NVIDIA Modulus Sym (Latest Release)


Source code for modulus.sym.utils.io.vtk

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# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Helper functions for generating vtk files

import time
import torch
import scipy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import sympy as sp
import logging

import vtk
from vtk.util.numpy_support import numpy_to_vtk, vtk_to_numpy
from pathlib import Path
import pathlib
from typing import List, Dict, Union, Tuple

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class VTKBase:
    # Only supports working with point data
    def __init__(self, file_name: str, file_dir: str):
        self.file_name = file_name
        self.file_dir = file_dir
        self.ext = ".vtk"

        self.vtk_obj = None
        self.writer = None
        self.export_map = {}

    def save_vtk(self):
        raise NotImplementedError("Implement in VTK subclass")

    def get_points(self):
        raise NotImplementedError("Implement in VTK subclass")

    def get_cells(self):
        raise NotImplementedError("Implement in VTK subclass")

    def set_points(self):
        raise NotImplementedError("Implement in VTK subclass")

    def set_cells(self):
        raise NotImplementedError("Implement in VTK subclass")

    def get_array_names(self):
        narrays = self.vtk_obj.GetPointData().GetNumberOfArrays()
        names = []
        for i in range(narrays):
        return names

    def get_array(self, name: str, dim: Union[None, int] = None):
        if name not in self.get_array_names():
            logger.warn(f"{name} not found in data arrays")
            return None

        data_array = vtk_to_numpy(self.vtk_obj.GetPointData().GetArray(name))

        # Expand last dim for scalars for consistency
        if data_array.ndim == 1:
            data_array = data_array[:, np.newaxis]
        elif dim is not None:
            # Get component of data array
            if dim > data_array.shape[1]:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Dimension requested of VTK dataarray {name}:{dim} is too large. Data-array size: {data_array.shape}"
            data_array = data_array[:, dim : dim + 1]
        return data_array

    def get_data_from_map(self, vtk_data_map: Dict[str, List[str]]):

        data_dict = {}
        coord_map = {"x": 0, "y": 1, "z": 2}
        # Loop through input map values
        for input_key, vtk_keys in vtk_data_map.items():
            input_array = []
            for vtk_key in vtk_keys:
                # Check if coordinate array
                if vtk_key in coord_map:
                    input_array0 = self.get_points(dims=[coord_map[vtk_key]])
                # Check if data array
                elif vtk_key.split(":")[0] in self.get_array_names():
                    if len(vtk_key.split(":")) > 1:
                        input_array0 = self.get_array(
                            name=vtk_key.split(":")[0], dim=int(vtk_key.split(":")[1])
                        input_array0 = self.get_array(name=vtk_key)

            data_dict[input_key] = np.concatenate(input_array, axis=1)

        return data_dict

    def var_to_vtk(
        data_vars: Dict[str, np.array],
        file_name: str = None,
        file_dir: str = None,
        step: int = None,
        if file_name is None:
            file_name = self.file_name

        if file_dir is None:
            file_dir = self.file_dir

        if step is not None:
            file_name = file_name + f"{step:06}"

        # Convert any non list values in input map to lists
        for input_key, vtk_keys in self.export_map.items():
            if isinstance(vtk_keys, str):
                self.export_map[input_key] = [vtk_keys]

        # Apply vtk mask, to compose multidim variables
        out_var = {}
        for key, data_keys in self.export_map.items():
            vtk_array = []
            for data_key in data_keys:
                if data_key in data_vars:
                    if data_vars[data_key].ndim == 1:
                        vtk_array.append(data_vars[data_key][:, np.newaxis])
                elif data_key is None:
                        np.zeros((self.vtk_obj.GetNumberOfPoints(), 1), dtype=np.short)

            # If we recieved any data that fits the map
            if len(vtk_array) > 0:
                out_var[key] = np.squeeze(np.concatenate(vtk_array, axis=1))

