Aerial SDK 23-3
Aerial SDK 23-3

Running cuBB End-to-End

Beyond the cuPHY layer 1 PHY software SDK and its standalone examples, this section describes how to build and run the cuBB software components shown in the block diagram below.

  • The cuPHYController block operates between the L2+ layer and the RU interface. It interfaces through cuPHY and GPU-DPDK to operate the GPU and the NIC.

  • The RU Emulator emulates the network traffic of an RU.

  • The TestMAC provides the L2+ traffic interface.

The cuPHYController is exercised with an environment between the RU Emulator and the TestMAC.


The L1/L2 interface is based on the 5G FAPI 222.10.02 with partial 222.10.04 defined by the Small Cell Forum (SCF). For the supported message and PDU types and exceptions, refer to cuBB Release Notes.

The following procedure describes the steps for building the end-to-end components in the cuBB SDK.

Inside the cuBB container, use the following command:


$ cd /opt/nvidia/cuBB $ export cuBB_SDK=$(pwd)

Create and navigate to the build directory:


$ mkdir build && cd build

Choose one of the RU types:

  • If building with static SFN slot numbers for the RU Emulator test, then execute the following:



  • If building for dynamic SFN slot numbers (eLSU/O-RU Integration), then execute the following:


$ cmake ..

Choose the build option(s):

  • If building to enable supported FAPI 10.04 fields (e.g., SRS), then add the flag shown below:


$ cmake .. <existing flags> -DSCF_FAPI_10_04=ON

  • If building to run Test Mode (TM) tests, then add the flag shown below:


$ cmake .. <existing flags> -DENABLE_CONFORMANCE_TM_PDSCH_PDCCH=ON

Here is the table of supported build variants:

RU Type \ Build Options

FAPI 10.02:

Default (no build flag)

Enable FAPI 10.04 fields:


Enable TestMode:


Keysight eLSU: Default (no build flag) cmake .. * N/A N/A

When building for E2E test, “-DENABLE_L2_SLT_RSP=ON” is enabled by default in the cmake build options and requires the L2 to support the vendor-specific message “SLOT.response”. If the L2 doesn’t support it, “-DENABLE_L2_SLT_RSP=OFF” should be included in the cmake build option to turn off this feature in L1.

ENABLE_L2_SLT_RSP=ON is recommended.

Option ENABLE_L2_SLT_RSP should be configured with the same value in L1, L2 and standalone build for L2: (1) L1: cuBB_SDK. (2) standalone build for L2. Refer to ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/gt_common_libs/ (3) L2: gNB DU code whih includes nv_ipc.h. To confirm whether it was enabled, may run “grep ENABLE_L2_SLT_RSP build/CMakeCache.txt” for (1) and (2), print sizeof(nv_ipc_t) in L2 code for (3).

To build all components of the SDK, use these commands:


$ cd ${cuBB_SDK}/build $ make -j $(nproc --all)

To build only the cuPHY, use these commands:


$ cd ${cuBB_SDK}/build/cuPHY $ make -j $(nproc --all)

To build only the Test MAC, use these commands:


$ cd ${cuBB_SDK}/build/cuPHY-CP/testMAC $ make -j $(nproc --all)

To build only the cuPHY controller, use these commands:


$ cd ${cuBB_SDK}/build/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller $ make -j $(nproc --all)

To build only the cuPHY driver, use these commands:


$ cd ${cuBB_SDK}/build/cuPHY-CP/cuphydriver $ make -j $(nproc --all)

To build only the RU emulator, use these commands:


$ cd ${cuBB_SDK}/build/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator $ make -j $(nproc --all)

To compile the Aerial code in the container on a devkit or DellR750 machine that has isolcpus restricting cores, you can override isolcpus to use, for example cores 10-20, with the following command


$ sudo chrt -r 1 sudo -u aerial taskset -c 10-20 ninja # for ninja-based builds, or $ sudo chrt -r 1 sudo -u aerial taskset -c 10-20 make -j # for make-based builds

This section describes which config parameters to modify to run end-to-end.

Server #1 (to Run TestMAC and cuPHYController)

Check and edit the following parameters in the .yaml file:

  • Edit the NIC PCIe address to match the NIC hardware PCIE address. On Aerial Devkit server, we are using address 0000:b5:00.0:


$ sed -i "s/ nic:.*/ nic: 0000:b5:00.0/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08.yaml

  • Check the GPU ID for the GPU that is sharing the PCIe switch with the NIC. The gpus parameter shown below has a default value of 0 for a GPU ID of 0. If GPU 0 is not the GPU you want to use, replace 0 in the sed command line and run it:


    $ sed -i "/gpus:/{n;s/.*/    - 0/}" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08.yaml

    If the system has only one GPU card, we can keep the default setting of 0.

    To identify which GPU is sharing the PCIe switch with the NIC, use the following command:


    $ nvidia-smi topo -m

    In the output, look for the GPU connected to the NIC with connection type of PIX (where they intersect in the table). In the example below, GPU 0 in the column is the one with the PIX intersecting with Mellanox mlx5_0 and mlx5_1. GPU ID value of 0 is what we want to use for the .yaml gpus parameter.


    GPU0 mlx5_0 mlx5_1 CPU Affinity GPU0 X PIX PIX 0-23 mlx5_0 PIX X PIX mlx5_1 PIX PIX X

    The meaning of PIX is defined below:


    X = Self SYS = Connection traversing PCIe as well as the SMP interconnect between NUMA nodes (e.g., QPI/UPI) NODE = Connection traversing PCIe as well as the interconnect between PCIe Host Bridges within a NUMA node PHB = Connection traversing PCIe as well as a PCIe Host Bridge (typically the CPU) PXB = Connection traversing multiple PCIe bridges (without traversing the PCIe Host Bridge) PIX = Connection traversing at most a single PCIe bridge NV# = Connection traversing a bonded set of # NVLinks


Aerial-SDK expects the set of eAxCid ports to be the same between DL and UL channels excluding PRACH, respectively. Make sure the same set of port indices in the .yaml configuration file are configured for DL channels i.e., PDSCH, PDCCH, SSB/PBCH, CSI-RS and UL channels i.e., PUSCH and PUCCH, such as eAxC_id_pusch: [0,8] and eAxC_id_pucch: [0,8] for UL channels. The number of eAxCid ports between DL and UL channels does not need to be the same.

Server #2 (to Run RU emulator)

The RU Emulator reads a configuration file located at: $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml

Before running the ru-emulator, please modify the config.yaml to match your server system hardware settings.

There are two parameters (highlighted below) to modify in this config.yaml file:


# PCI Address of NIC interface used nic_interface: b5:00.0 # MAC address of cuPHYController port in use on server#1 peerethaddr: 1c:34:da:ff:ff:fe

Update the nic_interface and peerethaddr according to the systems used. Look up the addresses of these NIC interfaces.

  • nic_interface is the NIC port PCIe bus address on the system running RU Emulator. Replace 0000:b5:00.0 with the PCIe address of NIC that will be used.

  • peerethaddr is the NIC port MAC address on the system running cuPHYController. Replace the MAC address with the MAC address of the NIC used in Server#1

Replace 0000:b5:00.0 with the PCIe address of NIC port that will be used:


$ sed -i "s/nic_interface.*/nic_interface: 0000:b5:00.0/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml

Replace the MAC address with the MAC address of the NIC port used in Server#1:


$ sed -i "s/peerethaddr.*/peerethaddr: 1c:34:da:ff:ff:fe/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml

Run the below command on the host to identify the correct PCIe address to be used and the MAC address.


$ sudo lshw -c network -businfo Bus info Device Class Description ========================================================= pci@0000:05:00.0 eno1 network I210 Gigabit Network Connection pci@0000:06:00.0 enp6s0 network I210 Gigabit Network Connection pci@0000:b5:00.0 ens6f0 network MT2892 Family [ConnectX-6 Dx] pci@0000:b5:00.1 ens6f1 network MT2892 Family [ConnectX-6 Dx] vethdf87878 network Ethernet interface

To find the MAC address of the NIC port, run the following command:


$ ifconfig -a … 68: ens6f0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1514 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000 link/ether 1c:34:da:ff:ff:fe brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet6 fe80::bace:f6ff:fe33:fe16/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 69: ens6f1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000 link/ether 1c:34:da:ff:ff:ff brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet6 fe80::bace:f6ff:fe33:fe17/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

The MAC addresses of the NIC port will be under the label of link/ether.

This section describes how to run the various cuBB software components together. Here, the cuBB utilizes both the GPU and the NIC for cuPHY L1 compute and for network data traffic acceleration.

A network connection is used between the two servers to physically connect the RU Emulator and the cuBB gNB software stack.


To verify PTP4L and PHC2SYS Services are Running, run the following commands on the host:


$ sudo systemctl status ptp4l.service … # check that the service is active and has low rms value (<30): $ sudo systemctl status phc2sys.service

Verify the System Clock is Synchronized and NTP is off:


$ timedatectl Local time: Thu 2022-02-03 22:30:58 UTC Universal time: Thu 2022-02-03 22:30:58 UTC RTC time: Thu 2022-02-03 22:30:58 Time zone: Etc/UTC (UTC, +0000) System clock synchronized: yes NTP service: inactive RTC in local TZ: no

Build and load the GDRCopy kernel driver:


$ cd ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/external/gdrcopy/ $ make $ ./

This section describes how to run the cuBB end-to-end using the SCF FAPI.

There are three use case examples:

  • Use case 1: testMAC + SCF L2 Adapter Standalone

  • Use case 2: testMAC + cuPHYController_SCF + RU Emulator

  • Use case 3: testMAC + cuPHYController_SCF + RU Emulator P5G PRACH

Execute the following command before running cuphycontroller, test_mac and ru_emulator.


export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/mellanox/dpdk/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:\ /opt/mellanox/doca/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu

In some system environments, export may not work; in this case, add the value before the command:


sudo -E LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/mellanox/dpdk/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:\ /opt/mellanox/doca/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu \ $cuBB_SDK/build/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/examples/cuphycontroller_scf

For the cuphycontroller session we also need to export the GDRCOPY_PATH_L


$ export GDRCOPY_PATH_L=$cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/external/gdrcopy/src

Running testMAC + SCF L2 Adapter Standalone

  1. Build all the modules as described in the Building cuBB for End-to-End chapter.

  2. Run l2adapter in standalone mode:


sudo $cuBB_SDK/build/cuPHY-CP/scfl2adapter/scf_app/cuphycontroller\ /l2_adapter_cuphycontroller_scf

  1. Run testMAC after l2adapter starts.

You can run different cases:


sudo $cuBB_SDK/build/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac <Fxx> <xC> [-- channels <CHANNELS>] --no-validation



sudo $cuBB_SDK/build/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac F08 1C --no-validation sudo $cuBB_SDK/build/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac F08 2C --no-validation sudo $cuBB_SDK/build/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac F08 3C --no-validation sudo $cuBB_SDK/build/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac F08 4C --no-validation

  1. Test result and test log: In the testMAC terminal output below, you can see the TTI tick counter and throughput:


08:32:15.793986 Cell 0 | DL 1586.28 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 249.10 Mbps 400 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 150 | INV 0 08:32:15.793996 Cell 1 | DL 1586.28 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 249.10 Mbps 400 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 150 | INV 0 08:32:15.794000 Cell 2 | DL 1586.28 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 249.10 Mbps 400 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 150 | INV 0 08:32:15.794003 Cell 3 | DL 1586.28 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 249.10 Mbps 400 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 150 | INV 0

Running testMAC + cuPHYController_SCF + RU Emulator

Common Configurations: Configure the NIC address in the following configuration files.

  • cuphycontroller_F08.yaml

  • cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml


Replace 0000:b5:00.0 with the PCIe address of NIC port that will be used to connect to Server#2 (RU emulator):


sed -i "s/ nic:.*/ nic: 0000:b5:00.0/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_*.yaml

To enable early HARQ set pusch_subSlotProcEn to 1 in cuphycontroller config


sed -i "s/ pusch_subSlotProcEn:.*/ pusch_subSlotProcEn: 1/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_*.yaml

To activate early HARQ set uciIndPerSlot to 2 in test_mac_config.yaml


sed -i "s/ uciIndPerSlot :.*/ uciIndPerSlot : 2/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml


This split UCI.indication with early-HARQ feature is enabled only in FAPI 10.04. So to enable this feature build with compilation flag -DSCF_FAPI_10_04=ON. This feature will get enabled at cuPHY if pusch_subSlotProcEn is set to 1 in cuphycontroller config. But cuPHY will not report early HARQ for UCI on PUSCH till L2 sends config.request with TLV 0x102B indicationInstancesPerSlot.UCI.indication = 2. To instruct testMac to send this TLV in config.request set uciIndPerSlot to 2 in test_mac_config.yaml


Replace 0000:b5:00.0 with the PCIe address of NIC that will be used. Replace the MAC address with the MAC address of the NIC used in Server#1 (the server running cuPHYController and testMAC)


sed -i "s/nic_interface.*/nic_interface: 0000:b5:00.0/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml sed -i "s/peerethaddr.*/peerethaddr: 1c:34:da:ff:ff:fe/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml

The nvlog level can be changed in $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY/nvlog/config/nvlog_config.yaml if needed. For example, to change to console only log level:


name: phy - shm_log_level:5 # SHM log level + shm_log_level: 3 # SHM log level console_log_level: 3 # Console log level


Before running cuBB test case, please restart MPS in each run. Run the following commands to export environment variables and restart MPS in the cuphycontroller terminal (do not run this for test_mac and ru-emulator).


# Export variables export CUDA_DEVICE_MAX_CONNECTIONS=8 export CUDA_MPS_PIPE_DIRECTORY=/var export CUDA_MPS_LOG_DIRECTORY=/var # Stop existing MPS sudo -E echo quit | sudo -E nvidia-cuda-mps-control # Start MPS sudo -E nvidia-cuda-mps-control -d sudo -E echo start_server -uid 0 | sudo -E nvidia-cuda-mps-control

Execute the following command to export the dpdk link path before running cuphycontroller and test_mac.


export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$cuBB_SDK/gpu-dpdk/build/install/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu

Export may not work in some system environments. In this case, add the value before command as shown in the following example:


sudo -E LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$cuBB_SDK/gpu-dpdk/build/install/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu ./cuphycontroller_scf

Execute the following command to disable GPU(if there is one) for ru_emulator.



