NVIDIA Modulus Sym (Latest Release)


Source code for modulus.sym.loss.loss

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import torch
import pathlib
import torch.nn as nn
from torch import Tensor

from typing import Dict, Tuple, List, Union
from torch.autograd import Function

[docs]class LossL2(Function):
[docs] @staticmethod def forward( ctx, pred_outvar: Tensor, true_outvar: Tensor, lambda_weighting: Tensor, area: Tensor, ): ctx.save_for_backward(pred_outvar, true_outvar, lambda_weighting, area) loss = pde_cpp.l2_loss_forward(pred_outvar, true_outvar, lambda_weighting, area) return loss
[docs] @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): pred_outvar, true_outvar, lambda_weighting, area = ctx.saved_tensors outputs = pde_cpp.l2_loss_backward( grad_output, pred_outvar, true_outvar, lambda_weighting, area ) return outputs[0], None, None, None
[docs]class Loss(nn.Module): """ Base class for all loss functions """ def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] def forward( self, invar: Dict[str, Tensor], pred_outvar: Dict[str, Tensor], true_outvar: Dict[str, Tensor], lambda_weighting: Dict[str, Tensor], step: int, ) -> Dict[str, Tensor]: raise NotImplementedError("Subclass of Loss needs to implement this")
[docs]class PointwiseLossNorm(Loss): """ L-p loss function for pointwise data Computes the p-th order loss of each output tensor Parameters ---------- ord : int Order of the loss. For example, `ord=2` would be the L2 loss. """ def __init__(self, ord: int = 2): super().__init__() self.ord: int = ord @staticmethod def _loss( invar: Dict[str, Tensor], pred_outvar: Dict[str, Tensor], true_outvar: Dict[str, Tensor], lambda_weighting: Dict[str, Tensor], step: int, ord: float, ) -> Dict[str, Tensor]: losses = {} for key, value in pred_outvar.items(): l = lambda_weighting[key] * torch.abs( pred_outvar[key] - true_outvar[key] ).pow(ord) if "area" in invar.keys(): l *= invar["area"] losses[key] = l.sum() return losses
[docs] def forward( self, invar: Dict[str, Tensor], pred_outvar: Dict[str, Tensor], true_outvar: Dict[str, Tensor], lambda_weighting: Dict[str, Tensor], step: int, ) -> Dict[str, Tensor]: return PointwiseLossNorm._loss( invar, pred_outvar, true_outvar, lambda_weighting, step, self.ord )
[docs]class IntegralLossNorm(Loss): """ L-p loss function for integral data Computes the p-th order loss of each output tensor Parameters ---------- ord : int Order of the loss. For example, `ord=2` would be the L2 loss. """ def __init__(self, ord: int = 2): super().__init__() self.ord: int = ord @staticmethod def _loss( list_invar: List[Dict[str, Tensor]], list_pred_outvar: List[Dict[str, Tensor]], list_true_outvar: List[Dict[str, Tensor]], list_lambda_weighting: List[Dict[str, Tensor]], step: int, ord: float, ) -> Dict[str, Tensor]: # compute integral losses losses = {key: 0 for key in list_pred_outvar[0].keys()} for invar, pred_outvar, true_outvar, lambda_weighting in zip( list_invar, list_pred_outvar, list_true_outvar, list_lambda_weighting ): for key in pred_outvar.keys(): losses[key] += ( lambda_weighting[key] * torch.abs( true_outvar[key] - (invar["area"] * pred_outvar[key]).sum() ).pow(ord) ).sum() return losses losses = {} for key, value in pred_outvar.items(): l = lambda_weighting[key] * torch.abs( pred_outvar[key] - true_outvar[key] ).pow(ord) if "area" in invar.keys(): l *= invar["area"] losses[key] = l.sum() return losses
[docs] def forward( self, list_invar: List[Dict[str, Tensor]], list_pred_outvar: List[Dict[str, Tensor]], list_true_outvar: List[Dict[str, Tensor]], list_lambda_weighting: List[Dict[str, Tensor]], step: int, ) -> Dict[str, Tensor]: return IntegralLossNorm._loss( list_invar, list_pred_outvar, list_true_outvar, list_lambda_weighting, step, self.ord, )
