3.


  • Clarified error messages.

Improvements spanning multiple tools

  • Added more error checking when writing BAM files using --gpuwrite.

  • Improved performance for BWA alignment, particularly for reads > 250 bases in length.

  • Added GPUDirect Storage (GDS) support for fq2bam (FQ2BAM + BWA-MEM) and associated pipelines.

  • Added a low memory mode for --gpuwrite (affects sorting).

© Copyright 2024, Nvidia. Last updated on Jan 9, 2024.