Clara Holoscan v0.3.0

Class Application

Base Type

class Application : public holoscan::Fragment

Public Functions

Application() = default

~Application() override = default

template<typename FragmentT = Fragment, typename StringT, typename ...ArgsT, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible_v<std::string, StringT>>>
inline std::shared_ptr<Fragment> make_fragment(const StringT &name, ArgsT&&... args)

Create a new fragment.

Template Parameters:

FragmentT – The type of the fragment to create.

  • name – The name of the fragment.

  • args – The arguments to pass to the fragment constructor.


The shared pointer to the created fragment.

template<typename FragmentT, typename ...ArgsT>
inline std::shared_ptr<FragmentT> make_fragment(ArgsT&&... args)

Create a new fragment.

Template Parameters:

FragmentT – The type of the fragment to create.


args – The arguments to pass to the fragment constructor.


The shared pointer to the created fragment.

inline virtual void add_flow(const std::shared_ptr<Fragment> &upstream_frag, const std::shared_ptr<Fragment> &downstream_frag)

inline virtual void add_flow(const std::shared_ptr<Fragment> &upstream_frag, const std::shared_ptr<Fragment> &downstream_frag, const std::set<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> &port_pairs)

virtual void add_flow(const std::shared_ptr<Operator> &upstream_op, const std::shared_ptr<Operator> &downstream_op)

Add a flow between two operators.

An output port of the upstream operator is connected to an input port of the downstream operator. The information about the flow (edge) is stored in the Graph object.

If the upstream operator or the downstream operator is not in the graph, it will be added to the graph.

If there are multiple output ports in the upstream operator or multiple input ports in the downstream operator, it shows an error message.

  • upstream_op – The upstream operator.

  • downstream_op – The downstream operator.

virtual void add_flow(const std::shared_ptr<Operator> &upstream_op, const std::shared_ptr<Operator> &downstream_op, std::set<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> io_map)

Add a flow between two operators.

An output port of the upstream operator is connected to an input port of the downstream operator. The information about the flow (edge) is stored in the Graph object.

If the upstream operator or the downstream operator is not in the graph, it will be added to the graph.

In port_pairs, an empty port name (“”) can be used for specifying a port name if the operator has only one input/output port.

  • upstream_op – The upstream operator.

  • downstream_op – The downstream operator.

  • port_pairs – The port pairs. The first element of the pair is the port of the upstream operator and the second element is the port of the downstream operator.

© Copyright 2022, NVIDIA. Last updated on Jun 28, 2023.