NVIDIA Optical Flow SDK 5.0

NVOFA Programming Guide

NVIDIA GPUs starting from Turing generation contain a hardware-based optical flow accelerator (hereafter referred to as NVOFA). The NVOFA hardware accepts a pair of YUV/RGB frames as input and generates a map of flow vectors between the two frames. NVOFA engine’s capabilities can be accessed using the NVIDIA Optical Flow APIs (hereafter referred to as NVOF APIs), exposed via NVIDIA Optical Flow SDK.

This document provides information on how to program the NVOFA using the NVOF APIs exposed in the SDK. The NVOF APIs are supported on Windows (Windows 7 and above) and Linux.

It is expected that the developers should have familiarity with Windows and/or Linux development environment.

NVOF API guarantees backward compatibility (and will make explicit reference whenever backward compatibility is broken). This means that applications compiled with older versions of released API will continue to work on future driver versions released by NVIDIA.

The NVIDIA OFAPI is designed to accept raw video frames (8-bit YUV or RGB format) and output the flow vectors.

Broadly, the programing flow consists of the following steps:

  1. Create the optical flow context
  2. Initialize the NVOF API interface
  3. Allocate input/output buffers
  4. Set up the desired parameters
  5. Kick off the NVOFA engine
  6. Clean-up - release all allocated input/output buffers
  7. Close the session

These steps are explained in the rest of the document and demonstrated in the sample applications included in the Optical Flow SDK package.

Opening the session

Developers can create a client application that calls NVOF APIs exposed by nvOFAPI.dll for Windows or libnvidia-opticalflow.so for Linux. These libraries are installed as part of the NVIDIA display driver. The client application can link to these libraries at run-time using GetProcAddress() on Windows and dlsym() on Linux.

The NVIDIA OFAPI supports use of the following types of interfaces:

  • DirectX 11 - DirectX 11 is supported on Windows 8 and above.
  • DirectX 12 - DirectX 12 is supported on Windows 10 20H1 and above.
  • CUDA – CUDA interface is supported on Linux and Windows (Windows 7 and above).
  • Vulkan – Vulkan interface is supported on Linux and Windows (Windows 10 and above).


Depending upon the interface in use, the initialization steps are different.

DirectX 11 interface

Follow the steps listed below for initializing the DirectX 11 interface for Optical Flow.

  1. Load the optical flow module nvofapi.dll/nvofapi64.dll.
  2. Create an instance of ID3D11Device and ID3D11DeviceContext.
  3. Retrieve the address of exported function NvOFAPICreateInstanceD3D11 from the loaded optical flow module.
  4. Populate API function pointer list.
    • Call NvOFAPICreateInstanceD3D11 to populate NVOF API function pointer list.
    • The API accepts NV_OF_API_VERSION and a pointer NV_OF_D3D11_API_FUNCTION_LIST* to a memory block of function pointer list NV_OF_D3D11_API_FUNCTION_LIST that receives the NVOF APIs addresses.
    • The function pointers enable the access to the optical flow functionality.
  5. Create optical flow instance
    • Call NvCreateOpticalFlowD3D11 and pass the instance of ID3D11Device and ID3D11DeviceContext created in the previous step.
    • The API returns an NvOFHandle which should be preserved and used throughout the session.
  6. Call NvOFGetCaps to query the capabilities supported by the NVIDIA display driver and the GPU.
  7. Call NvOFInit after filling up NV_OF_INIT_PARAMS.

DirectX 12 interface

Follow the steps listed below for initializing the DirectX 12 interface for Optical Flow.