Export may not work in some system environments. In this case, add the value before command as shown in the following example:


sudo -E CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="" ./ru_emulator xxx

Without CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=””, below log will be seen when ru_emulator is started with a GPU on the host(It will not affect the functionality though)


15:15:56.251444 [FH.FLOW] [/opt/nvidia/cuBB/cuPHY-CP/aerial-fh-driver/lib/flow.cpp:201] cuda failed with invalid argument

For running on an R750 machine, we also need to be NUMA aware to get best performance:

Check which NUMA the GPU is on, and configure the CPUs used/numactl accordingly.

Configure the workers in ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml to use CPUs on the same NUMA node:


workers_ul: - 5 - 7 workers_dl: - 11 - 13 - 15

Use numactl to ensure the memory allocation is also on the right NUMA node for the process:


sudo -E numactl -N 1 -m 1 ./cuphycontroller_scf F08_R750 sudo -E numactl -N 1 -m 1 ./test_mac x

Running the F08 Test Cases

Configure the cell_group in ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08*.yaml: Set cell_group to 1 and set cell_group_num to the number of cells to run.

For running on a A100x R750 machine: Configure the cell_group in ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml:

For example, to run 1C:


cell_group: 1 cell_group_num: 1

To run 2C:


cell_group: 1 cell_group_num: 2

To run 3C:


cell_group: 1 cell_group_num: 3

To run 4C:


cell_group: 1 cell_group_num: 4

F08 traffic patterns:

For Patterns 59 and 60, we need to enable the OTA conformance features in cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml:


pusch_tdi: 1 pusch_cfo: 1 pusch_to: 1 pusch_dftsofdm: 0 pusch_select_eqcoeffalgo: 1 puxch_polarDcdrListSz: 8

For Patterns 60 we need to set the pusch_nMaxPrb for each cell in cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml:


pusch_nMaxPrb: 136

To test 4T 4R TDD 7 beams series 59 and 60 with 80 slot patterns have been generated:

  • Series 59: 12C peak cells, 7 beams, Full BW CSI-RS, OTA, 4 UL streams, same as the old pattern 46, but slot 5 has 4 PRACH occasions
    • PDSCH: 6 UEG / slot, MCS 27, 45 PRBs / UEG, (42 PRBs / UEG when having SSB)

    • PUSCH: 6 UEG / slot, MCS 27, 45 PRBs / UEG, (37 PRBs / UEG when having 4 PRACH, 39 PRBs / UEG when having 3 PRACH)

    • UCI@PUSCH: 4 HARQ, 37 CSI-1, 5 CSI-2

    • PDCCH: 12 DCI / slot (6 DL + 6 UL)

    • PUCCH: 24 UE 1 bit each (PF1)

    • Frame 0
      • Slot 0, 1, 2: ssb (2 blocks),

      • Slot 3, ssb (1 block)

      • Slot 6,8,10,16, TRS + CSIRS

      • Slot 7,9,11,17, TRS

      • Slot 5,15, PRACH

    • Frame 1
      • Slot 6,8,10, TRS + CSIRS

      • Slot 7,9,11, TRS

      • Slot 5,15, PRACH

    • Frame 2
      • Slot 0, 1, 2: ssb *2,

      • Slot 3, ssb

      • Slot 6,7,8,9,10,11, 16,17 TRS

      • Slot 5,15, PRACH

    • Frame 3
      • Slot 6,7,8,9,10,11 TRS

      • Slot 5,15, PRACH

      • TRS/CSI-RS in symbol 6+10 / 12 for even case number

      • TRS/CSI-RS in symbol 5+9 / 13 for odd case number

  • Series 60: 7 beams, 100 MHz (273 PRBs), 16C, ave cell, OTA, disjoint PDSCH and CSIRS, 4 UL streams, same as the old pattern 47, but slot 5 has 4 PRACH occasions
    • PDSCH: 6 UEG / slot, MCS 27, 22 PRBs / UEG, (18 PRBs / UEG when having ssb)

    • PUSCH: 6 UEG / slot, MCS 27, 22 PRBs / UEG, (14 PRBs / UEG when having 4 PRACH, 16 PRBs / UEG when having 3 PRACH)

    • UCI@PUSCH: 4 HARQ, 37 CSI-1, 5 CSI-2

    • PDCCH: 12 DCI / slot (6 DL + 6 UL)

    • PUCCH: 24 UE 1 bit each (PF1)

    • Frame 0
      • Slot 0, 1, 2: ssb (2 blocks),

      • Slot 3, ssb (1 block)

      • Slot 6,8,10,16, TRS + CSIRS

      • Slot 7,9,11,17, TRS

      • Slot 5,15, PRACH

    • Frame 1
      • Slot 6,8,10, TRS + CSIRS

      • Slot 7,9,11, TRS

      • Slot 5,15, PRACH

    • Frame 2
      • Slot 0, 1, 2: ssb *2,

      • Slot 3, ssb

      • Slot 6,7,8,9,10,11, 16,17 TRS

      • Slot 5,15, PRACH

    • Frame 3
      • Slot 6,7,8,9,10,11 TRS

      • Slot 5,15, PRACH

      • TRS/CSI-RS in symbol 6+10 / 12 for even case number

      • TRS/CSI-RS in symbol 5+9 / 13 for odd case number

For patterns 59 and onwards, we use 4 UL antenna streams, we need to change these fields for the cuPHYController config files:


# 4 UL Antenna config sed -i "s/eAxC_UL: \[8,0\]/eAxC_UL: \[8,0,1,2\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_UL: \[1,2\]/eAxC_UL: \[1,2,4,9\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_UL: \[0,1\]/eAxC_UL: \[0,1,2,3\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_id_pucch: \[8, 0\]/eAxC_id_pucch: \[8, 0, 1, 2\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_id_pucch: \[1, 2\]/eAxC_id_pucch: \[1, 2, 4, 9\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_id_pucch: \[0, 1\]/eAxC_id_pucch: \[0, 1, 2, 3\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_id_pusch: \[8, 0\]/eAxC_id_pusch: \[8, 0, 1, 2\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_id_pusch: \[1, 2\]/eAxC_id_pusch: \[1, 2, 4, 9\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_id_pusch: \[0, 1\]/eAxC_id_pusch: \[0, 1, 2, 3\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml

For 23-3 and onwards, pattern 46 and 47 have become legacy patterns. Patterns 59 peak and 60 average are the latest patterns used for performance testing. On R750 RoyB DU system F08 4C with pattern 59 (peak pattern)


sudo -E LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/opt/mellanox/dpdk/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/opt/mellanox/doca/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu numactl -N 1 -m 1 ./cuphycontroller_scf F08_R750 sudo -E LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/opt/mellanox/dpdk/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/opt/mellanox/doca/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu numactl -N 1 -m 1 ./test_mac F08 4C 59 sudo -E LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/opt/mellanox/dpdk/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/opt/mellanox/doca/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu ./ru_emulator F08 4C 59


21:40:26.213585 WRN 2231 0 [RU] Cell 0 DL 1469.14 Mbps 1400 Slots | UL 213.84 Mbps 400 Slots | PBCH 200 | PDCCH_UL 1600 | PDCCH_DL 1600 | CSI_RS 700 | PRACH 200 Slots | PUCCH 400 Slots | DL_C_ON 100.00% DL_U_ON 99.91% UL_C_ON 100.00% |Seconds 459 21:40:26.213591 WRN 2231 0 [RU] Cell 1 DL 1469.14 Mbps 1400 Slots | UL 213.84 Mbps 400 Slots | PBCH 200 | PDCCH_UL 1600 | PDCCH_DL 1600 | CSI_RS 700 | PRACH 200 Slots | PUCCH 400 Slots | DL_C_ON 100.00% DL_U_ON 99.94% UL_C_ON 100.00% |Seconds 459 21:40:26.213595 WRN 2231 0 [RU] Cell 2 DL 1469.14 Mbps 1400 Slots | UL 213.84 Mbps 400 Slots | PBCH 200 | PDCCH_UL 1600 | PDCCH_DL 1600 | CSI_RS 700 | PRACH 200 Slots | PUCCH 400 Slots | DL_C_ON 100.00% DL_U_ON 99.92% UL_C_ON 100.00% |Seconds 459 21:40:26.213599 WRN 2231 0 [RU] Cell 3 DL 1469.14 Mbps 1400 Slots | UL 213.84 Mbps 400 Slots | PBCH 200 | PDCCH_UL 1600 | PDCCH_DL 1600 | CSI_RS 700 | PRACH 200 Slots | PUCCH 400 Slots | DL_C_ON 100.00% DL_U_ON 99.95% UL_C_ON 100.00% |Seconds 459

On R750 RoyB DU system F08 4C with pattern 60 (average pattern)


sudo -E LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/opt/mellanox/dpdk/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/opt/mellanox/doca/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu numactl -N 1 -m 1 ./cuphycontroller_scf F08_R750 sudo -E LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/opt/mellanox/dpdk/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/opt/mellanox/doca/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu numactl -N 1 -m 1 ./test_mac F08 4C 60 sudo -E LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/opt/mellanox/dpdk/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/opt/mellanox/doca/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu ./ru_emulator F08 4C 60


22:01:12.039024 WRN 2375 0 [RU] Cell 0 DL 523.10 Mbps 1400 Slots | UL 94.65 Mbps 400 Slots | PBCH 200 | PDCCH_UL 1600 | PDCCH_DL 1600 | CSI_RS 700 | PRACH 200 Slots | PUCCH 400 Slots | DL_C_ON 100.00% DL_U_ON 99.99% UL_C_ON 100.00% |Seconds 471 22:01:12.039030 WRN 2375 0 [RU] Cell 1 DL 523.10 Mbps 1400 Slots | UL 94.65 Mbps 400 Slots | PBCH 200 | PDCCH_UL 1600 | PDCCH_DL 1600 | CSI_RS 700 | PRACH 200 Slots | PUCCH 400 Slots | DL_C_ON 100.00% DL_U_ON 99.99% UL_C_ON 100.00% |Seconds 471 22:01:12.039034 WRN 2375 0 [RU] Cell 2 DL 523.10 Mbps 1400 Slots | UL 94.65 Mbps 400 Slots | PBCH 200 | PDCCH_UL 1600 | PDCCH_DL 1600 | CSI_RS 700 | PRACH 200 Slots | PUCCH 400 Slots | DL_C_ON 100.00% DL_U_ON 99.99% UL_C_ON 100.00% |Seconds 471 22:01:12.039037 WRN 2375 0 [RU] Cell 3 DL 523.10 Mbps 1400 Slots | UL 94.65 Mbps 400 Slots | PBCH 200 | PDCCH_UL 1600 | PDCCH_DL 1600 | CSI_RS 700 | PRACH 200 Slots | PUCCH 400 Slots | DL_C_ON 100.00% DL_U_ON 99.99% UL_C_ON 100.00% |Seconds 471

  • Series 57: 100MHz (273 PRBs), 8C ave cells, 4 UL stream, OTA
    • The Pattern 57 is same as nrSim TC 90602. Since its 4 UL Streams 4 Antenna config should be used. Below are the configuration settings


# 4 UL Antenna config for pattern 59 and 60 sed -i "s/eAxC_UL: \[8,0\]/eAxC_UL: \[8,0,1,2\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_UL: \[1,2\]/eAxC_UL: \[1,2,4,9\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_UL: \[0,1\]/eAxC_UL: \[0,1,2,3\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_id_pusch: \[8, 0\]/eAxC_id_pusch: \[8, 0, 1, 2\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_id_pusch: \[1, 2\]/eAxC_id_pusch: \[1, 2, 4, 9\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_id_pusch: \[0, 1\]/eAxC_id_pusch: \[0, 1, 2, 3\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_id_pucch: \[8, 0\]/eAxC_id_pucch: \[8, 0, 1, 2\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_id_pucch: \[1, 2\]/eAxC_id_pucch: \[1, 2, 4, 9\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_id_pucch: \[0, 1\]/eAxC_id_pucch: \[0, 1, 2, 3\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml ​​​​​# testMAC configs for scheduling FAPI messages with appropriate L2 delay, also configure testMAC to stop after 600k slots: sed -i 's/schedule_total_time:.*/schedule_total_time: 470000/' ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml sed -i 's/builder_thread_enable:.*/builder_thread_enable: 1/' ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml sed -i 's/fapi_delay_bit_mask:.*/fapi_delay_bit_mask: 0xF/' ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml sed -i 's/test_slots: 0/test_slots: 600000/' ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml # testMAC core configs (yaml already defaulted to devkit settings, below settings only apply to R750): sed -i -z 's/ cpu_affinity:\s*[0-9]\+/ cpu_affinity: 35/2' ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml sed -i -z 's/ cpu_affinity:\s*[0-9]\+/ cpu_affinity: 33/1' ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml # cuphycontroller configs for conformance flags: sed -i "s/pusch_tdi:.*/pusch_tdi: 1/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml sed -i "s/pusch_cfo:.*/pusch_cfo: 1/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml sed -i "s/pusch_to:.*/pusch_to: 1/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml sed -i "s/puxch_polarDcdrListSz:.*/puxch_polarDcdrListSz: 8/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml sed -i "s/enable_beam_forming:.*/enable_beam_forming: 1/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml

On R750 A100x DU system F08 8C with pattern 57 (average pattern)


sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf F08_R750 sudo ./test_mac F08 8C 57 sudo ./ru_emulator F08 8C 57

This is the expected MAC throughput:


