Experimental Client

Triton includes beta versions of the version 2 Python and C++ client libraries and examples. The libraries use the new HTTP/REST and GRPC KFServing protocols and also expose all the functionality expressed in the Triton protocol extensions.

To try the new client libraries and examples, first follow directions in Getting the Client Libraries.

Several examples demonstrate the new Python client library and the code is documented in grpcclient.py and httpclient.py.

Similarly there are C++ client examples and documentation in grpc_client.h and http_client.h.

The examples that start with grpc_ use the protoc compiler to generate the GRPC client stub, the examples that start with simple_grpc_ use the GRPC client library, and the examples that start with simple_http_ use the HTTP/REST client library.

For the 20.03.1 release, for Triton to support the new HTTP/REST and GRPC protocols the server must be run with the --api-version=2 flag. This requirement will be removed in the 20.06 and later releases.