DOCA Documentation v2.10.0

On This Page


This document provides an overview and configuration instructions for DOCA GPUNetIO API.

Real-time GPU processing of network packets is a technique useful for application domains involving signal processing, network security, information gathering, input reconstruction, and more. These applications involve the CPU in the critical path (CPU-centric approach) to coordinate the network card (NIC) for receiving packets in the GPU memory (GPUDirect RDMA) and notifying a packet-processing CUDA kernel waiting on the GPU for a new set of packets. In lower-power platforms, the CPU can easily become the bottleneck, masking GPU value. The aim is to maximize the zero-packet-loss throughput at the the lowest latency possible.

A CPU-centric approach may not be scalable when increasing the number of clients connected to the application as the time between two receive operations on the same queue (client) would increase with the number of queues. The new DOCA GPUNetIO library allows developers to orchestrate these kinds of applications while optimizing performance, combining GPUDirect RDMA for data-path acceleration, GDRCopy library to give the CPU direct access to GPU memory, and GPUDirect async kernel-initiated network (GDAKIN) communications to allow a CUDA kernel to directly control the NIC.

CPU-centric approach:


GPU-centric approach:


DOCA GPUNetIO enables GPU-centric solutions that remove the CPU from the critical path by providing the following features:

  • GPUDirect async kernel-initiated technology – a GPU CUDA kernel can directly control other hardware components like the network card or NVIDIA® BlueField®'s DMA engine

    • GDAKIN communications – a GPU CUDA kernel can control network communications to send or receive data

      • GPU can control Ethernet communications

      • GPU can control RDMA communications (InfiniBand or RoCE are supported)

      • CPU intervention is not needed in the application critical path

    • DMA engine – a GPU CUDA kernel can trigger a memory copy using BlueField's DMA engine

  • GPUDirect RDMA – use a contiguous GPU memory to send or receive RDMA data or Ethernet packets without CPU memory staging copies

  • Semaphores – provide a standardized low-latency message passing protocol between two CUDA kernels or a CUDA kernel and a CPU thread

  • Smart memory allocation – allocate aligned GPU memory buffers, possibly exposing them to direct CPU access

    • Combination of CUDA, DPDK gpudev library and GDRCopy library already embedded in the DPDK released with DOCA

  • Accurate send scheduling – schedule Ethernet packets' send in the future according to a user-provided timestamp

Aerial 5G SDK, Morpheus, and Holoscan Advanced Network Operator are examples of NVIDIA applications actively using DOCA GPUNetIO.

For a deep dive into the technology and motivations, please refer to the NVIDIA blog posts Inline GPU Packet Processing with NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO and Unlocking GPU-Accelerated RDMA with NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO. Another NVIDIA blog post Realizing the Power of Real-time Network Processing with NVIDIA DOCA GPUNetIO has been published to provide more use-case examples where DOCA GPUNetIO has been useful to improve the execution.


RDMA on DOCA GPUNetIO is currently supported at alpha level.

Changes in 2.10

The following section details the doca_gpunetio library updates in version 2.10.

  • Removed dependency on DPDK – So far, the rte_eal_init function was required before calling doca_gpu_create. This is not needed anymore in Ethernet or RDMA app/sample.

DOCA GPUNetIO requires a properly configured environment which depends on whether the application should run on the x86 host or DPU Arm cores. The following subsections describe the required configuration in both scenarios, assuming DOCA, CUDA Toolkit and NVIDIA driver are installed on the system (x86 host or BlueField Arm) where the DOCA GPUNetIO is built and executed.

DOCA GPUNetIO is available for all DOCA for host and BFB packages downloadable here.

Assuming the DOCA package has been downloaded and the prerequisites listed below have been satisfied, to install DOCA GPUNetIO components, run:

  • For Ubuntu/Debian:


    apt install doca-all doca-sdk-gpunetio libdoca-sdk-gpunetio-dev

  • For RHEL:


    yum install doca-all doca-sdk-gpunetio doca-sdk-gpunetio-devel

Internal hardware topology of the system should be GPUDirect-RDMA-friendly to maximize the internal throughput between the GPU and the NIC.


To achieve the best performance, when building any DOCA GPUNetIO sample or application, set the buildtype to release instead of debug in the file.

As DOCA GPUNetIO is present in both DOCA-for-Host and DOCA BFB (for BlueField Arm), a GPUNetIO application can be executed either on the host CPU or on the BlueField's Arm cores. The following subsections provide a description of both scenarios.


DOCA GPUNetIO has been tested on bare-metal and in docker but never in a virtualized environment. Using KVM is discouraged for now.

Application on Host CPU

Assuming the DOCA GPUNetIO application is running on the host x86 CPU cores, it is highly recommended to have a dedicated PCIe connection between the GPU and the NIC. This topology can be realized in two ways:

  • Adding an additional PCIe switch to one of the PCIe root complex slots and attaching to this switch a GPU and a NVIDIA® ConnectX® adapter

  • Connecting an NVIDIA® Converged Accelerator DPU to the PCIe root complex and setting it to NIC mode (i.e., exposing the GPU and NIC devices to the host)


You may check the topology of your system using lspci -tvvv or nvidia-smi topo -m.

Option 1: ConnectX Adapter in Ethernet Mode


NVIDIA® ConnectX® firmware must be 22.36.1010 or later. It is highly recommended to only use NVIDIA adapter from ConnectX-6 Dx and later.

DOCA GPUNetIO allows a CUDA kernel to control the NIC when working with Ethernet protocol. For this reason, the ConnectX must be set to Ethernet mode.

To do that, follow these steps:

  1. Start MST, check the status, and copy the MST device name:


    # Start MST mst start mst status -v   MST modules: ------------ MST PCI module is not loaded MST PCI configuration module loaded PCI devices: ------------ DEVICE_TYPE MST PCI RDMA NET NUMA ConnectX6DX(rev:0) /dev/mst/mt4125_pciconf0.1 b5:00.1 mlx5_1 net-ens6f1 0 ConnectX6DX(rev:0) /dev/mst/mt4125_pciconf0 b5:00.0 mlx5_0 net-ens6f0 0

  2. Configure the NIC to Ethernet mode and enable Accurate Send Scheduling (if required on the send side):


    The following example assumes that the adapter is dual-port. If single port, only P1 options apply.


    mlxconfig -d <mst_device> s KEEP_ETH_LINK_UP_P1=1 KEEP_ETH_LINK_UP_P2=1 KEEP_IB_LINK_UP_P1=0 KEEP_IB_LINK_UP_P2=0 mlxconfig -d <mst_device> --yes set ACCURATE_TX_SCHEDULER=1 REAL_TIME_CLOCK_ENABLE=1

  3. Perform cold reboot to apply the configuration changes:


    ipmitool power cycle

Option 2: DPU Converged Accelerator in NIC mode

To expose and use the GPU and the NIC on the converged accelerator DPU to an application running on the Host x86, configure the DPU to operate in NIC mode.

To do that, follow these steps:


Valid for both NVIDIA® BlueField®-2 and NVIDIA® BlueField®-3 converged accelerator DPUs.

  1. Start MST, check the status, and copy the MST device name:


    # Enable MST sudo mst start sudo mst status   MST devices: ------------ /dev/mst/mt41686_pciconf0 - PCI configuration cycles access. domain:bus:dev.fn=0000:b8:00.0 addr.reg=88 data.reg=92 cr_bar.gw_offset=-1 Chip revision is: 01

  2. Expose the GPU on the converged accelerator DPU to the host.

    • For BlueField-2, the PCI_DOWNSTREAM_PORT_OWNER offset must be set to 4:


      sudo mlxconfig -d <mst_device> --yes s PCI_DOWNSTREAM_PORT_OWNER[4]=0x0

    • For BlueField-3, the PCI_DOWNSTREAM_PORT_OWNER offset must be set to 8:


      sudo mlxconfig -d <mst_device> --yes s PCI_DOWNSTREAM_PORT_OWNER[8]=0x0

  3. Set BlueField to Ethernet mode, enable Accurate Send Scheduling (if required on the send side), and set it to NIC mode:



  4. Perform cold reboot to apply the configuration changes:


    ipmitool power cycle

  5. Verify configuration:



Application on BlueField Converged Arm CPU

In this scenario, the DOCA GPUNetIO is running on the CPU Arm cores of the BlueField using the GPU and NIC on the same BlueField.


The converged accelerator DPU must be set to CPU mode after flashing the right BFB image (refer to DOCA Installation Guide for Linux for details). From the x86 host, configure the DPU as detailed in the following steps:


Valid for both BlueField-2 and BlueField-3 converged accelerator DPUs.

  1. Start MST, check the status, and copy the MST device name:


    # Enable MST sudo mst start sudo mst status   MST devices: ------------ /dev/mst/mt41686_pciconf0 - PCI configuration cycles access. domain:bus:dev.fn=0000:b8:00.0 addr.reg=88 data.reg=92 cr_bar.gw_offset=-1 Chip revision is: 01

  2. Set the DPU as the GPU owner.

    1. For BlueField-2 the PCI_DOWNSTREAM_PORT_OWNER offset must be set to 4:


      sudo mlxconfig -d <mst_device> --yes s PCI_DOWNSTREAM_PORT_OWNER[4]=0xF

    2. For BlueField-3 the PCI_DOWNSTREAM_PORT_OWNER offset must be set to 8:


      sudo mlxconfig -d <mst_device> --yes s PCI_DOWNSTREAM_PORT_OWNER[8]=0xF

  3. Set BlueField to Ethernet mode and enable Accurate Send Scheduling (if required on the send side):



  4. Perform cold reboot to apply the configuration changes:


    ipmitool power cycle

  5. Verify configuration:



At this point, it should be possible to SSH into BlueField to access the OS installed on it. Before installing DOCA GPUNetIO as previously described, CUDA Toolkit (and NVIDIA driver) must be installed.

