NVIDIA Optical Flow SDK 5.0

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System Requirements

Common to all OS platforms

Windows Configuration Requirements

  • Visual Studio 2017 and above along with latest Windows SDK
  • Plus all the requirements under System Requirements and Common to all OS platforms
  • Windows 10 or higher is required for Cuda, DirectX 11 and Vulkan interfaces
  • Windows 10 20H1 or higher is required for DirectX 12 interface

Linux Configuration Requirements

  • GCC 5.1 or newer is required to build and execute the sample applications.
  • Building the sample applications from this SDK requires the FreeImage library to be installed. This version of the SDK has been tested against FreeImage 3.18.0. The FreeImage interface is used to read image pairs for which the optical flow needs to be calculated. It is also used to generate flow-map of the flow vectors in *.png format. End users can
    • Install the library provided by their distribution. This is the recommended approach if the version of the distribution-provided library is the same as the one used for testing this SDK, or close to to it.
    • Build and install the library from source. The source code for this library can be downloaded from http://freeimage.sourceforge.net/download.html. When compiling FreeImage for the PowerPC architecture, users must add the line CFLAGS += -DPNG_POWERPC_VSX_OPT=0 to the Makefile.gnu file shipped as part of FreeImage, at the end of the existing set of lines which modify CFLAGS.
  • Plus all the requirements under System Requirements and Common to all OS platforms

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Configuration Requirements

  • Windows Subsystem for Linux is not supported with Vulkan interace.
  • Configuration requirements for WSL are same as those mentioned for Linux under Linux Configuration Requirements.
  • Additionally, directory /usr/lib/wsl/lib must be added to PATH environment variable, if not added by default. This is required to include path for the WSL libraries.

Building Basic Samples

Optical Flow SDK uses CMake for building the samples. To build the samples, follow these steps:


  1. Install all dependencies for Windows, as specified in Windows Configuration Requirements
  2. Extract the contents of the SDK into a folder.
  3. Create a subfolder named "build" in Optical_Flow_SDK_x.y.z/NvOFBasicSamples
  4. Open a command prompt in the "build" folder and run the following command, depending upon the version of Visual Studio on your computer.
    • Visual Studio 2019: cmake -G"Visual Studio 16 2019" -A"x64" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=. ..
    • Visual Studio 2017: cmake -G"Visual Studio 15 2017" -A"x64" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=. ..
    • Visual Studio 2015: cmake -G"Visual Studio 14 2015" -A"x64" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=. ..

This command will generate the necessary Visual Studio project files in the "build" folder. You can open NvOFSamples.sln file in Visual Studio and build.


  1. Install all dependencies for Linux, as specified in Linux Configuration Requirements.
  2. Extract the contents of the SDK into a folder.
  3. Create a directory named "build" in Optical_Flow_SDK_x.y.z/NvOFBasicSamples
  4. Inside the "build" directory, use the following commands to build samples in release mode.
    • make
    • sudo make install

This will build and install the binaries of the sample applications. The binaries will be copied to the "build/bin/x64" directory.

Windows Subsystem for Linux:

  1. Install all dependencies for WSL, as specified in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Configuration Requirements.
  2. Follow the build and installation steps as specified in Building Samples on Linux.

NvOFTracker: Build and Run Instructions


  1. CMake. Version >= 3.14

  2. Visual Studio for Windows 10. Visual Studio 2019 is recommended.

  3. CUDA. Version = 11.8. For linux, the recommended installation mechanism is debian installation

  4. cuDNN.Version = 8.6. For linux, the recommended installation mechanism is debian installation

  5. TensorRT.Version = 8.5. For linux, the recommended installation mechanism is debian installation. Trtexec is generally found at /usr/source/tensorrt/bin for linux

  6. Video Codec SDK. Version = 10.0

  7. Git.

  8. OpenCV. Refer OpenCV sub section in the Build sections

Windows 10 Build

Assume NvOFTracker is present here: C:/Users/TestPC/Downloads/OpticalFlowSDK/NvOFTracker. All paths below are relative to this path (unless specified otherwise)

CUDA, cuDNN, TensorRT(TRT)

Use the individual installation instruction for each of these libraries.

  1. For cuDNN, copy each of the bin, lib and include folder contents to the corresponding folders in the cuda tool kit. This will let applications automatically search for cudnn header, libs and binaries as cuda toolkit is already in path

  2. For TRT you can could do the same as above. If you choose not to, then add the lib folder (contains dlls) to path so that applications can find them at runtime.

