NVIDIA® Clara™ is a platform of AI applications and accelerated frameworks for healthcare developers, researchers, and medical device makers creating AI solutions to improve healthcare delivery and accelerate drug discovery. Clara’s domain-specific tools, AI pre-trained models, and accelerated applications are enabling AI breakthroughs in numerous fields, including genomics, natural language processing (NLP), imaging, medical devices, drug discovery, and smart hospitals.

Documentation Center
NVIDIA Parabricks is a complete software solution for next-generation sequencing, including short- and long-read applications, supporting workflows that start with basecalling and extend through tertiary analysis. Parabricks Pipelines were built to optimize acceleration, accuracy, and scalability. Users can achieve a 35-50X acceleration and 99.99 percent accuracy for variant calling when comparing against CPU-only BWA-GATK4 pipelines. It can run the full GATK4 Best Practices and is also fully configurable, letting users choose which steps, parameter settings, and versions of the pipeline to run.

The link to Latest documentation is here. For older versions of the documentation, refer to the Archives section.
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Computer Vision / Video Analytics
Documentation Center
NVIDIA Clara Viz is a platform for visualization of 2D/3D medical imaging data. The core of this platform is the Clara Viz SDK, which is designed to enable developers to incorporate high performance volumetric visualization of medical images in applications with an easy-to-use API.
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
monai key visual

NVIDIA BioNeMo’s Training Framework enables building and deploying generative AI, Large Language Models (LLMs), and foundation models in drug discovery applications. This provides the capability to pre-train or fine-tune the latest drug discovery models with end-to-end acceleration at scale on NVIDIA Base Command platform for NVIDIA DGX Cloud or on NVIDIA DGX on-prem.

Features include: Easy data loading, with support for common biomolecular data formats; State-of-the-art models for protein and small molecule data, with out-of-the-box architectures and validated checkpoints; Optimized scaling recipes for seamless accelerated training on 1,000s of GPUs, to maximize throughput and reduce cost.

Clara Holoscan
Archive version of Holoscan SDK
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
Archive version of Clara Holoscan
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
Archive version of Clara Holoscan
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
Archive version of Clara Holoscan
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
Archive version of Clara Holoscan
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
Archive version of Clara Holoscan
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Computer Vision / Video Analytics
Archive version of Clara Holoscan
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Computer Vision / Video Analytics
Clara Parabricks
Latest release of Clara Parabricks.
Archive version of Clara Parabricks.
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Computer Vision / Video Analytics
Archive version of Clara Parabricks.
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Computer Vision / Video Analytics
Archive version of Clara Parabricks
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Computer Vision / Video Analytics
Archive version of Clara Parabricks.
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Computer Vision / Video Analytics
Archive version of Clara Parabricks
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Computer Vision / Video Analytics
Archive version of Clara Parabricks
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Computer Vision / Video Analytics
Archive version of Clara Parabricks
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Computer Vision / Video Analytics
Archive version of Clara Parabricks
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Computer Vision / Video Analytics
Archive version of Clara Parabricks
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Computer Vision / Video Analytics
Archive version of Clara Parabricks
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Computer Vision / Video Analytics
MONAI Toolkit
  • Healthcare & Life Sciences
  • Computer Vision / Video Analytics