PCIe Configuration

On some x86 systems, the Access Control Services (ACS) must be disabled to ensure direct communication between the NIC and GPU, whether they reside on the same converged accelerator DPU or on different PCIe slots in the system. The recommended solution is to disable ACS control via BIOS (e.g., Supermicro or HPE) on your PCIe bridge. Alternatively, it is also possible to disable it via command line, but it may not be as effective as the BIOS option. Assuming system topology Option 2, with a converged accelerator DPU as follows:


$ lspci -tvvv...+-[0000:b0]-+-00.0 Intel Corporation Device 09a2 | +-00.1 Intel Corporation Device 09a4 | +-00.2 Intel Corporation Device 09a3 | +-00.4 Intel Corporation Device 0998 | \-02.0-[b1-b6]----00.0-[b2-b6]--+-00.0-[b3]--+-00.0 Mellanox Technologies MT42822 BlueField-2 integrated ConnectX-6 Dx network controller | | +-00.1 Mellanox Technologies MT42822 BlueField-2 integrated ConnectX-6 Dx network controller | | \-00.2 Mellanox Technologies MT42822 BlueField-2 SoC Management Interface | \-01.0-[b4-b6]----00.0-[b5-b6]----08.0-[b6]----00.0 NVIDIA Corporation Device 20b8

The PCIe switch address to consider is b2:00.0 (entry point of the DPU). ACSCtl must have all negative values:

PCIe set


setpci -s b2:00.0 ECAP_ACS+0x6.w=0000

To verify that the setting has been applied correctly:

PCIe check


$ sudo lspci -s b2:00.0 -vvvv | grep -i ACSCtl ACSCtl: SrcValid- TransBlk- ReqRedir- CmpltRedir- UpstreamFwd- EgressCtrl- DirectTrans-

Please refer to this page and this page for more information.

If the application still does not report any received packets, try to disable IOMMU. On some systems, it can be done from the BIOS looking for the the VT-d or IOMMU from the NorthBridge configuration and change that setting to Disable and save it. The system may also require adding intel_iommu=off or amd_iommu=off to the kernel options. That can be done through the grub command line as follows:



$ sudo vim /etc/default/grub # GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="iommu=off intel_iommu=off <more options>" $ sudo update-grub $ sudo reboot

GPU Configuration

CUDA Toolkit 12.1 or newer must be installed on the host. It is also recommended to enable persistence mode to decrease initial application latency nvidia-smi -pm 1.


To allow the CPU to access the GPU memory directly without the need for CUDA API, DPDK and DOCA require the GDRCopy kernel module to be installed on the system:

GDRCopy configuration


# Install GDRCopy sudo apt install -y check kmod git clone /opt/mellanox/gdrcopy cd /opt/mellanox/gdrcopy make # Run gdrdrv kernel module ./   # Double check nvidia-peermem and gdrdrv module are running $ lsmod | egrep gdrdrv gdrdrv 24576 0 nvidia 55726080 4 nvidia_uvm,nvidia_peermem,gdrdrv,nvidia_modeset   # Export library path export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/opt/mellanox/gdrcopy/src   # Ensure CUDA library path is in the env var export PATH="/usr/local/cuda/bin:${PATH}" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/cuda/lib:/usr/local/cuda/lib64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" export CPATH="$(echo /usr/local/cuda/targets/{x86_64,sbsa}-linux/include | sed 's/ /:/'):${CPATH}"

GPU Memory Mapping (nvidia-peermem vs. dmabuf)

To allow the NIC to send and receive packets using GPU memory, it is required to launch the NVIDIA kernel module nvidia-peermem. It is shipped by default with the CUDA Toolkit installation.

Launch nvidia-peermem


sudo modprobe nvidia-peermem

Mapping buffers through the nvidia-peermem module is the legacy mapping mode.

Alternatively, DOCA offers the ability to map GPU memory through the dmabuf providing a set high-level function. Prerequisites are DOCA installed on a system with:

  • Linux Kernel ≥ 6.2

  • libibverbs ≥ 1.14.44

  • CUDA Toolkit 12.5 or older – installed with the -m=kernel-open flag (which implies the NVIDIA driver in open-source mode)

  • CUDA Toolkit 12.6 or newer – open kernel mode is enabled by default


Installing DOCA on kernel 6.2 to enable the dmabuf is experimental.

An example can be found in the DOCA GPU Packet Processing application:

GPU Configuration


/* Get from CUDA the dmabuf file-descriptor for the GPU memory buffer */ result = doca_gpu_dmabuf_fd(gpu_dev, gpu_buffer_addr, gpu_buffer_size, &(dmabuf_fd)); if (result != DOCA_SUCCESS) { /* If it fails, create a DOCA mmap for the GPU memory buffer with the nvidia-peermem legacy method */ doca_mmap_set_memrange(gpu_buffer_mmap, gpu_buffer_addr, gpu_buffer_size); } else { /* If it succeeds, create a DOCA mmap for the GPU memory buffer using the dmabuf method */ doca_mmap_set_dmabuf_memrange(gpu_buffer_mmap, dmabuf_fd, gpu_buffer_addr, 0, gpu_buffer_size); }

If the function doca_gpu_dmabuf_fd fails, it probably means the NVIDIA driver is not installed with the open-source mode.

Later, when calling the doca_mmap_start, the DOCA library tries to map the GPU memory buffer using the dmabuf file descriptor. If it fails (something incorrectly set on the Linux system), it fallbacks trying to map the GPU buffer with the legacy mode (nvidia-peermem ). If it fails, an informative error is returned.


Every time a GPU buffer is mapped to the NIC (e.g., buffers associated with send or receive queues), a portion of the GPU BAR1 mapping space is used. Therefore, it is important to check that the BAR1 mapping is large enough to hold all the bytes the DOCA GPUNetIO application is trying to map. To verify the BAR1 mapping space of a GPU you can use nvidia-smi:

BAR1 mapping


$ nvidia-smi -q   ==============NVSMI LOG============== ..... Attached GPUs : 1 GPU 00000000:CA:00.0 Product Name : NVIDIA A100 80GB PCIe Product Architecture : Ampere Persistence Mode : Enabled ..... BAR1 Memory Usage Total : 131072 MiB Used : 1 MiB Free : 131071 MiB

By default, some GPUs (e.g. RTX models) may have a very small BAR1 size:

BAR1 mapping


$ nvidia-smi -q | grep -i bar -A 3 BAR1 Memory Usage Total : 256 MiB Used : 6 MiB Free : 250 MiB

If the BAR1 size is not enough, DOCA GPUNetIO applications may exit with errors because DOCA mmap fails to map the GPU memory buffers to the NIC (e.g., Failed to start mmap DOCA Driver call failure). To overcome this issue, the GPU BAR1 must be increased from the BIOS. The system should have "Resizable BAR" option enabled. For further information, refer to this NVIDIA forum post.

BlueField-3 Specific Configuration

To run a DOCA GPUNetIO application on the BlueField-3 Arm cores in a converged card (section "Application on DPU Converged Arm CPU"), it is mandatory to set an NVIDIA driver option at the end of the driver configuration file:

Set NVIDIA driver option


cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf options nvidia NVreg_RegistryDwords="RmDmaAdjustPeerMmioBF3=1;" EOF

To make sure the option has been detected by the NVIDIA driver, run:

Check NVIDIA driver option


$ grep RegistryDwords /proc/driver/nvidia/params RegistryDwords: "RmDmaAdjustPeerMmioBF3=1;" RegistryDwordsPerDevice: ""

A GPU packet processing network application can be split into two fundamental phases:

  • Setup on the CPU (devices configuration, memory allocation, launch of CUDA kernels, etc.)

  • Main data path where GPU and NIC interact to exercise their functions

DOCA GPUNetIO provides different building blocks, some of them in combination with the DOCA Ethernet or DOCA RDMA library, to create a full pipeline running entirely on the GPU.

During the setup phase on the CPU, applications must:

  1. Prepare all the objects on the CPU.

  2. Export a GPU handler for them.

  3. Launch a CUDA kernel passing the object's GPU handler to work with the object during the data path.

For this reason, DOCA GPUNetIO is composed of two libraries:

  • libdoca_gpunetio with functions invoked by CPU to prepare the GPU, allocate memory and objects

  • libdoca_gpunetio_device with functions invoked by GPU within CUDA kernels during the data path


The pkgconfig file for the DOCA GPUNetIO shared library is doca-gpunetio.pc. However, there is no pkgconfig file for the DOCA GPUNetIO CUDA device's static library /opt/mellanox/doca/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libdoca_gpunetio_device.a, so it must be explicitly linked to the CUDA application if DOCA GPUNetIO CUDA device functions are required.

The following diagram presents the typical flow:


Refer to the DOCA GPU Packet Processing Application Guide for an example of using DOCA GPUNetIO to send and receive Ethernet packets.

This section details the specific structures and operations related to the main DOCA GPUNetIO API on CPU and GPU. GPUNetIO headers are:

  • doca_gpunetio.h – CPU functions

  • doca_gpunetio_dev_buf.cuh – GPU functions to manage a DOCA buffer array

  • doca_gpunetio_dev_eth_rxq.cuh – GPU functions to manage a DOCA Ethernet receive queue

  • doca_gpunetio_dev_eth_txq.cuh – GPU functions to manage a DOCA Ethernet send queue

  • doca_gpunetio_dev_sem.cuh – GPU functions to manage a DOCA GPUNetIO semaphore

  • doca_gpunetio_dev_rdma.cuh – GPU functions to manage a DOCA RDMA queue

  • doca_gpunetio_dev_dma.cuh – GPU functions to manage a DOCA DMA queue

This section lists the main functions of DOCA GPUNetIO. To better understand their usage, refer to section "Building Blocks" which includes several code examples.


To better understand structures, objects, and functions related to Ethernet send and receive, please refer to the DOCA Ethernet.


To better understand structures, objects, and functions related to RDMA operations, please refer to the DOCA RDMA.


To better understand structures, objects, and functions related to DMA operations, please refer to the DOCA DMA.


To better understand DOCA core objects like doca_mmap or doca_buf_array, please refer to the DOCA Core.

All DOCA Core and Ethernet object used with GPUNetIO have a GPU export function to obtain a GPU handler for that object. The following are a few examples:

  • doca_buf_array is exported as doca_gpu_buf_arr :

    DOCA buf array


    struct doca_mmap *mmap; struct doca_buf_arr *buf_arr_cpu; struct doca_gpu_buf_arr *buf_arr_gpu;   doca_mmap_create(&(mmap)); /* Populate and start mmap */ doca_buf_arr_create(mmap, &buf_arr_cpu); /* Populate and start buf arr attributes. Set datapath on GPU */ /* Export the buf array CPU handler to a buf array GPU handler */ doca_buf_arr_get_gpu_handle(buf_arr_cpu, &(buf_arr_gpu)); /* To use the GPU handler, pass it as parameter of the CUDA kernel */ cuda_kernel<<<...>>>(buf_arr_gpu, ...);

  • doca_eth_rxq is exported as doca_gpu_eth_rxq :

    DOCA buf array


    struct doca_mmap *mmap; struct doca_eth_rxq *eth_rxq_cpu; struct doca_gpu_eth_rxq *eth_rxq_gpu; struct doca_dev *ddev;   /* Create DOCA network device ddev */ /* Create the DOCA Ethernet receive queue */ doca_eth_rxq_create(ddev, MAX_NUM_PACKETS, MAX_PACKET_SIZE, &eth_rxq_cpu,); /* Populate and start Ethernet receive queue attributes. Set datapath on GPU */ /* Export the Ethernet receive queue CPU handler to a Ethernet receive queue GPU handler */ doca_eth_rxq_get_gpu_handle(eth_rxq_cpu, &(eth_rxq_gpu)); /* To use the GPU handler, pass it as parameter of the CUDA kernel */ cuda_kernel<<<...>>>(eth_rxq_gpu, ...);

CPU Functions

In this section there is the list of DOCA GPUNetIO functions that can be used on the CPU only.