13:34:55.520460 WRN [MAC.FAPI] Cell 0 | DL 208.35 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 2.25 Mbps 400 Slots | Prmb 400 | HARQ 10000 | SR 0 | CSI1 400 | CSI2 400 | SRS 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 | Slots 2000 13:34:55.520461 WRN [MAC.FAPI] Cell 1 | DL 416.69 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 4.51 Mbps 400 Slots | Prmb 400 | HARQ 10400 | SR 0 | CSI1 800 | CSI2 800 | SRS 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 | Slots 2000 13:34:55.520462 WRN [MAC.FAPI] Cell 2 | DL 625.04 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 8.91 Mbps 400 Slots | Prmb 400 | HARQ 10800 | SR 0 | CSI1 1200 | CSI2 1200 | SRS 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 | Slots 2000 13:34:55.520462 WRN [MAC.FAPI] Cell 3 | DL 833.38 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 15.19 Mbps 400 Slots | Prmb 400 | HARQ 11200 | SR 0 | CSI1 1600 | CSI2 1600 | SRS 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 | Slots 2000 13:34:55.520462 WRN [MAC.FAPI] Cell 4 | DL 1041.73 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 21.46 Mbps 400 Slots | Prmb 400 | HARQ 11600 | SR 0 | CSI1 2000 | CSI2 2000 | SRS 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 | Slots 2000 13:34:55.520462 WRN [MAC.FAPI] Cell 5 | DL 1250.07 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 27.74 Mbps 400 Slots | Prmb 400 | HARQ 12000 | SR 0 | CSI1 2400 | CSI2 2400 | SRS 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 | Slots 2000 13:34:55.520462 WRN [MAC.FAPI] Cell 6 | DL 1458.42 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 35.78 Mbps 400 Slots | Prmb 400 | HARQ 12400 | SR 0 | CSI1 2800 | CSI2 2800 | SRS 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 | Slots 2000 13:34:55.520462 WRN [MAC.FAPI] Cell 7 | DL 1666.76 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 43.82 Mbps 400 Slots | Prmb 400 | HARQ 12800 | SR 0 | CSI1 3200 | CSI2 3200 | SRS 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 | Slots 2000

Simultaneous FH port test configs with RU Emulator

The following TC needs both FH ports:

  • BFP14 8C 46

  • BFP14 16C 47

  • BFP14 12C 50 (80MHz)

To set up the two port test, we just need to set up the configurations appropriately

The two 2 port test topologies we verified:

  • 1 AX800 and 1 RU server
    • AX800 P0 <-> RU P0

    • AX800 P1 <-> RU P1

  • 1 AX800 and 2 RU server
    • AX800 P0 <-> RU 1 P0

    • AX800 P1 <-> RU 2 P0

cuPHYController configuration:


nics: - nic: 0000:cc:00.0 mtu: 1514 cpu_mbufs: 196608 uplane_tx_handles: 64 txq_count: 48 rxq_count: 16 txq_size: 8192 rxq_size: 16384 gpu: 0 - nic: 0000:cc:00.1 mtu: 1514 cpu_mbufs: 196608 uplane_tx_handles: 64 txq_count: 48 rxq_count: 16 txq_size: 8192 rxq_size: 16384 gpu: 0

In the cuPHYController cell configurations, you could set port that the cell would run traffic on:


cells: - name: O-RU 0 [...] nic: 0000:cc:00.0 - name: O-RU 1 [...] nic: 0000:cc:00.1 - name: O-RU 2 [...] nic: 0000:cc:00.0 - name: O-RU 3 [...] nic: 0000:cc:00.1

For the first topology with a single RU Emulator system, you could specify the NIC interfaces and the peer ethernet addresses with the address of the DU ports, for example:


nics: - nic_interface: 0000:b5:00.0 - nic_interface: 0000:b5:00.1 peers: - peerethaddr: 48:b0:2d:a6:28:02 # MAC address of DU port 0 - peerethaddr: 48:b0:2d:a6:28:03 # MAC address of DU port 1

Similarly for RU Emulator config, appropriately assign the NIC and peer addresses, based on the index in the lists defined above:


cell_configs: - name: "Cell1" peer: 0 nic: 0 - name: "Cell2" peer: 1 nic: 1 - name: "Cell3" peer: 0 nic: 0 - name: "Cell4" peer: 1 nic: 1

For the second topology with 2 RU Emulator systems, we could run with the same configuration file, but half of the cells will not have traffic. (optionally we could remove the second nic_interface and peerethaddr definitions and only use index 0)

Running the nrSim Test Cases



# Restart MPS sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF sudo ./test_mac nrSim 1901 --channels PBCH sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 1901 --channels PBCH # Expect RU Emulator to report 100 PBCH per second



# Restart MPS sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF sudo ./test_mac nrSim 2901 --channels PDCCH_DL sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 2901 --channels PDCCH_DL # Expect RU Emulator to report 100 PDCCH_DL per second



# Restart MPS sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF sudo ./test_mac nrSim 3901 --channels PDSCH sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 3901 --channels PDSCH # Expect RU Emulator to report 100 PDSCH per second



# Restart MPS sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF sudo ./test_mac nrSim 7901 --channels PUSCH sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 7901 --channels PUSCH # Expect testMAC to report 100 PUSCH per second # PUSCH Mapping Type B # Restart MPS sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF sudo ./test_mac nrSim 7258 --channels PUSCH sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 7258 --channels PUSCH # Expect testMAC to report 100 PUSCH per second # Restart MPS sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF sudo ./test_mac nrSim 7259 --channels PUSCH sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 7259 --channels PUSCH # Expect testMAC to report 100 PUSCH per second



# Restart MPS sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF sudo ./test_mac nrSim 5901 --channels PRACH sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 5901 --channels PRACH # Expect testMAC to report 100 Preambles per second # PRACH 16 PID/Slot and PRACH B4 4FDM # Restart MPS sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF sudo ./test_mac nrSim 5013 --channels PRACH sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 5013 --channels PRACH Expect testMAC to receive 1600 Preambles per second - Change tv_prach field as below in cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml tv_prach: TVnr_5013_PRACH_gNB_CUPHY_s1p0.h5 Expect 4 RO occasions in each slot in phy.log in sequence mentioned in below. RO 0 - PrmbIndex (2,5,8,11) RO 1 - PrmbIndex (14,17,20,23) RO 2 - PrmbIndex (32,35,26,29) RO 3 - PrmbIndex (38,41,44,47) # grep -i "RO\|prmbIndex" phy.log 15:57:41.161874 I [DRV.PRACH] RO 0 SFN 599.01 Preambles num detected 4 15:57:41.161878 I [DRV.PRACH] SFN 599.01 #0 prmbIndex 2 prmbDelay 0.000000 prmbPower -2.878487 15:57:41.161880 I [DRV.PRACH] SFN 599.01 #1 prmbIndex 5 prmbDelay 0.000000 prmbPower -2.801307 15:57:41.161883 I [DRV.PRACH] SFN 599.01 #2 prmbIndex 8 prmbDelay 0.000000 prmbPower -3.207683 15:57:41.161886 I [DRV.PRACH] SFN 599.01 #3 prmbIndex 11 prmbDelay 0.000000 prmbPower -3.423241 15:57:41.161901 I [DRV.PRACH] RO 1 SFN 599.01 Preambles num detected 4 15:57:41.161904 I [DRV.PRACH] SFN 599.01 #0 prmbIndex 14 prmbDelay 0.000000 prmbPower -4.193221 15:57:41.161906 I [DRV.PRACH] SFN 599.01 #1 prmbIndex 17 prmbDelay 0.000000 prmbPower -4.011869 15:57:41.161909 I [DRV.PRACH] SFN 599.01 #2 prmbIndex 20 prmbDelay 0.000000 prmbPower -3.471422 15:57:41.161912 I [DRV.PRACH] SFN 599.01 #3 prmbIndex 23 prmbDelay 0.000000 prmbPower -3.552692 15:57:41.161924 I [DRV.PRACH] RO 2 SFN 599.01 Preambles num detected 4 15:57:41.161927 I [DRV.PRACH] SFN 599.01 #0 prmbIndex 32 prmbDelay 0.000000 prmbPower -4.954414 15:57:41.161930 I [DRV.PRACH] SFN 599.01 #1 prmbIndex 35 prmbDelay 0.000000 prmbPower -3.706564 15:57:41.161933 I [DRV.PRACH] SFN 599.01 #2 prmbIndex 26 prmbDelay 0.000000 prmbPower -4.333083 15:57:41.161935 I [DRV.PRACH] SFN 599.01 #3 prmbIndex 29 prmbDelay 0.000000 prmbPower -3.994442 15:57:41.161945 I [DRV.PRACH] RO 3 SFN 599.01 Preambles num detected 4 15:57:41.161947 I [DRV.PRACH] SFN 599.01 #0 prmbIndex 38 prmbDelay 0.000000 prmbPower -3.341729 15:57:41.161950 I [DRV.PRACH] SFN 599.01 #1 prmbIndex 41 prmbDelay 0.000000 prmbPower -4.641103 15:57:41.161952 I [DRV.PRACH] SFN 599.01 #2 prmbIndex 44 prmbDelay 0.000000 prmbPower -4.189767 15:57:41.161955 I [DRV.PRACH] SFN 599.01 #3 prmbIndex 47 prmbDelay 0.000000 prmbPower -4.946166



# Restart MPS sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF sudo ./test_mac nrSim 4001 --channels CSI_RS sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 4001 --channels CSI_RS # Expect RU Emulator to report 100 CSI_RS per second


To run TC 3323, 3338, and 3339, add --channels CSI_RS+PDSCH in the test_mac and ru_emulator commands.


# Restart MPS sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF sudo ./test_mac nrSim 3323 --channels CSI_RS+PDSCH sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 3323 --channels CSI_RS+PDSCH # Expect RU Emulator to count 100 CSI_RS and 100 PDSCH per second



# Below steps applicable to precoding test for PDSCH, PDCCH, PBCH and CSI_RS # In l2_adapter_config_nrSim_SCF.yaml, set enable_precoding to 1 sed -i -z "s/enable_precoding: 0/enable_precoding: 1/" $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/l2_adapter_config_nrSim_SCF.yaml # Restart MPS sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF sudo ./test_mac nrSim 3248 --channels PDSCH # Reset enable_precoding to 0 sed -i -z "s/enable_precoding: 1/enable_precoding: 0/" $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/l2_adapter_config_nrSim_SCF.yaml # In ru-emulator/config/config.yaml, set dl_approx_validation to 1 sed -i -z "s/dl_approx_validation: 0/dl_approx_validation: 1/1" $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 3248 --channels PDSCH # Expect testMAC and RU Emulator both see 1.36 Mbps 100 Slots per second # Reset dl_approx_validation to 0 sed -i -z "s/dl_approx_validation: 1/dl_approx_validation: 0/1" $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml



# Restart MPS sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF sudo ./test_mac nrSim 6001 --channels PUCCH sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 6001 --channels PUCCH # Expect testMAC to report 100 HARQ indications and ru-emulator to report 100 PUCCH per second

PUCCH Format 2


# Restart MPS sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF sudo ./test_mac nrSim 6201 --channels PUCCH sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 6201 --channels PUCCH # Expect testMAC to report 100 HARQ indications and ru-emulator to report 100 PUCCH per second



# Restart MPS sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF sudo ./test_mac nrSim 6049 --channels PUCCH sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 6049 --channels PUCCH # Expect testMAC to report 300 HARQ + 300 SR and ru-emulator to report 100 PUCCH per second

PUCCH Format 3


# Restart MPS sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF sudo ./test_mac nrSim 6301 --channels PUCCH sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 6301 --channels PUCCH # Expect testMAC to report 100 HARQ indications and ru-emulator to report 100 PUCCH per second



# Restart MPS sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF sudo ./test_mac nrSim 7501 sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 7501 # Expect testMAC to report 100 HARQ/s and UL slots/s # Restart MPS sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF sudo ./test_mac nrSim 7502 sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 7502 # Expect testMAC to report 100 HARQ/s and UL slots/s # Restart MPS #UCI on PUSCH CSI part 2 sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF sudo ./test_mac nrSim 7517 sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 7517 --channel PUSCH For 7517-7519, 7524-26, 7528-29 # Expect testMAC to report 100 CSI part2/s and 100 UL slots/s # Expect cuphycontroller to report 0 CRC for 100 slots/s and 1.61 Mbps UL throughput For 7520-7523, 7527, 7530 # Expect testMAC to report 100 CSI part2/s # Expect cuphycontroller to report 0 CRC for 100 slots/s


To enable FAPI 10.04 fields for the SRS test, add -DSCF_FAPI_10_04=ON in the cmake options and do a clean build. The test cases for SRS validation are 8301 and 8302.


# Restart MPS # Running 8301 sudo -E ./ru_emulator nrSim 8301 --channels SRS or ./ru_emulator nrSim 8301 (default support all channels) sudo -E ./test_mac nrSim 8301 --channels SRS or ./test_mac nrSim 8301 (default support all channels) sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF # Expect the testMac to report the number of received SRS is between 97 and 103 and INV values per second to be 0. # If the INV Values are greater than 0, there is either a SRS report mismatch or SRS report parameter mismatch. # Restart MPS # Running 8302 sudo -E ./ru_emulator nrSim 8302 --channels SRS or ./ru_emulator nrSim 8302 (default support all channels) sudo -E ./test_mac nrSim 8302 --channels SRS or ./test_mac nrSim 8302 (default support all channels) sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF # Expect the testMac to report the number of received SRS is between 97 and 103 and INV values per second to be 0. # If the INV Values are greater than 0, there is either a SRS report mismatch or SRS report parameter mismatch.



