DOCA Documentation v2.10.0

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This guide describes how to deploy the DOCA Flow library, the philosophy of the DOCA Flow API, and how to use it. The guide is intended for developers writing network function applications that focus on packet processing (such as gateways). It assumes familiarity with the network stack and DPDK.

DOCA Flow is the most fundamental API for building generic packet processing pipes in hardware. The DOCA Flow library provides an API for building a set of pipes, where each pipe consists of match criteria, monitoring, and a set of actions. Pipes can be chained so that after a pipe-defined action is executed, the packet may proceed to another pipe.

Using DOCA Flow API, it is easy to develop hardware-accelerated applications that have a match on up to two layers of packets (tunneled).


  • IPv4/IPv6



  • Metadata

The execution pipe can include packet modification actions such as the following:

  • Modify MAC address

  • Modify IP address

  • Modify L4 (ports)

  • Strip tunnel

  • Add tunnel

  • Set metadata

  • Encrypt/Decrypt

The execution pipe can also have monitoring actions such as the following:

  • Count

  • Policers

The pipe also has a forwarding target which can be any of the following:

  • Software (RSS to subset of queues)

  • Port

  • Another pipe

  • Drop packets

A DOCA Flow-based application can run either on the host machine or on an NVIDIA® BlueField® DPU target. Flow-based programs require an allocation of huge pages, hence the following commands are required:


$ echo '1024' | sudo tee -a /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages $ sudo mkdir /mnt/huge $ sudo mount -t hugetlbfs -o pagesize=2M nodev /mnt/huge

The following diagram shows how the DOCA Flow library defines a pipe template, receives a packet for processing, creates the pipe entry, and offloads the flow rule in NIC hardware.


Features of DOCA Flow:

  • User-defined set of matches parser and actions

  • DOCA Flow pipes can be created or destroyed dynamically

  • Packet processing is fully accelerated by hardware with a specific entry in a flow pipe

  • Packets that do not match any of the pipe entries in hardware can be sent to Arm cores for exception handling and then reinjected back to hardware

The DOCA Flow pipe consists of the following components:

  • Monitor (MON in the diagram) - counts, meters, or mirrors

  • Modify (MDF in the diagram) - modifies a field

  • Forward (FWD in the diagram) - forwards to the next stage in packet processing

DOCA Flow organizes pipes into high-level containers named domains to address the specific needs of the underlying architecture.

A key element in defining a domain is the packet direction and a set of allowed actions.

  • A domain is a pipe attribute (also relates to shared objects)

  • A domain restricts the set of allowed actions

  • Transition between domains is well-defined (packets cannot cross domains arbitrarily)

  • A domain may restrict the sharing of objects between packet directions

  • Packet direction can restrict the move between domains

List of Steering Domains

DOCA Flow provides the following set of predefined steering domains:




  • Default domain for actions on ingress traffic

  • Encapsulated and secure actions are not allowed here

  • The next milestone is queue or pipe in the EGRESS domain

  • Miss action is: Drop


  • For secure actions on ingress traffic

  • Encapsulation and encrypting actions not allowed here

  • The only allowed domain for decrypting secure actions

  • The next milestone is queue or pipe in the DEFAULT or EGRESS domain

  • Only meta register is preserved

  • Miss action is: Drop

  • Memory may be optimized if set with DOCA_FLOW_DIRECTION_NETWORK_TO_HOST direction information


  • Domain for actions on egress traffic

  • Decapsulation and secure actions are not allowed here

  • The next milestone is wire/representor or pipe in SECURE_EGRESS domain

  • Miss action is: Send to wire/representor


  • Domain for secure actions on egress traffic

  • Decapsulation actions are not allowed here

  • The only allowed domain for encrypting secure action

  • The next milestone is wire/representor

  • Miss action is: Send to wire/representor

  • Memory may be optimized if set with DOCA_FLOW_DIRECTION_HOST_TO_NETWORK direction information

Domains in VNF Mode


Domains in Switch Mode



In switch mode, forwarding from a pipe with the default domain to the egress domain root pipe is allowed, while forwarding from the egress domain to the default domain is not allowed.


Traffic from software Tx forwards to the egress root pipe.


A pipe with RSS forward follows the above rules.


Encap is suggested to be done from egress.

DOCA API is available through the NVIDIA DOCA Library APIs page.


The pkg-config (*.pc file) for the DOCA Flow library is doca-flow.

Initialization Flow

Before using any DOCA Flow function, it is mandatory to call DOCA Flow initialization, doca_flow_init(), which initializes all resources required by DOCA Flow.

Pipe Mode

This mode ( mode_args) defines the basic traffic in DOCA. It creates some miss rules when a DOCA port initializes. Currently, DOCA supports 3 modes:

  • vnf

    A packet arriving from one of the device's ports is processed, and can be sent to another port. By default, missed packets go to RSS.

    The following diagram shows the basic traffic flow in vnf mode. Packet1 firstly misses and is forwarded to host RSS. The app captures this packet and decides how to process it and then creates a pipe entry. Packet2 will hit this pipe entry and do the action, for example, for VXLAN, will do decap, modify, and encap, then is sent out from P1.


  • switch

    Used for internal switching, only representor ports are allowed, for example, uplink representors and SF/VF representors. Packet is forwarded from one port to another. If a packet arrives from an uplink and does not hit the rules defined by the user's pipe, then the packet is received on all RSS queues of the representor of the uplink.

    The following diagram shows the basic flow of traffic in switch mode. Packet1 firstly misses to host RSS queues. The app captures this packet and decides to which representor the packet goes, and then sets the rule. Packets hit this rule and go to representor0.


    doca_dev field is mandatory in doca_flow_port_cfg (using doca_flow_port_cfg_set_dev()) and isolated mode should be specified.


    The application must avoid initialization of the VF/SF representor ports in DPDK API (i.e., the following functions rte_eth_dev_configure(), rte_eth_rx_queue_setup(), rte_eth_dev_start() must not be called for VF/SF representor ports).

    DOCA Flow switch mode unifies all the ports to the switch manager port for traffic management. This means that all the traffic is handled by switch manager port. Users only must create an RSS pipe on the switch manager port to get the missed traffic, and they should only manage the pipes on the switch manager port. Switch mode can work with two different mode_args configurations: With or without expert. The way to retrieve the miss traffic source's port_id depends on this configuration:


    In switch mode, the default fwd_miss of the pipe (once fwd_miss is not configured by the user) is as follows:

    • Forward to kernel in isolated mode

    • Forward to the port RSS in non-isolated mode

    • If expert is not set, the traffic misses to software would be tagged with port_id information in the mbuf CQE field to allow users to deduce the source port_id. Meanwhile, users can set the destination port_id to mbuf meta and the packet is sent out directly to the destination port based on the meta information.


      Please refer to the "Flow Switch to Wire" sample to get more information regarding the port_id management with missed traffic mbuf.


    • If expert is set, the port_id is not added to the packet. Users can configure the pipes freely to implement their own solution.


      Traffic cloned from the VF to the RSS pipe misses its port_id information due to firmware limitation.

  • remote-vnf

    Remote mode is a BlueField mode only, with two physical ports (uplinks). Users must use doca_flow_port_pair to pair one physical port and one of its representors. A packet from this uplink, if it does not hit any rules from the users, is firstly received on this representor. Users must also use doca_flow_port_pair to pair two physical uplinks. If a packet is received from one uplink and hits the rule whose FWD action is to another uplink, then the packets are sent out from it.

    The following diagram shows the basic traffic flow in remote-vnf mode. Packet1, from BlueField uplink P0, firstly misses to host VF0. The app captures this packet and decides whether to drop it or forward it to another uplink (P1). Then, using gRPC to set rules on P0, packet2 hits the rule, then is either dropped or is sent out from P1.


Start Point

DOCA Flow API serves as an abstraction layer API for network acceleration. The packet processing in-network function is described from ingress to egress and, therefore, a pipe must be attached to the origin port. Once a packet arrives to the ingress port, it starts the hardware execution as defined by the DOCA API.

doca_flow_port is an opaque object since the DOCA Flow API is not bound to a specific packet delivery API, such as DPDK. The first step is to start the DOCA Flow port by calling doca_flow_port_start(). The purpose of this step is to attach user application ports to the DOCA Flow ports.

When DPDK is used, the following configuration must be provided:

enum doca_flow_port_type type = DOCA_FLOW_PORT_DPDK_BY_ID;

const char *devargs = "1";

The devargs parameter points to a string that has the numeric value of the DPDK port_id in decimal format. The port must be configured and started before calling this API. Mapping the DPDK port to the DOCA port is required to synchronize application ports with hardware ports.

Port Operation State

DOCA Flow ports can be initialized multiple times from different instances. Each instance prepares its pipeline, but only one actively receives port traffic at a time. The instance actively handling the port traffic depends on the operation state set by the doca_flow_port_cfg_set_operation_state() function:

  • DOCA_FLOW_PORT_OPERATION_STATE_ACTIVE – The instance actively handles incoming and outgoing traffic

  • DOCA_FLOW_PORT_OPERATION_STATE_ACTIVE_READY_TO_SWAP – The instance handles traffic actively when no other active instance is available

  • DOCA_FLOW_PORT_OPERATION_STATE_STANDBY – The instance handles traffic only when no active or active_ready_to_swap instance is available

  • DOCA_FLOW_PORT_OPERATION_STATE_UNCONNECTED – The instance does not handle traffic, regardless of the state of other instances

If the doca_flow_port_cfg_set_operation_state() function is not called, the default state DOCA_FLOW_PORT_OPERATION_STATE_ACTIVE is applied.


When a port is configured with a state that expects to handle traffic, it takes effect only after root pipes are created for this port.

When the active port is closed, either gracefully or due to a crash, the standby instance automatically becomes active without any action required.

The port operation state can be modified after the port is started using the doca_flow_port_operation_state_modify() function.

Use Case Examples

Hot Upgrade

This operation state mechanism allows upgrading the DOCA Flow program without losing any traffic.

To upgrade an existing DOCA Flow program with ports started in DOCA_FLOW_PORT_OPERATION_STATE_ACTIVE state (Instance A):

  1. Open a new Instance B and start its ports in DOCA_FLOW_PORT_OPERATION_STATE_STANDBY state.

  2. Modify Instance A's ports from DOCA_FLOW_PORT_OPERATION_STATE_ACTIVE to DOCA_FLOW_PORT_OPERATION_STATE_UNCONNECTED state. At this point, Instance B starts receiving traffic.

  3. Close Instance A.

  4. Open a new Instance C with DOCA_FLOW_PORT_OPERATION_STATE_UNCONNECTED state. Instance C is the upgraded version of Instance A.

  5. Create the entire pipeline for Instance C.

  6. Change Instance C's state from DOCA_FLOW_PORT_OPERATION_STATE_UNCONNECTED to DOCA_FLOW_PORT_OPERATION_STATE_ACTIVE. At this point, Instance B stops receiving traffic and Instance C starts.

  7. Instance B can either be closed or kept as a backup should Instance C crash.

Swap Existing Instances

This mechanism also facilitates swapping two different DOCA Flow programs without losing any traffic.

To swap between two existing DOCA Flow programs with ports started in DOCA_FLOW_PORT_OPERATION_STATE_ACTIVE and DOCA_FLOW_PORT_OPERATION_STATE_STANDBY states (Instance A and Instance B, respectively):


  2. Modify Instance B's ports from DOCA_FLOW_PORT_OPERATION_STATE_STANDBY to DOCA_FLOW_PORT_OPERATION_STATE_ACTIVE. At this point, Instance B starts receiving traffic.



  • Supported only in switch mode – the mode_args string must include "switch".

  • Only the switch port supports states; its representors are affected by its state. Starting a representor port or calling the modify function with a non-active operation state should fail.

  • Two instances cannot be in the same operation state simultaneously, except for DOCA_FLOW_PORT_OPERATION_STATE_UNCONNECTED. If a new instance initializes a port while another instance with the same operation state exists, a DOCA_ERROR_ALREADY_EXIST error is returned either during port startup or root pipe creation.

Create Pipe and Pipe Entry

Pipe is a template that defines packet processing without adding any specific hardware rule. A pipe consists of a template that includes the following elements:

  • Match

  • Monitor

  • Actions

  • Forward

The following diagram illustrates a pipe structure.


The creation phase allows the hardware to efficiently build the execution pipe. After the pipe is created, specific entries can be added. A subset of the pipe may be used (e.g., skipping the monitor completely, just using the counter, etc).

Pipe Matching or Action Applying

DOCA Flow allows defining criteria for matching on a packet or for taking actions on a matched packet by modifying it. The information defining these criteria is provided through the following pointers:

  • Match or action pointer – given at pipe or entry creation

  • Mask pointer – optionally given at pipe creation

Defining criteria for matching or actions on a packet can be done at the pipe level, where it applies to all packets of a pipe, or specified on a per entry basis, where each entry defines the operation on either the match, actions, or both.

In DOCA Flow terminology, when a field is identified as CHANGEABLE at pipe creation, this means that the actual criterion of the field is deferred to entry creation. Different entries can provide different criteria for a CHANGEABLE field.

A match or action field can be categorized, during pipe creation, as one of the following:

  • IGNORED – Ignored in either the match or action taking process

  • CHANGEABLE – When the actual behavior is deferred to the entry creation stage

  • SPECIFIC – Value is used as is in either match or action process

A mask field can either be provided, in which case it is called explicit matching, or action applying. If the mask pointer is NULL, we call it implicit matching or action applying. The following subsections provide the logic governing matching and action applying.

When a field value is specified as 0xffff it means that all the field's bits are set (e.g., for TTL it means 0xff and for IPv4 address it means 0xffffffff).


Matching is the process of selecting packets based on their fields' values and steering them for further processing. Processing can either be further matching or actions applying.


The packet enters the green filter which modifies it by masking it with the value A. The output value, P&A, is then compared to the value B, and if they are equal, then that is a match.

The values of A and B are evaluated according to the values of the pipe configuration and entry configuration fields, according to the tables in sections "Implicit matching" and "Explicit matching".

Implicit Matching

Match Type

Pipe Match Value (V)

Pipe Match Mask (M)

Entry Match Value (E)

Filter (A)

Rule (B)













Changeable (per entry)






Explicit Matching

Match Type

Pipe Match Value (V)

Pipe Match Mask (M)

Entry Match Value (E)

Filter (A)

Rule (B)



















Action Applying

Implicit Action Applying

Action Type

Pipe Action value (V)

Pipe Action Mask (M)

Entry Action value (E)

Action on the field







0 < V < 0xffff



set to V





set to E

Implicit action applying example:

  • Destination IPv4 address is

  • No mask provided

  • Entry value is

  • Result – The action field is changeable. Therefore, the value is provided by the entry. If a match on the packet occurs, the packet destination IPv4 address is changed to

Explicit Action Applying


Assume P is packet's field value.

Action Type

Pipe Action value (V)

Pipe Action Mask (M)

Entry Action value (E)

Action on the field





set to (~M & P) | (M & V)

In words: modify only bits that are set on the mask to the values in V





set to (~M & P) | (M & E)






Explicit action applying example:

  • Destination IPv4 address is

  • Mask is provided and equals

  • Entry value is ignored

  • Result – If a match on the packet occurs, the packet destination IPv4 value changes to

Setting Pipe Match or Action

Match is a mandatory parameter when creating a pipe. Using the doca_flow_match struct, users must define the packet fields to be matched by the pipe.