This enum lists all the possible memory types that can be allocated with GPUNetIO.


enum doca_gpu_mem_type { DOCA_GPU_MEM_TYPE_GPU = 0, DOCA_GPU_MEM_TYPE_GPU_CPU = 1, DOCA_GPU_MEM_TYPE_CPU_GPU = 2, };


With regards to the syntax, the text string after the DOCA_GPU_MEM_TYPE_ prefix signifies <where-memory-resides>_<who-has-access>.

  • DOCA_GPU_MEM_TYPE_GPU – memory resides on the GPU and is accessible from the GPU only

  • DOCA_GPU_MEM_TYPE_GPU_CPU – memory resides on the GPU and is accessible also by the CPU

  • DOCA_GPU_MEM_TYPE_CPU_GPU – memory resides on the CPU and is accessible also by the GPU

Typical usage of the DOCA_GPU_MEM_TYPE_GPU_CPU memory type is to send a notification from the CPU to the GPU (e.g., a CUDA kernel periodically checking to see if the exit condition set by the CPU is met).


This is the first function a GPUNetIO application must invoke to create an handler on a GPU device. The function initializes a pointer to a structure in memory with type struct doca_gpu *.


doca_error_t doca_gpu_create(const char *gpu_bus_id, struct doca_gpu **gpu_dev);

  • gpu_bus_id<PCIe-bus>:<device>.<function> of the GPU device you want to use in your application

  • gpu_dev [out] – GPUNetIO handler to that GPU device

To get the PCIe address, users can use the commands lspci or nvidia-smi.


This CPU function allocates different flavors of memory.


doca_error_t doca_gpu_mem_alloc(struct doca_gpu *gpu_dev, size_t size, size_t alignment, enum doca_gpu_mem_type mtype, void **memptr_gpu, void **memptr_cpu)

  • gpu_dev – GPUNetIO device handler

  • size – Size, in bytes, of the memory area to allocate

  • alignment – Memory address alignment to use. If 0, default one will be used

  • mtype – Type of memory to allocate

  • memptr_gpu [out] – GPU pointer to use to modify that memory from the GPU if memory is allocated on or is visible by the GPU

  • memptr_cpu[out] – CPU pointer to use to modify that memory from the CPU if memory is allocated on or is visible by the CPU. Can be NULL if memory is GPU-only


Make sure to use the right pointer on the right device! I f an application tries to access the memory using the memptr_gpu address from the CPU, a segmentation fault will result.


Creates a new instance of a DOCA GPUNetIO semaphore. A semaphore is composed by a list of items each having, by default, a status flag, number of packets, and the index of a doca_gpu_buf in a doca_gpu_buf_arr.

For example, a GPUNetIO semaphore can be used in applications where a CUDA kernel is responsible for receiving packets in a doca_gpu_buf_arr array associated with an Ethernet receive queue object, doca_gpu_eth_rxq (see section "doca_gpu_dev_eth_rxq_receive_*"), and dispatching packet info to a second CUDA kernel which processes them.

Another way to use a GPUNetIO semaphore is to exchange data across different entities like two CUDA kernels or a CUDA kernel and a CPU thread. The reason for this scenario may be that the CUDA kernel needs to provide the outcome of the packet processing to the CPU which would in turn compile a statistics report. Therefore, it is possible to associate a custom application-defined structure to each item in the semaphore. This way, the semaphore can be used as a message passing object.

Both situations are illustrated in the "Receive and Process" section.


Entities communicating through a semaphore must adopt a poll/update mechanism according to the following logic:

  • Update:

    1. Populate the next item of the semaphore (packets' info and/or custom application-defined info).

    2. Set status flag to READY.

  • Poll:

    1. Wait for the next item to have a status flag equal to READY.

    2. Read and process info.

    3. Set status flag to DONE.


doca_error_t doca_gpu_semaphore_create(struct doca_gpu *gpu_dev, struct doca_gpu_semaphore **semaphore)

  • gpu_dev – GPUNetIO handler

  • semaphore [out] – GPUNetIO semaphore handler associated to the GPU device


This function defines the type of memory for the semaphore allocation.


doca_error_t doca_gpu_semaphore_set_memory_type(struct doca_gpu_semaphore *semaphore, enum doca_gpu_mem_type mtype)

  • semaphore – GPUNetIO semaphore handler

  • mtype – Type of memory to allocate the custom info structure

    • If the application must share packet info only across CUDA kernels, then DOCA_GPU_MEM_GPU is the suggested memory type.

    • If the application must share info from a CUDA kernel to a CPU (e.g., to report statistics or output of the pipeline computation), then DOCA_GPU_MEM_CPU_GPU is the suggested memory type


This function defines the number of items in a semaphore.


doca_error_t doca_gpu_semaphore_set_items_num(struct doca_gpu_semaphore *semaphore, uint32_t num_items)

  • semaphore – GPUNetIO semaphore handler

  • num_items – Number of items to allocate


This function associates an application-specific structure to semaphore items as explained under "doca_gpu_semaphore_create".


doca_error_t doca_gpu_semaphore_set_custom_info(struct doca_gpu_semaphore *semaphore, uint32_t nbytes, enum doca_gpu_mem_type mtype)

  • semaphore – GPUNetIO semaphore handler

  • nbytes – Size of the custom info structure to associate

  • mtype – Type of memory to allocate the custom info structure

    • If the application must share packet info only across CUDA kernels, then DOCA_GPU_MEM_GPU is the suggested memory type

    • If the application must share info from a CUDA kernel to a CPU (e.g., to report statistics or output of the pipeline computation), then DOCA_GPU_MEM_CPU_GPU is the suggested memory type


From the CPU, query the status of a semaphore item. If the semaphore is allocated with DOCA_GPU_MEM_GPU, this function results in a segmentation fault.


doca_error_t doca_gpu_semaphore_get_status(struct doca_gpu_semaphore *semaphore_cpu, uint32_t idx, enum doca_gpu_semaphore_status *status)

  • semaphore_cpu – GPUNetIO semaphore CPU handler

  • idx – Semaphore item index

  • status [out] – Output semaphore status


From the CPU, retrieve the address of the custom info structure associated to a semaphore item. If the semaphore or the custom info is allocated with DOCA_GPU_MEM_GPU this function results in a segmentation fault.


doca_error_t doca_gpu_semaphore_get_custom_info_addr(struct doca_gpu_semaphore *semaphore_cpu, uint32_t idx, void **custom_info)

  • semaphore_cpu – GPUNetIO semaphore CPU handler

  • idx – Semaphore item index

  • custom_info [out] – Output semaphore custom info address


A DOCA Ethernet Txq context, exported for GPUNetIO usage, can be tracked via DOCA PE on the CPU side to check if there are errors when sending packets or to retrieve notification info after sending a packet with any of the doca_gpu_dev_eth_txq_*_enqueue_* functions on the GPU. An example can be found in the DOCA GPU packet processing application with ICMP traffic.

Strong Mode vs. Weak Mode

Some Ethernet and RDMA GPU functions present two modes of operation: Weak and strong.

  • In weak mode, the application calculates the next available position in the queue. With the help of functions like doca_gpu_eth_txq_get_info, doca_gpu_rdma_get_info, or doca_gpu_dev_rdma_recv_get_info it is possible to know the next available position in the queue and the mask of the number of total entries in the queue (so the incremental descriptor index can be wrapped). In this mode, the developer must specify a queue descriptor number for where to enqueue the packet, ensuring that no descriptor in the queue is left empty. It's a bit more complex to manage but it should result in better performance and developer can emphasize GPU memory coalescing enqueuing sequential operations using sequential memory locations.

  • In strong mode, the GPU function enqueues the Ethernet/RDMA operation in the next available position in the queue. It is simpler to manage as developer does not have to worry about operation's position, but it may introduce an extra latency to atomically guarantee the access of multiple threads to the same queue. Moreover, it does not guarantee that sequential operations refer to sequential memory locations.


    All strong mode functions work at the CUDA block level. That is, it is not possible to access the same Eth/RDMA queue at the same time from two different CUDA blocks.

In sections "Produce and Send" and "CUDA Kernel for RDMA Write", there are a few examples about how to use the weak mode API.

GPU Functions – Ethernet

This section provides a list of DOCA GPUNetIO functions that can be used for Ethernet network operations on the GPU only within a CUDA kernel.


To acquire packets in a CUDA kernel, DOCA GPUNetIO offers different flavors of the receive function for different scopes: per CUDA block, per CUDA warp, and per CUDA thread.


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_eth_rxq_receive_block(struct doca_gpu_eth_rxq *eth_rxq, uint32_t max_rx_pkts, uint64_t timeout_ns, uint32_t *num_rx_pkts, uint64_t *doca_gpu_buf_idx) __device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_eth_rxq_receive_warp(struct doca_gpu_eth_rxq *eth_rxq, uint32_t max_rx_pkts, uint64_t timeout_ns, uint32_t *num_rx_pkts, uint64_t *doca_gpu_buf_idx) __device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_eth_rxq_receive_thread(struct doca_gpu_eth_rxq *eth_rxq, uint32_t max_rx_pkts, uint64_t timeout_ns, uint32_t *num_rx_pkts, uint64_t *doca_gpu_buf_idx)

  • eth_rxq – Ethernet receive queue GPU handler

  • max_rx_pkts – Maximum number of packets to receive. It ensures the number of packets returned by the function is lower or equal to this number.

  • timeout_ns – Nanoseconds to wait for packets before returning

  • num_rx_pkts [out] – Effective number of received packets. With CUDA block or warp scopes, this variable should be visible in memory by all the other threads (shared or global memory).

  • doca_gpu_buf_idx [out] – DOCA buffer index of the first packet received in this function. With CUDA block or warp scopes, this variable should be visible in memory by all the other threads (shared or global memory).