# Restart MPS sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 90013 --channels 0x1ff sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF sudo ./test_mac nrSim 90013 --channels 0x1ff # Expect RU Emulator to report 50 DL and PDCCH_DL per second, testMAC to report 50 HARQ per second # Restart MPS sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 90015 --channels 0x1ff sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF sudo ./test_mac nrSim 90015 --channels 0x1ff # Expect RU Emulator to report 50 DL and PDCCH_DL per second, testMAC to report 50 HARQ per second

Multiple SSB


# Restart MPS sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF sudo ./test_mac nrSim 1104 --channels PBCH sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 1104 --channels PBCH # Expect RU Emulator to report 100 PBCH per second



# Restart MPS sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF_tdi sudo ./test_mac nrSim 7411 --channels PUSCH sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 7411 --channels PUSCH # Expect testMAC and RU Emulator both see 1.79 Mbps 100 Slots per second

PUSCH SINR and Noise


# For TCs 7265,7266,7268,7269,7271,7272 # Change cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml file to have 8 eAxIds for PUSCH eAxC_id_pusch: [8,0,1,2,3,4,5,6] sed -i s/"eAxC_id_pusch: \\[8,0,1,2\\]/eAxC_id_pusch: \\[8,0,1,2,3,4,5,6\\]/1" $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml # For TCs 7264,7267,7270 no change to cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml # Restart MPS sudo ./test_mac nrSim 7265 --channels PUSCH sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 7265 --channels PUSCH # Revert if changed earlier sed -i s/"eAxC_id_pusch: \\[8,0,1,2,3,4,5,6\\]/eAxC_id_pusch: \\[8,0,1,2\\]/1" $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml

mSlot_mCell Test Cases

TCs 90001,90002,90003,90004,90005,90006,90011,90012,90013,90014,90015


# nrSim config generation cd ${cuBB_SDK}/cubb_scripts/autoconfig python3 -i ../../testVectors/ -t ../../cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml -o ../../cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config python3 -i ../../cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config -t ../../cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml -o ../../cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config # backup default nrSim config cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml.orig cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml.orig cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml.orig # Use nrSim_SCF_900xx config cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF_900xx.yaml ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/ru_emulator_config_900xx.yaml ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml python3 -t ../../cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml.orig -c 900xx -p devkit -o ../../cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml # Restart MPS sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 900xx --channels 0x1ff sudo ./test_mac nrSim 900xx --channels 0x1ff # Restore nrSim config file cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml.orig ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml.orig ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml.orig ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml

32T32R SRS + Dynamic Beamforming Weights Test Cases

Here are the steps to build & run the 32T32R SRS & Dynamic Beamforming weights related tests.

Build options:


cmake .. -DDYNAMIC_SFN_SLOT=OFF -DSCF_FAPI_10_04=ON -DMMIMO_ENABLE=ON make -j $(nproc --all)

We can verify all the below launch patterns for DL-BFW+PDSCH & UL-BFW+PUSCH:

  • TCs 91000, 91002, 91004, 91100, 92001, 92003, 92100, 93000

Below are the TV’s essentially needed for above launch pattern’s:

  • TVnr_9000_gNB_FAPI_s0.h5

  • TVnr_9001_gNB_FAPI_s0.h5

  • TVnr_9002_gNB_FAPI_s0.h5

  • TVnr_9003_gNB_FAPI_s0.h5

  • TVnr_9004_gNB_FAPI_s0.h5

  • TVnr_39000_gNB_FAPI_s0.h5

  • TVnr_39002_gNB_FAPI_s0.h5

  • TVnr_39004_gNB_FAPI_s0.h5

  • TVnr_79001_gNB_FAPI_s0.h5

  • TVnr_79003_gNB_FAPI_s0.h5

For 32T32R SRS 84xx TV’s needs to be executed, we can generate the config using the autoconfig scripts for the above launch patterns, with an exception i.e. only below parameters needs to be explicitly modified in the generated config file:


In cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml - mtu: 8192 In ru-emulator: config.yaml - aerial_fh_mtu: 8192

FAPI Message Reference Check

The cuBB software supports the FAPI message reference check. The values and payloads of RX_DATA.ind, CRC.ind, UCI.ind, and RACH.ind are compared with the related INDx PDU of the TV. A “mismatch” WARN level log will be printed to testmac.log by testMAC if validation fails.


Some validation failures are not fixed yet. The current known validation failures are not reported with “INV > 0” by default.

The below configurations are implemented to configure test_mac reporting. The default configuration for FAPI validation is as follows:


# FAPI indication validating # validate_enable: 0 - disabled; 1 - report error level; 2 - report error and warning levels validate_enable: 1 # validate_log_opt: 0 - no print; 1 - print per MSG; 2 - print per PDU; 3 - force print all validate_log_opt: 1

The following is an example validation failure log with default configuration:


09:35:02.205513 W [MAC.FAPI] SFN 0.5 Cell 6 CRC.ind mismatch: 0 err 6 warn [crc->num_cb=192 tv.NumCb=4] [meas->ul_cqi=255 tv.UL_CQI=206] [meas->rssi=65535 tv.RSSI=880]

One FAPI message may contain multiple PDUs, and one PDU may contain multiple validation failures.

  • Set “validate_enable: 1” to only report some validation failures with “INV > 0” in test_mac console. Known validation failures are not reported with “INV > 0” (but can still be seen in the “mismatch” WARN log).

  • Set “validate_enable: 2” to report all validation failures with “INV > 0” in test_mac console.

  • Set “validate_log_opt: 1” to print one line “mismatch” log with at most three mismatched values per FAPI message, and print the total mismatched PDU count (e.g. “0 err, 6 warn”) per FAPI message (avoids performance dropping).

  • Set “validate_log_opt: 2” to print all validation failures in the “mismatch” WARN log, one line per PDU.

Here is an example log with “validate_log_opt: 2”:


07:32:09.407972 W [MAC.FAPI] SFN 0.14 Cell 0 CRC.ind PDU0 mismatch: [crc->num_cb=0 tv.NumCb=5] [meas->ul_cqi=255 tv.UL_CQI=206] [meas->rssi=65535 tv.RSSI=1280] 07:32:09.407976 W [MAC.FAPI] SFN 0.14 Cell 0 CRC.ind PDU1 mismatch: [crc->num_cb=0 tv.NumCb=5] [meas->ul_cqi=255 tv.UL_CQI=206] [meas->rssi=65535 tv.RSSI=1280] 07:32:09.407979 W [MAC.FAPI] SFN 0.14 Cell 0 CRC.ind PDU2 mismatch: [crc->num_cb=0 tv.NumCb=5] [meas->ul_cqi=255 tv.UL_CQI=206] [meas->rssi=65535 tv.RSSI=1280]

The following is the current recommended test instruction:

  • Use the default configuration to test, then grep “mismatch” in phy.log to check whether there is a vaildation failure.

  • Configure “validate_log_opt: 2” to print all validation failures if required.

Running testMAC + cuPHYController_SCF + RU Emulator P5G PRACH

This use case runs the Private 5G SIB1 and PRACH demo msg1-4 between the RU Emulator and the testMAC.

You need additional modifications to the default cuPHYController_P5G.yaml to test against RU Emulator. Ensure it matches the configs here, also remember to set the PCIe NIC address that is currently in use:



sed -i "s/ nic:.*/ nic: 0000:b5:00.0/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_P5G.yaml sed -i "s/compression_bits.*/compression_bits: 16/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_P5G.yaml sed -i "s/pcp.*/pcp: 7/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_P5G.yaml sed -i "0,/dst_mac_addr.*/{s/dst_mac_addr.*/dst_mac_addr: 20:04:9B:9E:27:A3/}" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_P5G.yaml


Replace 0000:b5:00.0 with the PCIe address of the NIC that will be used. Also, replace the MAC address with the MAC address of the NIC used in Server#1 (the server running cuPHYController and testMAC):


sed -i "s/nic_interface.*/nic_interface: 0000:b5:00.0/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml

Change the compression_bits/decompression_bits to 16. Ensure you change it back to 14 for other tests.


sed -i "s/compression_bits.*/compression_bits: 16/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_DL: \[8,0,1,2\]/eAxC_DL: \[0,8,1,9\]/1" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_UL: \[8,0,1,2\]/eAxC_UL: \[0,8,1,9\]/1" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_prach_list: \[15,7,0,1\]/eAxC_prach_list: \[7,15,6,14\]/1" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml

Run the Emulator:


sudo ./ru_emulator P5G PRACH --channels 0x1FF

Run the cuPHY Controller and the testMAC:


sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf P5G sudo ./test_mac P5G PRACH --channels 0x1FF

Expected RU Emulator console:


00:44:12.169849 Cell 0 DL 0.17 Mbps 100 Slots | UL 0.03 Mbps 50 Slots | PBCH 50 | PDCCH_UL 0 | PDCCH_DL 150 | PRACH 50 Slots | Seconds 25 00:44:13.169848 Cell 0 DL 0.17 Mbps 100 Slots | UL 0.03 Mbps 50 Slots | PBCH 50 | PDCCH_UL 0 | PDCCH_DL 150 | PRACH 50 Slots | Seconds 26 00:44:14.169849 Cell 0 DL 0.17 Mbps 100 Slots | UL 0.03 Mbps 50 Slots | PBCH 50 | PDCCH_UL 0 | PDCCH_DL 150 | PRACH 50 Slots | Seconds 27

Expected testMAC console:


00:44:11.565232 Cell 0 | DL 0.26 Mbps 150 Slots | UL 0.03 Mbps 50 Slots | Prmb 50 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 00:44:12.565230 Cell 0 | DL 0.26 Mbps 150 Slots | UL 0.03 Mbps 50 Slots | Prmb 50 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 00:44:13.565230 Cell 0 | DL 0.26 Mbps 150 Slots | UL 0.03 Mbps 50 Slots | Prmb 50 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0

Expected cuPHYController logs to be flooded with preamble detection:


00:44:11.565224 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 0 | DL 0.26 Mbps 150 Slots | UL 0.03 Mbps 50 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 2000 00:44:12.565224 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 0 | DL 0.26 Mbps 150 Slots | UL 0.03 Mbps 50 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 4000 00:44:13.565224 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 0 | DL 0.26 Mbps 150 Slots | UL 0.03 Mbps 50 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 6000

Capture Logs

Collect the text logs after testing.

  1. By default, the logs will get stored in the /tmp location. You can use the AERIAL_LOG_PATH environment variable to set the logfile path.

  2. When the log size exceeds 20GB, a new file gets created (e.g. phy.log, phy.log.1, phy.log.2phy.log.7).

    1. The test mac logs are named as testmac.log, testmac.log.1, etc.

    2. The ru logs are named as ru.log, ru.log.1, etc.

  3. These file segments will be reused in a cyclic manner by overwriting the oldest files.

For SHM IPC, if see IPC buffer pool full during testing, run below command to dump IPC status after test.


# For SHM IPC, dump nvipc message queues after test sudo ./build/cuPHY-CP/gt_common_libs/nvIPC/tests/dump/ipc_dump # If not using default nvipc configurations, need input the yaml configuration file like below: sudo ./build/cuPHY-CP/gt_common_libs/nvIPC/tests/dump/ipc_dump ./cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/l2_adapter_config_F08.yaml

To run any test where at least one cell is in Test Mode (TM), you need to ensure cmake was run with -DENABLE_CONFORMANCE_TM_PDSCH_PDCCH=ON.

This option is needed for nrSIM TCs 2036 (PDCCH) and 3296 (PDSCH), as well as for DLMIX TCs 120-128 with both PDSCH and PDCCH present. This requirement extends to any multi-cell launch pattern with at least one of these TM test vectors present.

For test cases where no TM cell is present, the cmake option value is not relevant for the functional correctness of cuBB tests.

To run mixed one cell with CAT-A-NoBF and another cell with CAT-A-DBF, use the nrSIM TC 90019 and run the following:


# nrSim config generation cd ${cuBB_SDK}/cubb_scripts/autoconfig python3 -i ../../testVectors/ -t ../../cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml -o ../../cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config python3 -i ../../cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config -t ../../cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml -o ../../cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config # backup default nrSim config cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml.orig cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml.orig cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml.orig # Use nrSim_SCF_90019 config cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF_90019.yaml ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/ru_emulator_config_90019.yaml ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml python3 -t ../../cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml.orig -c 90019 -p devkit -o ../../cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml # Restart MPS sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 90019 --channels 0x1ff sudo ./test_mac nrSim 90019 --channels 0x1ff # Restore nrSim config file cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml.orig ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml.orig ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml.orig ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml

Expected result:


# Expected Tput and passing criteria Expected thrput: Cell 0: [DL=1.36/100] Expected thrput: Cell 1: [DL=2.72/100] Pass criterion low: Cell 0: [DL=1.31/97] Pass criterion high: Cell 0: [DL=1.40/103] Pass criterion low: Cell 1: [DL=2.63/97] Pass criterion high: Cell 1: [DL=2.80/103] # Example ru-emulaor output 16:24:15.218189 Cell 0 DL 1.36 Mbps 100 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | DL_C_ON 100.00% DL_U_ON 100.00% UL_C_ON 0.00% |Seconds 45 16:24:15.218201 Cell 1 DL 2.72 Mbps 100 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | DL_C_ON 100.00% DL_U_ON 100.00% UL_C_ON 0.00% |Seconds 45 16:24:16.218191 Cell 0 DL 1.36 Mbps 100 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | DL_C_ON 100.00% DL_U_ON 100.00% UL_C_ON 0.00% |Seconds 46 16:24:16.218204 Cell 1 DL 2.72 Mbps 100 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | DL_C_ON 100.00% DL_U_ON 100.00% UL_C_ON 0.00% |Seconds 46


# nrSim config generation cd ${cuBB_SDK}/cubb_scripts/autoconfig python3 -i ../../testVectors/ -t ../../cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml -o ../../cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config python3 -i ../../cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config -t ../../cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml -o ../../cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config # backup default nrSim config cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml.orig cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml.orig cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml.orig # Use nrSim_SCF_90020 config cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF_90020.yaml ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/ru_emulator_config_90020.yaml ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml python3 -t ../../cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml.orig -c 90020 -p devkit -o ../../cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml # Restart MPS sudo -E ./cuphycontroller_scf nrSim_SCF sudo ./ru_emulator nrSim 90020 --channels 0x1ff sudo ./test_mac nrSim 90020 --channels 0x1ff # Restore nrSim config file cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml.orig ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml.orig ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml.orig ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml

Expected result:


# Expected throughput and passing criteria ExpectedSlots: Cell=0 PUSCH=100 PDSCH=0 PDCCH_UL=0 PDCCH_DL=0 PBCH=0 PUCCH=0 PRACH=0 CSI_RS=0 SRS=0 ExpectedData: Cell=0 DL=0.000000 UL=41.797600 Prmb=0 HARQ=0 SR=0 CSI1=0 CSI2=0 ERR=0 INV=0 ExpectedSlots: Cell=1 PUSCH=100 PDSCH=0 PDCCH_UL=0 PDCCH_DL=0 PBCH=0 PUCCH=0 PRACH=0 CSI_RS=0 SRS=0 ExpectedData: Cell=1 DL=0.000000 UL=41.797600 Prmb=0 HARQ=0 SR=0 CSI1=0 CSI2=0 ERR=0 INV=0 # Example testMAC output 07:09:34.600006 Cell 0 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 41.80 Mbps 100 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 07:09:34.600015 Cell 1 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 41.80 Mbps 100 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 07:09:35.600006 Cell 0 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 41.80 Mbps 100 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 07:09:35.600014 Cell 1 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 41.80 Mbps 100 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 07:09:36.600006 Cell 0 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 41.80 Mbps 100 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 07:09:36.600013 Cell 1 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 41.80 Mbps 100 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 07:09:37.600008 Cell 0 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 41.80 Mbps 100 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 07:09:37.600017 Cell 1 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 41.80 Mbps 100 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 07:09:38.600006 Cell 0 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 41.80 Mbps 100 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 07:09:38.600014 Cell 1 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 41.80 Mbps 100 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 07:09:39.600008 Cell 0 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 41.80 Mbps 100 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0

Here is an example to run the mixed compression using F08 test case for 1 BFP9 + N BFP 14 cells, where N = 1,2,3. Set the value for compression_bits and decompression_bits to 9 for the first cell in both the cuPHYController_F08.yaml file and RU Emulator config.yaml file. Set the value for compression_bits and decompression_bits to 14 for all other cells.


