Version EL7-22.08
End of support for DGX Software for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
DGX Software EL7-22.08 for Red Hat Enterprise Linux has been upgraded with the latest NVIDIA driver upgrades. These are the final upgrades for this version. NVIDIA releases driver upgrades quarterly. The next quarterly driver upgrades will not be made available for this release.
If your system is running a version earlier than EL7-22.04, you need to update the keys on the system. Refer to Rotating the GPG Key. for more information about how to rotate the keys
The DGX Software for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, EL7-22.08, is available.
EL7-22.08 supports all DGX products such as DGX A100, DGX-2, DGX-1 (with Tesla V100), DGX Station, and DGX Station A100.
Installing or updating to EL7-22.08 also updates the installed Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 distribution to the latest version.
Before you install or upgrade the operating system, ensure that there is a MLNX_OFED
version available that supports the latest Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 version.
The DGX Software for Red Hat Enterprise Linux does not include the Mellanox OpenFabrics Enterprise Distribution (MLNX_OFED) for Linux. This is due to the likelihood of the MLNX_OFED kernel being out of sync with the Red Hat distribution kernel. This can result in system instability. To use InfiniBand, see the DGX Software for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Installation Guide for instructions.
The following changes were made in the Release 470 repository since version EL7-22.06:
Updated the GPU driver to 470.161.03
Updated NVSM to 20.09.40
Updated DCGM to 2.4.5
Updated NCCL Runtime to 2.13.4
cuDNN Library Runtime to
Updated cuBLAS to
Updated CUDA Toolkit to 11.4.3
The following changes were made in the Release 450repository since version EL7-22.06:
Updated the GPU driver to 450.216.04
Updated NVSM to 20.09.40
Updated DCGM to 2.4.5
Updated NCCL Runtime to 2.13.4
cuDNN Library Runtime to
Updated cuBLAS to
Here is a current list of software versions of the qualified DGX software stack in the repositories:
Component |
R450 Driver Repository Versions |
R470 Driver Repository Versions |
GPU Driver |
450.236.01 |
470.182.03 |
NVIDIA System Management (NVSM) |
20.09.40 |
20.09.40 |
Data Center GPU Management (DCGM) |
2.4.5 |
2.4.5 |
DGX Station Theme |
dgxstation-desktop - 20.10-1 dgx-gnome - 19.10-0 |
dgxstation-desktop - 20.10-1 dgx-gnome - 19.10-0 |
NCCL Runtime |
2.13.4 |
2.13.4 |
cuDNN Library Runtime | | |
cuBLAS | | |
CUDA Toolkit |
CUDA 11.0.3 |
CUDA 11.4.3 |
CUDA 22.06 |
CUDA 22.06 |
mpt3sas-dkms | | |
This section provides information about the updates to EL7-22.08 since the initial release. These updates are available from the public repositories.
Update May 17, 2023
Updated the NVIDIA Release 450 GPU driver to 450.236.01
Updated the NVIDIA Release 470 GPU driver to 470.182.03
Update December 12, 2022
Updated the NVIDIA Release 450 GPU driver to 450.216.04
Updated the NVIDIA Release 470 GPU driver to 470.161.03
NVIDIA has validated and tested the DGX Software version EL7-22.08 with the following:
Linux Distribution and kernel
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9
CentOS 7.9
Kernel 3.10.0-1160.31.1.el7 or later
NVIDIA DGX systems
NVIDIA DGX Station A100
MLNX OFED version 4.9-
ConnectX Firmware
ConnectX-4: 12.28.2006
ConnectX-5: 16.28.2006
ConnectX-6: 20.28.2006
NVIDIA acknowledges the wide use of CentOS and understands that it is a community-developed derivative of the NVIDIA supported Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Support for CentOS is available directly from the CentOS community. NVIDIA ensures that NVIDIA provided software runs on tested CentOS versions and will try to identify and correct issues related to NVIDIA provided software.
Resolved Issues
None at this time.
Known Issues
Known Limitations
See Known Limitations for the list of known limitations and other issues that will not be fixed.