
The Triton Inference Server, the client libraries and examples, and custom backends can each be built using either Docker or CMake. The procedure for each is different and is detailed in the corresponding sections below.

Building the Server

The Triton Inference Server can be built in two ways:

  • Build using Docker and the TensorFlow and PyTorch containers from NVIDIA GPU Cloud (NGC). Before building you must install Docker and nvidia-docker and login to the NGC registry by following the instructions in Installing Prebuilt Containers.

  • Build using CMake and the dependencies (for example, TensorFlow or TensorRT library) that you build or install yourself.

Building the Server with Docker

To build a release version of the Triton Inference Server container, change directory to the root of the repo and checkout the release version of the branch that you want to build (or the master branch if you want to build the under-development version):

$ git checkout r20.03.1

Then use docker to build:

$ docker build --pull -t tritonserver .

Incremental Builds with Docker

For typical development you will want to run the build container with your local repo’s source files mounted so that your local changes can be incrementally built. This is done by first building the tritonserver_build container:

$ docker build --pull -t tritonserver_build --target trtserver_build .

By mounting /path/to/tritonserver/src into the container at /workspace/src, changes to your local repo will be reflected in the container:

$ nvidia-docker run -it --rm -v/path/to/tritonserver/src:/workspace/src tritonserver_build

Within the container you can perform an incremental server build with:

# cd /workspace/builddir
# make -j16 trtis

When the build completes the binary, libraries and headers can be found in trtis/install. To overwrite the existing versions:

# cp trtis/install/bin/tritonserver /opt/tritonserver/bin/.
# cp trtis/install/lib/ /opt/tritonserver/lib/.

You can reconfigure the build by running cmake as described in Building the Server with CMake.

Building the Server with CMake

To build a release version of the Triton Inference Server with CMake, change directory to the root of the repo and checkout the release version of the branch that you want to build (or the master branch if you want to build the under-development version):

$ git checkout r20.03.1

Next you must build or install each framework backend you want to enable in the inference server, configure the inference server to enable the desired features, and finally build the server.


To include GPU support in the inference server you must install the necessary CUDA libraries. Similarly, to include support for a particular framework backend, you must build the appropriate libraries for that framework and make them available to the inference server build. In general, the Dockerfile build steps guide how each of these frameworks can be built for use in the interence server.


For the inference server to support NVIDIA GPUs you must install CUDA, cuBLAS and cuDNN. These libraries must be installed on system include and library paths so that they are available for the CMake build. The version of the libraries used in the Dockerfile build can be found in the Framework Containers Support Matrix.

For a given version of the inference server you can attempt to build with non-supported versions of the libraries but you may have build or execution issues since non-supported versions are not tested.

Once you have CUDA, cuBLAS and cuDNN installed you can enable GPUs with the CMake option -DTRTIS_ENABLE_GPU=ON as described below.


The TensorRT includes and libraries must be installed on system include and library paths so that they are available for the CMake build. The version of TensorRT used in the Dockerfile build can be found in the Framework Containers Support Matrix.

For a given version of the inference server you can attempt to build with non-supported versions of TensorRT but you may have build or execution issues since non-supported versions are not tested.

Once you have TensorRT installed you can enable the TensorRT backend in the inference server with the CMake option -DTRTIS_ENABLE_TENSORRT=ON as described below. You must also specify -DTRTIS_ENABLE_GPU=ON because TensorRT requires GPU support.


The version of TensorFlow used in the Dockerfile build can be found in the Framework Containers Support Matrix. The trtserver_tf section of the Dockerfile shows the required TensorFlow V1 container pulled from NGC.

You can modify and rebuild this TensorFlow container to generate the shared library needed by the inference server. For example, in the TensorFlow container /workspace/docker-examples/Dockerfile.customtensorflow shows a Dockerfile that applies a patch to TensorFlow and then rebuilds. For the inference server you need to replace the nvbuild commands in that file with:

RUN ./ --python3.6 --trtis

In the newly build container the required TensorFlow library is /usr/local/lib/tensorflow/ On your build system you must place in a system library path or you can specify the path with the CMake option TRTIS_EXTRA_LIB_PATHS. Multiple paths can be specified by separating them with a semicolon, for example, -DTRTIS_EXTRA_LIB_PATHS=”/path/a;/path/b”. Also create a soft link to the library as follows:

ln -s

Lastly, you must enable the TensorFlow backend in the inference server with the CMake option -DTRTIS_ENABLE_TENSORFLOW=ON as described below.

