NVML API Reference Guide (PDF) - vR560 (older) - Last updated August 7, 2024 - Send Feedback

5.25. nvmlGpuFabricInfo_t Struct Reference

[Fabric definitions]

Contains the device fabric information

Public Variables

unsigned int  cliqueId
ID of the fabric clique to which this GPU belongs.
unsigned char  clusterUuid[NVML_GPU_FABRIC_UUID_LEN]
Uuid of the cluster to which this GPU belongs.
nvmlGpuFabricState_t  state
Current state of GPU registration process.
nvmlReturn_t status
Error status, if any. Must be checked only if state returns "complete".


unsigned int nvmlGpuFabricInfo_t::cliqueId [inherited]

ID of the fabric clique to which this GPU belongs.

unsigned char nvmlGpuFabricInfo_t::clusterUuid[NVML_GPU_FABRIC_UUID_LEN] [inherited]

Uuid of the cluster to which this GPU belongs.

nvmlGpuFabricState_t nvmlGpuFabricInfo_t::state [inherited]

Current state of GPU registration process.

nvmlReturn_tnvmlGpuFabricInfo_t::status [inherited]

Error status, if any. Must be checked only if state returns "complete".

NVML API Reference Guide (PDF) - vR560 (older) - Last updated August 7, 2024 - Send Feedback