Clara Holoscan v0.3.0

Graph Execution Framework (GXF)

Holoscan GXF applications are built as compute graphs, based on GXF. This design provides modularity at the application level since existing entities can be swapped or updated without needing to recompile any extensions or application.

Those are the key terms used throughout this guide:

  • Each node in the graph is known as an entity

  • Each edge in the graph is known as a connection

  • Each entity is a collection of components

  • Each component performs a specific set of subtasks in that entity

  • The implementation of a component’s task is known as a codelet

  • Codelets are grouped in extensions

Similarly, the componentization of the entity itself allows for even more isolated changes. For example, if in an entity we have an input, an output, and a compute component, we can update the compute component without changing the input and output.

At its core, GXF provides a very thin API with a plug-in model to load in custom extensions. Applications built on top of GXF are composed of components. The primary component is a Codelet that provides an interface for start(), tick(), and stop() functions. Configuration parameters are bound within the registerInterface() function.

In addition to the Codelet class, there are several others providing the underpinnings of GXF:

  • Scheduler and Scheduling Terms: components that determine how and when the tick() of a Codelet executes. This can be single or multithreaded, support conditional execution, asynchronous scheduling, and other custom behavior.

  • Memory Allocator: provides a system for up-front allocating a large contiguous memory pool and then re-using regions as needed. Memory can be pinned to the device (enabling zero-copy between Codelets when messages are not modified) or host or customized for other potential behavior.

  • Receivers, Transmitters, and Message Router: a message passing system between Codelets that supports zero-copy.

  • Tensor: the common message type is a tensor. It provides a simple abstraction for numeric data that can be allocated, serialized, sent between Codelets, etc. Tensors can be rank 1 to 7 supporting a variety of common data types like arrays, vectors, matrices, multi-channel images, video, regularly sampled time-series data, and higher dimensional constructs popular with deep learning flows.

  • Parameters: configuration variables that specify constants used by the Codelet loaded from the application yaml file modifiable without recompiling.

Let us look at an example of a Holoscan entity to try to understand its general anatomy. As an example let’s start with the entity definition for an image format converter entity named format_converter_entity as shown below.

Listing 20 An example GXF Application YAML snippet


%YAML 1.2 --- # other entities declared --- name: format_converter_entity components: - name: in_tensor type: nvidia::gxf::DoubleBufferReceiver - type: nvidia::gxf::MessageAvailableSchedulingTerm parameters: receiver: in_tensor min_size: 1 - name: out_tensor type: nvidia::gxf::DoubleBufferTransmitter - type: nvidia::gxf::DownstreamReceptiveSchedulingTerm parameters: transmitter: out_tensor min_size: 1 - name: pool type: nvidia::gxf::BlockMemoryPool parameters: storage_type: 1 block_size: 4919040 # 854 * 480 * 3 (channel) * 4 (bytes per pixel) num_blocks: 2 - name: format_converter_component type: nvidia::holoscan::formatconverter::FormatConverter parameters: in: in_tensor out: out_tensor out_tensor_name: source_video out_dtype: "float32" scale_min: 0.0 scale_max: 255.0 pool: pool --- # other entities declared --- components: - name: input_connection type: nvidia::gxf::Connection parameters: source: upstream_entity/output target: format_converter/in_tensor --- components: - name: output_connection type: nvidia::gxf::Connection parameters: source: format_converter/out_tensor target: downstream_entity/input --- name: scheduler components: - type: nvidia::gxf::GreedyScheduler


  1. The entity format_converter_entity receives a message in its in_tensor message from an upstream entity upstream_entity as declared in the input_connection.

  2. The received message is passed to the format_converter_component component to convert the tensor element precision from uint8 to float32 and scale any input in the [0, 255] intensity range.

  3. The format_converter_component component finally places the result in the out_tensor message so that its result is made available to a downstream entity (downstream_ent as declared in output_connection).

  4. The Connection components tie the inputs and outputs of various components together, in the above case upstream_entity/output -> format_converter_entity/in_tensor and format_converter_entity/out_tensor -> downstream_entity/input.