If both max_rx_pkts and timeout_ns are 0, the function never returns.

CUDA threads in the same scope (thread, warp, or block) must invoke the function on the same receive queue. The output parameters num_rx_pkts and doca_gpu_buf_idx must be visible by all threads in the scope (e.g., CUDA shared memory for warp and block).

Each packet received by this function goes to the doca_gpu_buf_arr internally created and associated with the Ethernet queues (see section "Building Blocks").

The function exits when timeout_ns is reached or when the maximum number of packets is received.


For CUDA block scope, the block invoking the receive function must have at least 32 CUDA threads (i.e., one warp).

The output parameters indicate how many packets have been received (num_rx_pkts) and the index of the first received packet in the doca_gpu_buf_arr internally associated with the Ethernet receive queue. Packets are stored consecutively in the doca_gpu_buf_arr so if the function returns num_rx_pkts=N and doca_gpu_buf_idx=X, this means that all the doca_gpu_buf in the doca_gpu_buf_arr within the range [X, .. ,X + (N-1)] have been filled with packets.


The DOCA buffer array is treated in a circular fashion so that once the last DOCA buffer is filled by a packet, the queue circles back to the first DOCA buffer. There is no need for the application to lock or free doca_gpu_buf_arr buffers.


It is the application's responsibility to consume packets before they are overwritten when circling back, properly dimensioning the DOCA buffer array size and scaling across multiple receive queues.


This enum lists all the possible flags for the txq functions. The usage of those flags makes sense if a DOCA PE has been attached to the DOCA Ethernet Txq context with GPU data path and a CPU thread, in a loop, keeps invoking doca_pe_progress.


If no DOCA PE has been attached to the DOCA Ethernet Txq context, it's mandatory to use the DOCA_GPU_SEND_FLAG_NONE flag.


enum doca_gpu_mem_type { DOCA_GPU_SEND_FLAG_NONE = 0, DOCA_GPU_SEND_FLAG_NOTIFY = 1 << 0, };

  • DOCA_GPU_SEND_FLAG_NONE (default) – send is executed and no notification info is returned. If an error occurs, an event is generated. This error can be detected from the CPU side using DOCA PE.

  • DOCA_GPU_SEND_FLAG_NOTIFY – once the send (or wait) is executed, return a notification with packet info. This notification can be detected from the CPU side using DOCA PE.


To send packets from a CUDA kernel, DOCA GPUNetIO offers a strong and weak modes for enqueuing a packet in the Ethernet TXQ. For both modes, the scope is the single CUDA thread each populating and enqueuing a different doca_gpu_buf from a doca_gpu_buf_arr in the send queue.


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_eth_txq_get_info(struct doca_gpu_eth_txq *eth_txq, uint32_t *curr_position, uint32_t *mask_max_position)

  • eth_txq – Ethernet send queue GPU handler

  • curr_position – Next available position in the queue

  • mask_max_position – Mask of the total number of positions in the queue


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_eth_txq_send_enqueue_strong(struct doca_gpu_eth_txq *eth_txq, const struct doca_gpu_buf *buf_ptr, const uint32_t nbytes, const uint32_t flags_bitmask)

  • eth_txq – Ethernet send queue GPU handler

  • buf_ptr – DOCA buffer from a DOCA GPU buffer array to be sent

  • nbytes – Number of bytes to be sent in the packet

  • flags_bitmask – One of the flags in the doca_gpu_send_flags enum


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_eth_txq_send_enqueue_weak(const struct doca_gpu_eth_txq *eth_txq, const struct doca_gpu_buf *buf_ptr, const uint32_t nbytes, const uint32_t ndescr, const uint32_t flags_bitmask)

  • eth_txq – Ethernet send queue GPU handler

  • buf_ptr – DOCA buffer from a DOCA GPU buffer array to be sent

  • nbytes – Number of bytes to be sent in the packet

  • ndescr – Position in the queue to place the packet. Range: 0 - mask_max_position.

  • flags_bitmask – One of the flags in the doca_gpu_send_flags enum


To enable Accurate Send Scheduling, the "wait on time" barrier (based on timestamp) must be set in the send queue before enqueuing more packets. Like doca_gpu_dev_eth_txq_send_*, doca_gpu_dev_eth_txq_wait_* also has a strong and weak mode.


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_eth_txq_wait_time_enqueue_strong(struct doca_gpu_eth_txq *eth_txq, const uint64_t wait_on_time_value, const uint32_t flags_bitmask)

  • eth_txq – Ethernet send queue GPU handler

  • wait_on_time_value – Timestamp to specify when packets must be sent after this barrier

  • flags_bitmask – One of the flags in the doca_gpu_send_flags enum


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_eth_txq_wait_time_enqueue_weak(struct doca_gpu_eth_txq *eth_txq, const uint64_t wait_on_time_value, const uint32_t ndescr, const uint32_t flags_bitmask)

  • eth_txq – Ethernet send queue GPU handler

  • wait_on_time_value – Timestamp to specify when packets must be sent after this barrier

  • ndescr – Position in the queue to place the packet. Range: 0 - mask_max_position.

  • flags_bitmask – One of the flags in the doca_gpu_send_flags enum

Please refer to section "GPUNetIO Samples" to understand how to enable and use Accurate Send Scheduling.


After enqueuing all the packets to be sent and time barriers, a commit function must be invoked on the txq queue. The right commit function must be used according to the type of enqueue mode (i.e., strong or weak) used in doca_gpu_dev_eth_txq_send_* and doca_gpu_dev_eth_txq_wait_*.


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_eth_txq_commit_strong(struct doca_gpu_eth_txq *eth_txq)

  • eth_txq – Ethernet send queue GPU handler


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_eth_txq_commit_weak(struct doca_gpu_eth_txq *eth_txq, const uint32_t descr_num)

  • eth_txq – Ethernet send queue GPU handler

  • descr_num – Number of queue items enqueued thus far

Only one CUDA thread in the scope (CUDA block or CUDA warp) can invoke this function on the send queue after several enqueue operations. Typical flow is as follows:

  1. All threads in the scope enqueue packets in the send queue.

  2. Synchronization point.

  3. Only one thread in the scope performs the send queue commit.


After committing, the items in the send queue must be actually pushed to the network card.


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_eth_txq_push(struct doca_gpu_eth_txq *eth_txq)

  • eth_txq – Ethernet send queue GPU handler

Only one CUDA thread in the scope (CUDA block or CUDA warp) can invoke this function on the send queue after several enqueue or commit operations. Typical flow is as follows:

  1. All threads in the scope enqueue packets in the send queue.

  2. Synchronization point.

  3. Only one thread in the scope does the send queue commit.

  4. Only one thread in the scope does the send queue push.

Section "Produce and Send" provides an example where the scope is a block (e.g., each CUDA block operates on a different Ethernet send queue).

GPU Functions – RDMA

This section provides a list of DOCA GPUNetIO functions that can be used on the GPU only within a CUDA kernel to execute RDMA operations. These functions offer a strong and a weak mode.


__device__ doca_error_t __device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_rdma_get_info(struct doca_gpu_dev_rdma *rdma, uint32_t connection_index, uint32_t *curr_position, uint32_t *mask_max_position)

  • rdma – RDMA queue GPU handler

  • connection_index – In case of RDMA CM, the connection index must be specified. By default, it is 0.

  • curr_position – Next available position in the queue

  • mask_max_position – Mask of the total number of positions in the queue


__device__ doca_error_t __device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_rdma_recv_get_info(struct doca_gpu_dev_rdma_r *rdma_r, uint32_t *curr_position, uint32_t *mask_max_position)

  • rdma_r – RDMA receive queue GPU handler

  • curr_position – Next available position in the queue

  • mask_max_position – Mask of the total number of positions in the queue


To RDMA write data onto a remote memory location from a CUDA kernel, DOCA GPUNetIO offers strong and weak modes for enqueuing operations on the RDMA queue. For both modes, the scope is the single CUDA thread.


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_rdma_write_strong(struct doca_gpu_dev_rdma *rdma, uint32_t connection_index, struct doca_gpu_buf *remote_buf, uint64_t remote_offset, struct doca_gpu_buf *local_buf, uint64_t local_offset, size_t length, uint32_t imm, const enum doca_gpu_dev_rdma_write_flags flags)

  • rdma – RDMA queue GPU handler

  • connection_index – In case of RDMA CM, the connection index must be specified. By default, it is 0.

  • remote_buf – Remote DOCA buffer from a DOCA GPU buffer array to write data to

  • remote_offset – Offset, in bytes, to write data to in the remote buffer

  • local_buf – Local DOCA buffer from a DOCA GPU buffer array from which to fetch data to write

  • local_offset – Offset, in bytes, to fetch data from in the local buffer

  • length – Number of bytes to write

  • imm – Immediate value uint32_t

  • flags – One of the flags in the doca_gpu_dev_rdma_write_flags enum


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_rdma_write_weak(struct doca_gpu_dev_rdma *rdma, uint32_t connection_index, struct doca_gpu_buf *remote_buf, uint64_t remote_offset, struct doca_gpu_buf *local_buf, uint64_t local_offset, size_t length, uint32_t imm, const enum doca_gpu_dev_rdma_write_flags flags, uint32_t position);

  • rdma – RDMA queue GPU handler

  • connection_index – In case of RDMA CM, the connection index must be specified. By default, it is 0.

  • remote_buf – Remote DOCA buffer from a DOCA GPU buffer array to write data to

  • remote_offset – Offset, in bytes, to write data to in the remote buffer

  • local_buf – Local DOCA buffer from a DOCA GPU buffer array where to fetch data to write

  • local_offset – Offset, in bytes, to fetch data in the local buffer

  • length – Number of bytes to write

  • imm – Immediate value uint32_t

  • flags – One of the flags in the doca_gpu_dev_rdma_write_flags enum

  • position – Position in the queue to place the RDMA operation. Range: 0 - mask_max_position.


To RDMA read data onto a remote memory location from a CUDA kernel, DOCA GPUNetIO offers strong and weak modes to enqueue operations on the RDMA queue. For both modes, the scope is the single CUDA thread.


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_rdma_read_strong(struct doca_gpu_dev_rdma *rdma, uint32_t connection_index, struct doca_gpu_buf *remote_buf, uint64_t remote_offset, struct doca_gpu_buf *local_buf, uint64_t local_offset, size_t length, const uint32_t flags_bitmask)

  • rdma – RDMA queue GPU handler

  • connection_index – In case of RDMA CM, the connection index must be specified. By default, it is 0.

