
Multi-Camera Sim2Deploy workflow is a scalable end-to-end recipe to develop spatio-temporal understanding capabilities across multiple cameras.

It leverages simulation & synthetic data generation from scenes involving digital humans, while also incorporating real-world data from IP cameras or recorded videos. The workflow includes customization & deployment of prebuilt microservices as cloud-native building blocks, and fine-tuning of pretrained foundational models.

Multi-Camera Sim2Deploy workflow

1. Simulation & Synthetic Data Generation (SDG)


Build & Simulate Scene

  • Create the scene in Isaac Sim using default pre-populated scene assets with characters and cameras or build your own custom environment.

  • Add characters & configure their behaviors through command files, the UI, or generate them randomly.

  • Set up the simulation by selecting a configuration file, adjusting simulation length, number of cameras, and other parameters as needed.

  • Specify the output directory and TAOWriter preferences for the generated synthetic data.

  • Run the simulation to generate the synthetic data. Note that simulation time depends on hardware performance and scene complexity.

  • Refer to the agent SDG getting started guide for visual illustrations and more detailed documentation.

Generate Synthetic Data

  • Use the configured Isaac Sim scene to generate images & videos from virtual cameras as input data for downstream vision AI applications like Multi-Camera Tracking. See the details in the SDG for multi-camera AI guide.

  • Generate automatically in Isaac Sim the camera calibration, ground truth (GT) data, and floor plan required by Multi-Camera Tracking reference workflow. Refer to the calibration GT generation documentation.

  • Find instructions for importing media & calibration data into multi-camera AI reference workflows in the next section.


While the initial development heavily relies on synthetic data, the Sim2Deploy workflow is designed to seamlessly integrate real-world data from IP cameras or recorded videos in later stages of development and deployment. This integration enhances the robustness and real-world applicability of the developed AI models and systems.

2. Deployment of Multi-Camera AI


Evaluate AI & Deployment Features

Import Custom Data and Calibration

  • Input custom videos or connect edge cameras, for real-time data, of real-world scenarios: camera addition guide.

  • Calibrate the cameras for more robust tracking and alignment with floor plans via a user-friendly web UI (not needed for OV digital twin as it can generate calibration ground truth via the ORA extension): real camera calibration guide.

Tune Parameters

  • Explore the multi-camera parameter tuning guide to learn about various parameter groups and how to tune them.

  • Update runtime parameters via the analytics API endpoint.

  • Adjust deployment-time parameters as needed.

  • Explore data-driven parameter tuning with PipeTuner: Automatic Accuracy Tuning guide.

3. Fine-Tuning of AI Models


Fine-Tune via TAO API

  • Choose between the REST API Notebook and the TAO Toolkit Notebook for fine-tuning.

  • Follow the step-by-step guide in the chosen notebook for environment setup, data formatting, training, evaluation, and exporting the model to ONNX.

  • Refer to the synthetic data augmenttion and general fine-tuning guides.

Integrate New Models