[docs]class DecayedLossNorm(Loss): """ Base class for decayed loss norm """ def __init__( self, start_ord: int = 2, end_ord: int = 1, decay_steps: int = 1000, decay_rate: float = 0.95, ): super().__init__() self.start_ord: int = start_ord self.end_ord: int = end_ord self.decay_steps: int = decay_steps self.decay_rate: int = decay_rate def ord(self, step): return self.start_ord - (self.start_ord - self.end_ord) * ( 1.0 - self.decay_rate ** (step / self.decay_steps) )
[docs]class DecayedPointwiseLossNorm(DecayedLossNorm): """ Loss function for pointwise data where the norm of the loss is decayed from a start value to an end value. Parameters ---------- start_ord : int Order of the loss when current iteration is zero. end_ord : int Order of the loss to decay to. decay_steps : int Number of steps to take for each `decay_rate`. decay_rate : The rate of decay from `start_ord` to `end_ord`. The current ord will be given by `ord = start_ord - (start_ord - end_ord) * (1.0 - decay_rate**(current_step / decay_steps))`. """
[docs] def forward( self, invar: Dict[str, Tensor], pred_outvar: Dict[str, Tensor], true_outvar: Dict[str, Tensor], lambda_weighting: Dict[str, Tensor], step: int, ) -> Dict[str, Tensor]: return PointwiseLossNorm._loss( invar, pred_outvar, true_outvar, lambda_weighting, step, self.ord(step) )
[docs]class DecayedIntegralLossNorm(DecayedLossNorm): """ Loss function for integral data where the norm of the loss is decayed from a start value to an end value. Parameters ---------- start_ord : int Order of the loss when current iteration is zero. end_ord : int Order of the loss to decay to. decay_steps : int Number of steps to take for each `decay_rate`. decay_rate : The rate of decay from `start_ord` to `end_ord`. The current ord will be given by `ord = start_ord - (start_ord - end_ord) * (1.0 - decay_rate**(current_step / decay_steps))`. """
[docs] def forward( self, list_invar: List[Dict[str, Tensor]], list_pred_outvar: List[Dict[str, Tensor]], list_true_outvar: List[Dict[str, Tensor]], list_lambda_weighting: List[Dict[str, Tensor]], step: int, ) -> Dict[str, Tensor]: return IntegralLossNorm._loss( list_invar, list_pred_outvar, list_true_outvar, list_lambda_weighting, step, self.ord(step), )
[docs]class CausalLossNorm(Loss): """ Causal loss function for pointwise data Computes the p-th order loss of each output tensor Parameters ---------- ord : int Order of the loss. For example, `ord=2` would be the L2 loss. eps: float Causal parameter determining the slopeness of the temporal weights. "eps=1.0" would be default value. n_chunks: int Number of chunks splitting the temporal domain evenly. """ def __init__(self, ord: int = 2, eps: float = 1.0, n_chunks=10): super().__init__() self.ord: int = ord self.eps: float = eps self.n_chunks: int = n_chunks @staticmethod def _loss( invar: Dict[str, Tensor], pred_outvar: Dict[str, Tensor], true_outvar: Dict[str, Tensor], lambda_weighting: Dict[str, Tensor], step: int, ord: float, eps: float, n_chunks: int, ) -> Dict[str, Tensor]: losses = {} for key, value in pred_outvar.items(): l = lambda_weighting[key] * torch.abs( pred_outvar[key] - true_outvar[key] ).pow(ord) if "area" in invar.keys(): l *= invar["area"] # batch size should be divided by the number of chunks if l.shape[0] % n_chunks != 0: raise ValueError( "The batch size must be divided by the number of chunks" ) # divide the loss values into chunks l = l.reshape(n_chunks, -1) l = l.sum(axis=-1) # compute causal temporal weights with torch.no_grad(): w = torch.exp(-eps * torch.cumsum(l, dim=0)) w = w / w[0] l = w * l losses[key] = l.sum() return losses
[docs] def forward( self, invar: Dict[str, Tensor], pred_outvar: Dict[str, Tensor], true_outvar: Dict[str, Tensor], lambda_weighting: Dict[str, Tensor], step: int, ) -> Dict[str, Tensor]: return CausalLossNorm._loss( invar, pred_outvar, true_outvar, lambda_weighting, step, self.ord, self.eps, self.n_chunks, )
© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA Modulus Team. Last updated on Nov 27, 2024.