  1. Load the optical flow module nvofapi.dll/nvofapi64.dll.
  2. Create an instance of ID3D12Device.
  3. Retrieve the address of exported function NvOFAPICreateInstanceD3D12 from the loaded optical flow modue.
  4. Populate API function pointer list.
    • Call NvOFAPICreateInstanceD3D12 to populate API function pointer list.
    • The API accepts NV_OF_API_VERSION and a pointer NV_OF_D3D12_API_FUNCTION_LIST* to a memory block of function pointer list NV_OF_D3D12_API_FUNCTION_LIST that receives the API addresses.
    • The function pointers enable the access to the optical flow functionality.
  5. Create optical flow instance
    • Call NvCreateOpticalFlowD3D12 and pass the instance of ID3D12Device created in the previous step.
    • The API returns an NvOFHandle which should be preserved and used throughout the session.
  6. Call NvOFGetCaps to query the capabilities supported by the NVIDIA display driver and the GPU.
  7. Call NvOFInit after filling up NV_OF_INIT_PARAMS.

Cuda interface

Follow the steps listed below for initializing the CUDA interface.

  1. Create a CUDA context.
  2. Load optical flow module libnvidia-opticalflow.so.
  3. Retrieve the address of exported function NvOFAPICreateInstanceCuda from the loaded optical flow module.
  4. Populate API function pointer list.
    • Call NvOFAPICreateInstanceCuda to populate API function poitner list.
    • The API accepts NV_OF_API_VERSION and a pointer NV_OF_CUDA_API_FUNCTION_LIST* to a memory block of function pointer list NV_OF_CUDA_API_FUNCTION_LIST that receives the API address.
    • The function pointers enable the access to the optical flow functionality.
  5. Call NvCreateOpticalFlowCuda using the CUDA context created in the earlier step.
    • The client must pass NV_OF_API_VERSION as the first parameter of NvCreateOpticalFlowCuda.
    • The API returns a NvOFHandle which should be preserved and used all throughout the session.
  6. It is recommended to create CUDA streams and call NvOFSetIOCudaStreams for enabling internal preprocessing and post processing on the respective streams.
  7. Call NvOFGetCaps to query the capabilities supported by the NVIDIA display driver and the GPU.
  8. Call NvOFInit after filling up NV_OF_INIT_PARAMS.

Vulkan interface

Follow the steps listed below for initializing the Vulkan interface for Optical Flow.

  1. Load the optical flow module nvofapi.dll/nvofapi64.dll.
  2. Initialize Vulkan by creating a VkInstance with the VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2 extension enabled, and ensure that VkApplicationInfo::apiVersion is set to VK_API_VERSION_1_3 or higher.
  3. Select a physical device which supports VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore and VK_NV_optical_flow extensions.
  4. Query the queue family which supports VK_QUEUE_OPTICAL_FLOW_BIT_NV.
  5. Creating a logical device which enables
    • VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore, VK_NV_optical_flow extensions.
    • VkPhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphoreFeatures, VkPhysicalDeviceSynchronization2Features and VkPhysicalDeviceOpticalFlowFeaturesNV features.
    • A device queue for optical flow family along with other devices queue(s) for graphics, compute and/or other tasks.
  6. Retrieve the address of exported function NvOFAPICreateInstanceVk from the loaded optical flow module.
  7. Populate API function pointer list.
    • Call NvOFAPICreateInstanceVk to populate Vulkan API function pointer list.
    • The API accepts NV_OF_API_VERSION and a pointer NV_OF_VK_API_FUNCTION_LIST* to a memory block of function pointer list NV_OF_VK_API_FUNCTION_LIST that receives the API addresses.
    • The function pointers enable the access to the optical flow functionality.
  8. Create optical flow instance
    • Call nvCreateOpticalFlowVk and pass the VkInstance,VkPhysicalDevice,VkDevice created in the previous step.
    • The API returns an NvOFHandle which should be preserved and used throughout the session.
  9. Call NvOFGetCaps to query the capabilities supported by the NVIDIA display driver and the GPU.
  10. Call NvOFInit after filling up NV_OF_INIT_PARAMS.

