Metadata API Guide

Vision metadata is comprised of metadata frames

Metadata API Endpoints

Analytics Web API is exposed via Ingress Controller.

The URL prefix is http://<INGRESS-HOST-IP>:<INGRESS-PORT>/emdx/

Replace the INGRESS-HOST-IP with the Jetson device IP. Replace the INGRESS-PORT with 30080 or the last value defined in Ingress configuration.


URL prefix path is subject to change in future release

Retrieve vision metadata

Get metadata for a given time duration for a given sensor:



Mandatory query parameters


description: Sensor for which metadata is to be returned.

type: string

example: sensorId=Amcrest_3


description: lower bound of the timestamp for which metadata needs to be returned

type: UTC / GMT timestamp string

example: 2020-10-30T20:00:00.000Z


description: Upper bound of timestamp for which metadata needs to be returned.

type: UTC / GMT timestamp string

example: 2020-10-30T20:05:00.000Z



        "{'@timestamp': '2022-08-09T21:25:13.208Z', 'id': 4508668, 'objects': ['899|1075.61|364.011|1230.41|754.086|Person'], 'sensorId': 'Amcrest', 'version': '4.0'}",
        "{'@timestamp': '2022-08-09T21:25:13.244Z', 'id': 4508669, 'objects': ['899|1078.18|362.76|1232.97|752.836|Person'], 'sensorId': 'Amcrest', 'version': '4.0'}"

Error Response

Response body: See Error response body definition at the end of the page.

HTTP Status codes:

422: No metadata frames found for the requested sensorId and time range 500: Internal server error

Error Response body:

Error response for all API is JSON object with following attributes.

   "detail": "#Detailed error string",
   "status": "#http-status-code",
   "title": "Unprocessable Entity",
   "type": "about:blank"