  • remote_buf – Remote DOCA buffer from a DOCA GPU buffer array where to read data

  • remote_offset – Offset in bytes to read data to in the remote buffer

  • local_buf – Local DOCA buffer from a DOCA GPU buffer array where to store remote data

  • local_offset – Offset in bytes to store data in the local buffer

  • length – Number of bytes to be read

  • flags_bitmask – Must be 0; reserved for future use


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_rdma_read_weak(struct doca_gpu_dev_rdma *rdma, uint32_t connection_index, struct doca_gpu_buf *remote_buf, uint64_t remote_offset, struct doca_gpu_buf *local_buf, uint64_t local_offset, size_t length, const uint32_t flags_bitmask, uint32_t position);

  • rdma – RDMA queue GPU handler

  • connection_index – In case of RDMA CM, the connection index must be specified. By default, it is 0.

  • remote_buf – Remote DOCA buffer from a DOCA GPU buffer array where to read data

  • remote_offset – Offset in bytes to read data to in the remote buffer

  • local_buf – Local DOCA buffer from a DOCA GPU buffer array where to store remote data

  • local_offset – Offset in bytes to store data in the local buffer

  • length – Number of bytes to be read

  • flags_bitmask – Must be 0; reserved for future use

  • position – Position in the queue to place the RDMA operation. Range: 0 - mask_max_position.


To RDMA send data from a CUDA kernel, DOCA GPUNetIO offers strong and weak modes for enqueuing operations on the RDMA queue. For both modes, the scope is the single CUDA thread.


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_rdma_send_strong(struct doca_gpu_dev_rdma *rdma, uint32_t connection_index, struct doca_gpu_buf *local_buf, uint64_t local_offset, size_t length, uint32_t imm, const enum doca_gpu_dev_rdma_write_flags flags)

  • rdma – RDMA queue GPU handler

  • connection_index – In case of RDMA CM, the connection index must be specified. By default, it is 0.

  • local_buf – Local DOCA buffer from a DOCA GPU buffer array from which to fetch data to send

  • local_offset – Offset in bytes to fetch data in the local buffer

  • length – Number of bytes to send

  • imm – Immediate value uint32_t

  • flags – One of the flags in the doca_gpu_dev_rdma_write_flags enum


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_rdma_send_weak(struct doca_gpu_dev_rdma *rdma, uint32_t connection_index, struct doca_gpu_buf *local_buf, uint64_t local_offset, size_t length, uint32_t imm, const enum doca_gpu_dev_rdma_write_flags flags, uint32_t position);

  • rdma – RDMA queue GPU handler

  • connection_index – In case of RDMA CM, the connection index must be specified. By default, it is 0.

  • local_buf – Local DOCA buffer from a DOCA GPU buffer array from which to fetch data to send

  • local_offset – Offset in bytes to fetch data in the local buffer

  • length – Number of bytes to send

  • imm – Immediate value uint32_t

  • flags – One of the flags in the doca_gpu_dev_rdma_write_flags enum

  • position – Position in the queue to place the RDMA operation. Range: 0 - mask_max_position.


Once all RDMA write, send or read requests have been enqueue in the RDMA queue, a synchronization point must be reached to consolidate and execute those requests. Only 1 CUDA thread can invoke this function at a time.


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_rdma_commit_strong(struct doca_gpu_dev_rdma *rdma, uint32_t connection_index)

  • rdma – RDMA queue GPU handler

  • connection_index – In case of RDMA CM, the connection index must be specified. By default, it is 0.


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_rdma_commit_weak(struct doca_gpu_dev_rdma *rdma, uint32_t connection_index, uint32_t num_ops)

  • rdma – RDMA queue GPU handler

  • connection_index – In case of RDMA CM, the connection index must be specified. By default, it is 0.

  • num_ops – Number of RDMA requests enqueued since the last commit


After a commit, RDMA requests are executed by the network card as applications move forward doing other operations. If the application needs to verify all RDMA operations have been done by the network card, this "wait all" function can be used to wait for all previous posted operations. Only 1 CUDA thread can invoke this function at a time.


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_rdma_wait_all(struct doca_gpu_dev_rdma *rdma, uint32_t *num_commits)

  • rdma – RDMA queue GPU handler

  • num_commits – Output parameter; the number of commit operations completed


This function is optional, and it can be used to ensure all the RDMA Send/Write/Read operations have actually been executed before moving forward with the application.


To receive data from an RDMA send, send with immediate, or write with immediate, the destination peer should post a receive operation. DOCA GPUNetIO RDMA receive operations must be done with a doca_gpu_dev_rdma_r handler. This handler can be obtained with the function doca_gpu_dev_rdma_get_recv.


All receive operations must use this object.


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_rdma_get_recv(struct doca_gpu_dev_rdma *rdma, struct doca_gpu_dev_rdma_r **rdma_r)

  • rdma – RDMA queue GPU handler

  • rdma_r – RDMA receive queue GPU handler

Even for the receive side, in this case, DOCA GPUNetIO offers strong and weak modes for enqueuing operations on the RDMA queue. For both modes, the scope is the single CUDA thread.


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_rdma_recv_strong(struct doca_gpu_dev_rdma_r *rdma_r, struct doca_gpu_buf *recv_buf, size_t recv_length, uint64_t recv_offset, const uint32_t flags_bitmask)

  • rdma_r – RDMA receive queue GPU handler

  • recv_buf – Local DOCA buffer from a DOCA GPU buffer array from which to fetch data to send

  • recv_length – Number of bytes to send

  • recv_offset – Offset in bytes to fetch data in the local buffer

  • flags_bitmask – Must be 0; reserved for future use


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_rdma_recv_weak(struct doca_gpu_dev_rdma_r *rdma_r, struct doca_gpu_buf *recv_buf, size_t recv_length, uint64_t recv_offset, const uint32_t flags_bitmask, uint32_t position);

  • rdma_r – RDMA receive queue GPU handler

  • recv_buf – Local DOCA buffer from a DOCA GPU buffer array from which to fetch data to send

  • recv_length – Number of bytes to send

  • recv_offset – Offset in bytes to fetch data in the local buffer

  • flags_bitmask - Must be 0; reserved for future use

  • position – Position in the queue to place the RDMA operation. Range: 0 - mask_max_position.


After posting several RDMA receive operations, a commit function must be invoked to activate the receive in the queue. Only 1 CUDA thread can invoke this function at a time.


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_rdma_recv_commit_strong(struct doca_gpu_dev_rdma_r *rdma_r)

  • rdma_r – RDMA receive queue GPU handler


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_rdma_recv_commit_weak(struct doca_gpu_dev_rdma_r *rdma_r, uint32_t num_ops)

  • rdma_r – RDMA receive queue GPU handler

  • num_ops – Number of RDMA receive requests enqueued since the last commit


This function waits for the completion of all previously posted RDMA receive operation. Only 1 CUDA thread can invoke this function at a time. It works in blocking or non-blocking mode.


 enum doca_gpu_dev_rdma_recv_wait_flags { DOCA_GPU_RDMA_RECV_WAIT_FLAG_NB = 0, /**< Non-Blocking mode: the wait receive function doca_gpu_dev_rdma_recv_wait * checks if the receive operation happened (data has been received) * and exit from the function. If nothing has been received, * the function doesn't block the execution. */ DOCA_GPU_RDMA_RECV_WAIT_FLAG_B = 1, /**< Blocking mode: the wait receive function doca_gpu_dev_rdma_recv_wait * blocks the execution waiting for the receive operations to be executed. */ };



__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_rdma_recv_wait_all(struct doca_gpu_dev_rdma_r *rdma_r, const enum doca_gpu_dev_rdma_recv_wait_flags flags, uint32_t *num_ops, uint32_t *imm_val)

  • rdma_r – RDMA receive queue GPU handler

  • flags – receive flags

  • num_ops – Output parameter. Function reports number of completed operations.

  • imm_val – Output parameter. Application-provided buffer where the function can store received immediate values, if any (or 0xFFFFFFFF if no immediate value is received). If nullptr, the function ignores this parameter.

GPU Functions – DMA

This section provides a list of DOCA GPUNetIO functions that can be used on the GPU only within a CUDA kernel to execute DMA operations.


This function allows a CUDA kernel to trigger a DMA memory copy operation through the DMA GPU engine. There is no strong/weak mode here, the DMA is assuming the strong behavior by default.


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_dma_memcpy(struct doca_gpu_dma *dma, struct doca_gpu_buf *src_buf, uint64_t src_offset, struct doca_gpu_buf *dst_buf, uint64_t dst_offset, size_t length);

  • dma – DMA queue GPU handler

  • src_buf – memcpy source buffer

  • src_offset – fetch data starting from this source buffer offset

  • dst_buf – memcpy destination buffer

  • dst_offset – copy data starting from this destination buffer offset

  • lenght – number of bytes to copy


After posting several DMA memory copies, a commit function must be invoked to execute the operations enqueued in the DMA queue. Only 1 CUDA thread can invoke this function at a time.


__device__ doca_error_t doca_gpu_dev_dma_commit(struct doca_gpu_dma *dma);

  • dma – DMA queue GPU handler

This section explains general concepts behind the fundamental building blocks to use when creating a DOCA GPUNetIO application.

Initialize GPU

A GPU object must be created and associated to the GPU device at a specific PCIe address:

GPUNetIO setup


struct doca_gpu *gdev;   /* Create GPUNetIO handler on a specific GPU */ doca_gpu_create(gpu_pcie_address, &gdev);


If the DOCA application must dispatch some packets' info across CUDA kernels or from the CUDA kernel and some CPU thread, a semaphore must be created.

A semaphore is a list of items, allocated either on the GPU or CPU (depending on the use case) visible by both the GPU and CPU. This object can be used to discipline communication across items in the GPU pipeline between CUDA kernels or a CUDA kernel and a CPU thread.

By default, each semaphore item can hold info about its status (FREE, READY, HOLD, DONE, ERROR), the number of received packets, and an index of a doca_gpu_buf in a doca_gpu_buf_arr.

If the semaphore must be used to exchange data with the CPU, a preferred memory layout would be DOCA_GPU_MEM_CPU_GPU. Whereas, if the semaphore is only needed across CUDA kernels, DOCA_GPU_MEM_GPU is the best memory layout to use.

As an optional feature, if the application must pass more application-specific info through the semaphore items, it is possible to attach a custom structure to each item of the semaphore.



