Version EL7-20.01
The DGX Software for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, Version EL7-20.01, is available. This version is available only for the NVIDIA DGX Station.
Installing EL7-20.01 also updates the installed Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 distribution to the latest version. To check the latest Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 version, visit
Update Repository
The update repository was created for delivering the NVIDIA driver to the R418 driver branch, CUDA 10.1, and other software packages associated with CUDA 10.1. These updates are available only if the update repository is enabled.
If you are installing DGX Software for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 - Version EL7-20.01, you must ensure that the update repository is enabled. For more information, see the DGX Software for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 - Installation Guide <> or the DGX Software for CentOS - Installation Guide <>.
Change Highlights
This version introduces support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 on the DGX Station.
Software Contents:
The following table provides version information for software included in the DGX Software Stack for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.
Component |
Version |
GPU Driver |
418.116.00 |
DGX Station Diagnostic Components |
nvhealth-dgxstation 19.01.10-1 nvsysinfo-dgxstation 19.01.4-1 |
DGX Station Theme |
dgxstation-desktop - 19.10-0 dgx-gnome - 19.10-0 |
NCCL Runtime |
2.4.7+cuda10.1 |
cuDNN Library Runtime |
7.6.2+cuda10.1 |
TensorRT |
5.1.5+cuda10.1 |
CUDA Toolkit |
10.1.243 |
NVIDIA has validated and tested the DGX Software version EL7-20.01 only on the DGX Station with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and CentOS.
NVIDIA acknowledges the wide use of CentOS and understands that it is a community-developed derivative of the NVIDIA supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Support for CentOS is available directly from the CentOS community. NVIDIA ensures that NVIDIA provided software runs on tested CentOS versions and will try to identify and correct issues related to NVIDIA provided software.
Installation Instructions
This version is available only for a fresh installation on the DGX Station.
For installing on a fresh DGX system, see the DGX Software for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 - Installation Guide <> or the DGX Software for CentOS - Installation Guide <>.
Known Issues
DGX-2, DGX-1, DGX Station: Docker GPU Containers Cannot be Run
DGX-2, DGX Station: Ubuntu Boot Option Appears After Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux
DGX-1: DKMS May not Build for New Kernel During Driver Update
DGX Station: The Symbolic Link to /usr/local/cuda Is Missing
DGX Station: An Incorrect Serial Number Is Listed in nvhealth Output