        # Add data to vtk file
        # TODO: Only save points inside class and create vtk obj on save call
        for key, data in out_var.items():
            self.add_point_array(key, data.astype(np.float32))

        self.save_vtk(file_name, file_dir)

    def save_vtk(
        file_name: str = None,
        file_dir: str = None,
        compression: int = 1,
        data_mode: int = 1,
        # Compression level: 1 (worst compression, fastest) ... 9 (best compression, slowest).
        # https://vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/classvtkXMLWriterBase.html
        # Data mode: 0 = ascii, 1 = binary
        if file_name is None:
            file_name = self.file_name

        if file_dir is None:
            file_dir = self.file_dir

        Path(file_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        file_path = Path(file_dir) / Path(file_name + self.ext)


    def add_point_array(self, name: str, data: np.array):
        """Adds point array data into VTK file

        name : str
            data array name
        data : np.array
            1D or 2D numpy data array
        assert (
            data.shape[0] == self.vtk_obj.GetNumberOfPoints()
        ), f"Input array incorrect size. Got {data.shape[0]} instead of {self.vtk_obj.GetNumberOfPoints()}"
        assert data.ndim < 3, "1D and 2D arrays supported"

        data_array = numpy_to_vtk(data, deep=True)
        if data.ndim == 2:

    def remove_point_array(self, name: str):
        if name in self.get_array_names():
            logger.warn(f"Point data {name} not present in VTK object")

