Function clara::holoviz::LUT
Defined in File Holoviz.h
void clara::holoviz::LUT(uint32_t size, ImageFormat fmt, size_t data_size, const void *data)
Defines the lookup table for this image layer.
If a lookup table is used the image format has to be a single channel integer or float format (e.g. ImageFormat::R8_UINT, ImageFormat::R16_UINT, ImageFormat::R32_UINT, ImageFormat::R32_SFLOAT).
The function processed is as follow
out = lut[clamp(in, 0, size)]
Input image values are clamped to the range of the lookup table size:
[0, size[
.- Parameters:
size – size of the lookup table in elements
fmt – lookup table color format
data_size – size of the lookup table data in bytes
data – host memory pointer to lookup table data