Clara Holoscan v0.3.0

Emergent Vision Technologies (EVT)

Thanks to the collaboration with Emergent Vision Technologies, Clara Holoscan SDK now supports EVT high-speed cameras. Clara Holoscan SDK application has been developed and verified using HB-9000-G-C: 25GigE camera with Gpixel GMAX2509


The addition of an EVT camera to the Clara Holoscan hardware platform is optional. The Holoscan SDK has an application that can be run with the EVT camera, but there are other applications that can be run without EVT camera.

The EVT cameras can be connected to Clara devkits though Mellanox ConnectX SmartNIC, with the most simple connection method being a single cable between a camera and the Clara devkit. For 25 GigE cameras that use the SFP28 interface, this can be achieved by using SFP28 cable with QSFP28 to SFP28 adaptor.


The recommended length of SFP28 cable is no more than 2 meters due to signal integrity issues.

Refer to the Clara AGX Developer Kit User Guide or NVIDIA IGX Orin Developer Kit User Guide for the location of the QSFP28 connector on the device.

For EVT camera setup, refer to Hardware Installation in EVT Camera User’s Manual. Users need to log in to find be able to download Camera User’s Manual.


The EVT cameras require the user to buy the lens. Based on the application of camera, the lens can be bought from online store.

The Emergent SDK needs to be installed in order to compile and run the Clara Holoscan applications with EVT camera. The latest tested version of Emergent SDK with Clara Holoscan SDK is eSDK 2.36.02 Linux Ubuntu 20.04.04 Kernel 5.10.65 JP 5.0 HP and can be downloaded from here. The Emergent SDK comes with headers, libraries and examples. To install the SDK refer to the Software Installation section of EVT Camera User’s Manual. Users need to log in to find be able to download Camera User’s Manual.

  • The Emergent SDK depends on Rivermax SDK v1.11.11 and Mellanox OFED Network Drivers v5.7 which needs to be installed by SDK Manager.

  • To avoid installing Rivermax SDK and Mellanox OFED Network Drivers as part of Emergent SDK, use following command.


sudo ./ no_mellanox

After installation of the software, execute below steps to bring up the camera node on Clara devkit in dGPU mode.

  1. Restart openibd to configure Mellanox device, if not already.


sudo /etc/init.d/openibd restart

  1. Find out the logical name of the ethernet interface being used to connect EVT camera to Mellanox CX NIC using below command.


sudo ibdev2netdev -v

An example of what output would look like is:


0007:03:00.0 mlx5_0 (MT4125 - MCX623106AN-CDAT) ConnectX-6 Dx EN adapter card, 100GbE, Dual-port QSFP56, PCIe 4.0 x16, No Crypto fw 22.33.1048 port 1 (ACTIVE) ==> eth1 (Up) 0007:03:00.1 mlx5_1 (MT4125 - MCX623106AN-CDAT) ConnectX-6 Dx EN adapter card, 100GbE, Dual-port QSFP56, PCIe 4.0 x16, No Crypto fw 22.33.1048 port 1 (DOWN ) ==> eth2 (Down)

In above example, the camera is connected to ACTIVE port eth1.


The logical name of the ethernet interface can be anything and does not need to be eth1 as in above example.

  1. Configure the NIC with IP address, if not already during the Installing EVT hardware step. The following command uses the logical name of the ethernet interface found in step 2.


sudo ifconfig eth1 down sudo ifconfig eth1 mtu 9000 sudo ifconfig eth1 up

To test if the EVT camera and SDK was installed correctly, run the eCapture application with sudo privileges. First, ensure that a valid Rivermax license file is under /opt/mellanox/rivermax/rivermax.lic, then follow the instructions under the eCapture section of EVT Camera User’s Manual.

  1. Problem: The application fails to find the EVT camera.


  1. Problem: The application fails to open the EVT camera.


  • Make sure that the application was run with sudo priviledges.

  • Make sure a valid Rivermax license file is located at /opt/mellanox/rivermax/rivermax.lic.

  1. Problem: Fail to find eCapture app in the home window.


  • Open the terminal and find it under /opt/EVT/eCapture. The applications needs to be run with sudo priviledges.

  1. Problem: The eCaptureapplication fails to connect to the EVT camera with error message “GVCP ack error”.

Solutions: -It could be an issue with the HR12 power connection to the camera. Disconnect the HR12 power connector from the camera and try reconnecting it.

© Copyright 2022, NVIDIA. Last updated on Jun 28, 2023.