#define SEMAPHORE_ITEMS 1024   /* Application defined custom structure to pass info through semaphore items */ struct custom_info { int a; uint64_t b; };   /* Semaphore to share info from the GPU to the CPU */ struct doca_gpu_semaphore *sem_to_cpu; struct doca_gpu_semaphore_gpu *sem_to_cpu_gpu;   doca_gpu_semaphore_create(gdev, &sem_to_cpu); doca_gpu_semaphore_set_memory_type(sem_to_cpu, DOCA_GPU_MEM_CPU_GPU); doca_gpu_semaphore_set_items_num(sem_to_cpu, SEMAPHORE_ITEMS); /* This is optional */ doca_gpu_semaphore_set_custom_info(sem_to_cpu, sizeof(struct custom_info), DOCA_GPU_MEM_CPU_GPU); doca_gpu_semaphore_start(sem_to_cpu); doca_gpu_semaphore_get_gpu_handle(sem_to_cpu, &sem_to_cpu_gpu);   /* Semaphore to share info across GPU CUDA kernels with no CPU involvment */ struct doca_gpu_semaphore *sem_to_gpu; struct doca_gpu_semaphore_gpu *sem_to_gpu_gpu;   doca_gpu_semaphore_create(gdev, &sem_to_gpu); doca_gpu_semaphore_set_memory_type(sem_to_gpu, DOCA_GPU_MEM_GPU); doca_gpu_semaphore_set_items_num(sem_to_gpu, SEMAPHORE_ITEMS); /* This is optional */ doca_gpu_semaphore_set_custom_info(sem_to_gpu, sizeof(struct custom_info), DOCA_GPU_MEM_GPU); doca_gpu_semaphore_start(sem_to_gpu); doca_gpu_semaphore_get_gpu_handle(sem_to_gpu, &sem_to_gpu_gpu);

Ethernet Queue with GPU Data Path

Receive Queue

If the DOCA application must receive Ethernet packets, receive queues must be created. The receive queue works in a circular way: At creation time, each receive queue is associated with a DOCA buffer array allocated on the GPU by the application. Each DOCA buffer of the buffer array has a maximum fixed size.

GPUNetIO receive


/* Initialise DOCA Flow */ struct doca_flow_port_cfg port_cfg; port_cfg.port_id = port_id; doca_flow_init(port_cfg); doca_flow_port_start();   struct doca_dev *ddev; struct doca_eth_rxq *eth_rxq_cpu; struct doca_gpu_eth_rxq *eth_rxq_gpu; struct doca_mmap *mmap; void *gpu_buffer;   /* Create DOCA Ethernet receive queues */ doca_eth_rxq_create(ddev, MAX_PACKETS_NUM, MAX_PACKETS_SIZE, &eth_rxq_cpu);   /* Set Ethernet receive queue properties */ /* ... */   /* Create DOCA mmap in GPU memory to be used for the DOCA buffer array associated to this Ethernet queue */ doca_mmap_create(&mmap); /* Set DOCA mmap properties */ doca_gpu_mem_alloc(gdev, buffer_size, alignment, DOCA_GPU_MEM_GPU, (void **)&gpu_buffer, NULL); doca_mmap_start(mmap); doca_eth_rxq_set_pkt_buffer(eth_rxq_cpu, mmap, 0, buffer_size); /* This DOCA Ethernet Rxq object will be managed by the GPU */ doca_ctx_set_datapath_on_gpu(); /* Start the Ethernet queue object */ /* Export GPU handle for the receive queue */ doca_eth_rxq_get_gpu_handle(eth_rxq_cpu, &eth_rxq_gpu);

It is mandatory to associate DOCA Flow pipe(s) to the receive queues. Otherwise, the application cannot receive any packet.

Send Queue

If the DOCA application must send Ethernet packets, send queues must be created in combination with doca_gpu_buf_arr to prepare and send packets from GPU memory.

GPUNetIO receive


struct doca_dev *ddev; struct doca_eth_txq *eth_txq_cpu; struct doca_gpu_eth_txq *eth_txq_gpu;   /* Create DOCA Ethernet send queues */ doca_eth_txq_create(ddev, QUEUE_DEPTH, &eth_txq_cpu); /* Set properties to send queues */   /* This DOCA Ethernet Rxq object will be managed by the GPU */ doca_ctx_set_datapath_on_gpu(); /* Start the Ethernet queue object */ /* Export GPU handle for the send queue */ doca_eth_txq_get_gpu_handle(eth_txq_cpu, &eth_txq_gpu);   /* Create DOCA mmap to define memory layout and type for the DOCA buf array */ struct doca_mmap *mmap; doca_mmap_create(&mmap); /* Set DOCA mmap properties */   /* Create DOCA buf arr and export it to GPU */ struct doca_buf_arr *buf_arr; struct doca_gpu_buf_arr *buf_arr_gpu; doca_buf_arr_create(mmap, &buf_arr); /* Set DOCA buf array properties */ ... /* Export GPU handle for the buf arr */ doca_buf_arr_get_gpu_handle(buf_arr, &buf_arr_gpu);

Receive and Process

At this point, the application has created and initialized all the objects required by the GPU to exercise the data path to send or receive packets with GPUNetIO.

In this example, the application must receive packets from different queues with a receiver CUDA kernel and dispatch packet info to a second CUDA kernel responsible for packet processing.

The CPU launches the CUDA kernels and waits on the semaphore for output:

CPU code


#define CUDA_THREADS 512 #define CUDA_BLOCKS 1 int semaphore_index = 0; enum doca_gpu_semaphore_status status; struct custom_info *gpu_info;   /* On the CPU */ cuda_kernel_receive_dispatch<<<CUDA_THREADS, CUDA_BLOCKS, ..., stream_0>>>(eth_rxq_gpu, sem_to_gpu_gpu) cuda_kernel_process<<<CUDA_THREADS, CUDA_BLOCKS, ..., stream_1>>>(eth_rxq_gpu, sem_to_cpu_gpu, sem_to_gpu_gpu)   while(/* condition */) { doca_gpu_semaphore_get_status(sem_to_cpu, semaphore_index, &status); if (status == DOCA_GPU_SEMAPHORE_STATUS_READY) { doca_gpu_semaphore_get_custom_info_addr(sem_to_cpu, semaphore_index, (void **)&(gpu_info)); report_info(gpu_info); doca_gpu_semaphore_set_status(sem_to_cpu, semaphore_index, DOCA_GPU_SEMAPHORE_STATUS_FREE); semaphore_index = (semaphore_index+1) % SEMAPHORE_ITEMS; } }

On the GPU, the two CUDA kernels are running on different streams:

GPU code


cuda_kernel_receive_dispatch(eth_rxq_gpu, sem_to_gpu_gpu) { __shared__ uint32_t rx_pkt_num; __shared__ uint64_t rx_buf_idx; int semaphore_index = 0;   while (/* exit condition */) { doca_gpu_dev_eth_rxq_receive_block(eth_rxq_gpu, MAX_NUM_RECEIVE_PACKETS, TIMEOUT_RECEIVE_NS, &rx_pkt_num, &rx_buf_idx); if (threadIdx.x == 0 && rx_pkt_num > 0) { doca_gpu_dev_sem_set_packet_info(sem_to_gpu_gpu, semaphore_index, DOCA_GPU_SEMAPHORE_STATUS_READY, rx_pkt_num, rx_buf_idx); semaphore_index = (semaphore_index+1) % SEMAPHORE_ITEMS; } } }   cuda_kernel_process(eth_rxq_gpu, sem_to_cpu_gpu, sem_to_gpu_gpu) { __shared__ uint32_t rx_pkt_num; __shared__ uint64_t rx_buf_idx; int semaphore_index = 0; int thread_buf_idx = 0; struct doca_gpu_buf *buf_ptr; uintptr_t buf_addr; struct custom_info *gpu_info;   while (/* exit condition */) { if (threadIdx.x == 0) { do { result = doca_gpu_dev_sem_get_packet_info_status(sem_to_gpu_gpu, semaphore_index, DOCA_GPU_SEMAPHORE_STATUS_READY, &rx_pkt_num, &rx_buf_idx); } while(result != DOCA_ERROR_NOT_FOUND /* && other exit condition */); } __syncthreads();   thread_buf_idx = threadIdx.x; while (thread_buf_idx < rx_pkt_num) { /* Get DOCA GPU buffer from the GPU buffer in the receive queue */ doca_gpu_dev_eth_rxq_get_buf(eth_rxq_gpu, rx_buf_idx + thread_buf_idx, &buf_ptr); /* Get DOCA GPU buffer memory address */ doca_gpu_dev_buf_get_addr(buf_ptr, &buf_addr); /* * Atomic here is has the entire CUDA block accesses the same semaphore to CPU. * Smarter implementation can be done at warp level, with multiple semaphores, etc.. to avoid this atomic */ int semaphore_index_tmp = atomicAdd_block(&semaphore_index, 1); semaphore_index_tmp = semaphore_index_tmp % SEMAPHORE_ITEMS; doca_gpu_dev_sem_get_custom_info_addr(sem_to_cpu_gpu, semaphore_index_tmp, (void **)&gpu_info); populate_custom_info(buf_addr, gpu_info); doca_gpu_dev_sem_set_status(sem_to_cpu_gpu, semaphore_index_tmp, DOCA_GPU_SEMAPHORE_STATUS_READY); } __syncthreads();   if (threadIdx.x == 0) { doca_gpu_dev_sem_set_status(sem_to_gpu_gpu, semaphore_index, DOCA_GPU_SEMAPHORE_STATUS_READY); } } }

This code can be represented with the following diagram when multiple queues and/or semaphores are used:


Please note that receiving and dispatching packets to another CUDA kernel is not required. A simpler scenario can have a single CUDA kernel receiving and processing packets:


The drawback of this approach is that the time between two receives depends on the time taken by the CUDA kernel to process received packets.

The type of pipeline that must be built heavily depends on the specific use case.