For each doca_flow_match field, users select whether the field type is:

  • Ignore (match any) – the value of the field is ignored in a packet. In other words, match on any value of the field.

  • Constant (specific) – all entries in the pipe have the same value for this field. Users should not put a value for each entry.

  • Changeable – the value of the field is defined per entry. Users must provide it upon adding an entry.


    L4 type, L3 type, and tunnel type cannot be changeable.


    gtp_next_ext_hdr_type supports only psc type (0x85).

The match field type can be defined either implicitly or explicitly using the doca_flow_pipe_cfg_set_match(struct doca_flow_pipe_cfg *cfg, const doca_flow_match *match, const doca_flow_match *match_mask) function. If match_mask == NULL, then it is done implicitly. Otherwise, it is explicit.

In the tables in the following subsections, an example is used of a 16-bit field (such as layer-4 destination port) where:


The same concept would apply to any other field (such as an IP address occupying 32 bits).

  • P stands for the packet field value

  • V stands for the pipe match field value

  • M stands for the pipe mask field value

  • E stands for the match entry field value

Implicit Match

Match Type

Pipe Match Value (V)

Pipe Match Mask (M)

Entry Match Value (E)

Filter (A)

Rule (B)













Changeable (per entry)






To match implicitly, the following considerations should be taken into account.

  • Ignored fields:

    • Field is zeroed

    • Pipeline has no comparison on the field

  • Constant fields – These are fields that have a constant value among all entries. For example, as shown in the following, the tunnel type is VXLAN:


    match.tun.type = DOCA_FLOW_TUN_VXLAN;

    These fields must only be configured once at pipe build stage, not once per new pipeline entry.

  • Changeable fields – These are fields whose value may change per entry. For example, the following shows match on a destination IPv4 address of variable per-entry value (outer 5-tuple):


    match.outer.ip4.dst_ip = 0xffffffff;

  • The following is an example of a match, where:

    • Outer 5-tuple

      • L3 type is IPv4 – constant among entries by design

      • L4 type is UDP – constant among entries by design

      • Tunnel type is DOCA_FLOW_TUN_VXLAN – constant among entries by design

      • IPv4 destination address varies per entry

      • UDP destination port is always DOCA_VXLAN_DEFAULT_PORT

      • VXLAN tunnel ID varies per entry

      • The rest of the packet fields are ignored

    • Inner 5-tuple

      • L3 type is IPv4 – constant among entries by design

      • L4 type is TCP – constant among entries by design

      • IPv4 source and destination addresses vary per entry

      • TCP source and destination ports vary per entry

      • The rest of the packet fields are ignored


// filter creation static void build_underlay_overlay_match(struct doca_flow_match *match) { //outer match->outer.l3_type = DOCA_FLOW_L3_TYPE_IP4; match->outer.l4_type_ext = DOCA_FLOW_L4_TYPE_EXT_UDP;    match->tun.type = DOCA_FLOW_TUN_VXLAN;   match->outer.ip4.dst_ip = 0xffffffff; match->outer.udp.l4_port.dst_port = DOCA_VXLAN_DEFAULT_PORT; match->tun.vxlan_tun_id = 0xffffffff;   //inner match->inner.l3_type = DOCA_FLOW_L3_TYPE_IP4;    match->inner.l4_type_ext = DOCA_FLOW_L4_TYPE_EXT_TCP; match->inner.ip4.dst_ip = 0xffffffff;   match->inner.ip4.src_ip = 0xffffffff; match->inner.tcp.l4_port.src_port = 0xffff; match->inner.tcp.l4_port.dst_port = 0xffff; }   // create entry specifying specific values to match upon doca_error_t add_entry(struct doca_flow_pipe *pipe, struct doca_flow_port *port, struct doca_flow_pipe_entry **entry) {    struct doca_flow_match match = {};    struct entries_status status = {};    doca_error_t result;      match.outer.ip4.dst_ip = BE_IPV4_ADDR(7, 7, 7, 1); match.tun.vxlan_tun_id = RTE_BE32(9876); match.inner.ip4.src_ip = BE_IPV4_ADDR(8, 8, 8, 1); match.inner.ip4.dst_ip = BE_IPV4_ADDR(9, 9, 9, 1); match.inner.tcp.l4_port.src_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(5678); match.inner.tcp.l4_port.dst_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(1234);    result = doca_flow_pipe_add_entry(0, pipe, &match, &actions, NULL, NULL, 0, &status, entry); }


The fields of the doca_flow_meta struct inside the match are not subject to implicit match rules and must be paired with explicit mask values.

Explicit Match

Match Type

Pipe Match Value (V)

Pipe Match Mask (M)

Entry Match Value (E)

Filter (A)

Rule (B)



















In this case, there are two doca_flow_match items, the following considerations should be considered:

  • Ignored fields

    • M equals zero. This can be seen from the table where the rule equals 0. Since mask is also 0, the resulting packet after the filter is0. Thus, the comparison always succeeds.


    match_mask.inner.ip4.dst_ip = 0;

  • Constant fields

    These are fields that have a constant value. For example, as shown in the following, the inner 5-tuple match on IPv4 destination addresses belonging to the subnet, and this match is constant among all entries:


    // BE_IPV4_ADDR converts 4 numbers A,B,C,D to a big endian representation of IP address A.B.C.D match.inner.ip4.dst_ip = 0; match_mask.inner.ip4.dst_ip = BE_IPV4_ADDR(255, 255, 255, 0);

    For example, as shown in the following, the inner 5-tuple match on IPv4 destination addresses belonging to the subnet, and this match is constant among all entries. The last two octets of the match.inner.ip4.dst_ip are ignored because the match_mask of is applied:


    // BE_IPV4_ADDR converts 4 numbers A,B,C,D to a big endian representation of IP address A.B.C.D match.inner.ip4.dst_ip = BE_IPV4_ADDR(1, 2, 3, 4); match_mask.inner.ip4.dst_ip = BE_IPV4_ADDR(255, 255, 0, 0);

    Once a field is defined as constant, the field's value cannot be changed per entry.


    Users should set constant fields to zero when adding entries for better code readability.

    A more complex example of constant matches may be achieved as follows:


    match_mask.outer.tcp.l4_port.dst_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(0xf0f0); match.outer.tcp.l4_port.dst_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(0x5020)

    The following ports would be matched:

    • 0x5020 - 0x502f

    • 0x5120 - 0x512f

    • ...

    • 0x5f20 - 0x5f2f

Changeable fields

The following example matches on either FTP or TELNET well known port numbers and forwards packets to a server after modifying the destination IP address and destination port numbers. In the example, either FTP or TELNET are forwarded to the same server. FTP is forwarded to port 8000 and TELNET is forwarded to port 9000.


// at Pipe creation doca_flow_pipe_cfg_set_name(pipe_cfg, "PORT_MAPPER"); doca_flow_pipe_cfg_set_type(pipe_cfg, DOCA_FLOW_PIPE_BASIC); match.outer.tcp.l4_port.dst_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(0xffff); // v match_mask.outer.tcp.l4_port.dst_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(0xffff); // M doca_flow_pipe_cfg_set_match(pipe_cfg, &match, &match_mask); actions_arr[0] = &actions; doca_flow_pipe_cfg_set_actions(pipe_cfg, action_arr, NULL, NULL, 1); doca_flow_pipe_cfg_set_is_root(pipe_cfg, true);   // Adding entries // FTP match.outer.tcp.l4_port.dst_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(20); // E actions.outer.ip4.src_ip = server_addr; actions.outer.tcp.l4_port.dst_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(8000); result = doca_flow_pipe_add_entry(0, pipe, &match, &actions, NULL, NULL, 0, &status, entry);   // TELNET match.outer.tcp.l4_port.dst_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(23); // E actions.outer.ip4.src_ip = server_addr; actions.outer.tcp.l4_port.dst_port = rte_cpu_to_be_16(9000); result = doca_flow_pipe_add_entry(0, pipe, &match, &actions, NULL, NULL, 0, &status, entry);

Relaxed Match

Relaxed matching is the default working mode in DOCA Flow. Relaxed mode grants users full control on matching fields and guarantees that no fields are implicitly added by DOCA Flow.


Although relaxed matching can be disabled per pipe using the enable_strict_matching pipe attribute, be aware that this attribute will be deprecated at some point in the future.

Relaxed Matching and Pipeline Design Considerations

Relaxed matching mode provides full control to the DOCA application developer over the match design, without adding implicit match logic by the DOCA Flow library. This approach increases user responsibility to prevent unintended side effects caused by packet layout similarities (e.g., between UDP and TCP source/destination ports) or by skipping header type validation before matching on header fields. For instance, matching solely on a UDP destination port does not verify the presence of an L4 header or confirm that the L4 header is of UDP type.

To ensure effective design, early-stage pipes should classify packet types to filter out undesired packets. As the pipeline progresses, later stages can focus on more specific packet types based on prior matches. Examples include:

  • Match on VXLAN VNI:

    • For Early-stage pipes, ensure the packet contains a VXLAN header (this can be achieved in a single pipe):

      • The first pipe verifies the packet has a UDP header by matching the L4 packet type to UDP or the L3 next_proto field to UDP

      • The second pipe matches the UDP destination port to the commonly used VXLAN value (4789)

    • For later-stage pipes, match on the VXLAN VNI field

  • Match on UDP destination port:

    • For early-stage pipes, verify the packet contains a UDP header by matching the L4 packet type to UDP or the L3 next_proto field to UDP

    • For later-stage pipes, match on the UDP destination port field

Relaxed Matching Memory Footprint and Performance Impact

Consider the following strict matching mode example. There are three pipes:

  • Basic pipe A with match.outer.l4_type_ext = DOCA_FLOW_L4_TYPE_EXT_TCP and match.outer.tcp.flags = 1

  • Basic pipe B with match.outer.l4_type_ext = DOCA_FLOW_L4_TYPE_EXT_UDP and match.outer.udp.l4_port.src_port = 8080

  • Control pipe C with two entries to direct TCP traffic to pipe A and UDP traffic to pipe B. The first entry has match.outer.l4_type_ext = DOCA_FLOW_L4_TYPE_EXT_TCP while the second has match.outer.l4_type_ext = DOCA_FLOW_L4_TYPE_EXT_UDP.

As a result, the hardware matches on the L4 header type twice:

  • When the packet enters the filter in control pipe C to decide the next pipe

  • When the packet enters the filter of pipe A or B to match on the L4 header fields

With particularly large pipelines, such double matches decrease performance and increase the memory footprint in hardware. Relaxed matching mode gives the user greater control of the match logic to eliminate the implicitly added matches, consequently reducing hardware memory footprint and improving performance as well.

Parser Meta Usage with Relaxed Match

Parser meta matching is particularly useful when it comes to matching on a specific packet type. In relaxed mode, type selectors in the outer, inner, and tun parts of the doca_flow_match structs are used only for the type cast of the underlying unions. Header-type (packet type) matches are available using the parser_meta API.

For example, the scenario from the previous section may be overwritten by changing the match of control pipe C (with the same A and B pipes):

  • Basic pipe A with match.outer.l4_type_ext = DOCA_FLOW_L4_TYPE_EXT_TCP and match.outer.tcp.flags = 1

  • Basic pipe B with match.outer.l4_type_ext = DOCA_FLOW_L4_TYPE_EXT_UDP and match.outer.udp.l4_port.src_port = 8080

  • Control pipe C with two entries to direct TCP traffic to pipe A and UDP traffic to pipe B. The first entry has match.parser_meta.outer_l4_type = DOCA_FLOW_L4_META_TCP while the second has match.parser_meta.outer_l4_type = DOCA_FLOW_L4_META_UDP.

As a result, the hardware performs the L4 header-type match only once, when the packet enters the filter of control pipe. Basic pipes' match.outer.l4_type_ext are used only for the selection of the match.outer.tcp or match.outer.udp structures during the inspection of match struct.


The following code snippets are used to demonstrate the redesign of a pipeline with relaxed matching for non-tunnel match cases.

The following is the code before the redesign:


static void pipe_match_build(struct doca_flow_match *match) { match->outer.l3_type = DOCA_FLOW_L3_TYPE_IP4; match->outer.ip4.dst_ip = 0xffffffff; match->outer.l4_type_ext = DOCA_FLOW_L4_TYPE_EXT_UDP; match->outer.udp.l4_port.src_port = 22; }

With relaxed matching disabled (i.e., enable_strict_matching attribute explicitly set to true), the following hardware matches are performed for the code snippet above:

  • L3 header type is IPv4 – constant among entries by design

  • L4 header type is UDP – constant among entries by design

  • IPv4 destination address varies per entry

  • UDP source port is constant among entries

  • The rest of the packet fields are ignored

With relaxed matching enabled (i.e., default mode), the following pipeline stages, where pipe1 forwards packets to pipe2, should be considered to achieve a similar match as above:


static void pipe1_match_build(struct doca_flow_match *match) { // Classifier logic. Only IPv4, UDP packets are to be forwarded to pipe2 match.parser_meta.outer_l3_type = DOCA_FLOW_L3_META_IPV4; match.parser_meta.outer_l4_type = DOCA_FLOW_L4_META_UDP; }   static void pipe2_match_build(struct doca_flow_match *match) { // Main logic. Match on the specific packet fields match->outer.l3_type = DOCA_FLOW_L3_TYPE_IP4; match->outer.ip4.dst_ip = 0xffffffff; match->outer.l4_type_ext = DOCA_FLOW_L4_TYPE_EXT_UDP; match->outer.udp.l4_port.src_port = 22; }

The following code snippet demonstrates the redesign of a pipeline with relaxed matching for tunnel match cases:


static void pipe1_match_build(struct doca_flow_match *match) { match->outer.l3_type = DOCA_FLOW_L3_TYPE_IP4; match->outer.l4_type_ext = DOCA_FLOW_L4_TYPE_EXT_UDP; match->tun.type = DOCA_FLOW_TUN_VXLAN; match->outer.ip4.dst_ip = 0xffffffff; match->outer.udp.l4_port.src_port = 0x22; match->tun.vxlan_tun_id = 0xffffffff; }

With relaxed matching disabled (i.e., enable_strict_matching attribute set to true), the following hardware matches are performed for the code snippet above:

  • L3 type is IPv4 – constant among entries by design

  • L4 type is UDP – constant among entries by design

  • Tunnel type is DOCA_FLOW_TUN_VXLAN – constant among entries by design

  • IPv4 destination address varies per entry

  • UDP source port is always 22

  • VXLAN tunnel ID varies per entry

  • The rest of the packet fields are ignored

With relaxed matching enabled (i.e., default mode), the following pipeline stages, where pipe1 forwards packets to pipe2, should be considered to achieve a similar match as above:


static void pipe1_match_build(struct doca_flow_match *match) {     // Classifier logic. Only IPv4, UDP packets are to be forwarded to pipe2 match.parser_meta.outer_l3_type = DOCA_FLOW_L3_META_IPV4; match.parser_meta.outer_l4_type = DOCA_FLOW_L4_META_UDP; }   static void pipe2_match_build(struct doca_flow_match *match) {     // Main logic. Match on the specific packet fields match->outer.l4_type_ext = DOCA_FLOW_L4_TYPE_EXT_UDP; match->outer.udp.l4_port.src_port = 22; match->outer.udp.l4_port.dst_port = DOCA_VXLAN_DEFAULT_PORT; match->outer.l3_type = DOCA_FLOW_L3_TYPE_IP4; match->outer.ip4.dst_ip = 0xffffffff; match->tun.type = DOCA_FLOW_TUN_VXLAN; match->tun.vxlan_tun_id = 0xffffffff; }

Relaxed Matching Considerations

With relaxed matching, header type fields within outer, inner, or tun structs no longer indicate a match on the specific protocol. They are use d solely as a selector for the relevant header fields. For example, to match on outer.ip4.dst_ip, users must set outer.l3_type = DOCA_FLOW_L3_TYPE_IP4. With this match, the L3 header is checked for the IPv4 destination address, however there is no check that the L3 header is of IPv4 type. It is user responsibility to make sure that packets arriving to such a filter indeed have an L3 header of type IPv4.

