Modulus Utils
- class modulus.utils.capture.StaticCaptureEvaluateNoGrad(model: Module, logger: Optional[Logger] = None, use_graphs: bool = True, use_amp: bool = True, cuda_graph_warmup: int = 11, amp_type: Union[float16, bfloat16] = torch.float16)[source]
An performance optimization decorator for PyTorch no grad evaluation.
This class should be initialized as a decorator on a function that computes run the forward pass of the model that does not require gradient calculations. This is the recommended method to use for inference and validation methods.
- Parameters
model (modulus.Module) – Modulus Model
logger (Union[Logger, None], optional) – Modulus Launch Logger, by default None
use_graphs (bool, optional) – Toggle CUDA graphs if supported by model, by default True
use_amp (bool, optional) – Toggle AMP if supported by mode, by default True
cuda_graph_warmup (int, optional) – Number of warmup steps for cuda graphs, by default 11
amp_type (Union[float16, bfloat16], optional) – Auto casting type for AMP, by default torch.float16
- Raises
ValueError – If the model provided is not a modulus.Module. I.e. has no meta data.
>>> # Create model >>> model = modulus.models.mlp.FullyConnected(2, 64, 2) >>> input = torch.rand(8, 2) >>> # Create evaluate function with optimization wrapper >>> @StaticCaptureEvaluateNoGrad(model=model) ... def eval_step(model, invar): ... predvar = model(invar) ... return predvar ... >>> output = eval_step(model, input) >>> output.size() torch.Size([8, 2])
NoteCapturing multiple cuda graphs in a single program can lead to potential invalid CUDA memory access errors on some systems. Prioritize capturing training graphs when this occurs.
- class modulus.utils.capture.StaticCaptureTraining(model: ~modulus.models.module.Module, optim: <module 'torch.optim' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/torch/optim/'>, logger: ~typing.Optional[~logging.Logger] = None, use_graphs: bool = True, use_amp: bool = True, cuda_graph_warmup: int = 11, amp_type: ~typing.Union[float16, bfloat16] = torch.float16)[source]
A performance optimization decorator for PyTorch training functions.
This class should be initialized as a decorator on a function that computes the forward pass of the neural network and loss function. The user should only call the defind training step function. This will apply optimizations including: AMP and Cuda Graphs.
- Parameters
model (modulus.Module) – Modulus Model
optim (torch.optim) – Optimizer
logger (Union[Logger, None], optional) – Modulus Launch Logger, by default None
use_graphs (bool, optional) – Toggle CUDA graphs if supported by model, by default True
use_amp (bool, optional) – Toggle AMP if supported by mode, by default True
cuda_graph_warmup (int, optional) – Number of warmup steps for cuda graphs, by default 11
amp_type (Union[float16, bfloat16], optional) – Auto casting type for AMP, by default torch.float16
- Raises
ValueError – If the model provided is not a modulus.Module. I.e. has no meta data.
>>> # Create model >>> model = modulus.models.mlp.FullyConnected(2, 64, 2) >>> input = torch.rand(8, 2) >>> output = torch.rand(8, 2) >>> # Create optimizer >>> optim = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.001) >>> # Create training step function with optimization wrapper >>> @StaticCaptureTraining(model=model, optim=optim) ... def training_step(model, invar, outvar): ... predvar = model(invar) ... loss = torch.sum(torch.pow(predvar - outvar, 2)) ... return loss ... >>> # Sample training loop >>> for i in range(3): ... loss = training_step(model, input, output) ...
NotePresently only a single instance of training static capture with AMP can be used due to a grad scalar singleton.
NoteCapturing multiple cuda graphs in a single program can lead to potential invalid CUDA memory access errors on some systems. Prioritize capturing training graphs when this occurs.
- class modulus.utils.graphcast.data_utils.StaticData(static_dataset_path: str, latitudes: Tensor, longitudes: Tensor)[source]
Class to load static data from netCDF files. Static data includes land-sea mask, geopotential, and latitude-longitude coordinates.
- Parameters
static_dataset_path (str) – Path to directory containing static data.
latitudes (Tensor) – Tensor with shape (lat,) that includes latitudes.
longitudes (Tensor) – Tensor with shape (lon,) that includes longitudes.
