Forward Error Correction (FEC)

NVIDIA FreeBSD for ConnectX-4 and above Adapter Cards v3.7.1

Forward Error Correction, or FEC, is configurable per MLX5EN(4) device. The following set of sysctls define the API for FEC:


dev.mce.<N>.conf.fec.avail_50x: 0 0 0 0 dev.mce.<N>.conf.fec.mask_50x: 0 0 0 0 dev.mce.<N>.conf.fec.avail_10x_25x: 3 7 3 4 dev.mce.<N>.conf.fec.mask_10x_25x: 0 0 0 0 dev.mce.<N>.conf.fec.mode_active: 4

Note: The avail_xxx sysctl provides the available bits which you can set in the associated mask/masks. To get a description of the bit values, refer to the sysctl description available per variable. The mode_active sysctl gives the value of the currently active FEC method. A FEC mask of zero means that the default values should be used.

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