After querying the capabilities, populate the following parameters of NV_OF_INIT_PARAMS:

  • Image height: The height of the image/video sequence for which the vectors will be evaluated.
  • Image width: The width of the image/video sequence for which the vectors will be evaluated.
  • Flag to enable external hints: NVOF API provides clients the flexibility for feeding external flow vectors which will be used as hints by NVOFA while performing the motion search.
  • Output grid size: Specify NV_OF_INIT_PARAMS::outGridSize. The flow vectors will be generated for the specified grid size.
  • Hint grid size: In case the client is using external hints, the hint grid size should be specified.
  • Preset – The NVOF API exposes three presets to trade quality vs performance.
  • Operating mode: The NVOFA can be used for generating optical flow vectors (which comprise X and Y components and is referred to as optical flow mode) or stereo vectors (which comprise only the X component and is referred to as stereo mode).
  • Enable output cost: Set this flag to generate confidence associated with the flow vectors. Higher cost value implies the flow vector to be less accurate and vice-versa. It is recommended to use the 8-bit cost (by allocating a buffer of type NV_OF_BUFFER_FORMAT_UINT8) instead of 32-bit cost as that saves CUDA bandwidth.
  • Disparity Range: This is valid from Ampere and later GPUs and applicable in NV_OF_MODE_STEREODISPARITY mode. It specifies maximum stereo disparity range value.
  • Enable ROI: Set the flag to estimate the flow for a rectangular region with in the image. Available on Ampere and later GPUs
  • Prediction direction: Direction of the prediction. Supports either forward or forward-backward directions.
  • Enable Global Flow: Global flow estimation is enabled when this flag is set.
  • Input buffer format:NV_OF_BUFFER_FORMAT for the input buffer.

After the session creation and initialization, client needs to allocate buffers needed for generating the optical flow/stereo vectors.

Buffer allocation for DirectX 11 interface

Follow these steps for allocating buffers when DirectX 11 interface is used.

  1. Call NvOFGetSurfaceFormatCountD3D11.
    • While making the call, the client should specify NV_OF_BUFFER_USAGE and NV_OF_MODE.
    • The function returns the count of DXGI_FORMATs supported by the interface.
  2. Allocate an array of DXGI_FORMATs. The size of the array should be at least equal to the count of DXGI_FORMATs returned in NvOFGetSurfaceFormatCountD3D11.
  3. Call NvOFGetSurfaceFormatD3D11.
    • While making the call, the client should specify NV_OF_BUFFER_USAGE, NV_OF_MODE and pointer to the memory that receives the supported DXGI_FORMATs.
  4. Allocate ID3D11Resource using CreateResource DirectX 11 API with required DXGI_FORMAT that is supported.
  5. Each of the allocated buffers should be registered with NVOF API by calling NvOFRegisterResourceD3D11.
    • The API returns a handle to the registered resource through NvOFGPUBufferHandle which will be used for accessing the buffer.

Buffer allocation for DirectX 12 interface

Follow these steps for allocating buffers when DirectX 12 interface is used.

  1. Call NvOFGetSurfaceFormatCountD3D12.
    • While making the call, the client should specify NV_OF_BUFFER_USAGE and NV_OF_MODE.
    • The function returns the count of DXGI_FORMATs supported by the interface.
  2. Allocate an array of DXGI_FORMATs. The size of the array should be at least equal to the count of DXGI_FORMATs returned in NvOFGetSurfaceFormatCountD3D12.
  3. Call NvOFGetSurfaceFormatD3D12.
    • While making the call, the client should specify NV_OF_BUFFER_USAGE, NV_OF_MODE and pointer to the memory that receives the supported DXGI_FORMATs.
  4. Allocate ID3D12Resource using ID3D12Device::CreateCommittedResource DirectX 12 API with required DXGI_FORMAT.
  5. Each of the allocated buffers should be registered with NVOF API by calling NvOFRegisterResourceD3D12.
    • The API NvOFRegisterResourceD3D12 accepts two NV_OF_FENCE_POINT objects (A fence point is a pair of ID3D12Fence pointer and a value), NV_OF_REGISTER_RESOURCE_PARAMS_D3D12::inputFencePoint and NV_OF_REGISTER_RESOURCE_PARAMS_D3D12::outputFencePoint. NVOFA waits until the NV_OF_REGISTER_RESOURCE_PARAMS_D3D12::inputFencePoint::fence reaches or exceeds the NV_OF_REGISTER_RESOURCE_PARAMS_D3D12::inputFencePoint::value before start of processing the resource. After processing of the resource, the NV_OF_REGISTER_RESOURCE_PARAMS_D3D12::outputFencePoint::fence is updated with the NV_OF_REGISTER_RESOURCE_PARAMS_D3D12::outputFencePoint::value.
    • The API returns a handle to the registered resource through NvOFGPUBufferHandle which will be used for accessing the buffer.