To match on a specific protocol/tunnel type, consider the following:

  • To match on an inner/outer L3/L4 protocol type, users can use relevant doca_flow_parser_meta fields as explained above. For example, for outer protocols, parser_meta.outer_l[3,4]_type fields can be used.

  • To match on a specific tunnel type, users should match on a tunnel according to its specification. For example, for a VXLAN tunnel, a match on UDP destination port 4789 can be used. Another option is to use the L3 next protocol field. For example, for IPv4 with next header GRE, one can match on the IPv4 headers' next protocol field value to match GRE IP protocol number 47.

More relaxed matching design best practices can be found in the samples Flow Drop, Flow VXLAN Encap, and LPM with Exact Match Logic.


With relaxed matching, to achieve a match-all functionality, either one of the following methods can be used during pipe creation:

  • Set the match_mask structure to NULL and set the match structure to all zeroes

  • Set the match_mask structure to all zeroes while the match structure have any setting


With relaxed matching, if any of the selectors is used without setting a relevant field, the pipe/entry creation would fail with the following error message:


failed building active opcode - active opcode <opcode number> is protocol only

Setting Pipe Actions

Pipe Execution Order

When setting actions, they are executed in the following order:

  1. Crypto (decryption)

  2. Decapsulation

  3. Pop

  4. Meta

  5. Outer

  6. Tun

  7. Push

  8. Encapsulation

  9. Crypto (encryption)


Modifying a field while simultaneously using it as a source for other modifications should be avoided, as the sequence of modification actions cannot be guaranteed.


Similarly to setting pipe match, actions also have a template definition.

Similarly to doca_flow_match in the creation phase, only the subset of actions that should be executed per packet are defined. This is done in a similar way to match, namely by classifying a field of doca_flow_match to one of the following:

  • Ignored field – field is zeroed, modify is not used.

  • Constant fields – when a field must be modified per packet, but the value is the same for all packets, a one-time value on action definitions can be used

  • Changeable fields – fields that may have more than one possible value, and the exact values are set by the user per entry


    actions.outer.ip4.dst_ip = 0xffffffff


    The action_mask should be set as 0xffffffff and action as 0 if the user wants to configure 0 to this field.

Explicit Modification Type

It is possible to force constant modification or per-entry modification with action mask. For example:


static void create_constant_modify_actions(struct doca_flow_actions *actions, struct doca_flow_actions *actions_mask, struct doca_flow_action_descs *descs) { actions->outer.l4_type_ext = DOCA_FLOW_L4_TYPE_EXT_UDP; actions->outer.udp.src_port = 0x1234; actions_mask->outer.udp.src_port = 0xffff; }

Copy Field

The action descriptor can be used to copy between the packet field and metadata. For example:


#define META_U32_BIT_OFFSET(idx) (offsetof(struct doca_flow_meta, u32[(idx)]) << 3)   static void  create_copy_packet_to_meta_actions(struct doca_flow_match *match, struct doca_flow_action_desc *desc) { desc->type = DOCA_FLOW_ACTION_COPY; desc->field_op.src.field_string = "outer.ipv4.src_ip"; desc->field_op.src.bit_offset = 0; desc->field_op.dst.field_string = ""; desc->field_op.dst.bit_offset = META_U32_BIT_OFFSET(1); /* Bit offset of meta.u32[1] */; }

Multiple Actions List

Creating a pipe is possible using a list of multiple actions. For example:


static void create_multi_actions_for_pipe_cfg() { struct doca_flow_actions *actions_arr[2]; struct doca_flow_actions actions_0 = {0}, actions_1 = {0}; struct doca_flow_pipe_cfg *pipe_cfg; /* input configurations for actions_0 and actions_1 */  actions_arr[0] = &actions_0; actions_arr[1] = &actions_1; doca_flow_pipe_cfg_set_actions(pipe_cfg, actions_arr, NULL, NULL, 2); }

Summary of Action Types

Pipe Creation

Entry Creation



Pipe Actions

Pipe Actions Mask

Entry Actions




action_desc = NULL

No specific config




Field ignored, no modification


mask != 0


Apply 0 and mask to all entries

val != 0 && val != 0xFF

mask != 0


Apply val and mask to all entries

val = 0xFF

mask = 0


Apply 0xFF to all entries

val = 0xFF

mask != 0

Define val per entry

Apply entry's val and mask


Add field value or from src

Define only the dst field and width

val != 0



Apply this val to all entries

val == 0


Define val per entry

Apply entry's val

Define the src and dst fields and width

Define the source and destination fields.

  • Meta field → header field

  • Header field → meta field

  • Meta field → meta field



Add data from src fields to dst for all entries


Copy field to another field


Define the source and destination fields.

  • Meta field → header field

  • Header field → meta field

  • Meta field → meta field



Copy data between fields for all entries

Setting Pipe Monitoring

If a meter policer should be used, then it is possible to have the same configuration for all policers on the pipe or to have a specific configuration per entry. The meter policer is determined by the FWD action. If an entry has NULL FWD action, the policer FWD action is taken from the pipe.

If a mirror should be used, mirror can be shared on the pipe or configured to have a specific value per entry.

The monitor also includes the aging configuration, if the aging time is set, this entry ages out if timeout passes without any matching on the entry.

For example:


static void build_entry_monitor(struct doca_flow_monitor *monitor, void *user_ctx) { monitor->aging_sec = 10; }

Refer to Pipe Entry Aged Query for more information.

Setting Pipe Forwarding

The FWD (forwarding) action is the last action in a pipe, and it directs where the packet goes next. Users may configure one of the following destinations:

  • Send to software (representor)

  • Send to wire

  • Jump to next pipe

  • Drop packets

The FORWARDING action may be set for pipe create, but it can also be unique per entry.

Pipe forwarding can be s et either at creation time or be deferred to entry addition:

  • If the fwd.type type is not DOCA_FLOW_FWD_CHANGEABLE, any match on the pipe, on any entry, is forwarded to the specified target

  • If the fwd.type type is DOCA_FLOW_FWD_CHANGEABLE, the target would match on whatever is defined in the fwd.type field of the specific entry

Putting this logic in a table look like this:

Pipe Fwd.type

Entry Fwd.type

Actual Forward







Does not care


When a pipe includes meter monitor <cir, cbs>, it must h ave fwd defined as well as the policer.

If a pipe is created with a dedicate constant mirror with FWD, the pipe FWD can be from a mirror FWD or a pipe FWD and the two FWDs are exclusive. It is not allowed to specify a mirror with a FWD to a pipe with FWD also.

If a mirror FWD is not configured, the FWD is from the pipe configuration. The FWD of the pipe with a mirror cannot be direct RSS, only shared RSS from NULL FWD is allowed.

The following is an RSS forwarding example:


fwd.type = DOCA_FLOW_FWD_RSS; fwd.rss_type = DOCA_FLOW_RESOURCE_TYPE_NON_SHARED; fwd.rss.queues_array = queues; fwd.rss.outer_flags = DOCA_FLOW_RSS_IPV4 | DOCA_FLOW_RSS_UDP; fwd.rss.nr_queues = 4;

Queues point to the uint16_t array that contains the queue numbers. When a port is started, the number of queues is defined, starting from zero up to the number of queues minus 1. RSS queue numbers may contain any subset of those predefined queue numbers. For a specific match, a packet may be directed to a single queue by having RSS forwarding with a single queue.

Changeable RSS forwarding is supported. When creating the pipe, the num_of_queues must be set to 0xffffffff, then different forwarding RSS information can be set when adding each entry.


fwd->num_of_queues = 0xffffffff;

The packet is directed to the port. In many instances the complete pipe is executed in the hardware, including the forwarding of the packet back to the wire. The packet never arrives to the software.

Example code for forwarding to port:


struct doca_flow_fwd *fwd = malloc(sizeof(struct doca_flow_fwd)); memset(fwd, 0, sizeof(struct doca_flow_fwd)); fwd->type = DOCA_FLOW_FWD_PORT; fwd->port_id = port_id; // this should the same port_id that was set in doca_flow_port_cfg_set_devargs()

The type of forwarding is DOCA_FLOW_FWD_PORT and the only data required is the port_id as defined in DOCA_FLOW_PORT.

Changeable port forwarding is also supported. When creating the pipe, the port_id must be set to 0xffff, then different forwarding port_id values can be set when adding each entry.


fwd->port_id = 0xffff;

Shared Resources

DOCA Flow supports several types of resources that can be shared. The supported types of resources can be:

  • Meters

  • Counters

  • RSS queues

  • Mirrors

  • PSPs

  • Encap

  • Decap

  • IPsec SA

Shared resources can be used by several pipes and can save device and memory resources while promoting better performance.

To create and configure shared resource, the user should go through the steps detailed in the following subsections.

Creating Shared Resource Configuration Object

Call doca_flow_cfg_create(&flow_cfg), passing a pointer to struct doca_flow_cfg to be used to fill the required parameters for the shared resource.


The struct doca_flow_cfg object is used for configuring other resources besides the aforementioned shared resources, but this section only refers to the configuration of shared resources.

Setting Number of Shared Resources per Shared Resource Type

This can be done by calling doca_flow_cfg_set_nr_shared_resource(). Refer to the API documentation for details on the configuration process.

Conclude the configuration by calling doca_flow_init().

Configuring Shared Resource

When shared resources are allocated, they are assigned identifiers ranging from 0 and increasing incrementally. For example, if the user configures two shared counters, they would bear the identifiers 0 and 1.


Note that each resource has its own identifier space. So, if users have two shared counters and three meters, they would bear identifiers 0..1 and 0..2 respectively.

Configuring the shared resources requires the user to call doca_flow_shared_resource_set_cfg().

Binding Shared Resource

A shared resource must be bound by calling doca_flow_shared_resources_bind() which binds the resource to a pointer. The object to which the resource is bound is usually a struct doca_flow_port pointer.

Using Shared Resources

After a resource has been configured, it can be used by referring to its ID.

In the case of meters, counters, and mirrors, they are referenced through struct doca_flow_monitor during pipe creation or entry addition.

Querying Shared Resource

Querying shared resources can be done by calling doca_flow_shared_resources_query(). The function accepts the resource type and an array of resource numbers, and returns an array of struct doca_flow_shared_resource_result with the results.

Shared Meter Resource

A shared meter can be used in multiple pipe entries (hardware steering mode support only).

The shared meter action marks a packet with one of three colors: Green, Yellow, and Red. The packet color can then be matched in the next pipe, and an appropriate action may be taken. For example, packets marked in red color are usually dropped. So, the next pipe to meter action may have an entry which matches on red and has fwd type DOCA_FLOW_FWD_DROP.

DOCA Flow supports three marking algorithms based on RFCs: 2697, 2698, and 4115.

RFC 2697 – Single-rate Three Color Marker (srTCM)


CBS (committed burst size) is the bucket size which is granted credentials at a CIR (committed information rate). If CBS overflow occurs, credentials are passed to the EBS (excess burst size) bucket. Packets passing through the meter consume credentials. A packet is marked green if it does not exceed the CBS, yellow if it exceeds the CBS but not the EBS, and red otherwise. A packet can have an initial color upon entering the meter. A pre-colored yellow packet will start consuming credentials from the EBS.

RFC 2698 – Two-rate Three Color Marker (trTCM)


CBS and CIR are defined as in RFC 2697. PBS (peak burst size) is a second bucket which is granted credentials at a PIR (peak information rate). There is no overflow of credentials from the CBS bucket to the PBS bucket. The PIR must be equal to or greater than the CIR. Packets consuming CBS credentials consume PBS credentials as well. A packet is marked red if it exceeds the PIR. Otherwise, it is marked either yellow or green depending on whether it exceeds the CIR or not. A packet can have an initial color upon entering the meter. A pre-colored yellow packet starts consuming credentials from the PBS.

RFC 4115 – trTCM without Peak-rate Dependency

EBS is a second bucket which is granted credentials at a EIR (excess information rate) and gets overflowed credentials from the CBS. For the packet marking algorithm, refer to RFC 4115.

The following sections present the steps for configuring and using shared meters to mark packets.

Shared IPsec SA Resource

The IPsec Security Association (SA) shared resource is used for IPsec ESP encryption protocol. The resource should be pointed from the doca_flow_crypto_actions struct that inside doca_flow_actions.

By default, the resource manages the state of the sequence number (SN), incrementing each packet on the encryption side, and performing anti-replay protection on the decryption side. The anti-replay syndrome is stored in meta.u32[0].

To control the SN in software, sn_offload should be disabled per port in the configuration for doca_flow_port_start (see DOCA API documentation for details). Once sn_offload is disabled, the following fields are ignored: sn_offload_type, win_size, sn_initial, and lifetime_threshold.

When shared resource query is called for an IPsec SA resource, the current SN is retrieved for the encryption resource and the lower bound of anti-replay window is retrieved for the decryption resource. Querying IPsec SA can only be called when sn_offload is enabled.

To maintain a valid state of the resource during its usage, doca_flow_crypto_ipsec_resource_handle should be called periodically.

Shared Mirror Resource

The mirror shared resource is used to clone packets to other pipes, vports (switch mode only), RSS queues (VNF mode only), or drop.


The maximum supported mirror number is 4K.


The maximum supported mirror clone destination is 254.

Mirror clone destination as next_pipe cannot be intermixed with port or rss types. Only clone destination and origin destination both as next_pipe is supported.

The register copy for packet after mirroring is not saved.


For switch mode, there are several mirror limitations which should be noted:

  • Mirror should be cloned to DOCA_FLOW_DIRECTION_BIDIRECTIONAL pipe

  • The register copy for pkt after mirroring is not saved

  • Mirror should not be cloned to RSS pipe directly

  • Encap is supported while cloning a packet to a wire port only

  • Mirror must not be configured on a resizable pipe

If mirror creation fails, users should check the resulting syndrome for failure details.