ONNX Runtime

The version of the ONNX Runtime used in the Dockerfile build can be found in the trtserver_onnx section of the Dockerfile. That section also details the steps that can be used to build the backend. You can attempt to build a different version of the ONNX Runtime or use a different build process but you may have build or execution issues.

Your build should produce the ONNX Runtime library, You can enable the ONNX Runtime backend in the inference server with the CMake option -DTRTIS_ENABLE_ONNXRUNTIME=ON as described below. If you want to enable TensorRT within the ONNX Runtime you must also specify the CMake option TRTIS_ENABLE_ONNXRUNTIME_TENSORRT=ON and provide the necessary TensorRT dependencies. If you want to enable OpenVino within the ONNX Runtime you must also specify the CMake option TRTIS_ENABLE_ONNXRUNTIME_OPENVINO=ON and provide the necessary OpenVino dependencies.

You can install the library in a system library path or you can specify the path with the CMake option TRTIS_EXTRA_LIB_PATHS. Multiple paths can be specified by separating them with a semicolon, for example, -DTRTIS_EXTRA_LIB_PATHS=”/path/a;/path/b”.

You must also provide the path to the ONNX Runtime headers using the -DTRTIS_ONNXRUNTIME_INCLUDE_PATHS option. Multiple paths can be specified by separating them with a semicolon.

PyTorch and Caffe2

The version of PyTorch and Caffe2 used in the Dockerfile build can be found in the Framework Containers Support Matrix. The trtserver_caffe2 section of the Dockerfile shows how to build the required PyTorch and Caffe2 libraries from the NGC PyTorch container.

You can build and install a different version of the libraries but if you want to enable the Caffe2 backend you must include and netdef_backend.c2.h in the build, as shown in the Dockerfile.

Once you have the libraries built and installed you can enable the PyTorch backend in the inference server with the CMake option -DTRTIS_ENABLE_PYTORCH=ON and the Caffe2 backend with -DTRTIS_ENABLE_CAFFE2=ON as described below.

You can install the PyTorch library,, and all the required Caffe2 libraries (see Dockerfile) in a system library path or you can specify the path with the CMake option TRTIS_EXTRA_LIB_PATHS. Multiple paths can be specified by separating them with a semicolon, for example, -DTRTIS_EXTRA_LIB_PATHS=”/path/a;/path/b”.

For the PyTorch backend you must also provide the path to the PyTorch headers using the -DTRTIS_PYTORCH_INCLUDE_PATHS option. Multiple paths can be specified by separating them with a semicolon.

Configure Inference Server

Use cmake to configure the Triton Inference Server:

$ mkdir builddir
$ cd builddir
$ cmake -D<option0> ... -D<optionn> ../build

The following options are used to enable and disable the different backends. To enable a backend set the corresponding option to ON, for example -DTRTIS_ENABLE_TENSORRT=ON. To disable a backend set the corresponding option to OFF, for example -DTRTIS_ENABLE_TENSORRT=OFF. By default no backends are enabled. See the section on dependencies for information on additional requirements for enabling a backend.

  • TRTIS_ENABLE_TENSORRT: Use -DTRTIS_ENABLE_TENSORRT=ON to enable the TensorRT backend. The TensorRT libraries must be on your library path or you must add the path to TRTIS_EXTRA_LIB_PATHS.

  • TRTIS_ENABLE_TENSORFLOW: Use -DTRTIS_ENABLE_TENSORFLOW=ON to enable the TensorFlow backend. The TensorFlow library must be built as described above and must be on your library path or you must add the path to TRTIS_EXTRA_LIB_PATHS.

  • TRTIS_ENABLE_ONNXRUNTIME: Use -DTRTIS_ENABLE_ONNXRUNTIME=ON to enable the OnnxRuntime backend. The library must be built as described above and must be on your library path or you must add the path to TRTIS_EXTRA_LIB_PATHS.

  • TRTIS_ENABLE_PYTORCH: Use -DTRTIS_ENABLE_PYTORCH=ON to enable the PyTorch backend. The library must be built as described above and must be on your library path or you must add the path to TRTIS_EXTRA_LIB_PATHS.

  • TRTIS_ENABLE_CAFFE2: Use -DTRTIS_ENABLE_CAFFE2=ON to enable the Caffe2 backend. The library and all the other required libraries must be built as described above and must be on your library path or you must add the path to TRTIS_EXTRA_LIB_PATHS.

  • TRTIS_ENABLE_CUSTOM: Use -DTRTIS_ENABLE_CUSTOM=ON to enable support for custom backends. See Building A Custom Backend for information on how to build a custom backend.