Buffer allocation for CUDA interface

Follow these steps for allocating buffers when CUDA interface is used.

  1. Fill up the NV_OF_BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR with the dimensions of the surface to be allocated, type of buffer (enumerated in NV_OF_BUFFER_USAGE) and available formats (enumerated inNV_OF_BUFFER_FORMAT).
  3. Call NvOFCreateGPUBufferCuda.

The API returns a handle to the allocated buffer through NvOFGPUBufferHandle which can be used for accessing the buffer.

Buffer allocation for Vulkan interface

Follow these steps for allocating buffers when vulkan interface is used.

  1. Call nvOFGetSurfaceFormatCountVk.
    • While making the call, the client should specify NV_OF_BUFFER_USAGE and NV_OF_MODE.
    • The function returns the count of VkFormat supported by the interface.
  2. Allocate an array of VkFormats. The size of the array should be at least equal to the count of VkFormats returned in nvOFGetSurfaceFormatCountVk.
  3. Call nvOFGetSurfaceFormatVk.
    • While making the call, the client should specify NV_OF_BUFFER_USAGE, NV_OF_MODE and pointer to the memory that receives the supported VkFormat.
  4. Allocate VkImage using vkCreateImage where Vulkan API with required VkFormat.
  5. Use vkCmdPipelineBarrier Vulkan API for the image memory barrier pipelining.
  6. Each of the allocated buffers should be registered with NVOF API by calling nvOFRegisterResourceVk.
    • The API nvOFRegisterResourceVk accepts vulkan image and its format.
    • After processing of the VkImage
    • The API returns a handle to the registered resource through NvOFGPUBufferHandle which will be used for accessing the buffer.

The process is same in DirectX 11 and CUDA interfaces. Due to explicit synchornization in DirectX 12, Vulkan the process is slightly different.

Depending on the client requirements and supported features, client can program additional fields to generate more data.

Flow vector is preresented by a 32-bit value with each horizontal and vertical compoment being 16-bit value. The lowest 5 bits holding fractional value, followed by a 10-bit integer value and the most significant bit being a sign bit.

DirectX 11 and CUDA

After the NVOF API is initialized and all buffers are allocated, client needs to follow the following steps to generate the flow vectors:

  1. Fill up the following fields in NV_OF_EXECUTE_INPUT_PARAMS
    • Handle to the input frame.
    • Handle to reference frame.
    • Handle to external motion vector hints buffer (in case NV_OF_INIT_PARAMS::enableExternalHints is enabled).
    • Flag to invalidate past temporal hints.
  2. Fill up the following fields in NV_OF_EXECUTE_OUTPUT_PARAMS
    • Handle to the output buffer where NVOFA will dump the flow vectors.
    • Handle to the cost buffer (in case NV_OF_INIT_PARAMS::enableOutputCost is enabled).
  3. Call NvOFExecute.
    • This API must be called for every pair of frames/images.
  4. The NVOFA will generate and store the flow vectors in NV_OF_EXECUTE_OUTPUT_PARAMS::outputBuffer.