Produce and Send

In this example, the GPU produces some data, stores it into packets and then sends them over the network. The CPU launches the CUDA kernels and continues doing other work:

CPU code


#define CUDA_THREADS 512 #define CUDA_BLOCKS 1 int semaphore_index = 0; enum doca_gpu_semaphore_status status; struct custom_info *gpu_info;   /* On the CPU */ cuda_kernel_produce_send<<<CUDA_THREADS, CUDA_BLOCKS, ..., stream_0>>>(eth_txq_gpu, buf_arr_gpu)   /* do other stuff */

On the GPU, the CUDA kernel fills the packets with meaningful data and sends them. In the following example, the scope is CUDA block so each block uses a different DOCA Ethernet send queue:

GPU code


cuda_kernel_produce_send(eth_txq_gpu, buf_arr_gpu) { uint64_t doca_gpu_buf_idx = threadIdx.x; struct doca_gpu_buf *buf; uintptr_t buf_addr; uint32_t packet_len; uint32_t curr_position; uint32_t mask_max_position; uint32_t num_pkts_per_send = blockDim.x;   /* Get last occupied position in the Tx queue */ doca_gpu_dev_eth_txq_get_info(eth_txq_gpu, &curr_position, &mask_max_position); __syncthreads();   while (/* exit condition */) {   /* Each CUDA thread retrieves doca_gpu_buf from doca_gpu_buf_arr */ doca_gpu_dev_buf_get_buf(buf_arr_gpu, doca_gpu_buf_idx, &buf); /* Get memory address of the packet in the doca_gpu_buf */ doca_gpu_dev_buf_get_addr(buf, &buf_addr);   /* Application produces data and crafts the packet in the doca_gpu_buf */ populate_packet(buf_addr, &packet_len);   /* Enqueue packet in the send queue with weak mode: each thread posts the packet in a different and sequential position of the queue */ doca_gpu_dev_eth_txq_send_enqueue_weak(eth_txq_gpu, buf, packet_len, ((curr_position + doca_gpu_buf_idx) & mask_max_position), DOCA_GPU_SEND_FLAG_NONE);   /* Synchronization point */ __synchthreads();   /* Only one CUDA thread in the block must commit and push the send queue */ if (threadIdx.x == 0) { doca_gpu_dev_eth_txq_commit_weak(eth_txq_gpu, num_pkts_per_send); doca_gpu_dev_eth_txq_push(eth_txq_gpu); } /* Synchronization point */ __synchthreads(); /* Assume all threads in the block pushed a packet in the send queue */ doca_gpu_buf_idx += blockDim.x; } }

RDMA Queue with GPU Data Path

To execute RDMA operations from a GPU CUDA kernel, in the setup phase, the application must first create a DOCA RDMA queue, export the RDMA as context, and then set the datapath of the context on the GPU (as shown in the following code snippet).

The following is a pseudo-code to serve as a guide. Please refer to real function signatures in header files (*.h) and documentation for a complete overview of the functions.

GPU code


struct doca_dev *doca_device; /* DOCA device */ struct doca_gpu *gpudev; /* DOCA GPU device */ struct doca_rdma *rdma; /* DOCA RDMA instance */ struct doca_gpu_dev_rdma *gpu_rdma; /* DOCA RDMA instance GPU handler */ struct doca_ctx *rdma_ctx;   // Initialize IBDev RDMA device open_doca_device_with_ibdev_name(&doca_device)   // Initialize the GPU device doca_gpu_create(&gpudev); // Create the RDMA queue object with the DOCA device doca_rdma_create(doca_device, &(rdma)); // Export the RDMA queue object context rdma_ctx = doca_rdma_as_ctx(rdma)   // Set RDMA queue attributes   // Set GPU data path for the RDMA object doca_ctx_set_datapath_on_gpu(ctx, gpudev) doca_ctx_start(rdma_ctx);

At this point, the application has an RDMA queue usable from a GPU CUDA kernel. The next step would be to establish a connection using some OOB (out-of-band) mechanism (e.g., Linux sockets) to exchange RDMA queue info so each peer can connect to the other's queues.

To exchange data, users must create DOCA GPU buffer arrays to send or receive data. If the application also requires read or write, then the GPU memory associated with the buffer arrays must be exported and exchanged with the remote peers using the OOB mechanism.

GPU code


/* Create DOCA mmap to define memory layout and type for the DOCA buf array */ struct doca_mmap *mmap; doca_mmap_create(&mmap); /* Set DOCA mmap properties */ doca_mmap_start(mmap); /* Export mmap info to share with remote peer */ doca_mmap_export_rdma(mmap, ...);   /* Exchange export info with remote peer */   /* Create DOCA buf arr and export it to GPU */ struct doca_buf_arr *buf_arr; struct doca_gpu_buf_arr *buf_arr_gpu; doca_buf_arr_create(mmap, &buf_arr); /* Set DOCA buf array properties */ ... /* Export GPU handle for the buf arr */ doca_buf_arr_get_gpu_handle(buf_arr, &buf_arr_gpu);

Please refer to the "RDMA Client Server" sample as a basic layout to implement all the steps described in this section.

CUDA Kernel for RDMA Write

Assuming the RDMA queues and buffer arrays are correctly created and exchanged across peers, the application can launch a CUDA kernel to remotely write data. As typically applications use strong mode, the following code snippet shows how to use weak mode to post multiple writes from different CUDA threads in the same CUDA block.

GPU code


__global__ void rdma_write_bw(struct doca_gpu_dev_rdma *rdma_gpu, struct doca_gpu_buf_arr *local_buf_arr, struct doca_gpu_buf_arr *remote_buf_arr) { struct doca_gpu_buf *remote_buf; struct doca_gpu_buf *local_buf; struct doca_gpu_dev_rdma *rdma_gpu; struct doca_gpu_buf_arr *server_local_buf_arr; struct doca_gpu_buf_arr *server_remote_buf_arr; uint32_t curr_position; uint32_t mask_max_position; uint32_t num_ops;   doca_gpu_dev_buf_get_buf(server_local_buf_arr, threadIdx.x, &local_buf); doca_gpu_dev_buf_get_buf(server_remote_buf_arr, threadIdx.x, &remote_buf); /* Get RDMA queue current available position and mask of the max position number */ doca_gpu_dev_rdma_get_info(rdma_gpu, &curr_position, &mask_max_position);   doca_gpu_dev_rdma_write_weak(rdma_gpu, /* Write into this remote buffer at offset 0 */ remote_buf, 0, /* Fetch data from this local buffer at offset 0 */ local_buf, 0, /* Number of bytes to write */ msg_size, /* Don't use immediate */ 0, DOCA_GPU_RDMA_WRITE_FLAG_NONE, /* Position in the RDMA queue to post the write */ (curr_position + threadIdx.x) & mask_max_position);   /* Wait all CUDA threads to post their RDMA Write */ __syncthreads();   if (threadIdx.x == 0) { /* Only 1 CUDA thread can push the write op just posted */ doca_gpu_dev_rdma_commit_weak(rdma_gpu, blockDim.x); doca_gpu_dev_rdma_wait_all(rdma_gpu, &num_ops); } __syncthreads(); }


The code in the "RDMA Client Server" sample shows how to use write and send with immediate flag set.

This section contains two samples that show how to enable simple GPUNetIO features. Be sure to correctly set the following environment variables:

Build the sample


export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/cuda/bin export CPATH="$(echo /usr/local/cuda/targets/{x86_64,sbsa}-linux/include | sed 's/ /:/'):${CPATH}" export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:/usr/lib/pkgconfig:/opt/mellanox/grpc/lib/{x86_64,aarch64}-linux-gnu/pkgconfig:/opt/mellanox/dpdk/lib/{x86_64,aarch64}-linux-gnu/pkgconfig:/opt/mellanox/doca/lib/{x86_64,aarch64}-linux-gnu/pkgconfigexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/cuda/lib64:/opt/mellanox/gdrcopy/src:/opt/mellanox/dpdk/lib/{x86_64,aarch64}-linux-gnu:/opt/mellanox/doca/lib/{x86_64,aarch64}-linux-gnu


All the DOCA samples described in this section are governed under the BSD-3 software license agreement.


Please ensure the arch of your GPU is included in the file before building the samples (e.g., sm_80 for Ampere, sm_89 for L40, sm_90 for H100, etc).

Ethernet Send Wait Time

The sample shows how to enable Accurate Send Scheduling (or wait-on-time) in the context of a GPUNetIO application. Accurate Send Scheduling is the ability of an NVIDIA NIC to send packets in the future according to application-provided timestamps.


This feature is supported on ConnectX-6 Dx and later .


This NVIDIA blog post offers an example for how this feature has been used in 5G networks.

This DOCA GPUNetIO sample provides a simple application to send packets with Accurate Send Scheduling from the GPU .

Synchronizing Clocks

Before starting the sample, it is important to properly synchronize the CPU clock with the NIC clock. This way, timestamps provided by the system clock are synchronized with the time in the NIC.

For this purpose, at least the phc2sys service must be used. To install it on an Ubuntu system:



sudo apt install linuxptp

To start the phc2sys service properly, a config file must be created in /lib/systemd/system/phc2sys.service:



[Unit] Description=Synchronize system clock or PTP hardware clock (PHC) Documentation=man:phc2sys   [Service] Restart=always RestartSec=5s Type=simple ExecStart=/bin/sh -c "taskset -c 15 /usr/sbin/phc2sys -s /dev/ptp$(ethtool -T ens6f0 | grep PTP | awk '{print $4}') -c CLOCK_REALTIME -n 24 -O 0 -R 256 -u 256"   [Install]

Now phc2sys service can be started:



sudo systemctl stop systemd-timesyncd sudo systemctl disable systemd-timesyncd sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl start phc2sys.service

To check the status of phc2sys:



$ sudo systemctl status phc2sys.service   ● phc2sys.service - Synchronize system clock or PTP hardware clock (PHC) Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/phc2sys.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-04-03 10:59:13 UTC; 2 days ago Docs: man:phc2sys Main PID: 337824 (sh) Tasks: 2 (limit: 303788) Memory: 560.0K CPU: 52min 8.199s CGroup: /system.slice/phc2sys.service ├─337824 /bin/sh -c "taskset -c 15 /usr/sbin/phc2sys -s /dev/ptp\$(ethtool -T enp23s0f1np1 | grep PTP | awk '{print \$4}') -c CLOCK_REALTIME -n 24 -O 0 -R > └─337829 /usr/sbin/phc2sys -s /dev/ptp3 -c CLOCK_REALTIME -n 24 -O 0 -R 256 -u 256   Apr 05 16:35:52 doca-vr-045 phc2sys[337829]: [457395.040] CLOCK_REALTIME rms 8 max 18 freq +110532 +/- 27 delay 770 +/- 3 Apr 05 16:35:53 doca-vr-045 phc2sys[337829]: [457396.071] CLOCK_REALTIME rms 8 max 20 freq +110513 +/- 30 delay 769 +/- 3 Apr 05 16:35:54 doca-vr-045 phc2sys[337829]: [457397.102] CLOCK_REALTIME rms 8 max 18 freq +110527 +/- 30 delay 769 +/- 3 Apr 05 16:35:55 doca-vr-045 phc2sys[337829]: [457398.130] CLOCK_REALTIME rms 8 max 18 freq +110517 +/- 31 delay 769 +/- 3 Apr 05 16:35:56 doca-vr-045 phc2sys[337829]: [457399.159] CLOCK_REALTIME rms 8 max 19 freq +110523 +/- 32 delay 770 +/- 3 Apr 05 16:35:57 doca-vr-045 phc2sys[337829]: [457400.191] CLOCK_REALTIME rms 8 max 20 freq +110528 +/- 33 delay 770 +/- 3 Apr 05 16:35:58 doca-vr-045 phc2sys[337829]: [457401.221] CLOCK_REALTIME rms 8 max 19 freq +110512 +/- 38 delay 770 +/- 3 Apr 05 16:35:59 doca-vr-045 phc2sys[337829]: [457402.253] CLOCK_REALTIME rms 9 max 20 freq +110538 +/- 47 delay 770 +/- 4 Apr 05 16:36:00 doca-vr-045 phc2sys[337829]: [457403.281] CLOCK_REALTIME rms 8 max 21 freq +110517 +/- 38 delay 769 +/- 3 Apr 05 16:36:01 doca-vr-045 phc2sys[337829]: [457404.311] CLOCK_REALTIME rms 8 max 17 freq +110526 +/- 26 delay 769 +/- 3 ...