  • TRTIS_ENABLE_ENSEMBLE: Use -DTRTIS_ENABLE_ENSEMBLE=ON to enable support for ensembles.

These additional options may be specified:

  • TRTIS_ENABLE_GRPC: By default the inference server accepts inference, status, health and other requests via the GRPC protocol. Use -DTRTIS_ENABLE_GRPC=OFF to disable.

  • TRTIS_ENABLE_HTTP: By default the inference server accepts inference, status, health and other requests via the HTTP protocol. Use -DTRTIS_ENABLE_HTTP=OFF to disable.

  • TRTIS_ENABLE_METRICS: By default the inference server reports Prometheus metrics on an HTTP endpoint. Use -DTRTIS_ENABLE_METRICS=OFF to disable both CPU and GPU metrics. When disabling metrics must use -DTRTIS_ENABLE_METRICS_GPU=OFF to disable GPU metrics.

  • TRTIS_ENABLE_METRICS_GPU: By default the inference server reports Prometheus GPU metrics on an HTTP endpoint. Use -DTRTIS_ENABLE_METRICS_GPU=OFF to disable GPU metrics.

  • TRTIS_ENABLE_TRACING: By default the inference server does not enable detailed tracing of individual inference requests. Use -DTRTIS_ENABLE_TRACING=ON to enable.

  • TRTIS_ENABLE_GCS: Use -DTRTIS_ENABLE_GCS=ON to enable the inference server to read model repositories from Google Cloud Storage.

  • TRTIS_ENABLE_S3: Use -DTRTIS_ENABLE_S3=ON to enable the inference server to read model repositories from Amazon S3.

  • TRTIS_ENABLE_GPU: By default the inference server supports NVIDIA GPUs. Use -DTRTIS_ENABLE_GPU=OFF to disable GPU support. When GPUs are disable the inference server will run models on CPU when possible. When disabling GPU support must use -DTRTIS_ENABLE_METRICS_GPU=OFF to disable GPU metrics.

  • TRTIS_MIN_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY: By default, the inference server supports NVIDIA GPUs with CUDA compute capability 6.0 or higher. If all framework backends included in the inference server are built to support a lower compute capability, then Triton Inference Server can be built to support that lower compute capability by setting -DTRTIS_MIN_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY appropriately. The setting is ignored if -DTRTIS_ENABLE_GPU=OFF.

  • TRTIS_EXTRA_LIB_PATHS: Extra paths that are searched for framework libraries as described above. Multiple paths can be specified by separating them with a semicolon, for example, -DTRTIS_EXTRA_LIB_PATHS=”/path/a;/path/b”.

Build Inference Server

After configuring, build the inference server with make:

$ cd builddir
$ make -j16 trtis

When the build completes the binary, libraries and headers can be found in trtis/install.

Building A Custom Backend

The source repository contains several example custom backends in the src/custom directory. These custom backends are built using CMake:

$ mkdir builddir
$ cd builddir
$ cmake ../build
$ make -j16 trtis-custom-backends

When the build completes the custom backend libraries can be found in trtis-custom-backends/install.

A custom backend is not built-into the inference server. Instead it is built as a separate shared library that the inference server dynamically loads when the model repository contains a model that uses that custom backend. There are a couple of ways you can build your custom backend into a shared library, as described in the following sections.

Build Using CMake

One way to build your own custom backend is to use the inference server’s CMake build. Simply copy and modify one of the existing example custom backends and then build your backend using CMake. You can then use the resulting shared library in your model repository as described in Custom Backends.

Build Using Custom Backend SDK

The custom backend SDK includes all the header files you need to build your custom backend as well as a static library which provides all the model configuration and protobuf utility functions you will need. You can either build the custom backend SDK yourself using Dockerfile.custombackend:

docker build -t tritonserver_cbe -f Dockerfile.custombackend .

Or you can download a pre-build version of the SDK from the GitHub release page corresponding to the release you are interested in. The custom backend SDK is found in the “Assets” section of the release page in a tar file named after the version of the release and the OS, for example, v1.2.0_ubuntu1604.custombackend.tar.gz.