Mirroring and Packet Order

To maintain the order of the mirrored packets in relation to the non-mirrored ones, set a first mirror target forward destination equivalent to the non-mirrored packets as illustrated in the following diagram:

In NVIDIA® BlueField®-3, NVIDIA® ConnectX®-7, and lower, when using the mirror action in the egress domain, mirrored packets cannot preserve the order with the non-mirrored packets due to the high latency of the mirror operation. To maintain the order, use DOCA_FLOW_FWD_DROP as the target forward as illustrated in the following diagram:


Shared Encap Resource

The encap shared resource is used for encapsulation. A shared encap ID represents one kind of encap configuration and can be used in multiple pipes and entries (hardware steering mode support only).

The shared encap action encapsulates the packet with the configured tunnel information.

Shared Decap Resource

The decap shared resource is used for decapsulation. A shared decap ID represents one kind of decap configuration and can be used in multiple pipes and entries (hardware steering mode support only).

The shared decap action decapsulates the packet. Ethernet information should be provided when is_l2 is false.

Shared PSP Resource

The PSP shared resource is used for PSP encryption. The resource should be pointed to from the doca_flow_crypto_actions struct in doca_flow_actions.

The resource should be configured with a key to encrypt the packets. See NVIDIA DOCA Library API documentation for PSP key generation for a reference about key handling on decrypt side.

Basic Pipe Create

Once all parameters are defined, the user should call doca_flow_pipe_create to create a pipe.

The return value of the function is a handle to the pipe. This handle should be given when adding entries to pipe. If a failure occurs, the function returns NULL, and the error reason and message are put in the error argument if provided by the user.

Refer to the DOCA Library APIs to see which fields are optional and may be skipped. It is typically recommended to set optional fields to 0 when not in use. See Miss Pipe and Control Pipe for more information.

Once a pipe is created, a new entry can be added to it. These entries are bound to a pipe, so when a pipe is destroyed, all the entries in the pipe are removed. Please refer to section Pipe Entry for more information.

There is no priority between pipes or entries. The way that priority can be implemented is to match the highest priority first, and if a miss occurs, to jump to the next PIPE. There can be more than one PIPE on a root as long the pipes are not overlapping. If entries overlap, the priority is set according to the order of entries added. So, if two pipes have overlapping matching and PIPE1 has higher priority than PIPE2, users should add an entry to PIPE1 after all entries are added to PIPE2.

Pipe Entry (doca_flow_pipe_add_entry)

An entry is a specific instance inside of a pipe. When defining a pipe, users define match criteria (subset of fields to be matched), the type of actions to be done on matched packets, monitor, and, optionally, the FWD action.

When a user calls doca_flow_pipe_add_entry() to add an entry, they should define the values that are not constant among all entries in the pipe. And if FWD is not defined then that is also mandatory.

DOCA Flow is designed to support concurrency in an efficient way. Since the expected rate is going to be in millions of new entries per second, it is mandatory to use a similar architecture as the data path. Having a unique queue ID per core saves the DOCA engine from having to lock the data structure and enables the usage of multiple queues when interacting with hardware.


Each core is expected to use its own dedicated pipe_queue number when calling doca_flow_pipe_entry. Using the same pipe_queue from different cores causes a race condition and has unexpected results.


Applications are expected to avoid adding, removing, or updating pipe entries from within a doca_flow_entry_process_cb.

Failure Path

Entry insertion can fail in two places, add_entry and add_entry_cb.

  • When add_entry fails, no cleanup is required.

  • When add_entry succeeds, a handle is returned to the user. If the subsequent add_entry_cb fails, the user is responsible for releasing the handle through a rm_entry call. This rm_entry call is expected to return DOCA_SUCCESS and is expected to invoke doca_rm_entry_cb with a successful return code.

Pipe Entry Counting

By default, no counter is added. If defined in monitor, a unique counter is added per entry.


Having a counter per entry affects performance and should be avoided if it is not required by the application.

The retrieved statistics are stored in struct doca_flow_query.


Counters have a granularity of 1 second.

Pipe Entry Aged Query

When a user calls doca_flow_aging_handle(), this query is used to get the aged-out entries by the time quota in microseconds. The user callback is invoked by this API with the aged entries.

Since the number of flows can be very large, the query of aged flows is limited by a quota in microseconds. This means that it may return without all flows and requires the user to call it again. When the query has gone over all flows, a full cycle is done.

Pipes with Multiple Actions

Users can define multiple actions per pipe. This gives the user the option to specify a different action per entry in the pipe by providing the action_idx in struct doca_flow_actions. Note that even with multiple actions defined for a pipe, any packet processed will still result in at most one action being executed.

For example, to create multiple flows with identical match fields but different actions, users can define two actions during pipe creation, Action_0 and Action_1. These actions are respectively assigned indices 0 and 1 in the pipe configuration's actions array. Action_0 includes modify_mac, while Action_1 includes modify_ip. Users can then add two types of entries to the pipe: the first entry uses Action_0 by setting the action_idx field in struct doca_flow_actions to 0, and the second entry uses Action_1 by setting action_idx to 1.

Miss Pipe and Control Pipe


Only one root pipe is allowed. If more than one is needed, create a control pipe as root and forward the packets to relevant non-root pipes.

To set priority between pipes, users must use miss-pipes. Miss pipes allow to look up entries associated with pipe X, and if there are no matches, to jump to pipe X+1 and perform a lookup on entries associated with pipe X+1.

The following figure illustrates the hardware table structure:


The first lookup is performed on the table with priority 0. If no hits are found, then it jumps to the next table and performs another lookup.

The way to implement a miss pipe in DOCA Flow is to use a miss pipe in FWD. In struct doca_flow_fwd, the field next_pipe signifies that when creating a pipe, if a fwd_miss is configured then if a packet does not match the specific pipe, steering should jump to next_pipe in fwd_miss.


fwd_miss is of type struct doca_flow_fwd but it only implements two forward types of this struct:

  • DOCA_FLOW_FWD_PIPE – forwards the packet to another pipe

  • DOCA_FLOW_FWD_DROP – drops the packet

Other forwarding types (e.g., forwarding to port or sending to RSS queue) are not supported.

next_pipe is defined as doca_flow_pipe and created by doca_flow_pipe_create. To separate miss_pipe and a general one, is_root is introduced in struct doca_flow_pipe_cfg. If is_root is true, it means the pipe is a root pipe executed on packet arrival. Otherwise, the pipe is next_pipe.

When fwd_miss is not null, the packet that does not match the criteria is handled by next_pipe which is defined in fwd_miss.

In internal implementations of doca_flow_pipe_create, if fwd_miss is not null and the forwarding action type of miss_pipe is DOCA_FLOW_FWD_PIPE, a flow with the lowest priority is created that always jumps to the group for the next_pipe of the fwd_miss. Then the flow of next_pipe can handle the packets, or drop the packets if the forwarding action type of miss_pipe is DOCA_FLOW_FWD_DROP.

For example, VXLAN packets are forwarded as RSS and hairpin for other packets. The miss_pipe is for the other packets (non-VXLAN packets) and the match is for general Ethernet packets. The fwd_miss is defined by miss_pipe and the type is DOCA_FLOW_FWD_PIPE. For the VXLAN pipe, it is created by doca_flow_create() and fwd_miss is introduced.

Since, in the example, the jump flow is for general Ethernet packets, it is possible that some VXLAN packets match it and cause conflicts. For example, VXLAN flow entry for ipA is created. A VXLAN packet with ipB comes in, no flow entry is added for ipB, so it hits miss_pipe and is hairpinned.

A control pipe is introduced to handle the conflict. After creating a control pipe, the user can add control entries with different matches, forwarding, and priorities when there are conflicts.

The user can add a control entry by calling doca_flow_control_pipe_add_entry().

priority must be defined as higher than the lowest priority (3) and lower than the highest one (0).

The other parameters represent the same meaning of the parameters in doca_flow_pipe_create. In the example above, a control entry for VXLAN is created. The VLXAN packets with ipB hit the control entry.



This feature is not supported in this DOCA release. It will be re-enabled in DOCA version 3.0.

doca_flow_pipe_lpm uses longest prefix match (LPM) matching. LPM matching is limited to a single field of the match provided by the user at pipe creation (e.g., the outer destination IP). Each entry is consisted of a value and a mask (e.g.,,, etc). The LPM match is defined as the entry that has the maximum matching bits. For example, using the two entries and, the IP matches on and IP matches on because 16 bits are the longest prefix matched.

In addition to the longest prefix match logic, LPM supports exact match (EM) logic on the meta.u32, inner destination MAC and VNI. Only index 1 is supported for meta.u32. Any combination of these three fields can be chosen for EM. However, if inner destination MAC is chosen for LPM, then it should not be chosen for EM as well. If more than one field is chosen for EM, a logical AND is applied. Support for EM on meta allows working with any single field by copying its value to the meta.u32[1] on pipes before LPM. EM is performed at the same time as LPM matching (i.e., a logical AND is applied for both logics). For example, if there is a match on LPM logic, but the value in the fields chosen for EM is not exactly matched, this constitutes an LPM pipe miss.

To enable EM logic in an LPM pipe, two steps are required:

  1. Provide match_mask to the LPM pipe creation with meta.u32[1] being fully masked and/or inner.eth.dst_mac and/or tun.vxlan_tun_id, while setting match_mask.tun.type to DOCA_FLOW_TUN_VXLAN. Thus, the match parameter is responsible for the choice of field for LPM logic, while the match_mask parameter is responsible for the enablement of EM logic. Separation into two parameters is done to distinguish which field is for LPM logic and which is for EM logic, when both fields can be used for LPM (e.g., destination IP address and source MAC address).

  2. Per entry, provide values to do exact match using the match structure. match_mask is used only for LPM-related masks and is not involved into EM logic.

EM logic allows inserting many entries with different meta values for the same pair of LPM-related data. Regarding IPv4-based LPM logic with exact match enabled: LPM pipe can have with meta 42, 555, and 1020. If a packet with goes through such an LPM pipe, its meta value is compared against 42, 555, and 1020.

The actions and FWD of the DOCA Flow LPM pipe work the same as the basic DOCA Flow pipe.


The monitor only supports non-shared counters in the LPM pipe.

doca_flow_pipe_lpm insertion max latency can be measured in milliseconds in some cases and, therefore, it is better to insert it from the control path. To get the best insertion performance, entries should be added in large batches.


An LPM pipe cannot be a root pipe. You must create a pipe as root and forward the packets to the LPM pipe.


An LPM pipe can only do LPM matching on inner and outer IP and MAC addresses.


For monitoring, an LPM pipe only supports non-shared counters and does not support other capabilities of doca_flow_monitor.



This feature is not supported in this DOCA release. It will be re-enabled in DOCA version 3.0.

doca_flow_pipe_acl uses a ccess-control list (ACL) matching. ACL matching is five tuple of the doca_flow_match. Each entry consists of a value and a mask (e.g.,,, etc.) for IP address fields, port range, or specific port in the port fields, protocol, and priority of the entry.

ACL entry port configuration:

  • Mask port is 0 ==> Any port

  • Mask port is equal to match port ==> Exact port. Port with mask 0xffff.

  • Mask port > match port ==> Match port is used as port from and mask port is used as port to

Monitor actions are not supported in ACL. FWD of the DOCA Flow ACL pipe works the same as the basic DOCA Flow pipe.

ACL supports the following types of FWD:




doca_flow_pipe_lpm insertion max latency can be measured in milliseconds in some cases and, therefore, it is better to insert it from the control path. To get the best insertion performance, entries should be added in large batches.


An ACL pipe can be a root pipe.


An ACL pipe can be in ingress and egress domain.


An ACL pipe must be accessed on a single queue. Different ACL pipes may be accessed on different queues.


Adding an entry to the ACL pipe after sending an entry with flag DOCA_FLOW_NO_WAIT is not supported.


Removing an entry from an ACL pipe is not supported.



This feature is not supported in this DOCA release. It will be re-enabled in DOCA version 3.0.”

doca_flow_pipe_ordered_list allows the user to define a specific order of actions and multiply the same type of actions (i.e., specific ordering between counter/meter and encap/decap).

An ordered list pipe is defined by an array of actions (i.e., sequences of actions). Each entry can be an instance one of these sequences. An ordered list pipe may consist of up to an array of 8 different actions. The maximum size of each action array is 4 elements. Resource allocation may be optimized when combining multiple action arrays in one ordered list pipe.


doca_flow_pipe_hash allows the user to insert entries by index. The index represents the packet hash calculation.

An hash pipe gets doca_flow_match only on pipe creation and only mask. The mask provides all fields to be used for hash calculation.

The monitor, actions, actions_descs, and FWD of the DOCA Flow hash pipe works the same as the basic DOCA Flow pipe.


The nb_flows in doca_flow_pipe_attr should be a power of 2.

Hardware Steering Mode

Users can enable hardware steering mode by setting devarg dv_flow_en to 2.

The following is an example of running DOCA with hardware steering mode:


.... –a 03:00.0, dv_flow_en=2 –a 03:00.1, dv_flow_en=2....

The following is an example of running DOCA with software steering mode:


.... –a 03:00.0 –a 03:00.1 ....

The dv_flow_en=2 means that hardware steering mode is enabled.

In the struct doca_flow_cfg, setting mode_args using (doca_flow_cfg_set_mode_args()) represents DOCA applications. If it is set with hws (e.g., "vnf,hws", "switch,hws", "remmote_vnf,hws") then hardware steering mode is enabled.

In switch mode, fdb_def_rule_en=0,vport_match=1,repr_matching_en=0,dv_xmeta_en=4 should be added to DPDK PMD devargs, which makes DOCA Flow switch module take over all the traffic.

To create an entry by calling doca_flow_pipe_add_entry, the parameter flags can be set as DOCA_FLOW_WAIT_FOR_BATCH or DOCA_FLOW_NO_WAIT:

  • DOCA_FLOW_WAIT_FOR_BATCH means that this flow entry waits to be pushed to hardware. Batch flows then can be pushed only at once. This reduces the push times and enhances the insertion rate.

  • DOCA_FLOW_NO_WAIT means that the flow entry is pushed to hardware immediately.

The parameter usr_ctx is handled in the callback set in struct doca_flow_cfg.

doca_flow_entries_process processes all the flows in this queue. After the flow is handled and the status is returned, the callback is executed with the status and usr_ctx.

If the user does not set the callback in doca_flow_cfg, the user can get the status using doca_flow_entry_get_status to check if the flow has completed offloading or not.

Isolated Mode

In non-isolated mode (default) any received packets (following an RSS forward, for example) can be processed by the DOCA application, bypassing the kernel. In the same way, the DOCA application can send packets to the NIC without kernel knowledge. This is why, by default, no replies are received when pinging a host with a running DOCA application. If only specific packet types (e.g., DNS packets) should be processed by the DOCA application, while other packets (e.g., ICMP ping) should be handled directly the kernel, then isolated mode becomes relevant.

In isolated mode, packets that match root pipe entries are steered to the DOCA application (as usual) while other packets are received/sent directly by the kernel.

If you plan to create a pipe with matches followed by action/monitor/forward operations, due to functional/performance considerations, it is advised that root pipes entries include the matches followed by a next pipe forward operation. In the next pipe, all the planned matches actions/monitor/forward operations could be specified. Unmatched packets are received and sent by the kernel.