# First cell compression_bits: 9 decompression_bits: 9 # All other cells compression_bits: 14 decompression_bits: 14

The throughput levels should be the same as non-mixed case with only BFP 14.


16:17:05.609792 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 0 | DL 1586.28 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 249.10 Mbps 400 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 16000 16:17:05.609808 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 1 | DL 1586.28 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 249.10 Mbps 400 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 16000 16:17:05.609814 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 2 | DL 1586.28 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 249.10 Mbps 400 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 16000 16:17:05.609822 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 3 | DL 1586.28 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 249.10 Mbps 400 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 16000

In order to extract the latencies, run the test with shm_log_level: 5:


nvlog: name: phy shm_log_level: 5 # SHM log level console_log_level: 3 # Console log level

It is possible to parse the cuphycontroller PHY log (cuphycontroller phy.log) to get average latencies (with standard deviation) of key cuphydriver and aerial-fh tasks:


python3 ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/aerial-fh-driver/scripts/phy_latencies/ phy.log -a

Aerial-FH Latencies

  • C-plane: Preparing all C-plane packets for a slot and sending them.

  • U-plane prepare: Preparing all U-plane packets for a slot.

  • U-plane TX: Sending all U-plane packets for a slot.

  • U-plane poll TX complete: Checking if previous U-plane TX has completed.

    • Because of accurate TX scheduling, packets are not sent immediately.

    • We need to know when the U-plane packets got sent so that we can reuse GPU buffers.

    • U-plane TX  does ‘completions polling’ as well.

  • U-plane RX: Receiving all U-plane packets for a slot

  • U-plane Free: Freeing aerial-fh data structures used for U-plane RX

To enable UL measurements in PHY, set the below to 1 in cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml and all measurements are in dBm unit.


pusch_sinr: 1 # 0 - Disabled; 1 - PostEq value; 2 - PreEq value pusch_rssi: 1 pusch_tdi: 1 pusch_cfo: 1


From release 22-2.3 onwards, SINR reporting can be configured to report pre- or post-equalizer values from the cuphycontroller_nrSim_SCF.yaml file, as shown above.

To enable FAPI 10.04 fields, add -DSCF_FAPI_10_04=ON in the cmake options and do a clean build.

To enable RSSI and RSRP measurements, L2 has to send Measurement Config TLV in config.request with value as 1 for dBm as described in table 3-27 of FAPI 10.02 and table 3-48 of FAPI 10.04. To enable the same in testMac:

  • RSSI is enabled by default.

  • For RSRP, set following to 1 in the $cuBB_SDK/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml file:


    rsrpMeasurement: 1

L2 vendors have requested for additional Interference level reporting for PUSCH, UCI on PUSCH and PUCCH (PF2,3 only supported). For this purpose, vendor specific messages have been defined using which Aerial will report these measurements. To enable this reporting, L2 has to send 2 additional TLVs in config.request as mentioned in CONFIG.request.





0xA012 PNMeasurement uint8_t Post equalisation noise variance measurement Value: 0: Do not report 1: dBm
0xA014 PF_234_Interference uint8_t Interference power per UE. Value: 0: Do not report 1: dBm

Once enabled, for every CRC.indication, Aerial will send an additional RX_PE_Noise_Variance.indication. For every UCI.indication carrying PF2,3, Aerial will send a PF_234_Interference.indication.

To enable Interference reporting in testMac, set the following to 1 in the $cuBB_SDK/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml file:


pf_234_interference: 1 pnMeasurement: 1

Enable DEBUG level log for tag SCF.PHY as below in the cuPHY/nvlog/config/nvlog_config.yaml file:


- 333: "SCF.PHY" shm_level: 6 # Example: overlay shm_log_level for a tag

Example results: See the the log like below in phy.log:


05:22:56.350648 D [SCF.PHY] >>> SCF_FAPI_UCI_INDICATION: PUCCH interference Raw=1520 dbm 733 numMeasurements 1 05:22:56.350664 I [MAC.SCF] SFN 375.0 <<< SCF_FAPI_RX_PF_234_INTEFERNCE_INDICATION: num=0 meas=733

For DTX detection for UCI on PUSCH, look for “detection status”. Sample below.


03:30:11.983670 D [SCF.PHY] >>> SCF_FAPI_UCI_INDICATION: HARQ detection status 4 03:30:11.983671 D [SCF.PHY] >>> SCF_FAPI_UCI_INDICATION: UCI on PUSCH HARQ bitlen 2 03:30:11.983671 D [SCF.PHY] >>> SCF_FAPI_UCI_INDICATION: PUCCH F234 CSI Part1 detection status 4 CSI P1 bit len 10

Verification of PUSCH measurement reporting for BFP-9/14/16

Change the value of BFP in matlab file 5GModel/nr_matlab/config as below. Generate cuPHY and FAPI TV and run the test.


% BFP setting for cuPHY UL TV generation and UL performance simulation SimCtrl.BFPforCuphy = 16; % 16, 14 or 9 for FP16, BFP14 or BFP9

Set log level to 6 and take h5dump of IND1 in FAPI TV.


h5dump -d IND1 TVnr_7427_gNB_FAPI_s0.h5_BFP9 HDF5 "TVnr_7427_gNB_FAPI_s0.h5_BFP9" { DATASET "IND1" { DATATYPE H5T_COMPOUND { H5T_STD_U32LE "idxPdu"; H5T_STD_U32LE "type"; H5T_STD_U32LE "TbCrcStatus"; H5T_STD_U32LE "NumCb"; H5T_STD_U32LE "UL_CQI"; H5T_STD_U32LE "TimingAdvance"; H5T_STD_U32LE "RSSI"; H5T_STD_U32LE "RSRP"; H5T_STD_I16LE "sinrdB"; H5T_STD_I16LE "postEqSinrdB"; H5T_STD_I16LE "noiseVardB"; H5T_STD_I16LE "postEqNoiseVardB"; } Compare RSSI, RSRP, sinrdB and noiseVar values against the FAPI values in logs - >>> SCF_FAPI_CRC_INDICATION 10.04 ul-sinr=20000 ta=63 ta-ns=16803 rssi=853 rsrp=912 [SCF.PHY] >>> RX_PE_NOISE_VARIANCE_INDICATION: PHY sfn=0x153 slot=0x0 num_meas=1 meas[0]=633

For comparing the Raw values of UL measurements against the TV, take h5dump of following values from cuPHY TV then compare reference_sinrdB, reference_rssi, reference_rsrpdB, reference_noiseVardB values against the Raw values in logs.


23:18:48.950917 D [SCF.PHY] Raw RSSI=6.020887 db ul_configured_gain=48.680000 23:18:48.950919 D [SCF.PHY] Raw SINR=40.000000 23:18:48.950920 D [SCF.PHY] Raw RSRP =-0.045194 db ul_configured_gain =48.680000 23:18:48.950938 D [SCF.PHY] Raw PE Noise variance=-40.000000 ul_configured_gain=48.680000

Verification of PUCCH measurement reporting for BFP-9/14/16

Change the value of BFP in matlab file 5GModel/nr_matlab/config as below. Generate cuPHY and FAPI TV and run the test.


% BFP setting for cuPHY UL TV generation and UL performance simulation SimCtrl.BFPforCuphy = 16; % 16, 14 or 9 for FP16, BFP14 or BFP9

Set log level to 6

Match the value in logs against these fields in cuPHY TV

Format 0 - F0UcisOutRef. Compare RSSI and RSRP value against corresponding value in logs

SCF_FAPI_UCI_INDICATION 10.04: PUCCH : Raw SINR=0.000000 RSSI=16.824944 RSRP=10.804343

Format 1 - F1UcisOutRef. Compare “SinrDB”, “RSSI”, “RSRP” value against the corresponding value in logs

SCF_FAPI_UCI_INDICATION 10.04: PUCCH : Raw SINR=25.059706 RSSI=-3.927727 RSRP=-9.948327

Format 2/3 - pucchF234_refSnrBuffer, pucchF234_refRsrpBuffer, pucchF234_refRssiBuffer, pucchF234_refInterfBuffer . Compare against relevant values in logs


[SCF.PHY] Raw SINR=28.154160 RSRP=-0.132790 ul_configured_gain=48.680000 [SCF.PHY] Raw RSSI=5.887811 ul_configured_gain=48.680000 >>> SCF_FAPI_UCI_INDICATION: PUCCH interference Raw=-28.286949 dbm 750 numMeasurements 1

Verification of PRACH interference level report for BFP-9/14/16

Enable config in test_mac_config.yaml


prach_interference: 1

Run nrSim 5013 test


nrSim 5013 --channels PRACH

Get “nOcc=x Raw PRACH interference” (x=0~3) from phy.log and get “PDUx_noise” (x=1~4) from TV:


# phy.log grep -o "PHY nOcc=[0-9] Raw PRACH interference=.*" phy.log PHY nOcc=0 Raw PRACH interference=-16.046867 ul_configured_gain=48.680000 FAPI value=872 PHY nOcc=1 Raw PRACH interference=-16.921370 ul_configured_gain=48.680000 FAPI value=863 PHY nOcc=2 Raw PRACH interference=-17.524746 ul_configured_gain=48.680000 FAPI value=857 PHY nOcc=3 Raw PRACH interference=-18.472067 ul_configured_gain=48.680000 FAPI value=848 # TV h5ls -ld TVnr_5013_gNB_FAPI_s1.h5/PDU1_noise TVnr_5013_gNB_FAPI_s1.h5/PDU2_noise TVnr_5013_gNB_FAPI_s1.h5/PDU3_noise TVnr_5013_gNB_FAPI_s1.h5/PDU4_noise PDU1_noise Dataset {1, 1} Data: (0,0) -16.0463 PDU2_noise Dataset {1, 1} Data: (0,0) -16.0842 PDU3_noise Dataset {1, 1} Data: (0,0) -16.0449 PDU4_noise Dataset {1, 1} Data: (0,0) -16.294

Expected result:


abs(Raw PRACH interference - PDUx_noise) < 3 # Example, in above log the 4th occation: abs(-18.472067 + 16.294) = 2.178067 < 3

To restart all cells while multiple cells are running

In the test_mac_config.yaml file, set the following:


# testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml # Total slot number in test test_slots: 8000 # When 1 slot = 0.5 ms, 8000 slots = 4 seconds. # Restart interval after test_slots finished. Unit is second restart_interval: 5

This instructs the testMAC to schedule 8000 slots then send cell stop request to all cells. After waiting 5 seconds, TestMAC will send config request and cell start request to all cells.

Use the following commands to verify with the F08 4C pattern A case. Here is the expected result: full throughput runs for approximately 4 seconds, test_mac throughput stops, and ru-emulator throughput reduces to 0 for about 5 seconds, then the procedure repeats.


sudo ./cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/ru_emulator/ru_emulator F08 4C 60 sudo -E ./cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/examples/cuphycontroller_scf F08 sudo ./cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac F08 4C 60

Run the F08 E2E test case as usual:


sudo -E LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/opt/mellanox/dpdk/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/opt/mellanox/doca/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ${cuBB_SDK}/build/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/examples/cuphycontroller_scf F08 sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/opt/mellanox/dpdk/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/opt/mellanox/doca/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ${cuBB_SDK}/build/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/ru_emulator/ru_emulator F08 1C 60 sudo ${cuBB_SDK}/build/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac F08 1C 60

Terminate cuphycontroller while the E2E test is running:


cd ${cuBB_SDK}/build/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam python3 ../../../cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/

You should see cuphycontroller stops running, and will print the following output:


12:23:32 Terminating cuphycontroller... 12:23:36 cuphycontroller terminated successfully!

Dynamically changing M-plane parameters via gPRC message is often used with cell life during the initial cell setup with RUs, as well as to replace the RU while cells are running. See List of parameters supported by dynamic OAM via gRPC and CONFIG.request (M-plane)

The following sequence diagram shows an example of both scenarios:

  • Initial cell and M-plane setup: After launching cuphycontroller, L1 is initialized and all cells are in idle state to be configured. The max number of cells is defined by the cell_group_num parameter in the cuphycontroller YAML config. In the example sequence diagram, the OAM sends gRPC message to update M-plane parameters so L1 gets the details to connect to the right RU for each cell. Then L2 sends CONFIG.request to configure the cell.


    In the current implementation, all cells must be configured before any cell Start.request.

  • RU replacement while other cells are running: The example sequence diagram shows the sequence to move the cell-1 traffics from RU1 to RU5. Firstly, the L2 must stop scheduling traffics on cell-1 and send cell Stop.request to cell-1. After that, OAM sends the new M-plane parameters via gRPC message for L1 to connect to RU5. Then L2 sends Config.request and Start.request to bring cell-1 to running state again.


    In the current implementation, the cell Config.request after the first cell Start.request has no effect.


X2 launch pattern files generation

In subsequet sections, X2 launch pattern files will be needed for related test. Script $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ is used to generate them.