Video Codec SDK

On downloading Video Codec SDK, if the folder VideoCodecSDK represents the root, then add VideoCodecSDK/Samples/External/FFmpeg/lib/x64 to path so the necessary ffmpeg dlls are found by the application at run time.


Use the install script(Scripts/installOCV_Windows.sh) to install opencv. Note that you will need Git installed and you will need to run the installation script in Git bash. When all is done, there should be an install folder in the current directory. Go to Scripts/Install/opencv/x64/vc14/bin and copy the entire path and add it to your system Path variable. This will help applications find the opencv related dlls at run time.

NvOFTSample and NvOFTracker:

Steps to build:

  1. Do, cd C:/Users/TestPC/Downloads/OpticalFlowSDK/NvOFTracker && mkdir build && cd build

  2. Run, cmake -DOpenCV_DIR=opencvDir -DTRT_ROOT=trtRoot -DVIDEOCODEC_SDK_ROOT=videocodecsdkroot ..

    • replace opencvDir with the directory containing OpenCVConfig.cmake (generally under Scripts/Install/opencv folder)

    • replace trtRoot with the location of TensorRT root in your downloads (For eg. C:/Users/TestPC/Downloads/TensorRT-8.x.y.z.Windows10.x86_64.cuda-11.p.cudnn8.q/TensorRT-8.x.y.z)

    • replace videocodecsdk with the location of Video Codec SDK root (necessarily the folder containing samples folder, VideoCodecSDK/Samples)

  3. In the current directory there will be VS solution file with name NvOFTrackerMain.sln. Open it and build the INSTALL project.

  4. The above will create a folder called bin. This folder will contain nvoftracker.dll library and NvOFTSample executable.

Linux Build

Assume NvOFTRacker is present here: /home/Downloads/OpticalFlowSDK/NvOFTracker. All paths below are relative to this path (unless specified otherwise)

CUDA, cuDNN, TensorRT

Use the individual installation instruction for each of these libraries. Use debian installation so that all paths are configured.

Video Codec SDK

Unlike windows, the ffmpeg libraries need to be built for linux. You can find the source of ffmpeg shipped as part of ffmpeg. If VideoCodecSDK is the root then VideoCodecSDK/Samples/External/FFmpeg/src will contain the zipped src folder. Steps to build:

  1. Unzip the source folder. cd into the folder.

  2. ./configure --enable-shared

  3. make -j 8

  4. sudo make install

This will install the ffmpeg libraries which then can be used by app.


Use the install script(Scripts/installOCV_Linux.sh) to install opencv. Make sure ffmpeg is built before running this script. Please run dos2unix installOCV_Linux.sh in case there are line ending related issues.

NvOFTSample and NvOFTracker:

Steps to build:

  1. Do, cd /home/Downloads/OpticalFlowSDK/NvOFTracker && mkdir build && cd build

  2. Run, cmake -DOpenCV_DIR=opencvDir -DVIDEOCODEC_SDK_ROOT=videocodecsdkroot ..

    • replace opencvDir with the directory containing OpenCVConfig.cmake (generally under Build/opencv folder)

    • replace videocodecsdk with the location of Video Codec SDK root (necessarily the folder containing samples folder, VideoCodecSDK/Samples)

  3. In case you followed tar installation for TensorRT then Run, cmake -DOpenCV_DIR=opencvDir -DVIDEOCODEC_SDK_ROOT=videocodecsdkroot -DTRT_ROOT=trtRoot ..

    • replace opencvDir with the directory containing OpenCVConfig.cmake (generally under Build/opencv folder)

    • replace videocodecsdk with the location of Video Codec SDK root (necessarily the folder containing samples folder, VideoCodecSDK/Samples)

    • replace trtRoot with the location of TensorRT root

  4. Run make install

  5. The above will create a folder called bin. This folder will container libnvoftracker.so library and NvOFTSample executable.

Running applications

Building TensorRT Detector Engine:

You will need to build Tensorrt engine(.trt file) for the detector to be used in NvOFTSample. There is an onnx model of YOLOv3 detector at the below location:


you will need to use the above onnx to generate TRT engine. Note that onnx file is platform and GPU agnostic. But that is not the case of trt engine. TRT engine is specific to Operating System and GPU being used. Steps:

  1. Navigate to directory containing trtexec.

    • For Windows, go to your TRT download location. Navigate to bin folder which contains trtexec.