[docs]class VTKUniformGrid(VTKBase): """vtkUniformGrid wrapper class Parameters ---------- bounds : List[List[int]] Domain bounds of each dimension npoints : List[int] List of number of points in each dimension export_map : Dict[str, List[str]], optional Export map dictionary with keys that are VTK variables names and values that are lists of output variables. Will use 1 to 1 mapping if none is provided, by default {} file_name : str, optional File name of output vtk file, by default "vtk_output" file_dir : str, optional File directory of output vtk file, by default "." init_vtk : bool, optional Initialize new VTK object from parameters (used by VTKFromFile), by default True """ def __init__( self, bounds: List[List[int]], npoints: List[int], export_map: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}, file_name: str = "vtk_output", file_dir: str = ".", init_vtk: bool = True, ): super().__init__(file_name, file_dir) self.vtk_obj = vtk.vtkUniformGrid() self.writer = vtk.vtkXMLImageDataWriter() self.ext = ".vti" self.export_map = export_map if init_vtk: self.init_points(bounds, npoints) def init_points( self, bounds: List[List[int]], npoints: List[int], ): assert len(bounds) == len( npoints ), f"Bounds and npoints must be same length {len(bounds)}, {len(npoints)}" assert ( len(bounds) > 0 and len(bounds) < 4 ), "Only 1, 2, 3 grid dimensionality allowed" # Padd for missing dimensions npoints = np.array(npoints + [1, 1]) bounds = np.array(bounds + [[0, 0], [0, 0]]) dx = abs(bounds[:, 0] - bounds[:, 1]) / np.maximum( np.ones_like(npoints), npoints - 1 ) # This is unique to uniform grid since it uses the imgdata backend self.vtk_obj.SetOrigin( bounds[0][0], bounds[1][0], bounds[2][0] ) # default values self.vtk_obj.SetSpacing(dx[0], dx[1], dx[2]) self.vtk_obj.SetDimensions(npoints[0], npoints[1], npoints[2]) def get_points(self, dims: List[int] = [0, 1, 2]): # Slow but VTK Image data does not explicitly store point coords points = [] for i in range(self.vtk_obj.GetNumberOfPoints()): points.append(self.vtk_obj.GetPoint(i)) points = np.array(points) return np.concatenate([points[:, i : i + 1] for i in dims], axis=1) def set_points(self, points: np.array): raise NotImplementedError("Cannot set points on vtkUniformGrid") def set_cells(self): raise AttributeError("Cannot set the cells of a vtkStructuredPoints") @classmethod def init_from_obj( cls, vtk_obj, export_map: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}, file_name: str = "vtk_output", file_dir: str = ".", ): vtk_wrapper = VTKUniformGrid( None, None, export_map=export_map, file_name=file_name, file_dir=file_dir, init_vtk=False, ) vtk_wrapper.vtk_obj = vtk_obj return vtk_wrapper
[docs]class VTKRectilinearGrid(VTKBase): """vtkRectilinearGrid wrapper class Parameters ---------- axis_coords : List[np.array] List of arrays that define points on each axis export_map : Dict[str, List[str]], optional Export map dictionary with keys that are VTK variables names and values that are lists of output variables. Will use 1 to 1 mapping if none is provided, by default {} file_name : str, optional File name of output vtk file, by default "vtk_output" file_dir : str, optional File directory of output vtk file, by default "." init_vtk : bool, optional Initialize new VTK object from parameters (used by VTKFromFile), by default True """ def __init__( self, axis_coords: List[np.array], export_map: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}, file_name: str = "vtk_output", file_dir: str = ".", init_vtk: bool = True, ): super().