Here is the usage:


usage: [-h] -f LAUNCH_PATTERN_FILE -o OUTPUT_DIR error: the following arguments are required: -f/--launch_pattern_file, -o/--output_dir

For example, to generate X2 launch pattern file for tc “F08 2C 59”, run below in container. We will see corresponding file ‘$cuBB_SDK/testVectors/multi-cell/launch_pattern_F08_2C_59_X2.yaml’


python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ -f $cuBB_SDK/testVectors/multi-cell/launch_pattern_F08_2C_59.yaml -o $cuBB_SDK/testVectors/multi-cell/'

Initial OAM Update

Here is an example of a 4 cell test. Run cuphycontroller with wrong initial configurations, then use gRPC message to update them to the right values.

DST MAC Address OAM Initial Update Test - Single Cell


Update configs: # Update 'cell_group_num' to 1 in cuphycontroller yaml config sed -i "s/cell_group_num.*/cell_group_num: 1/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08.yaml # Use bleow settings for "Cell1" in ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml, note that only the eth mac address is changed cell_configs: - name: "Cell1" eth: "20:04:9B:9E:27:B3" eAxC_UL: [8,0,1,2] eAxC_DL: [8,0,1,2] eAxC_prach_list: [15,7,0,1] compression_bits: 14 decompression_bits: 14 peer: 0 nic: 0 vlan: 2 pcp: 7

If you don’t perform the OAM update to change the cell 1 dst mac address, the below test will fail. The expected test result is no throughput on the ru-emulator side.


sudo ./cuphycontroller_scf F08 sudo ./ru_emulator F08 1C 59 sudo ./test_mac F08 1C 59

If you perform the OAM update to change the cell 1 dst mac address, the below test will pass. The expected test result is that there will be throughput on the ru-emulator side.


sudo ./cuphycontroller_scf F08 # Below OAM update command should be executed on the same server as cuphycontroller cd $cuBB_SDK/build/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam && python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ 1 20:04:9B:9E:27:B3 E002 sudo ./ru_emulator F08 1C 59 sudo ./test_mac F08 1C 59

VLAN ID OAM Initial Update Test - Single Cell


Update configs: # Update 'cell_group_num' to 1 in cuphycontroller yaml config sed -i "s/cell_group_num.*/cell_group_num: 1/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08.yaml # Use below settings for "Cell1" in ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml, note that only the VLAN ID is changedcell_configs: - name: "Cell1" eth: "20:04:9B:9E:27:A3" eAxC_UL: [8,0,1,2] eAxC_DL: [8,0,1,2] eAxC_prach_list: [15,7,0,1] compression_bits: 14 decompression_bits: 14 peer: 0 nic: 0 vlan: 3 pcp: 7

If you don’t perform the OAM update to change the cell 1 VLAN ID, the below test will fail. The expected test result is no throughput on the ru-emulator side.


sudo ./cuphycontroller_scf F08 sudo ./ru_emulator F08 1C 59 sudo ./test_mac F08 1C 59

If you perform the OAM update to change the cell 1 VLAN ID, the below test will pass. The expected test result is that there will be throughput on the ru-emulator side.


sudo ./cuphycontroller_scf F08 # Below OAM update command should be executed on the same server as cuphycontroller cd $cuBB_SDK/build/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam && python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ 1 20:04:9B:9E:27:A3 E003 sudo ./ru_emulator F08 1C 59 sudo ./test_mac F08 1C 59

VLAN PCP OAM Initial Update Test - Single Cell

Update configs:


# Update 'cell_group_num' to 1 in cuphycontroller yaml config sed -i "s/cell_group_num.*/cell_group_num: 1/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08.yaml # Use bleow settings for "Cell1" in ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml, note that only the PCP is changed cell_configs: - name: "Cell1" eth: "20:04:9B:9E:27:A3" eAxC_UL: [8,0,1,2] eAxC_DL: [8,0,1,2] eAxC_prach_list: [15,7,0,1] compression_bits: 14 decompression_bits: 14 peer: 0 nic: 0 vlan: 2 pcp: 4

If you don’t perform the OAM update to change the cell 1 PCP, the below test will fail. The expected test result is no throughput on the ru-emulator side.


sudo ./cuphycontroller_scf F08 sudo ./ru_emulator F08 1C 59 sudo ./test_mac F08 1C 59

If you perform the OAM update to change the cell 1 PCP, the below test will pass. The expected test result is that there will be throughput on the ru-emulator side.


sudo ./cuphycontroller_scf F08 # Below OAM update command should be executed on the same server as cuphycontroller cd $cuBB_SDK/build/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam && python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ 1 20:04:9B:9E:27:A3 8002 sudo ./ru_emulator F08 1C 59 sudo ./test_mac F08 1C 59

DST MAC + VLAN ID + PCP OAM Initial Update Test - Multi-Cells


# Update 'cell_group_num' to 4 in cuphycontroller yaml config sed -i "s/cell_group_num.*/cell_group_num: 4/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08.yaml # Change eth, vlan, pcp of Cell 1~4 to any wrong values (here only show the values which require change) in ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08.yaml - cell_id: 1 dst_mac_addr: 20:20:20:20:20:A1 vlan: 3 pcp: 2 - cell_id: 2 dst_mac_addr: 20:20:20:20:20:A2 vlan: 4 pcp: 3 - cell_id: 3 dst_mac_addr: 20:20:20:20:20:A3 vlan: 5 pcp: 4 - cell_id: 4 dst_mac_addr: 20:20:20:20:20:A4 vlan: 6 pcp: 5

If you don’t perform the OAM update, the E2E test will fail. The expected test result is no throughput on the ru-emulator side.


sudo ./cuphycontroller_scf F08 sudo ./ru_emulator F08 4C 59 sudo ./test_mac F08 4C 59

If you perform the OAM update for MAC + VLAN + PCP of the 4 cells to right values, the E2E test will pass.The expected test result is normal throughputs for all cells


sudo ./cuphycontroller_scf F08 # OAM update MAC + VLAN + PCP of the 4 cells after cuphycontroller_scf started cd $cuBB_SDK/build/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam && python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ 1 20:04:9B:9E:27:A3 E002 cd $cuBB_SDK/build/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam && python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ 2 26:04:9D:9E:29:B3 E002 cd $cuBB_SDK/build/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam && python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ 3 20:34:9A:9E:29:B3 E002 cd $cuBB_SDK/build/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam && python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ 4 22:34:9C:9E:29:A3 E002 sudo ./ru_emulator F08 4C 59 sudo ./test_mac F08 4C 59

Dynamic OAM Update

DST MAC Address OAM On-the-Fly Update Test - Single Cell

Update the ‘restart_interval’ and ‘test_cell_update’ sections with the below values in the testMac config file ($cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml).

testMAC configs: add cell_id 0 to the “test_cells” list to enable the test. Notice ‘vlan’ and ‘pcp’ is the same, but ‘dst_mac’ is different here. Change ‘test_sequence’ if required to test more cases.


restart_interval: 3 # For cell net parameters update test # Configs of slot_point=0 only runs at init, other configs will run repeatly. test_cell_update: test_cells: [0] test_sequence: - slot_point: 20000 configs: - {cell_id: 0, dst_mac: 20:04:9B:9E:27:A3, vlan: 2, pcp: 7} - slot_point: 40000 configs: - {cell_id: 0, dst_mac: 26:04:9D:9E:29:B3, vlan: 2, pcp: 7}

testMAC will automatically call the below script to change the net parameters during testMAC initialization and before cell restarting (Note: m-plane cell_id = testMAC cell_id + 1).


cd $cuBB_SDK/build/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam && python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ <m-plane cell_id> <dst_mac> <pcp_vlan>

In the ru-emulator config file ($cuBB_SDKcuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml), change “Cell2” parameters to be the same as “Cell1”, except for “eth” (Note that the only difference is the eth MAC address).


- name: "Cell1" eth: "20:04:9B:9E:27:A3" eAxC_UL: [8,0,1,2] eAxC_DL: [8,0,1,2] eAxC_prach_list: [15,7,0,1] compression_bits: 14 decompression_bits: 14 peer: 0 nic: 0 vlan: 2 pcp: 7 - name: "Cell2" eth: "26:04:9D:9E:29:B3" eAxC_UL: [8,0,1,2] eAxC_DL: [8,0,1,2] eAxC_prach_list: [15,7,0,1] compression_bits: 14 decompression_bits: 14 peer: 0 nic: 0 vlan: 2 pcp: 7

Run normal F08 Pattern 0 1C E2E test commands, except change the ru-emulator parameter “1C” to “1C_X2” (the following only shows the test case parameters; refer to the F08 cases for full instructions):


sudo ./ru_emulator F08 1C_59_X2 sudo ./cuphycontroller_scf F08 sudo ./test_mac F08 1C 59

Test result:

  • ru-emulator throughput first starts on cell 1.

  • ru-emulator throughput switches between cell 0 to cell 1, and repeats.

  • The switching time points are decided by the above “slot_point” in testMAC configurations. Currently 20000 slots = 10 seconds.

VLAN ID OAM On-the-Fly Update Test - Single Cell

Update ‘restart_interval’ and ‘test_cell_update’ section with below in testMac config file $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml.

testMAC configs: add cell_id 0 to “test_cells” list to enable the test. Notice ‘dst_mac’ and ‘pcp’ are same, ‘vlan’ is different here. Change test_sequence if requires to test more cases.


restart_interval: 3 # For cell net parameters update test test_cell_update: test_cells: [0] test_sequence: - slot_point: 20000 configs: - {cell_id: 0, dst_mac: 20:04:9B:9E:27:A3, vlan: 3, pcp: 7} - slot_point: 40000 configs: - {cell_id: 0, dst_mac: 20:04:9B:9E:27:A3, vlan: 2, pcp: 7}

testMAC will automatically call below script to change the net parameters and stop, restart the cell. (Note: m-plane cell_id = testMAC cell_id + 1)


cd $cuBB_SDK/build/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam && python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ <m-plane cell_id> <dst_mac> <pcp_vlan>

Update ‘cell_configs’ section with below for “Cell1” and “Cell2” in ru-emulator config file $cuBB_SDKcuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml. (Note: The only difference is the vlan id)


- name: "Cell1" eth: "20:04:9B:9E:27:A3" eAxC_UL: [8,0,1,2] eAxC_DL: [8,0,1,2] eAxC_prach_list: [15,7,0,1] compression_bits: 14 decompression_bits: 14 peer: 0 nic: 0 vlan: 2 pcp: 7 - name: "Cell2" eth: "20:04:9B:9E:27:A3" eAxC_UL: [8,0,1,2] eAxC_DL: [8,0,1,2] eAxC_prach_list: [15,7,0,1] compression_bits: 14 decompression_bits: 14 peer: 0 nic: 0 vlan: 3 pcp: 7

Run normal F08 Pattern 0 1C E2E test commans except change ru-emulator parameter “1C” to “1C_X2” (here only show the test case parameters, refer to F08 cases for full instructions):


sudo ./ru_emulator F08 1C_59_X2 sudo ./cuphycontroller_scf F08 sudo ./test_mac F08 1C 59

Expected test result: ru-emulator to see throughput changed between cell 0 to cell 1, and repeat. The change time points are decided by above “slot_point” in testMAC configurations. Currently 20000 slots = 10 seconds.

VLAN PCP OAM On-the-Fly Update Test - Single Cell

Update ‘restart_interval’ and ‘test_cell_update’ section with below in testMac config file $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml.

testMAC configs: add cell_id 0 to “test_cells” list to enable the test. Notice ‘dst_mac’ and ‘vlan’ are same, ‘pcp’ is different here. Change test_sequence if requires to test more cases.


restart_interval: 3 # For cell net parameters update test test_cell_update: test_cells: [0] test_sequence: - slot_point: 20000 configs: - {cell_id: 0, dst_mac: 20:04:9B:9E:27:A3, vlan: 2, pcp: 4} - slot_point: 40000 configs: - {cell_id: 0, dst_mac: 20:04:9B:9E:27:A3, vlan: 2, pcp: 7}

testMAC will automatically call below script to change the net parameters and stop, restart the cell. (Note: m-plane cell_id = testMAC cell_id + 1)


cd $cuBB_SDK/build/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam && python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ <m-plane cell_id> <dst_mac> <pcp_vlan>

Update ‘cell_configs’ section with below for “Cell1” and “Cell2” in ru-emulator config file $cuBB_SDKcuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml. (Note: The only difference is the PCP value)


- name: "Cell1" eth: "20:04:9B:9E:27:A3" eAxC_UL: [8,0,1,2] eAxC_DL: [8,0,1,2] eAxC_prach_list: [15,7,0,1] compression_bits: 14 decompression_bits: 14 peer: 0 nic: 0 vlan: 2 pcp: 7 - name: "Cell2" eth: "20:04:9B:9E:27:A3" eAxC_UL: [8,0,1,2] eAxC_DL: [8,0,1,2] eAxC_prach_list: [15,7,0,1] compression_bits: 14 decompression_bits: 14 peer: 0 nic: 0 vlan: 2 pcp: 4

Run normal F08 Pattern 0 1C E2E test commans except change ru-emulator parameter “1C” to “1C_X2” (here only show the test case parameters, refer to F08 cases for full instructions):


sudo ./ru_emulator F08 1C_59_X2 sudo ./cuphycontroller_scf F08 sudo ./test_mac F08 1C 59

Expected test result: ru-emulator to see throughput changed between cell 0 to cell 1, and repeat. The change time points are decided by above “slot_point” in testMAC configurations. Currently 20000 slots = 10 seconds.

DST MAC OAM On-the-Fly Update Test (with OAM Cell Ctrl Command) - Multi-cells

Below sequence diagram shows the capability of updating Dst_MAC/VLAN/PCP on the fly with multi-cell running.