  5. The scheduler entity declares a GreedyScheduler “system component” which orchestrates the execution of the entities declared in the graph. In the specific case of GreedyScheduler entities are scheduled to run exclusively, where no more than one entity can run at any given time.

The YAML snippet above can be visually represented as follows.


Fig. 25 Arrangement of components and entities in a Holoscan application

In the image, as in the YAML, you will notice the use of MessageAvailableSchedulingTerm, DownstreamReceptiveSchedulingTerm, and BlockMemoryPool. These are components that play a “supporting” role to in_tensor, out_tensor, and format_converter_component components respectively. Specifically:

  • MessageAvailableSchedulingTerm is a component that takes a Receiver`` (in this caseDoubleBufferReceivernamedin_tensor) and alerts the graphExecutorthat a message is available. This alert triggersformat_converter_component`.

  • DownstreamReceptiveSchedulingTerm is a component that takes a Transmitter (in this case DoubleBufferTransmitter named out_tensor) and alerts the graph Executor that a message has been placed on the output.

  • BlockMemoryPool provides two blocks of almost 5MB allocated on the GPU device and is used by format_converted_ent to allocate the output tensor where the converted data will be placed within the format converted component.

Together these components allow the entity to perform a specific function and coordinate communication with other entities in the graph via the declared scheduler.

More generally, an entity can be thought of as a collection of components where components can be passed to one another to perform specific subtasks (e.g. event triggering or message notification, format conversion, memory allocation), and an application as a graph of entities.

The scheduler is a component of type nvidia::gxf::System which orchestrates the execution components in each entity at application runtime based on triggering rules.

Entities communicate with one another via messages which may contain one or more payloads. Messages are passed and received via a component of type nvidia::gxf::Queue from which both nvidia::gxf::Receiver and nvidia::gxf::Transmitter are derived. Every entity that receives and transmits messages has at least one receiver and one transmitter queue.

Holoscan uses the nvidia::gxf::SchedulingTerm component to coordinate data access and component orchestration for a Scheduler which invokes execution through the tick() function in each Codelet.


A SchedulingTerm defines a specific condition that is used by an entity to let the scheduler know when it’s ready for execution.

In the above example, we used a MessageAvailableSchedulingTerm to trigger the execution of the components waiting for data from in_tensor receiver queue, namely format_converter_component.

Listing 21 MessageAvailableSchedulingTerm


- type: nvidia::gxf::MessageAvailableSchedulingTerm parameters: receiver: in_tensor min_size: 1

Similarly, DownStreamReceptiveSchedulingTerm checks whether the out_tensor transmitter queue has at least one outgoing message in it. If there are one or more outgoing messages, DownStreamReceptiveSchedulingTerm will notify the scheduler which in turn attempts to place the message in the receiver queue of a downstream entity. If, however, the downstream entity has a full receiver queue, the message is held in the out_tensor queue as a means to handle back-pressure.

Listing 22 DownstreamReceptiveSchedulingTerm


- type: nvidia::gxf::DownstreamReceptiveSchedulingTerm parameters: transmitter: out_tensor min_size: 1

If we were to draw the entity in Fig. 25 in greater detail it would look something like the following.


Fig. 26 Receive and transmit Queues and SchedulingTerms in entities.

Up to this point, we have covered the “entity component system” at a high level and showed the functional parts of an entity, namely, the messaging queues and the scheduling terms that support the execution of components in the entity. To complete the picture, the next section covers the anatomy and lifecycle of a component, and how to handle events within it.

Please follow Developing Holoscan GXF Extensions section first for a detailed explanation of the GXF extension development process.