__init__(file_name, file_dir) self.vtk_obj = vtk.vtkRectilinearGrid() self.writer = vtk.vtkXMLRectilinearGridWriter() self.ext = ".vtr" self.export_map = export_map if init_vtk: self.init_points(axis_coords) def init_points(self, coords: List[np.array]): assert len(coords) < 4, "Maximum of 3 spacial coordinate arrays accepted" # Padd for missing dimensions coords = coords + [np.array([0]), np.array([0])] # This is unique to vtkRectilinearGrid since points are not explicit self.vtk_obj.SetDimensions( coords[0].shape[0], coords[1].shape[0], coords[2].shape[0] ) self.vtk_obj.SetXCoordinates(numpy_to_vtk(coords[0])) self.vtk_obj.SetYCoordinates(numpy_to_vtk(coords[1])) self.vtk_obj.SetZCoordinates(numpy_to_vtk(coords[2])) def get_points(self, dims: List[int] = [0, 1, 2]): # GetPoint in vtkRectilinearGrid takes in point container to populate since # it does not have one internally # https://vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/classvtkRectilinearGrid.html points = vtk.vtkPoints() self.vtk_obj.GetPoints(points) # Now we can convert to numpy points = vtk_to_numpy(points.GetData()) return np.concatenate([points[:, i : i + 1] for i in dims], axis=1) def set_points(self, points: np.array): raise AttributeError("Cannot set the points of a vtkRectilinearGrid explicitly") def set_cells(self): raise AttributeError("Cannot set the cells of a vtkRectilinearGrid explicitly") @classmethod def init_from_obj( cls, vtk_obj, export_map: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}, file_name: str = "vtk_output", file_dir: str = ".", ): vtk_wrapper = VTKRectilinearGrid( None, export_map=export_map, file_name=file_name, file_dir=file_dir, init_vtk=False, ) vtk_wrapper.vtk_obj = vtk_obj return vtk_wrapper
[docs]class VTKStructuredGrid(VTKBase): """vtkStructuredGrid wrapper class Parameters ---------- points : np.array Mesh grid of points in 'ij' format dims : List[int] Number of points in each dimension export_map : Dict[str, List[str]], optional Export map dictionary with keys that are VTK variables names and values that are lists of output variables. Will use 1 to 1 mapping if none is provided, by default {} file_name : str, optional File name of output vtk file, by default "vtk_output" file_dir : str, optional File directory of output vtk file, by default "." init_vtk : bool, optional Initialize new VTK object from parameters (used by VTKFromFile), by default True """ def __init__( self, points: np.array, dims: List[int], export_map: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}, file_name: str = "vtk_output", file_dir: str = ".", init_vtk: bool = True, ): super().__init__(file_name, file_dir) self.vtk_obj = vtk.vtkStructuredGrid() self.writer = vtk.vtkXMLStructuredGridWriter() self.ext = ".vts" self.export_map = export_map if init_vtk: self.init_points(points, dims) def init_points(self, points: np.array, dims: List[int]): assert points.ndim == 2, "Points array must have 2 dimensions [npoints, dim]" assert points.shape[1] < 4, "Maximum of 3 spacial point arrays accepted" assert len(dims) == points.shape[1], "Domain dimension must match dim of points" # Padd for missing dimensions points = np.concatenate( [points, np.zeros((points.shape[0], 2), dtype=np.short)], axis=1 ) dims = dims + [1, 1] assert ( dims[0] * dims[1] * dims[2] == points.shape[0] ), "Number of points do not match provided dimensions" pts = vtk.vtkPoints() pts.SetNumberOfPoints(points.shape[0]) pts.SetData(numpy_to_vtk(points[:, :3])) self.vtk_obj.SetDimensions(dims[:3]) self.vtk_obj.SetPoints(pts) def get_points(self, dims: List[int] = [0, 1, 2]): points = vtk_to_numpy(self.vtk_obj.GetPoints().GetData()) return np.concatenate([points[:, i : i + 1] for i in dims], axis=1) def set_points(self, points: np.array, dims: List[int]): points = np.concatenate( [points, np.zeros((points.shape[0], 2), dtype=np.short)], axis=1 ) dims = dims + [1, 1] assert ( dims[0] * dims[1] * dims[2] == points.shape[0] ), "Number of points do not match provided dimensions" pts = vtk.vtkPoints() pts.SetNumberOfPoints(points.shape[0]) pts.SetData(numpy_to_vtk(points[:, :3])) self.vtk_obj.SetDimensions(dims[:3]) self.vtk_obj.SetPoints(pts) def set_cells(self): raise AttributeError("Cannot set the cells of a vtkStructuredGrid explicitly") @classmethod def init_from_obj( cls, vtk_obj, export_map: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}, file_name: str = "vtk_output", file_dir: str = ".", ): vtk_wrapper = VTKStructuredGrid( None, None, export_map=export_map, file_name=file_name, file_dir=file_dir, init_vtk=False, ) vtk_wrapper.vtk_obj = vtk_obj return vtk_wrapper