In switch mode, DPDK must be in isolated mode. DOCA Flow may be in isolated or non-isolated.

To activate isolated mode, two configurations are required:

  1. DOCA configuration: Update the string member mode_args (struct doca_flow_cfg) using doca_flow_cfg_set_mode_args() which represents the DOCA application mode and add "isolated" (separated by comma) to the other mode arguments. For example: doca_flow_cfg_set_mode_args(cfg, "vnf,hws,isolated") doca_flow_cfg_set_mode_args(cfg, "switch,isolated")

  2. DPDK configuration: Set isolated_mode to 1 (struct application_port_config). For example, if DPDK is initialized by the API: dpdk_queues_and_ports_init(struct application_dpdk_config *app_dpdk_config).


struct application_dpdk_config app_dpdk_config = { .port_config = { .isolated_mode = 1, .nb_ports = ... ... }, ... };

Pipe Resize


This feature is not supported in this DOCA release. It will be re-enabled in DOCA version 3.0.

The move to HWS improves performance because rule insertion is implemented in hardware rather than software. However, this move imposes additional limitations, such as the need to commit in advance on the size of the pipes (the number of rule entries). For applications that require pipe sizes to grow over time, a static size can be challenging: Committing to a pipe size too small can cause the the application to fail once the number of rule entries exceeds the committed number, and pre-committing to an excessively high number of rules can result in memory over-allocation.

This is where pipe resizing comes in handy. This feature allows the pipe size to increase during runtime with support for all entries in a new resized pipe.


Pipe resizing is supported in a basic pipe and a control pipe.

Increasing Pipe Size

It is possible to set a congestion level by percentage (CONGESTION_PERCENTAGE). Once the number of entries in the pipe exceeds this value, a callback is invoked. For example, for a pipe with 1000 entries and a CONGESTION_PERCENTAGE of 80%, the CONGESTION_REACHED callback is invoked after the 800th entry is added.

Following the CONGESTION_REACHED callback, the application should call the pipe resize API (resize()). The following are optional callbacks during the resize callback:

  • A callback on the new number of entries allocated to the pipe

  • A callback on each entry that existed in the smaller pipe and is now allocated to the resized pipe


The pipe pointer remains the same for the application to use even after being resized.

Upon completion of the internal transfer of all entries from the small pipe to the resized pipe, a RESIZED callback is invoked.

A CONGESTION_REACHED callback is received exactly once before the RESIZED callback. Receiving another CONGESTION_REACHED only happens after calling resize() and receiving its completion with a RESIZED callback.

List of Callbacks

  • CONGESTION_REACHED – on the updated number of entries in the pipe (if pipe is resizable)


    Receiving a CONGESTION_REACHED callback can occur after adding a small number of entries and for moving entries from a small to resized pipe. The application must always call pipe resize after receiving the CONGESTION_REACHED callback to handle such cases.

  • RESIZED – upon completion of the resize operation


    Calling pipe resize returns immediately. It starts an internal process that ends later with the RESIZED callback.

  • NR_ENTRIES_CHANGED (optional) – on the new max number of entries in the pipe

  • ENTRY_RELOCATE (optional) – on each entry moved from the small pipe to the resized pipe

Order of Operations for Pipe Resizing

  1. Set a process callback on flow configuration:


    struct doca_flow_cfg *flow_cfg; doca_flow_cfg_create(&flow_cfg); doca_flow_cfg_set_cb_pipe_process(flow_cfg, <pipe-process-callback>);


    This informs on OP_CONGESTION_REACHED and OP_RESIZED operations when applicable.

  2. Set the following pipe attribute configurations:


    struct doca_flow_pipe_cfg *pipe_cfg; doca_flow_pipe_cfg_create(&pipe_cfg, port); doca_flow_pipe_cfg_set_nr_entries(pipe_cfg, <initial-number-of-entries>); doca_flow_pipe_cfg_set_is_resizable(pipe_cfg, true); doca_flow_pipe_cfg_set_congestion_level_threshold(pipe_cfg, <CONGESTION_PERCENTAGE>); doca_flow_pipe_cfg_set_user_ctx(pipe_cfg, <pipe-user-context>);

  3. Start adding entries:


    /* Basic pipe */ doca_flow_pipe_add_entry() /* Contorl pipe */ doca_flow_pipe_control_add_entry()

  4. Once the number of entries in the pipe crosses the congestion threshold, an OP_CONGESTION_REACHED operation callback is received.

  5. Mark the pipe's congestion threshold event and, upon return, call doca_flow_pipe_resize(). For this call, add the following parameters:

    • The new threshold percentage for calculating the new size.

    • A callback on the new pipe size (optional):


      doca_flow_pipe_resize_nr_entries_changed_cb nr_entries_changed_cb

    • A callback on the entries to be transferred to the resized pipe:


      doca_flow_pipe_resize_entry_relocate_cb entry_relocation_cb

  6. Call doca_flow_entries_process() to trigger the transfer of entries. It is relevant for both a basic pipe and a control pipe.

  7. At this phase, adding new entries to the pipe is permitted. The entries are added directly to the resized pipe and therefore do not need to be transferred.

  8. Once all entries are transferred, an OP_RESIZED operation callback is received. Also, at this point a new OP_CONGESTION_REACHED operation callback can be received again.

  9. At this point calling doca_flow_entries_process() can be stopped for a control pipe. For a basic pipe an additional call is required to complete the call to doca_flow_pipe_add_entry().


    doca_flow_entries_process() has the following roles:

    • Triggering entry transfer from the smaller to the bigger pipe (until an OP_RESIZED callback is received)

    • Follow up API on previous add_entries API (basic pipe relevance only)

Hairpin Configuration

In switch mode, if dev is set in struct doca_flow_port_cfg (using doca_flow_port_cfg_set_dev()), then an internal hairpin is created for direct wire-to-wire fwd. Users may specify the hairpin configuration using mode_args. The supported options as follows:

  • hairpinq_num=[n] – the hairpin queue number

  • use_huge_mem – determines whether the Tx buffer uses hugepage memory

  • lock_rx_mem – locks Rx queue memory


Pipe Entry Teardown

When an entry is terminated by the user application or ages-out, the user should call the entry destroy function, doca_flow_pipe_rm_entry(). This frees the pipe entry and cancels hardware offload.

Pipe Teardown

When a pipe is terminated by the user application, the user should call the pipe destroy function, doca_flow_pipe_destroy(). This destroys the pipe and the pipe entries that match it.

When all pipes of a port are terminated by the user application, the user should call the pipe flush function, doca_flow_port_pipes_flush(). This destroys all pipes and all pipe entries belonging to this port.


During doca_flow_pipe_destroy() execution, the application must avoid adding/removing entries or checking for aged entries of any other pipes.

Port Teardown

When the port is not used anymore, the user should call the port stop function, doca_flow_port_stop(). This stops the DOCA port, disables the traffic, destroys the port and frees all resources of the port.

Flow Teardown

When the DOCA Flow is not used anymore, the user should call the flow destroy function, doca_flow_destroy(). This releases all the resources used by DOCA Flow.


A scratch area exists throughout the pipeline whose maximum size is DOCA_FLOW_META_MAX bytes.

The user can set a value to metadata, copy from a packet field, then match in later pipes. Mask is supported in both match and modification actions.

The user can modify the metadata in different ways based on its actions' masks or descriptors:

  • ADD – set metadata scratch value from a pipe action or an action of a specific entry. Width is specified by the descriptor.

  • COPY – copy metadata scratch value from a packet field (including the metadata scratch itself). Width is specified by the descriptor.


Refer to DOCA API documentation for details on struct doca_flow_meta.

Some DOCA pipe types (or actions) use several bytes in the scratch area for internal usage. So, if the user has set these bytes in PIPE-1 and read them in PIPE-2, and between PIPE-1 and PIPE-2 there is PIPE-A which also uses these bytes for internal purpose, then these bytes are overwritten by the PIPE-A. This must be considered when designing the pipe tree.

The bytes used in the scratch area are presented by pipe type in the following table:

Pipe Type/Action

Bytes Used in Scratch


[0, 1, 2, 3]


[0, 1, 2, 3]


[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]


[0, 1, 2, 3]


[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]

Fwd from ingress to egress

[0, 1, 2, 3]


[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]



In situations where there is a port without a pipe defined, or with a pipe defined but without any entry, the default behavior is that all packets arrive to a port in the software.


Once entries are added to the pipe, if a packet has no match then it continues to the port in the software. If it is matched, then the rules defined in the pipe are executed.


If the packet is forwarded in RSS, the packet is forwarded to software according to the RSS definition. If the packet is forwarded to a port, the packet is redirected back to the wire. If the packet is forwarded to the next pipe, then the software attempts to match it with the next pipe.

Note that the number of pipes impacts performance. The longer the number of matches and actions that the packet goes through, the longer it takes the hardware to process it. When there is a very large number of entries, the hardware must access the main memory to retrieve the entry context which increases latency.

DOCA Flow supports trace and debugging of DOCA Flow applications which enable collecting predefined internal key performance indicators (KPIs) and pipeline visualization.


The set of DOCA's SDK development packages include also a developer-oriented package that includes additional trace and debug features which are not included in the production libraries:

  • .deb based systems – libdoca-sdk-flow-trace

  • .rpm based systems – doca-sdk-flow-trace

These packages install the trace-version of the libraries under the following directories:

  • .deb based systems – /opt/mellanox/doca/lib/<arch>/trace

  • .rpm based systems – /opt/mellanox/doca/lib64/trace

Using Trace Libraries

Runtime Linking

The trace libraries are designed to allow a user to link their existing (production) program to the trace library without needing to recompile the program. To do so, one should simply update the matching environment variable so that the OS will prioritize loading libraries from the above trace directory.

The following is an example for such an update for the Ubuntu 22.04 BlueField image:


LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/mellanox/doca/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/trace:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} doca_ipsec_security_gw <program parameters>


The trace-level development packages in the previous section provide additional compilation definitions (doca-flow-trace.pc) to be used in addition to the regular compilation definitions for the DOCA Flow SDK library (doca-flow.pc). It is recommended to use these compilation definitions for the following scenarios:

  • Static linking of the trace-level DOCA Flow library into your program

  • Regular (dynamic) linking of the trace-level DOCA Flow library into your program during development and testing

Although the latter could also be determined at runtime as explained in the previous section, many developers find it handy to compile directly against the trace version during initial development phases.

Trace Features

DOCA Log – Trace Level

DOCA's trace logging level (DOCA_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE) is compiled as part of this trace version of the library. That is, any program compiled against the library can activate this additional logging level through DOCA's API or even through DOCA's built-in argument parsing (ARGP) library:


LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/mellanox/doca/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/trace:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} doca_ipsec_security_gw <program parameters> --sdk-log-level 70

DOCA Flow – Additional Sanity Checks

When using the trace version of the library, additional input sanitation checks are added, at the cost of introducing minor performance implications. These checks are meant to assist developers in their early steps of using the library, as they provide early detection and improved logging for common coding mistakes.

This section provides DOCA Flow sample implementation on top of the BlueField.


All the DOCA samples described in this section are governed under the BSD-3 software license agreement.

Sample Prerequisites

A DOCA Flow-based program can either run on the host machine or on the BlueField.

Flow-based programs require an allocation of huge pages, hence the following commands are required:


$ echo '1024' | sudo tee -a /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages $ sudo mkdir /mnt/huge $ sudo mount -t hugetlbfs -o pagesize=2M nodev /mnt/huge

Running the Sample

  1. Refer to the following documents:

  2. To build a given sample:


    cd /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/<sample_name> meson /tmp/build ninja -C /tmp/build


    The binary doca_<sample_name> will be created under /tmp/build/.

  3. Sample (e.g., flow_aging) usage:


    Usage: doca_flow_aging [DPDK Flags] –- [DOCA Flags]   DOCA Flags: -h, --help Print a help synopsis -v, --version Print program version information -l, --log-level Set the (numeric) log level for the program <10=DISABLE, 20=CRITICAL, 30=ERROR, 40=WARNING, 50=INFO, 60=DEBUG, 70=TRACE> --sdk-log-level Set the SDK (numeric) log level for the program <10=DISABLE, 20=CRITICAL, 30=ERROR, 40=WARNING, 50=INFO, 60=DEBUG, 70=TRACE> -j, --json <path> Parse all command flags from an input json file

  4. For additional information per sample, use the -h option after the -- separator:


    /tmp/build/doca_<sample_name> -- -h

  5. DOCA Flow samples are based on DPDK libraries. Therefore, the user is required to provide DPDK flags. The following is an example from an execution on the DPU:

    • CLI example for running the samples with "vnf" mode:


      /tmp/build/doca_<sample_name> -a auxiliary:mlx5_core.sf.2 -a auxiliary:mlx5_core.sf.3 -- -l 60

    • CLI example for running the VNF samples with vnf,hws mode:


      /tmp/build/doca_<sample_name> -a auxiliary:mlx5_core.sf.2,dv_flow_en=2 -a auxiliary:mlx5_core.sf.3,dv_flow_en=2 -- -l 60

    • CLI example for running the switch samples with switch,hws mode:


      /tmp/build/doca_<sample_name> -- -p 03:00.0 -r sf[2-3] -l 60


      When running on the BlueField with switch,hws mode , it is not necessary to configure the OVS.

      DOCA switch sample hides the extra fdb_def_rule_en=0,vport_match=1,repr_matching_en=0,dv_xmeta_en=4 DPDK devargs with a simple -p and -r to specify the PCIe ID and representor information.


      When running on the DPU using the command above, sub-functions must be enabled according to the BlueField Scalable Function User Guide.


      When running on the host, virtual functions must be used according to the instructions in the DOCA Virtual Functions User Guide.


Flow Aging

This sample illustrates the use of DOCA Flow's aging functionality. It demonstrates how to build a pipe and add different entries with different aging times and user data.

The sample logic includes:

  1. Initializing DOCA Flow with mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg.

  2. Starting two DOCA Flow port.

  3. On each port:

    1. Building a pipe with changeable 5-tuple match and forward port action.

    2. Adding 10 entries with different 5-tuple match, a monitor with different aging time (5-60 seconds), and setting user data in the monitor. The user data will contain the port ID, entry number, and entry pointer.

  4. Handling aging every 5 seconds and removing each entry after age-out.

  5. Running these commands until all entries age out.


  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_aging/flow_agingc

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_aging/flow_aging_main.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_aging/

Flow ACL

This sample illustrates how to use the access-control list (ACL) pipe.

The sample logic includes:

  1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

  2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

  3. On each port:

    1. Building an ACL pipe that matches changeable:

      1. Source IPv4 address

      2. Destination IPv4 address

      3. Source port

      4. Destination port

    2. Adding four example 5-tuple entries:

      1. The first entry with:

        • Full mask on source IPv4 address

        • Full mask on destination IPv4 address

        • Null mask on source port (any source port)

        • Null mask on destination port (any destination port)

        • TCP protocol

        • Priority 10

        • Action "deny" (drop action)

      2. The second entry with:

        • Full mask on source IPv4 address

        • Full mask on destination IPv4 address

        • Null mask on source port (any source port)

        • Value set in mask on destination port is used as part of port range:

          • Destination port in match is used as port from

          • Destination port in mask is used as port to

        • UDP protocol

        • Priority 50

        • Action "allow" (forward port action)

      3. The third entry with:

        • Full mask on source IPv4 address

        • Full mask on destination IPv4 address

        • Value set in mask on source port is equal to the source port in match. It is the exact port. ACL uses the port with full mask.