Configuration update:


# Save original configuration before the test cp $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml.orig cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml.orig cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml.orig # Update config sed -i "s/oam_cell_ctrl_cmd:.*/oam_cell_ctrl_cmd: 1/" $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_UL:.*/eAxC_UL: \\[0,1,2,3\\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_DL:.*/eAxC_DL: \\[0,1,2,3\\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_prach_list:.*/eAxC_prach_list: \\[5,6,7,10\\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml sed -i "s/cell_group_num:.*/cell_group_num: 4/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml sed -i "s/\\[.*//g" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_id_.*/&\\[0, 1, 2, 3\\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_id_prach.*/eAxC_id_prach: \\[5, 6, 7, 10\\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml # Restore the configuration after the test cp $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml.orig $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml.orig ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml cp ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml.orig ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml

RU-Emulator will use launch pattern file “xC_59_X2” for test:

  • launch_pattern_F08_4C_59_X2.yaml

  • launch_pattern_F08_8C_59_X2.yaml


There is a known issue to run launch_pattern_F08_8C_59_X2.yaml

Run normal F08 4C 59 E2E test commans except change ru-emulator parameter “4C” to “4C_59_X2” (here only show the test case parameters, refer to F08 cases for full instructions):


sudo ./ru_emulator F08 4C_59_X2 sudo ./cuphycontroller_scf F08 sudo ./test_mac F08 4C 59

Init CONF.req sent to all cells (Executed on DU server)


cd $cuBB_SDK/build/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/ for i in {0..3}; do python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ --server_ip localhost --cell_id $i --cmd 3 && sleep 1; done;

START.req sent to all cells (Executed on DU server)


cd $cuBB_SDK/build/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/ for i in {0..3}; do python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ --server_ip localhost --cell_id $i --cmd 1 && sleep 1; done;

Expected result (At this point, RU-Emulator will see cell 0~3 have tput):


STOP.req sent to all cells (Executed on DU server)


cd $cuBB_SDK/build/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/ for i in {0..3}; do python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ --server_ip localhost --cell_id $i --cmd 0 && sleep 1; done;

OAM update (Cell i dst MAC updated to target Cell i+4 on RU-Emulator side, ie. 0→4, 1→5, 2→6, 3->7) (Executed on DU server)


cd $cuBB_SDK/build/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/ python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ 1 20:04:9B:9E:27:05 E002 && sleep 1 python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ 2 20:04:9B:9E:27:06 E002 && sleep 1 python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ 3 20:04:9B:9E:27:07 E002 && sleep 1 python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ 4 20:04:9B:9E:27:08 E002 && sleep 1

START.req sent to all cells (Executed on DU server)


cd $cuBB_SDK/build/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/ for i in {0..3}; do python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ --server_ip localhost --cell_id $i --cmd 1 && sleep 1; done;

Expected result (At this point, RU-Emulator will see cell 4~7 have tput):


This sequence shows changing the PCI and 4 PRACH parameters after the initial config of a cell. There is also a possibility of changing the RU’s VLAN ID and MAC address connected to the cell.


In order to support the above sequence, testMac has been enhanced to send CONFIG.req and START.req using OAM commands and Aerial has been enhanced to support dynamic PRACH parameter configuration and change of PCI in release 22-2.3. Changing of VLAN-id and DST MAC address was supported in previous release and will be utilized to support the Init sequence as shown above. The 6 PRACH parameters that can be changed are as follows:

  • prachRootSequenceIndex

  • restrictedSetConfig

  • prachConfigIndex

  • prachZeroCorrConf

  • numPrachFdOccasions

  • K1

  • prachConfigIndex

  • restrictedSetConfig

In order to test this feature, testMac and ru-emulator are started with more number of cells as compared to cuphyController and then OAM commands are used to change the configuration of a given cell.

Enable testMac to take OAM commands for CONFIG and START of a cell - Change file test_mac_config.yaml as follows:


# Send cell config/start/stop request via OAM command oam_cell_ctrl_cmd: 1

In order to test the sequence with n cells, change cell_group_num to n in cuphycontroller_F08.yaml and other corresponding files


cell_group: 1 cell_group_num: n fix_beta_dl: 0

For example, for 8C -


cell_group: 1 cell_group_num: 8 fix_beta_dl: 0

Update flow lists on both cuphycontroller and ru-emulator config:


sed -i "s/eAxC_UL:.*/eAxC_UL: \\[0,1,2,3\\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_DL:.*/eAxC_DL: \\[0,1,2,3\\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_prach_list:.*/eAxC_prach_list: \\[5,6,7,10\\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/config/config.yaml sed -i "s/\\[.*//g" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_id_.*/&\\[0, 1, 2, 3\\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml sed -i "s/eAxC_id_prach.*/eAxC_id_prach: \\[5, 6, 7, 10\\]/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml

Run cuphycontroller , testMac for > nC and ru-emulator for > nC. For example, for 8C:


sudo ./cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/ru_emulator/ru_emulator F08 9C 14 sudo -E ./cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/examples/cuphycontroller_scf F08 sudo ./cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac F08 9C 14

Once testMac has created the gRPC Server and once you see the logs below on testMac console, we are ready to give issue the OAM commands from OAM window


gRPC Server listening on 20:33:56.124414 C [NVIPC:SHM] shm_ipc_open: forward_enable=0 fw_max_msg_buf_count=0 fw_max_data_buf_count=0 20:33:56.124434 C [MAC.PROC] set_launch_pattern_and_configs: fapi_type=1 tb_loc=1 20:33:56.124439 C [MAC.PROC] test_mac: create SCF FAPI interface

Execute OAM commands for testMac from a OAM window:

  • CONFIG.req command for all n cells. cmd=3 is for CONFIG.req

  • Start cell-0 (cmd=1)

For example, for 8C:


export cuBB_SDK=$(pwd) cd build/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/ for i in {0..7}; do python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ --server_ip localhost --cell_id $i --cmd 3 && sleep 1; done; //Send CONFIG.req for cell 0~7 python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ --server_ip localhost --cell_id 0 --cmd 1 // Send START.req for cell-0

At this time you can see traffic running only for cell-0 on testMac, cuphycontroller and ru-emulator console:


# testMac console 20:34:22.124683 C [MAC.SCF] cell_init: cell_id=0 fapi_type=SCF global_tick=-1 first_init=1 20:34:26.124793 C [MAC.SCF] cell_init: cell_id=1 fapi_type=SCF global_tick=-1 first_init=1 20:34:28.124858 C [MAC.SCF] cell_start: cell_id=0 fapi_type=SCF global_tick=-1 04:55:13.040024 Cell 0 | DL 829.36 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 122.92 Mbps 400 Slots | Prmb 100 | HARQ 12000 | SR 0 | CSI1 2400 | CSI2 2400 | ERR 0 | INV 0 04:55:13.040037 Cell 1 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 04:55:13.040045 Cell 2 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 04:55:13.040051 Cell 3 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 04:55:13.040058 Cell 4 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 04:55:13.040065 Cell 5 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 04:55:13.040069 Cell 6 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 04:55:13.040074 Cell 7 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 04:55:13.040081 Cell 8 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 04:55:14.040025 Cell 0 | DL 829.36 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 122.92 Mbps 400 Slots | Prmb 100 | HARQ 12000 | SR 0 | CSI1 2400 | CSI2 2400 | ERR 0 | INV 0 04:55:14.040037 Cell 1 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 04:55:14.040045 Cell 2 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 04:55:14.040049 Cell 3 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 04:55:14.040054 Cell 4 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 04:55:14.040061 Cell 5 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 04:55:14.040067 Cell 6 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 04:55:14.040071 Cell 7 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 04:55:14.040077 Cell 8 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 # cuphycontroller console 04:55:13.040004 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 0 | DL 829.36 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 122.92 Mbps 400 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 142000 04:55:13.040018 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 1 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 142000 04:55:13.040023 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 2 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 142000 04:55:13.040027 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 3 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 142000 04:55:13.040033 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 4 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 142000 04:55:13.040037 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 5 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 142000 04:55:13.040044 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 6 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 142000 04:55:13.040051 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 7 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 142000 04:55:14.040005 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 0 | DL 829.36 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 122.92 Mbps 400 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 144000 04:55:14.040019 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 1 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 144000 04:55:14.040023 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 2 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 144000 04:55:14.040028 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 3 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 144000 04:55:14.040033 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 4 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 144000 04:55:14.040040 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 5 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 144000 04:55:14.040046 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 6 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 144000 04:55:14.040050 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 7 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 144000

Now give OAM commands to switch the change PCI and PRACH parameters for cell-1 to cell ‘n+1’.

For example - the below command triggers testMac to send another CONFIG.req for cell-1 with parameters for cell-9. The DST MAC address in the parameters for script should be the DST MAC address of n+1 cell in cuphycontroller yaml file. For example, for 8C testcase, DST MAC address should be for cell-9 in cuphycontroller yaml file -

dst_mac_addr: 20:04:9B:9E:27:09


python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ --server_ip localhost --cell_id 1 --cmd 2 --target_cell_id 8 //Send CONFIG.req for cell-1 with PRACH parameters read from TV for cell-8 and PCI of cell-8 python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ 2 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx E002 // Set VLAN-id and DST MAC address of cell-1 to point to VLAN-id & DST MAC address of cell-9 in cuphycontroller yaml file python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ --server_ip localhost --cell_id 1 --cmd 1 // Send START.req for cell-1

Now testMAC and cuphycontroller will see traffic for cell-0 and cell-1 while RU-Emulator will see traffic for cell-0 and cell-8.


# testMac console 20:35:00.125020 C [MAC.SCF] cell_start: cell_id=1 fapi_type=SCF global_tick=61130 20:35:00.560041 Cell 0 | DL 1731.61 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 240.94 Mbps 400 Slots | Prmb 100 | HARQ 12000 | SR 0 | CSI1 2400 | CSI2 2400 | ERR 0 | INV 0 20:35:00.560053 Cell 1 | DL 752.17 Mbps 695 Slots | UL 6.63 Mbps 174 Slots | Prmb 43 | HARQ 5220 | SR 0 | CSI1 1044 | CSI2 1044 | ERR 0 | INV 174 20:35:00.560058 Cell 2 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 20:35:00.560063 Cell 3 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 20:35:01.560039 Cell 0 | DL 1731.61 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 240.94 Mbps 400 Slots | Prmb 100 | HARQ 12000 | SR 0 | CSI1 2400 | CSI2 2400 | ERR 0 | INV 0 20:35:01.560050 Cell 1 | DL 1731.61 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 15.06 Mbps 400 Slots | Prmb 100 | HARQ 12000 | SR 0 | CSI1 2400 | CSI2 2400 | ERR 0 | INV 400 20:35:01.560055 Cell 2 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 20:35:01.560060 Cell 3 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 20:35:02.560041 Cell 0 | DL 1731.61 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 240.94 Mbps 400 Slots | Prmb 100 | HARQ 12000 | SR 0 | CSI1 2400 | CSI2 2400 | ERR 0 | INV 0 20:35:02.560053 Cell 1 | DL 1731.61 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 15.06 Mbps 400 Slots | Prmb 100 | HARQ 12000 | SR 0 | CSI1 2400 | CSI2 2400 | ERR 0 | INV 400 20:35:02.560058 Cell 2 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 20:35:02.560063 Cell 3 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 20:35:03.560040 Cell 0 | DL 1731.61 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 240.94 Mbps 400 Slots | Prmb 100 | HARQ 12000 | SR 0 | CSI1 2400 | CSI2 2400 | ERR 0 | INV 0 20:35:03.560051 Cell 1 | DL 1731.61 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 15.06 Mbps 400 Slots | Prmb 100 | HARQ 12000 | SR 0 | CSI1 2400 | CSI2 2400 | ERR 0 | INV 400 20:35:03.560056 Cell 2 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 20:35:03.560061 Cell 3 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 20:35:04.560043 Cell 0 | DL 1731.61 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 240.94 Mbps 400 Slots | Prmb 100 | HARQ 12000 | SR 0 | CSI1 2400 | CSI2 2400 | ERR 0 | INV 0 20:35:04.560054 Cell 1 | DL 1731.61 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 15.06 Mbps 400 Slots | Prmb 100 | HARQ 12000 | SR 0 | CSI1 2400 | CSI2 2400 | ERR 0 | INV 400 20:35:04.560059 Cell 2 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 20:35:04.560064 Cell 3 | DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | Prmb 0 | HARQ 0 | SR 0 | CSI1 0 | CSI2 0 | ERR 0 | INV 0 # cuPhyController console 20:35:00.560005 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 0 | DL 1731.61 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 240.94 Mbps 400 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 62000 20:35:00.560014 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 1 | DL 752.17 Mbps 695 Slots | UL 104.81 Mbps 174 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 62000 20:35:01.560004 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 0 | DL 1731.61 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 240.94 Mbps 400 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 64000 20:35:01.560012 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 1 | DL 1731.61 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 240.94 Mbps 400 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 64000 20:35:02.560005 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 0 | DL 1731.61 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 240.94 Mbps 400 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 66000 20:35:02.560013 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 1 | DL 1731.61 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 240.94 Mbps 400 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 66000 20:35:03.560005 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 0 | DL 1731.61 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 240.94 Mbps 400 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 68000 20:35:03.560012 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 1 | DL 1731.61 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 240.94 Mbps 400 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 68000 20:35:04.560006 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 0 | DL 1731.61 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 240.94 Mbps 400 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 70000 20:35:04.560013 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 1 | DL 1731.61 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 240.94 Mbps 400 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) | Tick 70000 20:35:05.457529 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 0 | DL 1553.04 Mbps 1435 Slots | UL 215.64 Mbps 358 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) 20:35:05.457541 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 1 | DL 1553.04 Mbps 1435 Slots | UL 215.64 Mbps 358 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) 20:35:05.457676 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 0 | DL 1553.04 Mbps 1435 Slots | UL 215.64 Mbps 358 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) 20:35:05.457681 C [SCF.PHY] Cell 1 | DL 1553.04 Mbps 1435 Slots | UL 215.64 Mbps 358 Slots CRC 0 ( 0) # ru-emulator console 12:15:45.760099 Cell 8 DL 829.36 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 122.92 Mbps 400 Slots | PBCH 100 | PDCCH_DL 1600 | CSI_RS 1600 | PRACH 100 Slots | PUCCH 400 Slots | DL_C_ON 100.00% DL_U_ON 100.00% UL_C_ON 100.00% |Seconds 513 12:15:46.760025 Cell 0 DL 829.36 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 122.92 Mbps 400 Slots | PBCH 100 | PDCCH_DL 1600 | CSI_RS 1600 | PRACH 100 Slots | PUCCH 400 Slots | DL_C_ON 100.00% DL_U_ON 100.00% UL_C_ON 100.00% |Seconds 514 12:15:46.760041 Cell 1 DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | PBCH 0 | PDCCH_DL 0 | CSI_RS 0 | PRACH 0 Slots | PUCCH 0 Slots | DL_C_ON 0.00% DL_U_ON 0.00% UL_C_ON 0.00% |Seconds 514 12:15:46.760049 Cell 2 DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | PBCH 0 | PDCCH_DL 0 | CSI_RS 0 | PRACH 0 Slots | PUCCH 0 Slots | DL_C_ON 0.00% DL_U_ON 0.00% UL_C_ON 0.00% |Seconds 514 12:15:46.760054 Cell 3 DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | PBCH 0 | PDCCH_DL 0 | CSI_RS 0 | PRACH 0 Slots | PUCCH 0 Slots | DL_C_ON 0.00% DL_U_ON 0.00% UL_C_ON 0.00% |Seconds 514 12:15:46.760060 Cell 4 DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | PBCH 0 | PDCCH_DL 0 | CSI_RS 0 | PRACH 0 Slots | PUCCH 0 Slots | DL_C_ON 0.00% DL_U_ON 0.00% UL_C_ON 0.00% |Seconds 514 12:15:46.760073 Cell 5 DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | PBCH 0 | PDCCH_DL 0 | CSI_RS 0 | PRACH 0 Slots | PUCCH 0 Slots | DL_C_ON 0.00% DL_U_ON 0.00% UL_C_ON 0.00% |Seconds 514 12:15:46.760078 Cell 6 DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | PBCH 0 | PDCCH_DL 0 | CSI_RS 0 | PRACH 0 Slots | PUCCH 0 Slots | DL_C_ON 0.00% DL_U_ON 0.00% UL_C_ON 0.00% |Seconds 514 12:15:46.760083 Cell 7 DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | PBCH 0 | PDCCH_DL 0 | CSI_RS 0 | PRACH 0 Slots | PUCCH 0 Slots | DL_C_ON 0.00% DL_U_ON 0.00% UL_C_ON 0.00% |Seconds 514 12:15:46.760090 Cell 8 DL 829.36 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 122.92 Mbps 400 Slots | PBCH 100 | PDCCH_DL 1600 | CSI_RS 1600 | PRACH 100 Slots | PUCCH 400 Slots | DL_C_ON 100.00% DL_U_ON 100.00% UL_C_ON 100.00% |Seconds 514 12:15:47.760024 Cell 0 DL 829.36 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 122.92 Mbps 400 Slots | PBCH 100 | PDCCH_DL 1600 | CSI_RS 1600 | PRACH 100 Slots | PUCCH 400 Slots | DL_C_ON 100.00% DL_U_ON 100.00% UL_C_ON 100.00% |Seconds 515 12:15:47.760041 Cell 1 DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | PBCH 0 | PDCCH_DL 0 | CSI_RS 0 | PRACH 0 Slots | PUCCH 0 Slots | DL_C_ON 0.00% DL_U_ON 0.00% UL_C_ON 0.00% |Seconds 515 12:15:47.760047 Cell 2 DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | PBCH 0 | PDCCH_DL 0 | CSI_RS 0 | PRACH 0 Slots | PUCCH 0 Slots | DL_C_ON 0.00% DL_U_ON 0.00% UL_C_ON 0.00% |Seconds 515 12:15:47.760053 Cell 3 DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | PBCH 0 | PDCCH_DL 0 | CSI_RS 0 | PRACH 0 Slots | PUCCH 0 Slots | DL_C_ON 0.00% DL_U_ON 0.00% UL_C_ON 0.00% |Seconds 515 12:15:47.760060 Cell 4 DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | PBCH 0 | PDCCH_DL 0 | CSI_RS 0 | PRACH 0 Slots | PUCCH 0 Slots | DL_C_ON 0.00% DL_U_ON 0.00% UL_C_ON 0.00% |Seconds 515 12:15:47.760066 Cell 5 DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | PBCH 0 | PDCCH_DL 0 | CSI_RS 0 | PRACH 0 Slots | PUCCH 0 Slots | DL_C_ON 0.00% DL_U_ON 0.00% UL_C_ON 0.00% |Seconds 515 12:15:47.760076 Cell 6 DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | PBCH 0 | PDCCH_DL 0 | CSI_RS 0 | PRACH 0 Slots | PUCCH 0 Slots | DL_C_ON 0.00% DL_U_ON 0.00% UL_C_ON 0.00% |Seconds 515 12:15:47.760082 Cell 7 DL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | UL 0.00 Mbps 0 Slots | PBCH 0 | PDCCH_DL 0 | CSI_RS 0 | PRACH 0 Slots | PUCCH 0 Slots | DL_C_ON 0.00% DL_U_ON 0.00% UL_C_ON 0.00% |Seconds 515 12:15:47.760089 Cell 8 DL 829.36 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 122.92 Mbps 400 Slots | PBCH 100 | PDCCH_DL 1600 | CSI_RS 1600 | PRACH 100 Slots | PUCCH 400 Slots | DL_C_ON 100.00% DL_U_ON 100.00% UL_C_ON 100.00% |Seconds 515 12:15:48.760023 Cell 0 DL 829.36 Mbps 1600 Slots | UL 122.92 Mbps 400 Slots | PBCH 100 | PDCCH_DL 1600 | CSI_RS 1600 | PRACH 100 Slots | PUCCH 400 Slots | DL_C_ON 100.00% DL_U_ON 100.00% UL_C_ON 100.00% |Seconds 516