# =================== # VTK Unstructured Grid # ===================

[docs]class VTKUnstructuredGrid(VTKBase): """vtkUnstructuredGrid wrapper class Parameters ---------- points : np.array Array of point locations [npoints, (1,2 or 3)] cell_index : Tuple[ np.array, np.array ] Tuple of (cell_offsets, cell_connectivity) arrays. Cell offsets is a 1D array denoting how many points make up a face for each cell. Cell connectivity is a 1D array that contains verticies of each cell face in order cell_types : np.array Array of cell vtk types: https://vtk.org/doc/nightly/html/vtkCellType_8h_source.html export_map : Dict[str, List[str]], optional Export map dictionary with keys that are VTK variables names and values that are lists of output variables. Will use 1 to 1 mapping if none is provided, by default {} file_name : str, optional File name of output vtk file, by default "vtk_output" file_dir : str, optional File directory of output vtk file, by default "." init_vtk : bool, optional Initialize new VTK object from parameters (used by VTKFromFile), by default True """ def __init__( self, points: np.array, cell_index: Tuple[np.array, np.array], cell_types: np.array, export_map: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}, file_name: str = "vtk_output", file_dir: str = ".", init_vtk: bool = True, ): super().__init__(file_name, file_dir) self.vtk_obj = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid() self.writer = vtk.vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter() self.ext = ".vtu" self.export_map = export_map if init_vtk: self.init_points(points, cell_index, cell_types) def init_points( self, points: np.array, cell_index: Tuple[np.array, np.array], cell_types: np.array, ): assert points.ndim == 2, "Points array must have 2 dimensions [npoints, dim]" assert points.shape[1] < 4, "Maximum of 3 spacial point arrays accepted" assert ( len(cell_index) == 2 ), "Cell index must be tuple of numpy arrays containing [offsets, connectivity]" # Could check cell type and cell index are consistent, but we assume the user # knows what they are doing # Padd for missing dimensions points = np.concatenate( [points, np.zeros((points.shape[0], 2), dtype=np.short)], axis=1 ) pts = vtk.vtkPoints() pts.SetNumberOfPoints(points.shape[0]) pts.SetData(numpy_to_vtk(points[:, :3])) self.vtk_obj.SetPoints(pts) vtk_celltypes = vtk.vtkIntArray() vtk_celltypes.SetNumberOfComponents(1) vtk_celltypes = numpy_to_vtk( cell_types.astype(int), array_type=vtk.vtkUnsignedCharArray().GetDataType() ) vtk_cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() vtk_offsets = numpy_to_vtk( cell_index[0], array_type=vtk.vtkTypeInt64Array().GetDataType() ) vtk_connectivity = numpy_to_vtk( cell_index[1], array_type=vtk.vtkTypeInt64Array().GetDataType() ) vtk_cells.SetData(vtk_offsets, vtk_connectivity) self.vtk_obj.SetCells(vtk_celltypes, vtk_cells) def get_points(self, dims: List[int] = [0, 1, 2]): points = vtk_to_numpy(self.vtk_obj.GetPoints().GetData()) return np.concatenate([points[:, i : i + 1] for i in dims], axis=1) # points = vtk_to_numpy(self.vtk_obj.GetPoints().GetData()) # points = [points[:, 0:1], points[:, 1:2], points[:, 2:3]] # return [points[i] for i in dims] def get_cells(self): cells = self.vtk_obj.GetCells() # Get cells data contains array [nedges, v1, v2, v3, ..., nedges, v1, v2, v3,...] # Need to seperate offset and connectivity array for practical use cell_connectivity = vtk_to_numpy(cells.GetConnectivityArray()) cell_offsets = vtk_to_numpy(cells.GetOffsetsArray()) return cell_offsets, cell_connectivity def get_celltypes(self): cell_types = vtk_to_numpy(self.vtk_obj.GetCellTypesArray()) return cell_types def set_points(self, points: np.array): assert points.ndim == 2, "Points array must have 2 dimensions [npoints, dim]" assert points.shape[1] < 4, "Maximum of 3 spacial point arrays accepted" points = np.concatenate( [points, np.zeros((points.shape[0], 2), dtype=np.short)], axis=1 ) pts = vtk.vtkPoints() pts.SetNumberOfPoints(points.shape[0]) pts.SetData(numpy_to_vtk(points[:, :3])) self.vtk_obj.SetPoints(pts) def set_cells(self, cell_index: Tuple[np.array, np.array], cell_types: np.array): assert ( len(cell_index) == 2 ), "Cell index must be tuple of numpy arrays containing [offsets, connectivity]" vtk_celltypes = vtk.vtkIntArray() vtk_celltypes.SetNumberOfComponents(1) vtk_celltypes = numpy_to_vtk( cell_types.astype(int), array_type=vtk.vtkUnsignedCharArray().GetDataType() ) vtk_cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() vtk_offsets = numpy_to_vtk( cell_index[0], array_type=vtk.vtkTypeInt64Array().GetDataType() ) vtk_connectivity = numpy_to_vtk( cell_index[1], array_type=vtk.vtkTypeInt64Array().GetDataType() ) vtk_cells.SetData(vtk_offsets, vtk_connectivity) self.vtk_obj.SetCells(vtk_celltypes, vtk_cells) @classmethod def init_from_obj( cls, vtk_obj, export_map: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}, file_name: str = "vtk_output", file_dir: str = ".", ): vtk_wrapper = VTKUnstructuredGrid( None, None, None, export_map=export_map, file_name=file_name, file_dir=file_dir, init_vtk=False, ) vtk_wrapper.vtk_obj = vtk_obj return vtk_wrapper