DirectX 12

After the NVOF API is initialized and all buffers are allocated, client needs to follow the following steps to generate the flow vectors:

  1. Fill up the following fields in NV_OF_EXECUTE_INPUT_PARAMS_D3D12
    • Handle to the input frame.
    • Handle to reference frame.
    • Handle to external motion vector hints buffer (in case NV_OF_INIT_PARAMS::enableExternalHints is enabled).
    • Flag to invalidate past temporal hints.
    • A pointer to an array of input fence points NV_OF_FENCE_POINT. Since there are multiple input buffers and the data can be rendered to these buffers by different engines, application can use these fence points to synchronize NVOFA with other engines.
  2. Fill up the following fields in NV_OF_EXECUTE_OUTPUT_PARAMS_D3D12
    • Handle to the output buffer where NVOFA will dump the flow vectors.
    • Handle to the cost buffer (in case NV_OF_INIT_PARAMS::enableOutputCost is enabled).
    • A pointer to a NV_OF_FENCE_POINT which will be signaled when NVOFA is done with all processing.
  3. Call NvOFExecuteD3D12.
    • This API must be called for every pair of frames/images.
  4. The NVOFA will generate and store the flow vectors in NV_OF_EXECUTE_OUTPUT_PARAMS::outputBuffer.


After the NVOF API is initialized and all buffers are allocated, follow the following steps to generate the flow vectors:

  1. Fill up the following fields in NV_OF_EXECUTE_INPUT_PARAMS_VK
    • Handle to the input frame.
    • Handle to reference frame.
    • Handle to external motion vector hints buffer (in case NV_OF_INIT_PARAMS::enableExternalHints is enabled).
    • Flag to invalidate past temporal hints.
    • A pointer to an array of input semaphores NV_OF_SYNC_VK. Since there are multiple input buffers and the data can be rendered to these buffers by different engines, application can use these semaphores to synchronize NVOFA with other engines.
  2. Fill up the following fields in NV_OF_EXECUTE_OUTPUT_PARAMS_VK
    • Handle to the output buffer where NVOFA will dump the flow vectors.
    • Handle to the cost buffer (in case NV_OF_INIT_PARAMS::enableOutputCost is enabled).
    • A pointer to a NV_OF_SYNC_VK which will be signaled when NVOFA is done with all processing.
  3. Call NvOFExecuteVk.
    • This API must be called for every pair of frames/images.
  4. The NVOFA will generate and store the flow vectors in NV_OF_EXECUTE_OUTPUT_PARAMS::outputBuffer.

After completion of the session, client needs to free all allocated resources as explained below.

DirectX 11 Mode

Follow the steps listed below for doing all necessary cleanup:

  1. Unregister all the allocated resources by calling NvOFUnregisterResourceD3D11.
  2. Free all allocated resources.
  3. Call NvOFDestroy.
    • This NVOF API destroys the NVOF session and frees up all resources allocated internally by NVIDIA display driver.
  4. Destroy the DirectX 11 device context.
  5. Destroy the DirectX 11 device.

DirectX 12 Mode

Follow the steps listed below for doing all necessary cleanup:

  1. Unregister all the allocated resources by calling NvOFUnregisterResourceD3D12.
  2. Free all allocated resources.
  3. Call NvOFDestroy.
    • This NVOF API destroys the NVOF session and frees up all resources allocated internally by NVIDIA display driver.
  4. Destroy the DirectX 12 device.


Follow the steps listed below for doing all necessary clean up:

  1. Deallocate all allocated buffers by calling NvOFDestroyGPUBufferCuda.
  2. Call NvOFDestroy.
    • This NVOF API destroys the NVOF session and frees up all resources allocated internally by NVIDIA display driver.
  3. Destroy the CUDA streams if allocated.
  4. Destroy the CUDA context.