        • Null mask on destination port (any destination port)

        • TCP protocol

        • Priority 40

        • Action "allow" (forward port action)

      4. The fourth entry with:

        • 24-bit mask on source IPv4 address

        • 24-bit mask on destination IPv4 address

        • Value set in mask on source port is used as part of port range : source port in match is used as port from, source port in mask is used as port to.

        • Value set in mask on destination port is equal to the destination port in match. It is the exact port. ACL uses the port with full mask.

        • TCP protocol

        • Priority 20

        • Action "allow" (forward port action)

    3. The sample shows how to run the ACL pipe on ingress and egress domains. To change the domain, use the global parameter flow_acl_sample.c.

      1. Ingress domain: ACL is created as root pipe

      2. Egress domain:

        • Building a control pipe with one entry that forwards the IPv4 traffic hairpin port.

        • ACL is created as a root pipe on the hairpin port.


  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_acl/flow_acl_sample.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_acl/flow_acl_main.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_acl/

Flow Aging

This sample illustrates the use of DOCA Flow's aging functionality. It demonstrates how to build a pipe and add different entries with different aging times and user data.

The sample logic includes:

  1. Initializing DOCA Flow with mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

  2. Starting two DOCA Flow port.

  3. On each port:

    1. Building a pipe with changeable 5-tuple match and forward port action.

    2. Adding 10 entries with different 5-tuple match, a monitor with different aging time (5-60 seconds), and setting user data in the monitor. The user data will contain the port ID, entry number, and entry pointer.

  4. Handling aging every 5 seconds and removing each entry after age-out.

  5. Running these commands until all entries age out.


  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_aging/flow_aging_sample.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_aging/flow_aging_main.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_aging/

Flow Control Pipe

This sample shows how to use the DOCA Flow control pipe and decap action.

The sample logic includes:

  1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

  2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

  3. On each port:

    1. Building VXLAN pipe with match on VNI field, decap action, action descriptor for decap, and forwarding the matched packets to the second port.

    2. Building VXLAN-GPE pipe with match on VNI, flags and next protocol fields, and forwarding the matched packets to the second port.

    3. Building GRE pipe with match on GRE key field, decap and build eth header actions, action descriptor for decap, and forwarding the matched packets to the second port.

    4. Building NVGRE pipe with match on protocol is 0x6558, vs_id, flow_id, and inner UDP source port fields, and forwarding the matched packets to the second port. This pipe has a higher priority than the GRE pipe. The NVGRE packets are matched first.

    5. Building MPLS pipe with match on third MPLS label field, decap and build eth header actions, action descriptor for decap, and forwarding the matched packets to the second port.

    6. Building a control pipe with the following entries:

      • If L4 type is UDP and destination port is 4789, forward to VXLAN pipe

      • If L4 type is UDP and destination port is 4790, forward to VXLAN-GPE pipe

      • If L4 type is UDP and destination port is 6635, forward to MPLS pipe

      • If tunnel type and L4 type is GRE, forward to GRE pipe


When any tunnel is decapped, it is user responsibility to identify if it is an L2 or L3 tunnel within the action. If the tunnel is L3, the complete outer layer, tunnel, and inner L2 are removed and the inner L3 layer is exposed. To keep the packet valid, the user should provide the ETH header to encap the inner packet. For example:


actions.decap_type = DOCA_FLOW_RESOURCE_TYPE_NON_SHARED; actions.decap_cfg.is_l2 = false; /* append eth header after decap GRE tunnel */ SET_MAC_ADDR(actions.decap_cfg.eth.src_mac, src_mac[0], src_mac[1], src_mac[2], src_mac[3], src_mac[4], src_mac[5]); SET_MAC_ADDR(actions.decap_cfg.eth.dst_mac, dst_mac[0], dst_mac[1], dst_mac[2], dst_mac[3], dst_mac[4], dst_mac[5]); actions.decap_cfg.eth.type = DOCA_FLOW_L3_TYPE_IP4;

For a VXLAN tunnel, since VXLAN is a L2 tunnel, the user must indicate it within the action:


actions.decap_type = DOCA_FLOW_RESOURCE_TYPE_NON_SHARED; actions.decap_cfg.is_l2 = true;


  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_control_pipe/flow_control_pipe_sample.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_control_pipe/flow_control_pipe_main.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_control_pipe/

Flow Copy to Meta

This sample shows how to use the DOCA Flow copy-to-metadata action to copy the source MAC address and then match on it.

The sample logic includes:

  1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicatingode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

  2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

  3. On each port:

    1. Building a pipe with changeable match on meta_data and forwarding the matched packets to the second port.

    2. Adding an entry that matches an example source MAC that has been copied to metadata.

    3. Building a pipe with changeable 5-tuple match, copying source MAC action, and fwd to the first pipe.

    4. Adding example 5-tuple entry to the pipe.


    • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_copy_to_meta/flow_copy_to_meta_sample.c

    • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_copy_to_meta/flow_copy_to_meta_main.c

    • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_copy_to_meta/

    Flow Add to Metadata

    This sample shows how to use the DOCA Flow add-to-metadata action to accumulate the source IPv4 address for double to meta and then match on the meta.

    The sample logic includes:

    1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

    2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

    3. On each port:

      1. Building a pipe with changeable match on meta_data and forwarding the matched packets to the second port.

      2. Adding an entry that matches an example double of source IPv4 address that has been added to metadata.

      3. Building a pipe with changeable 5-tuple match, copying the source IPv4, and adding the value again to the meta action, and forwarding to the first pipe.

      4. Adding an example 5-tuple entry to the pipe.


      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_add_to_meta/flow_add_to_meta_sample.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_add_to_meta/flow_add_to_meta_main.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_add_to_meta/

      Flow Drop

      This sample illustrates how to build a pipe with 5-tuple match, forward action drop, and forward miss action to the hairpin pipe. The sample also demonstrates how to dump pipe information to a file and query entry.

      The sample logic includes:

      1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

      2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

      3. On each port:

        1. Building a hairpin pipe with an entry that matches all traffic and forwarding traffic to the second port.

        2. Building a pipe with a changeable 5-tuple match, forwarding action drop, and miss forward to the hairpin pipe. This pipe serves as a root pipe.

        3. Adding an example 5-tuple entry to the drop pipe with a counter as monitor to query the entry later.

      4. Waiting 5 seconds and querying the drop entry (total bytes and total packets).

      5. Dumping the pipe information to a file.


      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_drop/flow_drop_sample_sample.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_drop/flow_drop_sample_main.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_drop/

      Flow ECMP

      This sample illustrates ECMP feature using a hash pipe.

      The sample enables users to determine how many port are included in ECMP distribution:

      • The number of ports, n, is determined by DPDK device argument representor=sf[0-m] where m=n-1.

      • CLI example for running this samples with n=4 ports:


        /tmp/build/doca_flow_ecmp -- -p 03:00.0 -r sf[0-3] -l 60 --sdk-log-level 60

      • n should be power of 2. Max supported value is n=8.

      The sample logic includes:

      1. Calculate the number of SF representors (n) created by DPDK according to user input.

      2. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="switch,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg structure.

      3. Starting DOCA Flow ports: Physical port and n SF representors.

      4. On switch port:

        1. Constructing a hash pipe that signifies the match_mask structure to compute the hash based on the outer IPv6 flow label field.

        2. Adding n entries to the created pipe, each of which forwards packets to a different port representor.

      5. Waiting 15 seconds and querying the entries.

      6. Print the ECMP results per port (number packets in each port related to total packets).


      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_ecmp/flow_ecmp_sample.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_ecmp/flow_ecmp_main.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_ecmp/

      Flow ESP

      This sample illustrates how to match match ESP fields in two ways:

      • Exact match for both esp_spi and esp_en fields using the doca_flow_match structure.

      • Comparison match for esp_en field using the doca_flow_match_condition structure.


      This sample is supported for ConnectX-7, BlueField-3, and above.

      The sample logic includes:

      1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

      2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

      3. On each port:

        1. Building a control pipe with entry that match esp_en > 3 (GT pipe).

        2. Building a control pipe with entry that match esp_en < 3 (LT pipe).

        3. Building a root pipe with changeable next_pipe FWD and esp_spi match along with specific esp_sn match + IPv4 and ESP exitance (matching parser_meta).

        4. Adding example esp_spi = 8 entry to the root pipe which forwards to GT pipe (and miss condition).

        5. Adding example esp_spi = 5 entry to the root pipe which forwards to LT pipe (and hit condition).


      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_esp/flow_esp_sample.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_esp/flow_esp_main.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_esp/

      Flow Forward Miss

      The sample illustrates how to use FWD miss query and update with or without miss counter.

      The sample logic includes:

      1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

      2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

      3. On each port:

        1. Building a copy pipe with a changeable outer L3 type match and forwarding traffic to the second port.

        2. Add entries doing different copy action depending on the outer L3 type:

          1. IPv4 – copy IHL field into Type Of Service field.

          2. IPv6 – copy Payload Length field into Traffic Class field.

        3. Building a pipe with a IPv4 addresses match, forwarding traffic to the second port, and miss forward to the copy pipe.

        4. Building an IP selector pipe with outer L3 type match, forwarding IPv4 traffic to IPv4 pipe, and miss forward to the copy pipe with miss counter.

        5. Building a root pipe with outer L3 type match, forwarding IPv4 and IPv6 traffic to IP selector pipe, and dropping all other traffic by miss forward with miss counter.

      4. Waiting 5 seconds for first batch of traffic.

      5. On each port:

        1. Querying the miss counters using doca_flow_query_pipe_miss API.

        2. Printing the miss results.

      6. On each port:

        1. Building a push pipe that pushes VLAN header and forwarding traffic to the second port.

        2. Updating both IP selector and IPv4 pipes miss FWD pipe target to push pipe using doca_flow_pipe_update_miss API.

      7. Waiting 5 seconds for second batch of traffic, same flow as before.

      8. On each port:

        1. Querying again the miss counters using doca_flow_query_pipe_miss API.

        2. Printing the miss results again, the results should include miss packets coming either before or after miss action updating.


      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_fwd_miss/flow_fwd_miss_sample.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_fwd_miss/flow_fwd_miss_main.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_fwd_miss/

      Flow Forward Target (DOCA_FLOW_TARGET_KERNEL)

      The sample illustrates how to use DOCA_FLOW_FWD_TARGET type of forward, as well as the doca_flow_get_target API to obtain an instance of struct doca_flow_target.

      The sample logic includes:

      1. Initializing DOCA Flow with "vnf,isolated,hws".

      2. Initializing two ports.

      3. Obtaining an instance of doca_flow_target by calling doca_flow_get_target(DOCA_FLOW_TARGET_KERNEL, &kernel_target);.

      4. On each port, creating:

        1. Non-root basic pipe with 5 tuple match.

          1. If hit – forward the packet to another port.

          2. If miss – forward the packet to the kernel for processing by using the instance of doca_flow_target obtained in previous steps.

          3. Then add a single entry with a specific 5-tuple which is hit, and the rest is forwarded to the kernel.

        2. Root control pipe with a match on outer L3 type being IPv4.

          1. If hit – forward the packet to the non-root pipe.

          2. If miss – drop the packet.

          3. Add a single entry that implements the logic described.


      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_fwd_target/flow_fwd_target_sample.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_fwd_target/flow_fwd_target_main.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_fwd_target/

      Flow GENEVE Encap

      This sample illustrates how to use DOCA Flow actions to create a GENEVE tunnel.

      The sample logic includes:

      1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

      2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

      3. On each port:

        1. Building ingress pipe with changeable 5-tuple match, copying to pkt_meta action, and forwarding port action.

        2. Building egress pipe with pkt_meta match and 4 different encapsulation actions:

          • L2 encap without options

          • L2 encap with options

          • L3 encap without options

          • L3 encap with options

        3. Adding example 5-tuple and encapsulation values entries to the pipes.


      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_geneve_encap/flow_geneve_encap_sample.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_geneve_encap/flow_geneve_encap_main.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_geneve_encap/

      Flow GENEVE Options

      This sample illustrates how to prepare a GENEVE options parser, match on configured options, and decap GENEVE tunnel.


      This sample works only with PF. VFs and SFs are not supported.

      The sample logic includes:

      1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

      2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

      3. On each port:

        1. Building GENEVE options parser, same input for all ports.

        2. Building match pipe with GENEVE VNI and options match and forwards decap pipe.

        3. Building decap pipe with more GENEVE options match, and 2 different decapsulation actions:

          • L2 decap

          • L3 decap with changeable mac addresses

        4. Adding example GENEVE options and MAC address values entries to the pipes.


      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_geneve_opt/flow_geneve_opt_sample.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_geneve_opt/flow_geneve_opt_main.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_geneve_opt/

      Flow GTP

      This sample demonstrates how to use DOCA Flow to process and modify GTP PSC packets with specific QFI values.

      The sample logic includes:

      1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

      2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

      3. Creating two pipes on each port:

        1. The first pipe:

          1. Matches GTP PSC packets.

          2. Forwards only GTP PSC packets to the second pipe.

          3. Drops all other packets.

        2. The second pipe:

          1. Matches packets with QFI equal to 0x1.

          2. Modifies these packets, changing the QFI value from 0x1 to 0x3a.

          3. Hairpins the modified packets to the other port.

          4. Drops all other packets.

      Sample result: Only GTP PSC packets with an initial QFI value of 0x1 are transmitted to the other port, where their QFI value has been updated to 0x3a. All other packets are dropped.


      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_gtp/flow_gtp_sample.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_gtp/flow_gtp_main.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_gtp/

      Flow GTP Encap

      This sample illustrates how to use DOCA Flow actions to create a GTP tunnel.

      The sample logic includes:

      1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

      2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

      3. On each port:

        1. Building ingress pipe with IPv4 match, and forwarding port action.

        2. Building egress pipe with GTP encapsulation action. gtp_teid ,gtp_ext_psc_qfi, eth and IPv4 fields are changeable.

        3. Adding example encapsulation values entries to the pipes.


      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_gtp_encap/flow_gtp_encap_sample.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_gtp_encap/flow_gtp_encap_main.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_gtp_encap/

      Flow Hairpin VNF

      This sample illustrates how to build a pipe with 5-tuple match and to forward packets to the other port.

      The sample logic includes:

      1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

      2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

      3. On each port:

        1. Building a pipe with changeable 5-tuple match and forwarding port action.

        2. Adding example 5-tuple entry to the pipe.


      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_hairpin_vnf/flow_hairpin_vnf_sample.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_hairpin_vnf/flow_hairpin_vnf_main.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_hairpin_vnf/

      Flow Switch to Wire

      This sample illustrates how to build a pipe with 5-tuple match and forward packets from the wire back to the wire.

      The sample shows how to build a basic pipe in a switch and hardware steering (HWS) mode. Each pipe contains two entries, each of which forwards matched packets to two different representors.