    • For Linux, suggested method is to do sudo find / -name trtexec. This will spew the location. Generally it is under /usr/src/tensorrt/bin.

  2. Use the following command to create the engine file.

    • Windows trtexec --onnx=C:/Users/TestPC/Downloads/OpticalFlowSDK/NvOFTracker/NvOFTSample/detector/models/yolov3.onnx --saveEngine="yolov3.trt"

    • Linux trtexec --onnx=/home/Downloads/OpticalFlowSDK/NvOFTracker/NvOFTSample/detector/models/yolov3.onnx --saveEngine="yolov3.trt" Note that --onnx yolov3.trt will be created in the current directory. You can choose to provide some other location as well.


Run NvOFTSample to see the help menu. Use the engine generated above to run the samples. NvOFTSample only supports avi format for the -o parameter.


Mandatory Parameters -i Input video file -e TensorRT Engine file for Detector Optional Parameters: -o Output video file -fT Filename to dump tracked objects -dC Dump tracked objects to Console -sI Detection skip interval. Must be 0 or greater -g GPU Id on which the tracker needs to run. Default is 0`

NvFRUC: Build and Run Instructions


NVIDIA Optical Flow SDK v4.0 includes Frame Rate Up Conversion (FRUC) library that exposes FRUC APIs and source code of NvOFFRUCSample application.

NvOFFRUCSample application demonstrates use of FRUC APIs for frame rate up-conversion of video using NVIDIA optical flow at very high performance.

This section provides information on how to build and run NvOFFRUCSample application.

Common Prerequisites

Windows Prerequisites

Linux Prerequisites

Windows 10 Build

Assume NvFRUCSample is present at this path


All paths mentioned below are relative to the above path (unless specified otherwise).

Target directory for Windows build is following


Above directory has following sub-directories that contain few required prebuilt dlls' as follows

  • win32: Contains NvFRUC.dll and cudart32_110.dll

  • win64: Contains NvFRUC.dll and cudart64_110.dll

Steps to build

  1. To build the samples, first run the following command

    cd C:/Users/TestPC/Downloads/OpticalFlowSDK/NvFRUCSample && mkdir build && cd build

  2. Run the following command

    • For 64-bit build

      cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" ..

    • For 32-bit build

      cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -A "Win32" ..

    Please note “..” at the end of command. In case you haven’t added cmake to environment variable Path, please follow instructions under "Windows" sub-section of Installing CMake.

    This will create Visual Studio solution files in the following directory


  3. Run the following command

    cmake --build . --target install --config release

    If 32-bit build was chosen, this step will copy 32-bit FreeImage.dll and NvFRUCSample.exe to win32 directory else for 64-bit build it will copy 64-bit FreeImage.dll and NvFRUCSample.exe to win64 directory.

    FreeImage.dll is necessary for the NvFRUCSample to run.

Linux Build

Assume NvFRUCSample is present at this path


All paths mentioned below are relative to the above path (unless specified otherwise).

Target directory for Linux build is as follows

/home/Downloads/OpticalFlowSDK/NvFRUCSample/bin Above directory has following sub-directories that contain few required prebuilt libraries as follows

  • ubuntu: Contains NvFRUC.so and libcudart.so.11.6.55

Steps to build

  1. Run the following command to create build directory

    cd /home/Downloads/OpticalFlowSDK/NvFRUCSample && mkdir build && cd build

  2. Run the following command to create makefile

    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

  3. Run the following command to create NvFRUCSample executable and install it in ubuntu directory

    make && make install

Running applications

Open command prompt and cd to following directories

  • Windows
    • 32-bit


    • 64-bit


  • Linux
    • /home/Downloads/OpticalFlowSDK/NvOFFRUC/NvOFFRUCSample/bin/ubuntu

Above directories have binary of NvOFFRUCSample application and all dependencies to run it. If the application is being run on Linux OS, first you need to create symbolic link to libcudart as follows

  1. cd to following directory where NvOFFRUCSample executable is built. In our example,

    cd /home/Downloads/OpticalFlowSDK/NvOFFRUC/NvOFFRUCSample/bin/ubuntu

  2. ln -s libcudart.so.11.6.55 libcudart.so.11.0
  3. ln -s libcudart.so.11.0 libcudart.so
  4. chmod +x NvOFFRUCSample

If the application is being run in WSL you need to export path as follows

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/wsl/lib/:./

You can now run NvOFFRUCSample application from command prompt with appropriate command line.