Vulkan Mode

Follow the steps listed below for doing all necessary cleanup:

  1. Unregister all the allocated resources by calling NvOFUnregisterResourceVk.
  2. Free all allocated resources.
  3. Call NvOFDestroy.
    • This NVOF API destroys the NVOF session and frees up all resources allocated internally by NVIDIA display driver.
  4. Destroy the VkDevice, VkInstance

The NVOF API supports the following additional features.

Query NVOF API Capabilities

Client should follow the steps below for querying various capabilities of NVOF API:

  1. Call NvOFGetCaps specifying the capability to be queried in NV_OF_CAPS.
  2. The NVOF API will fill up the supported value corresponding to the queried capability.

This NVOF API is supported for DirectX 11/12, Vulkan and CUDA modes. In order to make the application future-proof, it is strongly recommended that the clients check the capabilities returned by this API before using those capabilities.

Get last error encountered

Client can call NvOFGetLastError to query the last error encountered inside NVIDIA optical flow API/driver.

The NVOF API populates the output buffer with the description of the last error encountered.

This NVOF API is supported for both DirectX 11 and CUDA modes and could be helpful while troubleshooting.

Query maximum supported NVOF API version

Client application can use NvOFGetMaxSupportedApiVersion to retrieve the maximum NVOF API version supported by the underlying NVIDIA display driver.

Using this NVOF API a client application can support multiple versions of the NVIDIA driver and only use functionality supported by the specific NVOF API header version in the underlying NVIDIA display driver.

In other words, NvOFGetMaxSupportedApiVersion enables the clients to build applications which can work across different NVIDIA display driver versions supporting different NVOF API versions.

NvOFGetMaxSupportedApiVersion is supported for both DirectX 11/12, Vulkan and CUDA modes.

This NVOF API is supported in NVIDIA Optical Flow SDK 1.1 and above.

Region of Interest (ROI)

Starting GA100 GPU, NVOFA can generate flow vectors for a specified region within a frame which results to increased performance.

Follow the below steps for using the feature:

  1. Query the capability by calling NvOFGetCaps.
  2. If the feature is supported, then NV_OF_INIT_PARAMS::enableRoi should be set to 1.
  3. Specify the number of ROI and ROI coordinates for which the flow vectors need to be evaluated in NV_OF_EXECUTE_INPUT_PARAMS::numRois and NV_OF_EXECUTE_INPUT_PARAMS::roiData respectively.

Forward and backward flow (FB flow)

When NV_OF_INIT_PARAMS::predDirection is set to NV_OF_PRED_DIRECTION_BOTH, forward and backward flow will be generated in a single NvOFExecute/NvOFExecuteD3D12/NvOFExecuteVk API call.

Along with setting NV_OF_INIT_PARAMS::predDirection, client also needs to set the NV_OF_EXECUTE_OUTPUT_PARAMS::bwdOutputBuffer/ NV_OF_EXECUTE_OUTPUT_PARAMS_D3D12::bwdOutputBuffer and NV_OF_EXECUTE_OUTPUT_PARAMS::bwdOutputCostBuffer/ NV_OF_EXECUTE_OUTPUT_PARAMS_D3D12::bwdOutputCostBuffer if NV_OF_INIT_PARAMS::enableOutputCost flag is set which receives the backward flow output and cost respectively.

Forward flow represents the movement of pixels from input frame to reference frame. Backward flow represents the movement of pixels from reference frame to input frame.

Global flow vector

When NV_OF_INIT_PARAMS::enableGlobalFlow is set to NV_OF_TRUE, a global flow vector is estimated from forward flow in the same NvOFExecute/NvOFExecuteD3D12/NvOFExecuteVk API call.

Along with setting NV_OF_INIT_PARAMS::enableGlobalFlow, client also needs to set the NV_OF_EXECUTE_OUTPUT_PARAMS::globalFlowBuffer/ NV_OF_EXECUTE_OUTPUT_PARAMS_D3D12::globalFlowBuffer which receives the global flow vector.