# =================== # VTK Polydata # ===================

[docs]class VTKPolyData(VTKBase): """vtkPolyData wrapper class Parameters ---------- points : np.array Array of point locations [npoints, (1,2 or 3)] line_index : np.array, optional Array of line connections [nedges, 2], by default None poly_index : Tuple[poly_offsets, poly_connectivity] Tuple of polygon offsets and polygon connectivity arrays. Polygon offsets is a 1D array denoting how many points make up a face for each polygon. Polygon connectivity is a 1D array that contains verticies of each polygon face in order, by default None export_map : Dict[str, List[str]], optional Export map dictionary with keys that are VTK variables names and values that are lists of output variables. Will use 1 to 1 mapping if none is provided, by default {} file_name : str, optional File name of output vtk file, by default "vtk_output" file_dir : str, optional File directory of output vtk file, by default "." init_vtk : bool, optional Initialize new VTK object from parameters (used by VTKFromFile), by default True """ def __init__( self, points: np.array, line_index: np.array = None, poly_index: Tuple[ np.array, np.array ] = None, # Tuple[poly_offsets, poly_connectivity] export_map: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}, file_name: str = "vtk_output", file_dir: str = ".", init_vtk: bool = True, ): super().__init__(file_name, file_dir) self.vtk_obj = vtk.vtkPolyData() self.writer = vtk.vtkXMLPolyDataWriter() self.ext = ".vtp" self.export_map = export_map if init_vtk: self.init_points(points, line_index, poly_index) def init_points( self, points: np.array, line_index: np.array = None, poly_index: Tuple[np.array, np.array] = None, ): assert points.ndim == 2, "Points array must have 2 dimensions [npoints, dim]" assert points.shape[1] < 4, "Maximum of 3 spacial point arrays accepted" # Padd for missing dimensions points = np.concatenate( [points, np.zeros((points.shape[0], 2), dtype=np.short)], axis=1 ) pts = vtk.vtkPoints() pts.SetNumberOfPoints(int(points.shape[0])) pts.SetData(numpy_to_vtk(points[:, :3])) self.vtk_obj.SetPoints(pts) # Add cell array for verts vert_cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() for i in range(points.shape[0]): vert_cells.InsertNextCell(1) vert_cells.InsertCellPoint(i) self.vtk_obj.SetVerts(vert_cells) if line_index is not None: self.set_lines(line_index) if poly_index is not None: self.set_polys(poly_index) def get_points(self, dims: List[int] = [0, 1, 2]): points = vtk_to_numpy(self.vtk_obj.GetPoints().GetData()) return np.concatenate([points[:, i : i + 1] for i in dims], axis=1) def get_lines(self): lines = vtk_to_numpy(self.vtk_obj.GetLines().GetData()) line_index = np.stack([lines[1::3], lines[2::3]], axis=1) return line_index def get_polys(self): polys = self.vtk_obj.GetPolys() # Poly data contains array [nedges, v1, v2, v3, ..., nedges, v1, v2, v3,...] # Need to seperate offset and connectivity array for practical use poly_connectivity = vtk_to_numpy(polys.GetConnectivityArray()) poly_offsets = vtk_to_numpy(polys.GetOffsetsArray()) return poly_offsets, poly_connectivity def get_cells(self): raise AttributeError("vtkPolyData has polys not cells, call get_polys instead") def set_points(self, points: np.array): assert points.ndim == 2, "Points array must have 2 dimensions [npoints, dim]" assert points.shape[1] < 4, "Maximum of 3 spacial point arrays accepted" points = np.concatenate( [points, np.zeros((points.shape[0], 2), dtype=np.short)], axis=1 ) pts = vtk.vtkPoints() pts.SetNumberOfPoints(points.shape[0]) pts.SetData(numpy_to_vtk(points[:, :3])) self.vtk_obj.SetPoints(pts) # Add cell array for verts