Do not run the sample application executable with elevated permission.

To view help on supported command line parameters, run NvOFFRUCSample application without any command line parameters.

Here is snapshot showing help menu.


Mandatory Parameters --input Input name , Path must be Absolute --width Input frame width --height Input frame height --output Output Directory to store results, Path could be Absolute or Relative Optional Parameters --surfaceformat Surface format : Set 0 for NV12, 1 for ABGR --startframe Start processing from this frame index --endframe Process till this frame index --allocationtype Specify 0 to create CUDA and 1 to create DX allocations --cudasurfacetype Specify 0 to create cuDevicePtr and 1 for cuArray, please note this option takes effect only if client wants to use CUDA code path

Application accepts input video either as YUV file or as sequence of PNG frames. In case of PNG frames you need to follow some conventions in naming sequence of frames as described in example below.

Here are two examples of command line for Windows OS.

  • Input video as YUV file

    Path to input YUV file must not contain whitespaces.

    In this case the application takes a video file in YUV420 format and interpolates intermediate frames between every two adjacent frames. It then interleaves these interpolated frames with original frames to generates output video. The output video thus generated has double the framerate as that of input. e.g. 30 fps to 60 fps.

    Here is an example of command line:


    NvOFFRUCSample.exe --input=C:\fruc\inputfile.yuv --width=1920 --height=1080 --output=C:\fruc\outputdir

    Here inputfile.yuv is video file with frame width 1920 and frame height 1080."C:\fruc\outputdir" is the output directory where frame rate up converted YUV file will be saved. Application generates output file with name FRUC_(input file name).yuv. e.g. if input file name is inputfile.yuv, output would be named as "FRUC_inputfile.yuv".

  • Input video as sequence of PNG frames

    Path to input sequence of PNG frames is case sensitive.

    In this case the application takes sequence of frames in PNG format, interpolates intermediate frames between every two frames and saves those in PNG format.

    Here are few conventions you need to follow for naming sequence of PNG frames.

    Names of all .png files should have a common string followed by a numeric value.

    For example:

    • rainbow_0001, rainbow_0002, rainbow_0003 and so on.
    • flower01, flower02, flower03 and so on.

    Number of digits in the numeric part should be the same for all the files.

    If required you could pad 0's before the number.

    You need to give “--input” parameter in following format <directory containing png files>\<common string in file name><*><.png>

    In case of above examples you need to give path in the following way

    • C:\wonders\rainbow_*.png
    • C:\nature\flower*.png

    Sample application interpolates the images and saves them in the folder mentioned in the “--output” parameter with the following names in case of the above example.

    • rainbow_0001_interpolated, rainbow_0002_interpolated, rainbow_0003_interpolated and so on
    • flower01_interpolated, flower02_interpolated, flower03_interpolated and so on

    Here is an example of the command line that you could use in case of PNG frame sequence starting with name rainbow mentioned above.


    NvOFFRUCSample.exe --input=C:\fruc\wonders\rainbow_*.png --width=1920 --height=1080 --output=C:\fruc\outputdir

In the example above, width of input frames is 1920 and height is 1080. Sample application will interpolate frames between every two frames and will save them in the folder "C:\fruc\outputdir" with naming convention as mentioned above.


NvFRUCSample application generates log that can help with diagnostics. Log file logFRUCError.txt is created at following location.

  • Windows

    "C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\NvFRUC\logFRUCError.txt"

  • Linux

    Log file ./NVFRUC/logFRUCError.txt will be created in the folder where NvFRUCSample binary got executed.

    Assume NvFRUCSample binary got executed from following location


    In this case log file would be created at following location



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NVIDIA makes no representation or warranty that products based on this document will be suitable for any specified use. Testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed by NVIDIA. It is customer’s sole responsibility to evaluate and determine the applicability of any information contained in this document, ensure the product is suitable and fit for the application planned by customer, and perform the necessary testing for the application in order to avoid a default of the application or the product. Weaknesses in customer’s product designs may affect the quality and reliability of the NVIDIA product and may result in additional or different conditions and/or requirements beyond those contained in this document. NVIDIA accepts no liability related to any default, damage, costs, or problem which may be based on or attributable to: (i) the use of the NVIDIA product in any manner that is contrary to this document or (ii) customer product designs.


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