NVIDIA Virtual GPU Software v6.0 through 6.4 Revision 02

NVIDIA Virtual GPU Software Documentation - v6.0 through 6.4 Revision 02 (all) - Last updated May 11, 2020 - Send Feedback -

NVIDIA Virtual GPU Software Documentation v6.0 through 6.4 Revision 02

Learn how to use NVIDIA® Quadro® Virtual Data Center Workstation (Quadro vDWS), NVIDIA GRID™ Virtual PC, and GRID Virtual Applications.

Supported Products
An at-a-glance summary of supported hardware, hypervisor software versions, and guest operating system (OS) releases for this release of NVIDIA virtual GPU software.
Quick Start Guide
Documentation for system administrators that provides minimal instructions for installing and configuring NVIDIA virtual GPU software.

Hypervisor Release Notes

Citrix XenServer
Current status, information on validated platforms, and known issues with NVIDIA virtual GPU software and hardware on Citrix XenServer.
Linux with KVM
Current status, information on validated platforms, and known issues with NVIDIA virtual GPU software and hardware on supported Linux with KVM hypervisors.
Microsoft Windows Server
Current status, information on validated platforms, and known issues with NVIDIA virtual GPU software and hardware on Microsoft Windows Server.
Nutanix AHV
Current status, information on validated platforms, and known issues with NVIDIA virtual GPU software and hardware on Nutanix AHV.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux with KVM
Current status, information on validated platforms, and known issues with NVIDIA virtual GPU software and hardware on Red Hat Enterprise Linux with KVM.
VMware vSphere
Current status, information on validated platforms, and known issues with NVIDIA virtual GPU software and hardware on VMware vSphere.

Virtual GPU and Pass-Through GPU

Virtual GPU Software User Guide
NVIDIA virtual GPU software enables multiple virtual machines (VMs) to have simultaneous, direct access to a single physical GPU, using the same NVIDIA graphics drivers that are deployed on non-virtualized operating systems.
gpumodeswitch User Guide
NVIDIA virtual GPU requires GPUs that support compute mode and graphics mode to operate in graphics mode. If your GPU supports both modes but is supplied in compute mode, you must use gpumodeswitch to change the mode of the GPU to graphics mode.

Virtual GPU Licensing

See NVIDIA Virtual GPU Software License Server Documentation to find the documentation for the release of the license server that you are using.

Client Licensing User Guide
NVIDIA® Quadro® Virtual Data Center Workstation (Quadro vDWS), NVIDIA GRID™ Virtual PC, and GRID Virtual Applications are available as licensed products on NVIDIA Tesla™ GPUs. To enable the full features of the vGPU, configure the licensing for these products. vGPUs that require licensing run at a reduced capability until a license is acquired.

Virtual GPU Software Management

See NVIDIA Virtual GPU Management Pack for VMware vRealize Operations Documentation to find the documentation for the release of the NVIDIA Virtual GPU Management Pack for VMware vRealize Operations that you are using.

Management SDK User Guide
The NVIDIA virtual GPU software management SDK enables third party applications to monitor and control all NVIDIA physical GPUs and virtual GPUs that are running on virtualization hosts.

© Copyright 2020, NVIDIA. Last updated on May 11, 2020.