vert_cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() for i in range(points.shape[0]): vert_cells.InsertNextCell(1) vert_cells.InsertCellPoint(i) self.vtk_obj.SetVerts(vert_cells) def set_lines(self, edge_index: np.array): assert ( edge_index.ndim == 2 and edge_index.shape[1] == 2 ), "Edge index array must have 2 dimensions [npoints, 2]" lines = vtk.vtkCellArray() for i in range(edge_index.shape[0]): lines.InsertNextCell(2) lines.InsertCellPoint(edge_index[i, 0]) lines.InsertCellPoint(edge_index[i, 1]) self.vtk_obj.SetLines(lines) def set_polys(self, poly_index: Tuple[np.array, np.array]): assert ( len(poly_index) == 2 ), "poly_index should be tuple of (poly_offsets, poly_connectivity)" vtk_polys = vtk.vtkCellArray() vtk_offsets = numpy_to_vtk( poly_index[0], array_type=vtk.vtkTypeInt64Array().GetDataType() ) vtk_connectivity = numpy_to_vtk( poly_index[1], array_type=vtk.vtkTypeInt64Array().GetDataType() ) vtk_polys.SetData(vtk_offsets, vtk_connectivity) self.vtk_obj.SetPolys(vtk_polys) def set_cells(self): raise AttributeError("vtkPolyData has polys not cells, call set_polys instead") @classmethod def init_from_obj( cls, vtk_obj, export_map: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}, file_name: str = "vtk_output", file_dir: str = ".", ): vtk_wrapper = VTKPolyData( None, export_map=export_map, file_name=file_name, file_dir=file_dir, init_vtk=False, ) vtk_wrapper.vtk_obj = vtk_obj return vtk_wrapper
[docs]class VTKFromFile(object): """Reads VTK file into memory and constructs corresponding VTK object Parameters ---------- file_path : str File directory/name of input vtk file export_map : Dict[str, List[str]], optional Export map dictionary with keys that are VTK variables names and values that are lists of output variables. Will use 1 to 1 mapping if none is provided, by default {} file_name : str, optional File name of output vtk file, by default "vtk_output" file_dir : str, optional File directory of output vtk file, by default "." force_legacy : bool, optional Force a legacy only read, by default False """ def __new__( cls, file_path: str, export_map: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}, file_name: str = "vtk_output", file_dir: str = ".", force_legacy: bool = False, ) -> None: assert Path(file_path).is_file(), f"Provided VTK file {file_path} not found" read_success = False # Attempt to create XML reader if not force_legacy: try: vtk_reader = cls.readXMLVTK(file_path) read_success = True except: logger.warn("VTK file not valid XML format, will attempt legacy load") # If failed or legacy force, create VTK Reader if not read_success: try: vtk_reader = cls.readLegacyVTK(file_path) read_success = True except: logger.warn("VTK file not valid VTK format") # Hopefully VTK reader is loaded assert read_success, "Failed to load VTK file in either XML or Legacy format" logger.info(f"Read {Path(file_path).name} file successfully") return cls.extractVTKObject( vtk_reader=vtk_reader, export_map=export_map, file_name=file_name, file_dir=file_dir, ) @classmethod def extractVTKObject(cls, vtk_reader, **kwargs) -> VTKBase: # Get vtk object from reader vtk_obj = vtk_reader.GetOutput() # Create modulus.sym.VTK wrapper if vtk_obj.__vtkname__ == "vtkImageData": vtk_wrapper = VTKUniformGrid.init_from_obj(vtk_obj, **kwargs) elif vtk_obj.__vtkname__ == "vtkRectilinearGrid": vtk_wrapper = VTKRectilinearGrid.init_from_obj(vtk_obj, **kwargs) elif vtk_obj.__vtkname__ == "vtkStructuredGrid": vtk_wrapper = VTKStructuredGrid.init_from_obj(vtk_obj, **kwargs) elif vtk_obj.__vtkname__ == "vtkUnstructuredGrid": vtk_wrapper = VTKUnstructuredGrid.init_from_obj(vtk_obj, **kwargs) elif vtk_obj.