  1. Minimize the number of CUDA contexts created.
    • As far as possible, use a shared CUDA context across multiple NVOF sessions. This helps avoid the memory and initialization overhead associated with CUDA context creation. If it’s not possible to use a single CUDA context, try to minimize the number of CUDA contexts created (e.g. use pooled contexts).
  2. Create and use distinct CUDA streams for preprocessing and postprocessing.
    • The NVOF API internally does pre-processing and post-processing using CUDA. Hence, creating and using distinct CUDA streams for preprocessing and postprocessing results in better pipelining and improves the throughput. If distinct CUDA streams are not specified, the NVOF API will use the NULL stream for all internal preprocessing and postprocessing operations which may adversely impact the overall throughput.
  3. Keep temporal hints enabled, which NVOF API enables by default.
    • NVOFA uses the flow vectors of earlier frame as hints for doing motion search, to take advantage of temporal correlation in a video sequence. Disable the temporal hints only if there is a-priori knowledge of no temporal correlation (e.g. a scene change, independent successive frame pairs).
  4. Pass good quality flow vectors as hints.
    • NVOF API provides the option for passing external hints. The external hints are given highest importance while performing the motion search by the hardware. Hence it is recommended to pass good quality flow vectors as hints, and not use the feature in case the hints are not of good quality.
  5. The client application should keep a pool of buffers for input and reference and use them in a round robin fashion.
    • NVOF API needs the input and reference frame for generating the flow vectors.
    • It is recommended for the client application to keep a pool of buffers for input and reference and use them in a round robin fashion. This ensures better pipelining by avoiding resource hazards at the cost of slightly increased memory footprint. For example, for first NvOFExecute, if buffer 1 is used as reference and buffer 2 is used as input, the second NvOFExecute should use buffer 3 as input and buffer 4 as reference. This avoids performance impact from synchronization overhead of reusing buffers. Generally, a buffer pool of 4-6 input buffers should suffice to saturate the hardware. Lower resolutions (say, below 480p) may require larger number of buffers to achieve high efficiency.
  6. Minimize PCIe transfers of raw image buffers (RGB/YUV) to improve performance.
    • If the input frames are available as raw YUV/RGB frames in system memory, it will be beneficial to preload as many frames in the video memory as possible. Typically, PCIe transfers of raw images requires large bandwidth and becomes a bottleneck in achieving high performance with optical flow. If preloading of the frames in video memory is not an option, try to pipeline the loading of the next batch of frames into the video memory while the optical flow engine is computing the flow vectors on the current set of frames.
    • Another option is to consider using H.264 or HEVC-encoded bitstreams for the frames and use GPU’s NVDEC engines to decode the frames just in time before sending to optical flow computation.
  7. Use SLOW preset in scenarios only where enough graphics engine bandwidth is available.
    • Using the SLOW preset may result in increase in graphics/CUDA engine utilization.
  8. Enable output cost to get the confidence on the flow vectors.
    • Higher cost value implies the flow vector to be less accurate and vice-versa.
  9. NVOF APIs are not thread safe.
    • If a NVOF API context is shared among multiple threads in a client application, then application needs to use appropriate synchronization mechanism (such as critical sections) to synchronize access to the shared NVOF API context.
  10. If NV_OF_MODE::NV_OF_MODE_STEREODISPARITY is specified, then the input image pair should be rectified i.e. vertical displacement across the input frame pair should be zero.
  11. When passing input frames to the NVOF API, no padding should be added to the frames.
  12. NvOFGetMaxSupportedApiVersion can be used to develop applications which can work across NVIDIA display driver versions supporting different NVOF API versions.
  13. It is recommended to use the 8-bit cost (by allocating a buffer of type NV_OF_BUFFER_FORMAT_UINT8) instead of 32-bit cost as that saves CUDA bandwidth. Support for 32-bit cost will be deprecated in future.


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