Run below on gNB Server#1 (Make sure -DAERIAL_METRICS=1 added in cmake config):


curl localhost:8081/metrics

Set the Prometheus thread to a proper CPU core number. For testing on R750 with non-HT setup, change the F08_R750 config file so that DPDK-related metrics are updated, then launch cuphycontroller:


sed -i "s/prometheus_thread.*/prometheus_thread: 23/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/config/cuphycontroller_F08_R750.yaml sudo -E LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/opt/mellanox/dpdk/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/opt/mellanox/doca/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu numactl -N 1 -m 1 -- ${cuBB_SDK}/build/cuPHY-CP/cuphycontroller/examples/cuphycontroller_scf F08_R750

Do NOT yet start test_mac. Query the metrics, all metrics should be 0 except for:

  • aerial_cuphycp_net_tx_accu_sched_clock_queue_jitter_ns

  • aerial_cuphycp_net_tx_accu_sched_clock_queue_wander_ns

Launch RU emulator:


sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/opt/mellanox/dpdk/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/opt/mellanox/doca/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu ${cuBB_SDK}/build/cuPHY-CP/ru-emulator/ru_emulator/ru_emulator F08 8C_59

Run testMAC with 20000 slots:


sed -i "s/test_slots.*/test_slots: 20000/" ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config.yaml sudo -E LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/opt/mellanox/dpdk/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/opt/mellanox/doca/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu numactl -N 1 -m 1 -- ${cuBB_SDK}/build/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac F08 8C_59

Let the test finish. Wait until see test_mac output shows 20000 slots finished:


13:16:37.244835 C [MAC.FAPI] Finished running 20000 slots test

Don’t kill cuphycontroller yet. Query the metrics again, see the example log as below:


... # HELP aerial_cuphycp_slots_total Aerial cuPHY-CP total number of processed Downlink slots # TYPE aerial_cuphycp_slots_total counter aerial_cuphycp_slots_total{cell="8",type="UL"} 4000 aerial_cuphycp_slots_total{cell="8",type="DL"} 16000 aerial_cuphycp_slots_total{cell="7",type="UL"} 4000 aerial_cuphycp_slots_total{cell="6",type="UL"} 4000 aerial_cuphycp_slots_total{cell="3",type="DL"} 16000 aerial_cuphycp_slots_total{cell="7",type="DL"} 16000 aerial_cuphycp_slots_total{cell="2",type="UL"} 4000 aerial_cuphycp_slots_total{cell="3",type="UL"} 4000 aerial_cuphycp_slots_total{cell="1",type="DL"} 16000 aerial_cuphycp_slots_total{cell="1",type="UL"} 4000 aerial_cuphycp_slots_total{cell="2",type="DL"} 16000 aerial_cuphycp_slots_total{cell="6",type="DL"} 16000 aerial_cuphycp_slots_total{cell="4",type="UL"} 4000 aerial_cuphycp_slots_total{cell="5",type="DL"} 16000 aerial_cuphycp_slots_total{cell="4",type="DL"} 16000 aerial_cuphycp_slots_total{cell="5",type="UL"} 4000 ... # HELP aerial_cuphycp_on_time_uplane_rx_packets_total Aerial cuPHY-CP Uplink U-plane packets which arrived within their receive windows # TYPE aerial_cuphycp_on_time_uplane_rx_packets_total counter aerial_cuphycp_on_time_uplane_rx_packets_total{cell="7"} 1680000 aerial_cuphycp_on_time_uplane_rx_packets_total{cell="6"} 1680000 aerial_cuphycp_on_time_uplane_rx_packets_total{cell="2"} 1680000 aerial_cuphycp_on_time_uplane_rx_packets_total{cell="1"} 1680000 aerial_cuphycp_on_time_uplane_rx_packets_total{cell="8"} 1680000 aerial_cuphycp_on_time_uplane_rx_packets_total{cell="3"} 1680000 aerial_cuphycp_on_time_uplane_rx_packets_total{cell="4"} 1680000 aerial_cuphycp_on_time_uplane_rx_packets_total{cell="5"} 1680000 ... # HELP aerial_cuphycp_cplane_tx_bytes_total Aerial cuPHY-CP C-plane TX bytes # TYPE aerial_cuphycp_cplane_tx_bytes_total counter aerial_cuphycp_cplane_tx_bytes_total{cell="7"} 101048000 aerial_cuphycp_cplane_tx_bytes_total{cell="6"} 101048000 aerial_cuphycp_cplane_tx_bytes_total{cell="2"} 101048000 aerial_cuphycp_cplane_tx_bytes_total{cell="1"} 101048000 aerial_cuphycp_cplane_tx_bytes_total{cell="8"} 101048000 aerial_cuphycp_cplane_tx_bytes_total{cell="3"} 101048000 aerial_cuphycp_cplane_tx_bytes_total{cell="4"} 101048000 aerial_cuphycp_cplane_tx_bytes_total{cell="5"} 101048000


The nvlog_observer and nvlog_collect are deprecated in 23-1.

  1. By default the logs will get stored in ‘/tmp’ location. User can set the environment variable AERIAL_LOG_PATH to set customized logfile path.

  2. The moment log size crosses 20GB a new file gets created. Like phy.log, phy.log.1, phy.log.2 … phy.log.7.

Rel-23-3 support static cell allocation for different L2 instances.

There’s a known limitation that all cells need to be configured (by FAPI CONFIG.req) before any cell starts scheduling.

Example: run two L2 instances with 4 cells for each and one L1 instance with 8 cells.

  1. Assign different “prefix” in nvipc config of each L2 instance. The “prefix” is a string whose length should be less than 32.


# nvipc config yaml for each L2 instance # For L2 instance 0: test_mac_config.yaml prefix: nvipc # For L2 instance 1: test_mac_config_1.yaml prefix: nvipc1

And may need to configure some other parameters to run multiple instance on the same machine. For testMAC they are CPU cores, logger name and OAM server port. Below are the example commands to configure the 2nd testMAC instance.


sed -i 's/prefix:.*/prefix: nvipc1/g' ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config_1.yaml sed -i 's/log_name:.*/log_name: testmac1.log/g' ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config_1.yaml sed -i 's/oam_server_addr:.*/oam_server_addr:' ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config_1.yaml sed -i '/recv_thread_config/{ N; N; N; s/cpu_affinity:[^\n]*/cpu_affinity: 15/g}' ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config_1.yaml sed -i '/builder_thread_config/{ N; N; N; s/cpu_affinity:[^\n]*/cpu_affinity: 16/g}' ${cuBB_SDK}/cuPHY-CP/testMAC/testMAC/test_mac_config_1.yaml

  1. Switch nvipc config to nvipc_multi_instances.yaml in L1.


# l2_adapter_config_XXX.yaml nvipc_config_file: nvipc_multi_instances.yaml

  1. Config “prefix” in L1 and assign L1 cells for each L2 instance.

Assume 8 cells configured in cuphycontroller_XXX.yaml, the index of them are 0 ~ 7.


L1 cells: 0 ~ 7 The 1st L2 instance cells: 0 ~ 3 The 2nd L2 instance cells: 4 ~ 7

Then configure as below:


# nvipc_multi_instances.yaml transport: - transport_id: 0 phy_cells: [0, 1, 2, 3] type: shm shm_config: prefix: nvipc ... - transport_id: 1 phy_cells: [4, 5, 6, 7] type: shm shm_config: prefix: nvipc1 ...

The cell_id map between L1 and L2 will be maintained in cuphycontroller as below diagram:


  1. Run the test

Use F08 8C_60 as example:


sudo ./ru_emulator F08 8C_60 sudo ./cuphycontroller_scf F08_R750 # Run the 1st test_mac instance with default config file: test_mac_config.yaml sudo ./test_mac F08 8C_60 --cells 0x0F # Run the 2nd test_mac instance with another config file: test_mac_config_1.yaml sudo ./test_mac F08 8C_60 --cells 0xF0 --config test_mac_config_1.yaml

  1. Expected Test result:

See 8 cells thoughput in L1 and 4 cells throughput in each L2 instance.

OAM commands have no change in multiple L2 instances case.

Note that there are two types of cell IDs used in L1:

  • FAPI cell_id: cell instance index in each app. It starts from 0 and is unique in each L1/L2 app instance (but can be duplicate in different L2 app instances). It is also used as cell_id / handle_id in FAPI message.

  • mplane_id: an arbitrary integer value which is configurable in cuphycontroller_xxx.yaml and used in cuPHYDriver.

The “cell_id” in OAM commands is not the FAPI cell_id but the mplane_id.


# cuphycontroller_XXX.yaml cells: - name: O-RU 0 # FAPI cell_id is the cell instance index. For the first cell, FAPI cell_id = 0 cell_id: 1 # Here "cell_id" is actually "mplane_id" in source code. Current default config is: mplane_id = FAPI cell_id + 1

OAM command example: below command pass mplane_id = 1 to select the first cell.


# Usage: cell_id dst_mac_addr vlan_tci cd $cuBB_SDK/build/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam && python3 $cuBB_SDK/cuPHY-CP/cuphyoam/examples/ 1 20:04:9B:9E:27:B3 E002

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