__vtkname__ == "vtkPolyData": vtk_wrapper = VTKPolyData.init_from_obj(vtk_obj, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported vtk data type read") logger.info(f"Loaded {vtk_obj.__vtkname__} object from file") return vtk_wrapper @classmethod def readXMLVTK(cls, file_path: str): # vtk.vtkXMLGenericDataObjectReader does not seem to work # Could read first like of XML and check VTKFile type=... file_path = Path(file_path) if file_path.suffix == ".vti": vtk_reader = vtk.vtkXMLImageDataReader() elif file_path.suffix == ".vtr": vtk_reader = vtk.vtkXMLRectilinearGridReader() elif file_path.suffix == ".vts": vtk_reader = vtk.vtkXMLStructuredGridReader() elif file_path.suffix == ".vtu": vtk_reader = vtk.vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader() elif file_path.suffix == ".vtp": vtk_reader = vtk.vtkXMLPolyDataReader() else: raise ValueError("Unsupported XML VTK format") vtk_reader.SetFileName(file_path) vtk_reader.Update() return vtk_reader @classmethod def readLegacyVTK(cls, file_path: str): vtk_reader = vtk.vtkGenericDataObjectReader() vtk_reader.SetFileName(file_path) vtk_reader.ReadAllScalarsOn() vtk_reader.ReadAllVectorsOn() vtk_reader.Update() return vtk_reader
[docs]def var_to_polyvtk( var_dict: Dict[str, np.array], file_path: str, coordinates=["x", "y", "z"] ): """Helper method for nodes to export thier variables to a vtkPolyData file Should be avoided when possible as other VTK formats can save on memory. Parameters ---------- var_dict : Dict[str, np.array] Dictionary of variables in the array format [nstates, dim] file_path : str File directory/name of output vtk file coordinates : list, optional Variable names that corresponds to point positions, by default ["x", "y", "z"] """ # Extract point locations points = [] for axis in coordinates: if axis not in var_dict.keys(): data0 = next(iter(var_dict.values())) points.append(np.zeros((data0.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.short)) else: points.append(var_dict[axis]) del var_dict[axis] points = np.concatenate(points, axis=1) # Create 1:1 export map export_map = {} for key in var_dict.keys(): export_map[key] = [key] file_path = Path(file_path) vtk_obj = VTKPolyData( points=points, export_map=export_map, file_name=file_path.stem, file_dir=file_path.parents[0], ) vtk_obj.var_to_vtk(data_vars=var_dict)
[docs]def grid_to_vtk(var_dict: Dict[str, np.array], file_path: str, batch_index: int = 0): """Helper method for nodes to export image/grid data to vtkUniformData file. Arrays should be in the numpy 'ij' layout (element [0,0] is origin) Parameters ---------- var_dict : Dict[str, np.array] Dictionary of variables in the array format [batch, dim, xdim, ydim, zdim] file_path : str File directory/name of output vtk file batch_index : int, optional Batch index to write to file, by default 0 """ # convert keys to strings var = {str(key): value for key, value in var_dict.items()} shape = np.shape(next(iter(var.values()))) assert len(shape) > 2 and len(shape) < 6, "Input variables must be dim 3, 4, 5" # Padd for any missing dims bsize = shape[0] cdim = shape[1] grid_shape = list(shape[2:]) bounds = [[0, i - 1] for i in grid_shape] # Flatten data and select batch shaped_dict = {} for key in var_dict.keys(): shaped_dict[key] = var_dict[key][batch_index] cdim = shaped_dict[key].shape[0] shaped_dict[key] = shaped_dict[key].reshape(cdim, -1).T # Create 1:1 export map export_map = {} for key in shaped_dict.keys(): export_map[key] = [key] file_path = Path(file_path) vtk_obj = VTKUniformGrid( bounds=bounds, npoints=grid_shape, export_map=export_map, file_name=file_path.stem, file_dir=file_path.parents[0], ) vtk_obj.var_to_vtk(data_vars=shaped_dict)
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