For our application, we create the directory apps/my_recorder_app_gxf with the application definition file my_recorder_gxf.yaml. The my_recorder_gxf.yaml application is as follows:

Listing 23 apps/my_recorder_app_gxf/my_recorder_gxf.yaml


%YAML 1.2 --- name: replayer components: - name: output type: nvidia::gxf::DoubleBufferTransmitter - name: allocator type: nvidia::gxf::UnboundedAllocator - name: component_serializer type: nvidia::gxf::StdComponentSerializer parameters: allocator: allocator - name: entity_serializer type: nvidia::holoscan::stream_playback::VideoStreamSerializer # inheriting from nvidia::gxf::EntitySerializer parameters: component_serializers: [component_serializer] - type: nvidia::holoscan::stream_playback::VideoStreamReplayer parameters: transmitter: output entity_serializer: entity_serializer boolean_scheduling_term: boolean_scheduling directory: "/workspace/test_data/endoscopy/video" basename: "surgical_video" frame_rate: 0 # as specified in timestamps repeat: false # default: false realtime: true # default: true count: 0 # default: 0 (no frame count restriction) - name: boolean_scheduling type: nvidia::gxf::BooleanSchedulingTerm - type: nvidia::gxf::DownstreamReceptiveSchedulingTerm parameters: transmitter: output min_size: 1 --- name: recorder components: - name: input type: nvidia::gxf::DoubleBufferReceiver - name: allocator type: nvidia::gxf::UnboundedAllocator - name: component_serializer type: nvidia::gxf::StdComponentSerializer parameters: allocator: allocator - name: entity_serializer type: nvidia::holoscan::stream_playback::VideoStreamSerializer # inheriting from nvidia::gxf::EntitySerializer parameters: component_serializers: [component_serializer] - type: MyRecorder parameters: receiver: input serializer: entity_serializer out_directory: "/tmp" basename: "tensor_out" - type: nvidia::gxf::MessageAvailableSchedulingTerm parameters: receiver: input min_size: 1 --- components: - name: input_connection type: nvidia::gxf::Connection parameters: source: replayer/output target: recorder/input --- name: scheduler components: - name: clock type: nvidia::gxf::RealtimeClock - name: greedy_scheduler type: nvidia::gxf::GreedyScheduler parameters: clock: clock


  • The replayer reads data from /workspace/test_data/endoscopy/video/surgical_video.gxf_[index|entities] files, deserializes the binary data to a nvidia::gxf::Tensor using VideoStreamSerializer, and puts the data on an output message in the replayer/output transmitter queue.

  • The input_connection component connects the replayer/output transmitter queue to the recorder/input receiver queue.

  • The recorder reads the data in the input receiver queue, uses StdEntitySerializer to convert the received nvidia::gxf::Tensor to a binary stream, and outputs to the /tmp/tensor_out.gxf_[index|entities] location specified in the parameters.

  • The scheduler component, while not explicitly connected to the application-specific entities, performs the orchestration of the components discussed in the Data Flow and Triggering Rules.

Note the use of the component_serializer in our newly built recorder. This component is declared separately in the entity


- name: entity_serializer type: nvidia::holoscan::stream_playback::VideoStreamSerializer # inheriting from nvidia::gxf::EntitySerializer parameters: component_serializers: [component_serializer]

and passed into MyRecorder via the serializer parameter which we exposed in the extension development section (Declare the Parameters to Expose at the Application Level).


- type: MyRecorder parameters: receiver: input serializer: entity_serializer directory: "/tmp" basename: "tensor_out"

For our app to be able to load (and also compile where necessary) the extensions required at runtime, we need to declare a CMake file apps/my_recorder_app_gxf/CMakeLists.txt as follows.

Listing 24 apps/my_recorder_app_gxf/CMakeLists.txt


list(APPEND APP_COMMON_EXTENSIONS GXF::std GXF::cuda GXF::multimedia GXF::serialization ) create_gxe_application( NAME my_recorder_gxf YAML my_recorder_gxf.yaml EXTENSIONS ${APP_COMMON_EXTENSIONS} my_recorder stream_playback ) # Support automatic datasets download at build time # Create a CMake target for the my recorder test add_custom_target(my_recorder_gxf ALL) # Download the associated dataset if needed if(HOLOSCAN_DOWNLOAD_DATASETS) add_dependencies(my_recorder_gxf endoscopy_data) endif()

In the declaration of create_gxe_application we list:

  • my_recorder component declared in the CMake file of the extension development section under the EXTENSIONS argument

  • the existing stream_playback Holoscan extension which reads data from disk

We also create a dependency between my_recorder_gxf and endoscopy_data targets so that it downloads endoscopy test data when building the application.