      The sample also demonstrates how to obtain the switch port of a given port using doca_flow_port_switch_get().


      The test requires one PF with three representors (either VFs or SFs).

      The sample logic includes:

      1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="switch,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

      2. Starting DOCA Flow ports with doca_dev in struct doca_flow_port_cfg.

      3. On the switch's PF port:

        1. Building ingress, egress, vport, and RSS pipes with changeable 5-tuple match and forwarding port action.

        2. Adding example 5-tuple entry to the pipe.

        3. The matched traffic goes to its destination port, the missed traffic is handled by the rx_tx function and is sent to a dedicate port based on the protocol.

          • Ingress pipe:


            Entry 0: IP src / TCP src 1234 dst 80 -> egress pipe Entry 1: IP src / TCP src 1234 dst 80 -> vport pipe

          • Egress pipe (test ingress to egress cross domain):


            Entry 0: IP dst / TCP src 1234 dst 80 -> port 0 Entry 1: IP dst / TCP src 1234 dst 80 -> port 1 Entry 2: IP dst / TCP src 1234 dst 80 -> port 2 Entry 3: IP dst / TCP src 1234 dst 80 -> port 3

          • Vport pipe (test ingress direct to vport):


            Entry 0: IP dst / TCP src 1234 -> port 0 Entry 1: IP dst / TCP src 1234 -> port 1 Entry 2: IP dst / TCP src 1234-> port 2 Entry 3: IP dst / TCP src 1234-> port 3

          • RSS pipe (test miss traffic port_id get and destination port_id set):


            Entry 0: IPv4 / TCP -> port 0 Entry 0: IPv4 / UDP -> port 1 Entry 0: IPv4 / ICMP -> port 2


      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_switch_to_wire/flow_switch_to_wire_sample.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_switch_to_wire/flow_switch_to_wire_main.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_switch_to_wire/

      Flow Hash Pipe

      This sample illustrates how to build a hash pipe in hardware steering (HWS) mode.

      The hash pipe contains two entries, each of which forwards "matched" packets to two different SF representors. For each received packet, the hash pipe calculates the entry index to use based on the IPv4 destination address.

      The sample logic includes:

      1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="switch,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

      2. Starting DOCA Flow ports: Physical port and two SF representors.

      3. On switch port:

        1. Building a hash pipe while indicating which fields to use to calculate the hash in the struct match_mask.

        2. Adding two entries to the created pipe, each of which forwards packets to a different port representor.

      4. Printing the hash result calculated by the software with the following message: "hash value for" for dest ip =


      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_hash_pipe/flow_hash_pipe_sample.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_hash_pipe/flow_hash_pipe_main.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_hash_pipe/

      Flow IPv6 Flow Label

      This sample shows how to use DOCA Flow actions to update IPv6 flow label field after encapsulation.

      As a side effect, it shows also example for IPv6 + MPLS encapsulation.

      The sample logic includes:

      1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

      2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

      3. On each port:

        1. Building an ingress pipe with changeable L4 type and ports matching, which updates metadata and goes to the peer port.

        2. Adding example UDP/TCP type and ports and metadata values entries to the pipe. This pipe is L3 type agnostic.

        3. Building an egress pipe on the peer port with changeable metadata matching, which encapsulates packets with IPv6 + MPLS headers, and goes to the next pipe.

        4. Adding entries to the pipe, with different encapsulation values for different metadata values.

        5. Building another egress pipe on the peer port with changeable L3 inner type matching, which copies value into outer IPv6 flow label field.

        6. Adding two entries to the pipe:

          1. L3 inner type is IPv6 - copy IPv6 flow label from inner to outer.

          2. L3 inner type is IPv6 - copy outer IPv6 flow label from metadata.


      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_ipv6_flow_label/flow_ipv6_flow_label_sample.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_ipv6_flow_label/flow_ipv6_flow_label_main.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_ipv6_flow_label/

      Flow Loopback

      This sample illustrates how to implement packet re-injection, or loopback, in VNF mode.

      The sample logic includes:

      1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

      2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

      3. On each port:

        1. Building a UDP pipe that matches a changeable source and destination IPv4 address, while the forwarding component is RSS to queues. Upon match, setting the packet meta on this UDP pipe which is referred to as an RSS_UDP_IP pipe.

        2. Adding one entry to the RSS_UDP_IP pipe that matches a packet with a specific source and destination IPv4 address and setting the meta to 10.

        3. Building a TCP pipe that matches changeable 4-tuple source and destination IPv4 and port addresses, while the forwarding component is RSS to queues (this pipe is called RSS_TCP_IP and it is the root pipe on ingress domain).

        4. Adding one entry to the RSS_TCP_IP pipe, that matches a packet with a specific source and destination port and IPv4 addresses.

        5. On the egress domain, creating the loopback pipe, which is root, and matching TCP over IPv4 with changeable 4-tuple source and destination port and IPv4 addresses, while encapsulating the matched packets with VXLAN tunneling and setting the destination and source MAC addresses to be changeable per entry.

        6. Adding one entry to the loopback pipe with specific values for the match and actions part while setting the destination MAC address to the port to which to inject the packet (in this case, it is the ingress port where the packet arrived).

        7. Starting to receive packets loop and printing the metadata

          • For packets that were re-injected, metadata equaling 10 is printed

          • Otherwise, 0 is be printed as metadata (indicating that it is the first time the packet has been encountered)


      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_loopback/flow_loopback_sample.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_loopback/flow_loopback_main.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_loopback/

      Flow Modify Header

      This sample illustrates how to use DOCA Flow actions to modify the specific packet fields.

      The sample logic includes:

      1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

      2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

      3. On each port, creating serial pipes and jumping to the next pipe if traffic is unmatched:

        1. Building a pipe with action dec_ttl=true and changeable mod_dst_mac. The pipe matches IPv4 traffic with a changeable destination IP and forwards the matched packets to the second port.

          • Adding an entry with an example destination IP ( and mod_dst_mac value.

        2. Building a pipe with action-changeable mod_vxlan_tun_rsvd1. The pipe matches IPv4 traffic with a changeable UDP destination port and VXLAN-GPE tunnel ID then forwards the matched packets to the second port.

          • Adding an entry with an example VXLAN-GPE tunnel ID (100) and UDP destination port (4790), thenmod_vxlan_tun_rsvd1 value.

        3. Building a pipe with action-changeable mod_vxlan_tun_rsvd1. The pipe matches IPv4 traffic with a changeable UDP destination port and VXLAN tunnel ID then forwards the matched packets to the second port.

          • Adding an entry with an example VXLAN tunnel ID (100) and UDP destination port (4789), thenmod_vxlan_tun_rsvd1 value.


      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_modify_header/flow_modify_header_sample.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_modify_header/flow_modify_header_main.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_modify_header/

      Flow Monitor Meter

      This sample illustrates how to use DOCA Flow monitor meter.

      The sample logic includes:

      1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

      2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

      3. On each port:

        1. Building a pipe with monitor meter flag and changeable 5-tuple match. The pipe forwards the matched packets to the second port.

        2. Adding an entry with an example CIR and CBS values.


      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_monitor_meter/flow_monitor_meter_sample.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_monitor_meter/flow_monitor_meter_main.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_monitor_meter/

      Flow Multi-actions

      This sample shows how to use a DOCA Flow array of actions in a pipe.

      The sample logic includes:

      1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

      2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

      3. On each port:

        1. Building a pipe with changeable source IP match which forwards the matched packets to the second port and sets different actions in the actions array:

          • Changeable modify source MAC address

          • Changeable modify source IP address

        2. Adding two entries to the pipe with different source IP match:

          1. The first entry with an example modify source MAC address.

          2. The second with a modify source IP address.


      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_multi_actions/flow_multi_actions_sample.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_multi_actions/flow_multi_actions_main.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_multi_actions/

      Flow Multi-fwd

      This sample shows how to use a different forward in pipe entries.

      The sample logic includes:

      1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

      2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

      3. On each port:

        1. Building a pipe with changeable source IP match and sending NULL in the forward.

        2. Adding two entries to the pipe with different source IP match, and different forward:

          • The first entry with forward to the second port

          • The second with drop


      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_multi_fwd/flow_multi_fwd_sample.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_multi_fwd/flow_multi_fwd_main.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_multi_fwd/

      Flow Parser Meta

      This sample shows how to use some of match.parser_meta fields from 3 families:

      • IP fragmentation – matching on whether a packet is IP fragmented

      • Integrity bits – matching on whether a specific protocol is OK (length, checksum etc.)

      • Packet types – matching on a specific layer packet type

      The sample logic includes:

      1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

      2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

      3. On each port:

        1. Building a root pipe with outer IP fragmentation match:

          • If a packet is IP fragmented – forward it to the second port regardless of next pipes in the pipeline

          • If a packet is not IP fragmented – proceed with the the pipeline by forwarding it to integrity pipe

        2. Building an "integrity" pipe with a single entry which continues to the next pipe when:

          • The outer IPv4 checksum is OK

          • The inner L3 is OK (incorrect length should be dropped)

        3. Building a "packet type" pipe which forwards packets to the second port when:

          • The outer L3 type is IPv4

          • The inner L4 type is either TCP or UDP

      4. Waiting 5 seconds for traffic to arrive.


      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_parser_meta/flow_parser_meta_sample.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_parser_meta/flow_parser_meta_main.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_parser_meta/

      Flow Random

      This sample shows how to use match.parser_meta.random field for 2 different use-cases:

      • Sampling – sampling certain percentage of traffic regardless of flow content

      • Distribution – distributing traffic in 8 different queues

      The sample logic includes:

      1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

      2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

      3. On each port:

        1. Building a root pipe with changeable 5-tuple match and forwarding to specific use-case pipe according to changeable source IP address.

        2. Adding two entries to the pipe with different source IP match, and different forward:

          • The first entry with forward to the sampling pipe.

          • The second entry with forward to the distribution pipe.

        3. Building a "sampling" pipe with a single entry and preparing the entry to sample 12.5% of traffic.

        4. Building a "distribution" hash pipe with 8 entries and preparing the entries to get 12.5% of traffic for each queue.

      4. Waiting 15 seconds and querying the entries (total packets after sampling/distribution related to total packets before).


      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_random/flow_random_sample.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_random/flow_random_main.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_random/

      Flow RSS ESP

      This sample shows how to use DOCA Flow forward RSS according to ESP SPI field, and distribute the traffic between queues.

      The sample logic includes:

      1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

      2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

      3. On each port:

        1. Building a pipe with both L3 and L4 types match, copy the SPI field into packet meta data, and forwarding to RSS with 7 queues.

        2. Adding an entry with both IPv4 and ESP existence matching.

      4. Waiting 15 seconds for traffic to arrived.

      5. On each port:

        1. Calculates the traffic percentage distributed into each port and prints the result.

        2. Printing for each packet its SPI value. (only in debug mode, -l ≥ 60)


      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_rss_esp/flow_rss_esp_sample.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_rss_esp/flow_rss_esp_main.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_rss_esp/

      Flow RSS Meta

      This sample shows how to use DOCA Flow forward RSS, set meta action, and then retrieve the matched packets in the sample.

      The sample logic includes:

      1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

      2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

      3. On each port:

        1. Building a pipe with a changeable 5-tuple match, forwarding to RSS queue with index 0, and setting changeable packet meta data.

        2. Adding an entry with an example 5-tuple and metadata value to the pipe.

      4. Retrieving the packets on both ports from a receive queue , and printing the packet metadata value.


      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_rss_meta/flow_rss_meta_sample.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_rss_meta/flow_rss_meta_main.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_rss_meta/

      Flow Sampling

      This sample shows how to sample certain percentage of traffic regardless of flow content using doca_flow_match_condition structure with parser_meta.random.value field string.


      This sample is supported for ConnectX-7/BlueField-3 and above.

      The sample logic includes:

      1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="switch,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

      2. Starting DOCA Flow ports: Physical port and two SF representors.

      3. On switch port:

        1. Building a root pipe with changeable 5-tuple match and forwarding to sampling pipe.

        2. Adding entry with an example 5-tuple to the pipe.

        3. Building a "sampling" control pipe with a single entry.

        4. calculating the requested random value for getting 35% of traffic.

        5. Adding entry with an example condition random value to the pipe.

      4. Waiting 15 seconds and querying the entries (total packets after sampling related to total packets before).


      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_sampling/flow_sampling_sample.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_sampling/flow_sampling_main.c

      • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_sampling/

      Flow Set Meta

      This sample shows how to use the DOCA Flow set metadata action and then match on it.

      The sample logic includes:

      1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

      2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

      3. On each port:

        1. Building a pipe with a changeable match on metadata and forwarding the matched packets to the second port.

        2. Adding an entry that matches an example metadata value.

        3. Building a pipe with changeable 5-tuple match, changeable metadata action, and fwd to the first pipe.

        4. Adding entry with an example 5-tuple and metadata value to the pipe.


        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_set_meta/flow_set_meta_sample.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_set_meta/flow_set_meta_main.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_set_meta/

        Flow Shared Counter

        This sample shows how to use the DOCA Flow shared counter and query it to get the counter statistics.

        The sample logic includes:

        1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

        2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

        3. On each port:

          1. Binding the shared counter to the port.

          2. Building a pipe with changeable 5-tuple match with UDP protocol, changeable shared counter ID and forwarding the matched packets to the second port.

          3. Adding an entry with an example 5-tuple match and shared counter with ID=port_id.

          4. Building a pipe with changeable 5-tuple match with TCP protocol, changeable shared counter ID and forwarding the matched packets to the second port.

          5. Adding an entry with an example 5-tuple match and shared counter with ID=port_id.

          6. Building a control pipe with the following entries:

            • If L4 type is UDP, forwards the packets to the UDP pipe

            • If L4 type is TCP, forwards the packets to the TCP pipe

        4. Waiting 5 seconds and querying the shared counters (total bytes and total packets).


        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_shared_counter/flow_shared_counter_sample.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_shared_counter/flow_shared_counter_main.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_shared_counter/

        Flow Shared Meter

        This sample shows how to use the DOCA Flow shared meter.

        The sample logic includes:

        1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

        2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

        3. On each port:

          1. Config a shared meter with specific cir and cbs values.

          2. Binding the shared meter to the port.

          3. Building a pipe with a changeable 5-tuple match with UDP protocol, changeable shared meter ID and forwarding the matched packets to the second port.

          4. Adding an entry with an example 5-tuple match and shared meter with ID=port_id.

          5. Building a pipe with a changeable 5-tuple match with TCP protocol, changeable shared meter ID and forwarding the matched packets to the second port.

          6. Adding an entry with an example 5-tuple match and shared meter with ID=port_id.

          7. Building a control pipe with the following entries:

            • If L4 type is UDP, forwards the packets to the UDP pipe

            • If L4 type is TCP, forwards the packets to the TCP pipe


        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_shared_meter/flow_shared_meter_sample.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_shared_meter/flow_shared_meter_main.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_shared_meter/

        Flow Switch Control Pipe

        This sample shows how to use the DOCA Flow control pipe in switch mode.