Once you have the SDK you can use the include/ directory and static library when you compile your custom backend source code. For example, the SDK includes the source for the param custom backend in src/ You can create a custom backend from that source using the following command:

g++ -fpic -shared -std=c++11 -o custom-backend-sdk/src/ -Icustom-backend-sdk/include custom-backend-sdk/lib/libcustombackend.a

Using the Custom Instance Wrapper Class

The custom backend SDK provides a CustomInstance Class. The CustomInstance class is a C++ wrapper class that abstracts away the backend C-API for ease of use. All of the example custom backends in src/custom directory derive from the CustomInstance class and can be referenced for usage.

Building the Client Libraries and Examples

The provided Dockerfile.client and CMake support can be used to build the client libraries and examples.

Build Using Dockerfile

To build the libraries using Docker, first change directory to the root of the repo and checkout the release version of the branch that you want to build (or the master branch if you want to build the under-development version). The branch you use for the client build should match the version of the inference server you are using:

$ git checkout r20.03.1

Then, issue the following command to build the C++ client library and a Python wheel file for the Python client library:

$ docker build -t tritonserver_client -f Dockerfile.client .

You can optionally add --build-arg “BASE_IMAGE=<base_image>” to set the base image that you want the client library built for. Must be a Ubuntu CUDA devel image to be able to build CUDA shared memory support. If CUDA shared memory support is not required, you can use an Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04 as the base image.

After the build completes the tritonserver_client docker image will contain the built client libraries in /workspace/install/lib, the corresponding headers in /workspace/install/include, and the Python wheel file in /workspace/install/python. The image will also contain the built client examples that you can learn more about in Client Examples.

Build Using CMake

The client library build is performed using CMake. The build dependencies and requirements are shown in Dockerfile.client. To build without Docker you must first install those dependencies. This section describes the client build for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, and Windows 10 systems. The CMake build can also be targeted for other OSes and platforms. We welcome any updates that expand the build functionality and allow the clients to be built on additional platforms.

To build the libraries using CMake, first change directory to the root of the repo and checkout the release version of the branch that you want to build (or the master branch if you want to build the under-development version):

$ git checkout r20.03.1

Ubuntu 16.04 / Ubuntu 18.04

For Ubuntu, the dependencies and how to install them can be found in Dockerfile.client. Also note that the dependency name may be different depending on the version of the system.

To build on Ubuntu, change to the build/ directory and run the following to configure and build:

$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
$ make -j8 trtis-clients

When the build completes the libraries can be found in trtis-clients/install/lib, the corresponding headers in trtis-clients/install/include, and the Python wheel file in trtis-clients/install/python. The trtis-clients/install directory will also contain the built client examples that you can learn more about in Client Examples.

Windows 10

For Windows, the dependencies can be installed using pip and vcpkg which is a C++ library management tool on Windows. The following shows how to install the dependencies using them, and you can also install the dependencies in other ways that you prefer:

> .\vcpkg.exe install openssl:x64-windows zlib:x64-windows rapidjson:x64-windows
> .\pip.exe install grpcio-tools wheel

The vcpkg step above installs openssl and zlib, “:x64-windows” specifies the target and it is optional. The path to the libraries should be added to environment variable “PATH”, by default it is \path\to\vcpkg\installed\<target>\bin. Update the pip to get the proper wheel from PyPi. Users may need to invoke pip.exe from a command line ran as an administrator.

To build the client for Windows, as there is no default build system available, you will need to specify the generator for CMake to match the build system you are using. For instance, if you are using Microsoft Visual Studio, you should do the following:

> cd build
> cmake -G"Visual Studio 16 2019" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
> MSBuild.exe trtis-clients.vcxproj -p:Configuration=Release

When the build completes the libraries can be found in trtis-clients\install\lib, the corresponding headers in trtis-clients\install\include, and the Python wheel file in trtis-clients\install\python. The trtis-clients\install directory will also contain the built client Python examples that you can learn more about in Client Examples. At this time the Windows build does not include the C++ examples.

The MSBuild.exe may need to be invoked twice for a successfull build.

Building the Documentation

The inference server documentation is found in the docs/ directory and is based on Sphinx. Doxygen integrated with Exhale is used for C++ API docuementation.

To build the docs install the required dependencies:

$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends python3-pip doxygen
$ pip3 install --upgrade setuptools
$ pip3 install --upgrade sphinx sphinx-rtd-theme nbsphinx exhale

To get the Python client library API docs the Triton Inference Server Python package must be installed and a couple of files must be copied:

$ pip install --upgrade tensorrtserver*.whl
$ cd src/clients/c++/api_v1/library
$ cp -f request.h
$ cp -f request_grpc.h
$ cp -f request_http.h

Then use Sphinx to build the documentation into the build/html directory:

$ cd docs
$ make clean html