To make our newly built application discoverable by the build, in the root of the repository, we add the following line



to apps/CMakeLists.txt.

We now have a minimal working application to test the integration of our newly built MyRecorder extension.

To run our application in a local development container:

  1. Follow the instructions under the Using a Development Container section steps 1-5 (try clearing the CMake cache by removing the build folder before compiling).

    You can execute the following commands to build


    ./run install_gxf ./run build # ./run clear_cache # if you want to clear build/install/cache folders

  2. Our test application can now be run in the development container using the command



    from inside the development container.

    (You can execute ./run launch to run the development container.)


    @LINUX:/workspace/holoscan-sdk/build$ ./apps/my_recorder_app_gxf/my_recorder_gxf 2022-08-24 04:46:47.333 INFO gxf/gxe/gxe.cpp@230: Creating context 2022-08-24 04:46:47.339 INFO gxf/gxe/gxe.cpp@107: Loading app: 'apps/my_recorder_app_gxf/my_recorder_gxf.yaml' 2022-08-24 04:46:47.339 INFO gxf/std/yaml_file_loader.cpp@117: Loading GXF entities from YAML file 'apps/my_recorder_app_gxf/my_recorder_gxf.yaml'... 2022-08-24 04:46:47.340 INFO gxf/gxe/gxe.cpp@291: Initializing... 2022-08-24 04:46:47.437 INFO gxf/gxe/gxe.cpp@298: Running... 2022-08-24 04:46:47.437 INFO gxf/std/greedy_scheduler.cpp@170: Scheduling 2 entities 2022-08-24 04:47:14.829 INFO /workspace/holoscan-sdk/gxf_extensions/stream_playback/video_stream_replayer.cpp@144: Reach end of file or playback count reaches to the limit. Stop ticking. 2022-08-24 04:47:14.829 INFO gxf/std/greedy_scheduler.cpp@329: Scheduler stopped: Some entities are waiting for execution, but there are no periodic or async entities to get out of the deadlock. 2022-08-24 04:47:14.829 INFO gxf/std/greedy_scheduler.cpp@353: Scheduler finished. 2022-08-24 04:47:14.829 INFO gxf/gxe/gxe.cpp@320: Deinitializing... 2022-08-24 04:47:14.863 INFO gxf/gxe/gxe.cpp@327: Destroying context 2022-08-24 04:47:14.863 INFO gxf/gxe/gxe.cpp@333: Context destroyed.

A successful run (it takes about 30 secs) will result in output files (tensor_out.gxf_index and tensor_out.gxf_entities in /tmp) that match the original input files (surgical_video.gxf_index and surgical_video.gxf_entities under test_data/endoscopy/video) exactly.


@LINUX:/workspace/holoscan-sdk/build$ ls -al /tmp/ total 821384 drwxrwxrwt 1 root root 4096 Aug 24 04:37 . drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Aug 24 04:36 .. drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 4096 Aug 11 21:42 .X11-unix -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 729309 Aug 24 04:47 gxf_log -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 840054484 Aug 24 04:47 tensor_out.gxf_entities -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 16392 Aug 24 04:47 tensor_out.gxf_index @LINUX:/workspace/holoscan-sdk/build$ ls -al ../test_data/endoscopy/video/ total 839116 drwxr-xr-x 2 1000 1000 4096 Aug 24 02:08 . drwxr-xr-x 4 1000 1000 4096 Aug 24 02:07 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 19164125 Jun 17 16:31 raw.mp4 -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 840054484 Jun 17 16:31 surgical_video.gxf_entities -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 16392 Jun 17 16:31 surgical_video.gxf_index

© Copyright 2022, NVIDIA. Last updated on Jun 28, 2023.