        The sample logic includes:

        1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="switch,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

        2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

        3. On each port:

          1. Building control pipe with match on VNI field.

          2. Adding two entries to the control pipe, both matching TRANSPORT (UDP or TCP proto) over IPv4 with source port 80 and forwarding to the other port, where the first entry matches destination port 1234 and the second 12345.

          3. Both entries have counters, so that after the successful insertions of both entries, the sample queries those counters to check the number of matched packets per entry.


        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_switch_control_pipe/flow_switch_control_pipe_sample.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_switch_control_pipe/flow_switch_control_pipe_main.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_switch_control_pipe/

        Flow Switch – Multiple Switches

        This sample illustrates how to use two switches working concurrently on two different physical functions.

        It shows how to build a basic pipe in a switch and hardware steering (HWS) mode. Each pipe contains two entries, each of which forwards matched packets to two different representors.

        The sample also demonstrates how to obtain the switch port of a given port using doca_flow_port_switch_get().


        The test requires two PFs with two (either VF or SF) representors on each.

        The sample logic includes:

        1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="switch,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

        2. Starting DOCA Flow ports: Two physical ports and two representors each (totaling six ports).

        3. On the switch port:

          1. Building a basic pipe while indicating which fields to match on using struct doca_flow_match match.

          2. Adding two entries to the created pipe, each of which forwards packets to a different port representor.


        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_switch/flow_switch_sample.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_switch/flow_switch_main.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_switch/

        Flow Switch – Single Switch

        This sample is identical to the previous sample, before the flow switch sample was extended to take advantage of the capabilities of DOCA to support multiple switches concurrently, each based on a different physical device.

        The reason we add this original version is that it removes the constraints imposed by the modified flow switch version, allowing to use arbitrary number of representors in the switch configuration.

        The logic of this sample is identical to that of the previous sample with 2 new pipes.

        • A user RSS pipe which receives the packets which missed TC rules (in the kernel domain in this case)

        • A simple pipe forwarding packets to kernel domain by using DOCA_FLOW_FWD_TARGET

        In the to_kernel_pipe, all the IPv4 packets are forwarded to the kernel (i.e., entry 0 in to_kernel_pipe). In the kernel domain, all the IPv4 packets are missed to the NIC domain if there is no TC rule. In the NIC domain, the IPv4 packets missed from the NIC domain are forwarded to slow path (i.e., the representor of the PF/VF).

        • Root pipe:


          Entry 0: IP src / dst / TCP src 1234 dst 80 -> port 0 Entry 1: IP src / dst / TCP src 1234 dst 80 -> port 1 Miss: -> To kernel pipe

        • To kernel pipe:


          Entry 0: IPv4 -> send to kernel IPv6 traffic would be dropped

        • RSS pipe:


          Entry 0: IPv4 -> port 0 rss queue 0


        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_switch_single/flow_switch_single_sample.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_switch_single/flow_switch_single_main.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_switch_single/

        Flow Switch (Direction Info)

        This sample illustrates how to give a hint to the driver for potential optimizations based on the direction information.


        This sample requires a single PF with two representors (either VF or SF).

        The sample also demonstrates usage of the match.parser_meta.port_meta to detect by the switch pipe the source from where the packet has arrived.

        The sample logic includes:

        1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="switch,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

        2. Starting 3 DOCA Flow ports, 1 physical port and 2 representors.

        3. On the switch port:

          1. Network-to-host pipe:

            1. Building basic pipe with a changeable ipv4.next_proto field and configuring the pipe with the hint of direction by setting attr.dir_info = DOCA_FLOW_DIRECTION_NETWORK_TO_HOST.

            2. Adding two entries:

              • If ipv4.next_proto is TCP, the packet is forwarded to the first representor, to the host.

              • If ipv4.next_proto is UDP, the packet is forwarder to the second representor, to the host.

          2. Host-to-network pipe:

            1. Building a basic pipe with a match on aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa as a source MAC address and configuring a pipe with the hint of direction by setting attr.dir_info = DOCA_FLOW_DIRECTION_HOST_TO_NETWORK.

            2. Adding an entry. If the source MAC is matched, forward the packet to the physical port (i.e., to the network).

          3. Switch pipe:

            1. Building a basic pipe with a changeable parser_meta.port_meta to detect where the packet has arrived from.

            2. Adding 3 entries:

              • If the packet arrived from port 0 (i.e., the network), forward it to the network-to-host pipe to decide for further logic

              • If the packet arrived from port 1 (i.e., the host's first representor), forward it to the host-to-network pipe to decide for further logic

              • If the packet arrived from port 2, (i.e., the host's second representor), forward it to the host-to-network pipe to decide for further logic


        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_switch_direction_info/flow_switch_direction_info_sample.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_switch_direction_info/flow_switch_direction_info_main.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_switch_direction_info/

        Flow Switch Hot Upgrade

        This sample demonstrates how to use the port operation state mechanism for a hot upgrade use case. It shows how to configure the state of a port during initialization and how to modify the state after the port has already been started.


        The test requires two physical functions (PFs) with two (either VFs or SFs) representors on each.

        Command-line Arguments

        The sample allows users to specify the operation state of the instance using the --state <value> argument. The relevant values are:




        Sample Logic

        1. Initialize DOCA Flow:

          • Indicate mode_args="switch" in the doca_flow_cfg structure.

        2. Start DOCA Flow ports:

          • Two physical ports and two representors each (totaling six ports) are started.

          • Both switch ports are configured with DOCA_FLOW_PORT_OPERATION_STATE_UNCONNECTED state.

        3. Configure each switch port:

          1. Build a basic pipe with a miss counter matching on outer L3 type (specific IPv4) and outer L4 type (changeable).

          2. Add two entries to the created pipe with counters, each forwarding packets to a different port representor.

          3. Modify the port operation state from DOCA_FLOW_PORT_OPERATION_STATE_UNCONNECTED to the required state.

        4. Traffic handling:

          • Wait for traffic until a SIGQUIT signal (Ctrl+) is received.

          • While traffic is being received, traffic statistics are printed to stdout.

        Hot Upgrade Use Case

        To illustrate the hot upgrade use case, follow these steps:

        1. Create two different instances in separate windows with different states.


          DPDK prevents users from creating two primary instances. To avoid this limitation, use the --file-prefix EAL argument.

          • Example for the "active" instance:


            /tmp/build/samples/doca_flow_switch_hot_upgrade -- -p 08:00.0 -p 08:00.1 -r vf[0-1] -r vf[0-1] -l 70

          • Example for the "stand-by" instance:


            /tmp/build/samples/doca_flow_switch_hot_upgrade --file-prefix standby -- -p 08:00.0 -p 08:00.1 -r vf[0-1] -r vf[0-1] -l 70 --state 2

        2. Close the active process by typing Ctrl+\ while traffic is being received. The traffic statistics will start printing in the standby instance.

        3. Restart the first instance. The traffic statistics will stop printing in the standby instance and start printing in the active instance again.

        Swap Use Case

        When both instances are running, the swap use case can be demonstrated by typing Ctrl+C:

        • Typing Ctrl+C in the active instance changes its state to DOCA_FLOW_PORT_OPERATION_STATE_ACTIVE_READY_TO_SWAP

        • Typing Ctrl+C in the standby instance changes its state to DOCA_FLOW_PORT_OPERATION_STATE_ACTIVE

        • Typing Ctrl+C in the active instance again changes its state to DOCA_FLOW_PORT_OPERATION_STATE_STANDBY


        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_switch_hot_upgrade/flow_switch_hot_upgrade_sample.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_switch_hot_upgrade/flow_switch_hot_upgrade_main.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_switch_hot_upgrade/

        Flow VXLAN Encap

        This sample shows how to use DOCA Flow actions to create a VXLAN/VXLANGPE/VXLANGBP tunnel as well as illustrating the usage of matching TCP and UDP packets in the same pipe.

        The sample logic includes:

        1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

        2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

        3. On each port:

          1. Building a pipe with changeable 5-tuple match, encap action, and forward port action.

          2. Adding example 5-tuple and encapsulation values entry to the pipe. Every TCP or UDP over IPv4 packet with the same 5-tuple is matched and encapsulated.


        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_vxlan_encap/flow_vxlan_encap_sample.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_vxlan_encap/flow_vxlan_encap_main.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_vxlan_encap/

        Flow Shared Mirror

        This sample shows how to use the DOCA Flow shared mirror.


        A current limitation does not allow using shared mirror IDs bearing the value zero.

        The sample logic includes:

        1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

        2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

        3. On each port:

          1. Configuring a shared mirror with a clone destination hairpin to the second port.

          2. Binding the shared mirror to the port.

          3. Building a pipe with a changeable 5-tuple match with UDP protocol, changeable shared mirror ID, and forwarding the matched packets to the second port.

          4. Adding an entry with an example 5-tuple match and shared mirror with ID=port_id+1.

          5. Building a pipe with a changeable 5-tuple match with TCP protocol, changeable shared mirror ID, and forwarding the matched packets to the second port.

          6. Adding an entry with an example 5-tuple match and shared mirror with ID=port_id+1.

          7. Building a control pipe with the following entries:

            • If L4 type is UDP, forwards the packets to the UDP pipe

            • If L4 type is TCP, forwards the packets to the TCP pipe

          8. Waiting 15 seconds to clone any incoming traffic. Should see the same two packets received on the second port (one from the clone and another from the original).


        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_shared_mirror/flow_shared_mirror_sample.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_shared_mirror/flow_shared_mirror_main.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_shared_mirror/

        Flow Match Comparison

        This sample shows how to use the DOCA Flow match with a comparison result.

        The sample logic includes:

        1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

        2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

        3. On each port:

          1. Building a pipe with a changeable match on meta_data[0] and forwarding the matched packets to the second port.

          2. Adding an entry that matches on meta_data[0] equal with TCP header length.

          3. Building a control pipe for comparison purpose.

          4. Adding an entry to the control pipe match with comparison result the meta_data[0] value greater than meta_data[1] and forwarding the matched packets to match with the meta pipe.

          5. Building a pipe with a changeable 5-tuple match, copying ipv4.total_len to meta_data[1], and accumulating ipv4.version_ihl << 2 tcp.data_offset << 2 to meta_data[1], then forwarding to the second pipe.

          6. Adding an example 5-tuple entry to the pipe.


        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_match_comparison/flow_match_comparison_sample.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_match_comparison/flow_match_comparison_main.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_match_comparison/

        Flow Entropy

        This sample shows how to use the DOCA Flow entropy calculation.

        The sample logic includes:

        1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="switch,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

        2. Starting one DOCA Flow port.

        3. Configuring the doca_flow_entropy_format structure with 5-tuple values.

        4. Calling to doca_flow_port_calc_entropy to get the calculated entropy.

        5. Logging the calculated entropy.


        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_entropy/flow_entropy_sample.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_entropy/flow_entropy_main.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_entropy/

        Flow VXLAN Shared Encap

        This sample shows how to use DOCA Flow actions to create a VXLAN tunnel as well as illustrating the usage of matching TCP and UDP packets in the same pipe.

        The VXLAN tunnel is created by shared_resource_encap.

        The sample logic includes:

        1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="vnf,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

        2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

        3. On each port:

          1. Configure and bind shared encap resources. The encap resources are for VXLAN encap.

          2. Building a pipe with changeable 5-tuple match, shared_encap_id, and forward port action.

          3. Adding example 5-tuple and encapsulation values entry to the pipe. Every TCP or UDP over IPv4 packet with the same 5-tuple is matched and encapsulated.


        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_vxlan_shared_encap/flow_vxlan_shared_encap_sample.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_vxlan_shared_encap/flow_vxlan_shared_encap_main.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_vxlan_shared_encap/

        Flow Switch RSS

        This sample shows DOCA Flow switch RSS creation, and verifies switch RSS feature with shared/immediate/internal hairpin RSS and packet handling.


        Only 512 different immediate RSS actions are supported in DOCA Flow.


        The shared RSS is created by shared_resource_rss.


        To cover MPESW mode P0/P1/VF, 3 ports are designed to be used.

        The sample logic includes:

        1. Initializing DOCA Flow by indicating mode_args="switch,hws" in the doca_flow_cfg struct.

        2. Starting two DOCA Flow ports.

        3. Configuring and binding shared resources.

        4. Creating shared/immediate RSS pipes both in default and egress domains and adding entries to check both domain switch RSS creation.

        5. Creating a forward-to-port pipe and adding the entries to check internal wire-to-wire hairpin.

        6. Sending the traffic to make sure all the queues can receive the traffic.

        The matched traffic goes to its destination queue or port, the missed traffic is handled by the rx_tx function and is sent to a dedicated queue/port based on the IP address:

        • Default pipe network to host:


          Entry: IP src dst -> basic pipe constant RSS Entry: IP src dst -> basic pipe changeable immediate RSS Entry: IP src dst -> basic pipe changeable shared RSS Entry: IP src dst -> control pipe immediate RSS Entry: IP src dst -> control pipe shared RSS

        • Egress pipe:


          Entry: IP src dst -> basic pipe constant RSS Entry: IP src dst -> basic pipe changeable immediate RSS Entry: IP src dst -> basic pipe changeable shared RSS Entry: IP src dst -> control pipe immediate RSS Entry: IP src dst -> control pipe shared RSS

        • Vport pipe:


          Entry: IP src dst -> port 0 Entry: IP src dst -> port 1 Entry: IP src dst -> port 2


        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_switch_rss/flow_switch_rss_main.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_switch_rss/flow_switch_rss_sample.c

        • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_flow/flow_switch_rss/

        Field String Supported Actions

        The following is a list of all the API fields available for matching criteria and action execution.

        String Field

        Path in The Structure












        B (bit_offset < 32)


        meta.pkt_meta (bit_offset ≥ 32)







        None. See section "Copy Hash Result" for details.











































































































































































































































































































        tun.vxlan_gpe_flags 1




        tun.vxlan_tun_rsvd1 2


        tun.vxlan_tun_rsvd1 2


        tun.vxlan_tun_rsvd1 2




































































        None. See section "Copy Geneve Options" for details.





































































        1. tun.vxlan_gpe_flags is mandatory in VXLAN-GPE matching since DOCA 2.9     

        2. tun.vxlan_tun_rsvd1 modifications only work for traffic with the default UDP destination port (i.e., 4789 for VXLAN and VXLAN-GBP and 4790 for VXLAN-GPE)                   

        Non-Matchable Field Strings

        Users can modify fields which are not included in doca_flow_match structure.

        Copy Hash Result

        Users can copy the the matcher hash calculation into other fields using the "parser_meta.hash" string.

        Copy GENEVE Options

        User can copy GENEVE option type/class/data using the following strings:

        • "tunnel.geneve_opt[i].type" – Copy from/to option type (only for option configured with DOCA_FLOW_PARSER_GENEVE_OPT_MODE_MATCHABLE).

        • "tunnel.geneve_opt[i].class" – Copy from/to option class (only for option configured with DOCA_FLOW_PARSER_GENEVE_OPT_MODE_MATCHABLE).

        • "tunnel.geneve_opt[i].data" – Copy from/to option data, the bit offset is from the start of the data.

        i is the index of the option in tlv_list array provided in doca_flow_parser_geneve_opt_create.

        © Copyright 2025, NVIDIA. Last updated on Feb 12, 2025.