Document Revision History
Section "VF Msix_num/Queue Requirement"
Section "bf.cfg Parameters"
Section "NIC Mode for BlueField-2"
Section "Default Ports and OVS Configuration"
Section "SystemD Service"
Section "Updating Software Using Redfish"
Section "Sanitizing DPU eMMC and SSD Storage"
Section "How to perform graceful shutdown"
Section "BFB installation monitoring"
Page "Updating DPU Software Packages Using Standard Linux Tools"
Section "RShim Logging"
Section "NIC Mode"
Section "Enabling OVS-DPDK Hardware Offload"
Section "Enabling IPsec Packet Offload"
Section "Running strongSwan Example"
Section "Building strongSwan"
Section "IPsec Packet Offload and OVS Offload"
Section "NIC Mode"
Step 3 under section "PXE Server Preparations"
Section "Removing Previously Installed DOCA Runtime Packages"
Section "NIC Mode"
Sections "Connection Tracking With NAT" and "Querying Connection Tracking Offload Status" with conntack command for Ubuntu 22.04 kernels
Section "LAG Configuration"
Section "SystemD Service"
Page "QoS Configuration"
Section "bf.cfg Parameters"
Page "SoC Management Interface"
Section "Unable to load BL2, BL2R, or PSC image"
Section "Default Ports and OVS Configuration" with new step 2
Section "BlueField Linux Drivers" with gpio-mlxbf3, mlxbf-ptm, pwr-mlxbf, and pinctrl-mlxbf
Page "Updating DPU Software Packages Using Standard Linux Tools"
Page "UEFI Secure Boot"
Section "IPsec Hardware Offload: Full Offload" with Canonical note
Section "VirtIO-net PF Device Configuration" by removing ECPF_ESWITCH_MANAGER and ECPF_PAGE_SUPPLIER from step 4
Section "Virtio-net SR-IOV VF Device Configuration" by removing ECPF_ESWITCH_MANAGER and ECPF_PAGE_SUPPLIER from step 7.b
Section "vDPA over VirtIO Full Emulation"
Section "DHCP Client Configuration"
Section "Updating DPU Software Packages Using Standard Linux Tools"
Section "Creating Transitional Hotplug VirtIO-net PF Device"
Section "Upgrading Boot Software" by specifying that the "Reset EFI Variables" action also wipes the BOOT option variables and secure boot keys
Section "BlueField Linux Drivers"
Section "Configuring Uplink MTU"
Section "Disabling Host Networking PFs" by adding instructions for reactivating host networking for single-port DPUs
PXE_DHCP_CLASS_ID in section "bf.cfg Parameters"
Step 7 in section "Configuring Host Server Side"
Separated Mode from "Modes of Operation"
Section "Updating NVConfig Params"
Section "Enrolling New NVIDIA Certificates"
Section "bf.cfg Parameters"
Support for OpenSSL version 3.0.2 in section "PKA Use Cases"
Section "How to change the default network configuration during BFB installation"
Section "Firmware Upgrade"
Section "Customizations During BFB Installation"
Section "UEFI System Configuration"
Section "Enrolling Certificates Using Capsule"
Section "NIC Mode" with supported MLNX_OFED versions
Section "PKA Use Cases" with support for OpenSSL version 3.0.2
Section "GRUB Password Protection"
New note under step 2 in section "Default Ports and OVS Configuration"
Section "BlueField Linux Drivers"
Canonical db certificate to section "Existing DPU Certificates"
New note under section "Enrolling Certificates Using Capsule"
New power cycle note under section "Enabling Host Restriction"
New power cycle note under section "Disabling Host Restriction"
Section "NIC Mode"
Section "LAG on Multi-host"
New power cycle note under section "Disabling Host Networking PFs"
Section "PKA Prerequisites"
Section "OVS IPsec"
Section "Rate Limiting VF Group"
Note to section "User Frontend"
Section "Controller Live Update"
Code block in section "Customizations During BFB Installation"
Section "Building Your Own BFB Installation Image"
Section "Configuring VXLAN Tunnel"
Step 2 in section "Prerequisites"
Section "Enabling IPsec Full Offload"
Code block under step 1 in section "LAG Configuration"