- get() → Tensor[source]
Get all static data.
- Returns
- Return type
Tensor with shape (1, 5, lat, lon) that includes land-sea mask, geopotential, cosine of latitudes, sine and cosine of longitudes.
- get_geop(normalize: bool = True) → Tensor[source]
Get geopotential from netCDF file.
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
normalize (bool, optional) – Whether to normalize the geopotential, by default True
Normalized geopotential with shape (1, 1, lat, lon).
- get_lat_lon() → Tensor[source]
Computes cosine of latitudes and sine and cosine of longitudes.
- Returns
- Return type
Tensor with shape (1, 3, lat, lon) tha includes cosine of latitudes, sine and cosine of longitudes.
- get_lsm() → Tensor[source]
Get land-sea mask from netCDF file.
- Returns
- Return type
Land-sea mask with shape (1, 1, lat, lon).
- class modulus.utils.graphcast.graph.Graph(icospheres_path: str, lat_lon_grid: Tensor, dtype=torch.float32)[source]
Graph class for creating the graph2mesh, multimesh, and mesh2graph graphs.
- Parameters
icospheres_path (str) – Path to the icospheres json file. If the file does not exist, it will try to generate it using PyMesh.
lat_lon_grid (Tensor) – Tensor with shape (lat, lon, 2) that includes the latitudes and longitudes meshgrid.
dtype (torch.dtype, optional) – Data type of the graph, by default torch.float
- create_g2m_graph(verbose: bool = True) → Tensor[source]
Create the graph2mesh graph.
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
verbose (bool, optional) – verbosity, by default True
Graph2mesh graph.
- create_m2g_graph(verbose: bool = True) → Tensor[source]
Create the mesh2grid graph.
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
verbose (bool, optional) – verbosity, by default True
Mesh2grid graph.
- create_mesh_graph(verbose: bool = True) → Tensor[source]
Create the multimesh graph.
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
verbose (bool, optional) – verbosity, by default True
Multimesh graph.
- modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.add_edge_features(graph: DGLGraph, pos: Tensor, normalize: bool = True) → DGLGraph[source]
Adds edge features to the graph.
- Parameters
graph (DGLGraph) – The graph to add edge features to.
pos (Tensor) – The node positions.
normalize (bool, optional) – Whether to normalize the edge features, by default True
- Returns
- Return type
The graph with edge features.
- modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.add_node_features(graph: DGLGraph, pos: Tensor) → DGLGraph[source]
Adds cosine of latitude, sine and cosine of longitude as the node features to the graph.
- Parameters
graph (DGLGraph) – The graph to add node features to.
pos (Tensor) – The node positions.
- Returns
- Return type
graph – The graph with node features.
- modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.azimuthal_angle(lon: Tensor) → Tensor[source]
Gives the azimuthal angle of a point on the sphere
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
lon (Tensor) – Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the longitude of the point
Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the azimuthal angle
- modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.cell_to_adj(cells: List[List[int]])[source]
creates adjancy matrix in COO format from mesh cells
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
cells (List[List[int]]) – List of cells, each cell is a list of 3 vertices
src, dst – List of source and destination vertices
List[int], List[int]
- modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.create_graph(src: List, dst: List, to_bidirected: bool = True, add_self_loop: bool = False, dtype: dtype = torch.int32) → DGLGraph[source]
Creates a DGL graph from an adj matrix in COO format.
- Parameters
src (List) – List of source nodes
dst (List) – List of destination nodes
to_bidirected (bool, optional) – Whether to make the graph bidirectional, by default True
add_self_loop (bool, optional) – Whether to add self loop to the graph, by default False
dtype (torch.dtype, optional) – Graph index data type, by default torch.int32
- Returns
- Return type
The dgl Graph.
- modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.create_heterograph(src: List, dst: List, labels: str, dtype: dtype = torch.int32) → DGLGraph[source]
Creates a heterogeneous DGL graph from an adj matrix in COO format.
- Parameters
src (List) – List of source nodes
dst (List) – List of destination nodes
labels (str) – Label of the edge type
dtype (torch.dtype, optional) – Graph index data type, by default torch.int32
- Returns
- Return type
The dgl Graph.
- modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.deg2rad(deg: Tensor) → Tensor[source]
Converts degrees to radians
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
deg – Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the degrees
Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the radians
- modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.geospatial_rotation(invar: Tensor, theta: Tensor, axis: str, unit: str = 'rad') → Tensor[source]
Rotation using right hand rule
- Parameters
invar (Tensor) – Tensor of shape (N, 3) containing x, y, z coordinates
theta (Tensor) – Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the rotation angle
axis (str) – Axis of rotation
unit (str, optional) – Unit of the theta, by default “rad”
- Returns
- Return type
Tensor of shape (N, 3) containing the rotated x, y, z coordinates
- modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.get_edge_len(edge_src: Tensor, edge_dst: Tensor, axis: int = 1)[source]
returns the length of the edge
- Parameters
edge_src (Tensor) – Tensor of shape (N, 3) containing the source of the edge
edge_dst (Tensor) – Tensor of shape (N, 3) containing the destination of the edge
axis (int, optional) – Axis along which the norm is computed, by default 1
- Returns
- Return type
Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the length of the edge
- modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.latlon2xyz(latlon: Tensor, radius: float = 1, unit: str = 'deg') → Tensor[source]
Converts latlon in degrees to xyz Based on: - The x-axis goes through long,lat (0,0); - The y-axis goes through (0,90); - The z-axis goes through the poles.
- Parameters
latlon (Tensor) – Tensor of shape (N, 2) containing latitudes and longitudes
radius (float, optional) – Radius of the sphere, by default 1
unit (str, optional) – Unit of the latlon, by default “deg”
- Returns
- Return type
Tensor of shape (N, 3) containing x, y, z coordinates
- modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.polar_angle(lat: Tensor) → Tensor[source]
Gives the polar angle of a point on the sphere
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
lat (Tensor) – Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the latitude of the point
Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the polar angle
- modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.rad2deg(rad)[source]
Converts radians to degrees
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
rad – Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the radians
Tensor of shape (N, ) containing the degrees
- modulus.utils.graphcast.graph_utils.xyz2latlon(xyz: Tensor, radius: float = 1, unit: str = 'deg') → Tensor[source]
Converts xyz to latlon in degrees Based on: - The x-axis goes through long,lat (0,0); - The y-axis goes through (0,90); - The z-axis goes through the poles.
- Parameters
xyz (Tensor) – Tensor of shape (N, 3) containing x, y, z coordinates
radius (float, optional) – Radius of the sphere, by default 1
unit (str, optional) – Unit of the latlon, by default “deg”
- Returns
- Return type
Tensor of shape (N, 2) containing latitudes and longitudes
- modulus.utils.graphcast.icospheres.generate_and_save_icospheres(save_path: str = 'icospheres.json') → None[source]
enerate icospheres from level 0 to 6 (inclusive) and save them to a json file.
- Parameters
path (str) – Path to save the json file.
- class modulus.utils.graphcast.loss.CellAreaWeightedLossFunction(area)[source]
Loss function with cell area weighting.
- Parameters
area (torch.Tensor) – Cell area with shape [H, W].
- forward(invar, outvar)[source]
Implicit forward function which computes the loss given a prediction and the corresponding targets.
- Parameters
invar (torch.Tensor) – prediction of shape [T, C, H, W].
outvar (torch.Tensor) – target values of shape [T, C, H, W].
- class modulus.utils.graphcast.loss.CustomCellAreaWeightedLossAutogradFunction(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Autograd fuunction for custom loss with cell area weighting.
- static backward(ctx, grad_loss: Tensor)[source]
Backward method of custom loss function with cell area weighting.
- static forward(ctx, invar: Tensor, outvar: Tensor, area: Tensor)[source]
Forward of custom loss function with cell area weighting.
- class modulus.utils.graphcast.loss.CustomCellAreaWeightedLossFunction(area: Tensor)[source]
Custom loss function with cell area weighting.
- Parameters
area (torch.Tensor) – Cell area with shape [H, W].
- forward(invar: Tensor, outvar: Tensor) → Tensor[source]
Implicit forward function which computes the loss given a prediction and the corresponding targets.
- Parameters
invar (torch.Tensor) – prediction of shape [T, C, H, W].
outvar (torch.Tensor) – target values of shape [T, C, H, W].