At this point, the system and NIC clocks are synchronized so timestamps provided by the CPU are correctly interpreted by the NIC.


The timestamps you get may not reflect the real time and day. To get that, you must properly set the ptp4l service with an external grand master on the system. Doing that is out of the scope of this sample.

Running the Sample

The sample is shipped with the source files that must be built:



# Ensure DOCA and DPDK are in the pkgconfig environment variable cd /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_gpunetio/gpunetio_send_wait_time meson build ninja -C build

The sample sends 8 bursts of 32 raw Ethernet packets or 1kB to a dummy Ethernet address, 10:11:12:13:14:15, in a timed way. Program the NIC to send every t nanoseconds (command line option -t).

The following example programs a system with GPU PCIe address ca:00.0 and NIC PCIe address 17:00.0 to send 32 packets every 5 milliseconds:



# Ensure DOCA and DPDK are in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable $ sudo ./build/doca_gpunetio_send_wait_time -n 17:00.0 -g ca:00.0 -t 5000000[09:22:54:165778][1316878][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_send_wait_time_main.c:195][main] Starting the sample [09:22:54:438260][1316878][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_send_wait_time_main.c:224][main] Sample configuration: GPU ca:00.0 NIC 17:00.0 Timeout 5000000ns EAL: Detected CPU lcores: 128 ... EAL: Probe PCI driver: mlx5_pci (15b3:a2d6) device: 0000:17:00.0 (socket 0) [09:22:54:819996][1316878][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_send_wait_time_sample.c:607][gpunetio_send_wait_time] Wait on time supported mode: DPDK EAL: Probe PCI driver: gpu_cuda (10de:20b5) device: 0000:ca:00.0 (socket 1) [09:22:54:830212][1316878][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_send_wait_time_sample.c:252][create_tx_buf] Mapping send queue buffer (0x0x7f48e32a0000 size 262144B) with legacy nvidia-peermem mode [09:22:54:832462][1316878][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_send_wait_time_sample.c:657][gpunetio_send_wait_time] Launching CUDA kernel to send packets [09:22:54:842945][1316878][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_send_wait_time_sample.c:664][gpunetio_send_wait_time] Waiting 10 sec for 256 packets to be sent [09:23:04:883309][1316878][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_send_wait_time_sample.c:684][gpunetio_send_wait_time] Sample finished successfully [09:23:04:883339][1316878][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_send_wait_time_main.c:239][main] Sample finished successfully

To verify that packets are actually sent at the right time, use a packet sniffer on the other side (e.g., tcpdump):



$ sudo tcpdump -i enp23s0f1np1 -A -s 64   17:12:23.480318 IP5 (invalid) Sent from DOCA GPUNetIO........................... .... 17:12:23.480368 IP5 (invalid) Sent from DOCA GPUNetIO........................... # end of first burst of 32 packets, bump to +5ms 17:12:23.485321 IP5 (invalid) Sent from DOCA GPUNetIO........................... ... 17:12:23.485369 IP5 (invalid) Sent from DOCA GPUNetIO........................... # end of second burst of 32 packets, bump to +5ms 17:12:23.490278 IP5 (invalid) Sent from DOCA GPUNetIO........................... ...

The output should show a jump of approximately 5 milliseconds every 32 packets.


tcpdump may increase latency in sniffing packets and reporting the receive timestamp, so the difference between bursts of 32 packets reported may be less than expected, especially with small interval times like 500 microseconds (-t 500000).

Ethernet Simple Receive

This simple application shows the fundamental steps to build a DOCA GPUNetIO receiver application with one queue for UDP packets and one CUDA kernel receiving those packets from the GPU, printing packet info to the console.


Invoking a printf from a CUDA kernel is not good practice for release software and should be used only to print debug information as it slows down the overall execution of the CUDA kernel.

To build and run the application:

Build the sample


# Ensure DOCA and DPDK are in the pkgconfig environment variable cd /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_gpunetio/gpunetio_simple_receive meson build ninja -C build

To test the application, this guide assumes the usual setup with two machines: one with the DOCA receiver application and the second one acting as packet generator. As UDP packet generator, this example considers the nping application that can be easily installed easily on any Linux machine.

The command to send 10 UDP packets via nping on the packet generator machine is:

nping generator


$ nping --udp -c 10 -p 2090 --data-length 1024 --delay 500ms   Starting Nping 0.7.80 ( ) at 2023-11-20 11:05 UTC SENT (0.0018s) UDP packet with 1024 bytes to SENT (0.5018s) UDP packet with 1024 bytes to SENT (1.0025s) UDP packet with 1024 bytes to SENT (1.5025s) UDP packet with 1024 bytes to SENT (2.0032s) UDP packet with 1024 bytes to SENT (2.5033s) UDP packet with 1024 bytes to SENT (3.0040s) UDP packet with 1024 bytes to SENT (3.5040s) UDP packet with 1024 bytes to SENT (4.0047s) UDP packet with 1024 bytes to SENT (4.5048s) UDP packet with 1024 bytes to   Max rtt: N/A | Min rtt: N/A | Avg rtt: N/A UDP packets sent: 10 | Rcvd: 0 | Lost: 10 (100.00%) Nping done: 1 IP address pinged in 5.50 seconds

Assuming the DOCA Simple Receive sample is waiting on the other machine at IP address

The DOCA Simple Receive sample is launched on a system with NIC at 17:00.1 PCIe address and GPU at ca:00.0 PCIe address:

DOCA Simple Receive


# Ensure DOCA and DPDK are in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable $ sudo ./build/doca_gpunetio_simple_receive -n 17:00.1 -g ca:00.0 [11:00:30:397080][2328673][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_simple_receive_main.c:159][main] Starting the sample [11:00:30:652622][2328673][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_simple_receive_main.c:189][main] Sample configuration: GPU ca:00.0 NIC 17:00.1   EAL: Detected CPU lcores: 128 EAL: Detected NUMA nodes: 2 EAL: Detected shared linkage of DPDK EAL: Multi-process socket /var/run/dpdk/rte/mp_socket EAL: Selected IOVA mode 'PA' EAL: VFIO support initialized TELEMETRY: No legacy callbacks, legacy socket not created EAL: Probe PCI driver: mlx5_pci (15b3:a2d6) device: 0000:17:00.1 (socket 0) [11:00:31:036760][2328673][DOCA][WRN][engine_model.c:72][adapt_queue_depth] adapting queue depth to 128. [11:00:31:928926][2328673][DOCA][WRN][engine_port.c:321][port_driver_process_properties] detected representor used in VNF mode (driver port id 0) EAL: Probe PCI driver: gpu_cuda (10de:20b5) device: 0000:ca:00.0 (socket 1) [11:00:31:977261][2328673][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_simple_receive_sample.c:425][create_rxq] Creating Sample Eth Rxq   [11:00:31:977841][2328673][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_simple_receive_sample.c:466][create_rxq] Mapping receive queue buffer (0x0x7f86cc000000 size 33554432B) with nvidia-peermem mode [11:00:32:043182][2328673][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_simple_receive_sample.c:610][gpunetio_simple_receive] Launching CUDA kernel to receive packets [11:00:32:055193][2328673][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_simple_receive_sample.c:614][gpunetio_simple_receive] Waiting for termination Thread 0 received UDP packet with Eth src 10:70:fd:fa:77:f5 - Eth dst 10:70:fd:fa:77:e9 Thread 0 received UDP packet with Eth src 10:70:fd:fa:77:f5 - Eth dst 10:70:fd:fa:77:e9 Thread 0 received UDP packet with Eth src 10:70:fd:fa:77:f5 - Eth dst 10:70:fd:fa:77:e9 Thread 0 received UDP packet with Eth src 10:70:fd:fa:77:f5 - Eth dst 10:70:fd:fa:77:e9 Thread 0 received UDP packet with Eth src 10:70:fd:fa:77:f5 - Eth dst 10:70:fd:fa:77:e9 Thread 0 received UDP packet with Eth src 10:70:fd:fa:77:f5 - Eth dst 10:70:fd:fa:77:e9 Thread 0 received UDP packet with Eth src 10:70:fd:fa:77:f5 - Eth dst 10:70:fd:fa:77:e9 Thread 0 received UDP packet with Eth src 10:70:fd:fa:77:f5 - Eth dst 10:70:fd:fa:77:e9 Thread 0 received UDP packet with Eth src 10:70:fd:fa:77:f5 - Eth dst 10:70:fd:fa:77:e9 Thread 0 received UDP packet with Eth src 10:70:fd:fa:77:f5 - Eth dst 10:70:fd:fa:77:e9   # Type Ctrl+C to kill the sample   [11:01:44:265141][2328673][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_simple_receive_sample.c:45][signal_handler] Signal 2 received, preparing to exit! [11:01:44:265189][2328673][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_simple_receive_sample.c:620][gpunetio_simple_receive] Exiting from sample [11:01:44:265533][2328673][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_simple_receive_sample.c:362][destroy_rxq] Destroying Rxq [11:01:44:307829][2328673][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_simple_receive_sample.c:631][gpunetio_simple_receive] Sample finished successfully [11:01:44:307861][2328673][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_simple_receive_main.c:204][main] Sample finished successfully

RDMA Client Server

This sample exhibits how to use the GPUNetIO RDMA API to receive and send/write with immediate using a single RDMA queue.

The server has a GPU buffer array A composed by GPU_BUF_NUM doca_gpu_buf elements, each 1kB in size. The client has two GPU buffer arrays, B and C, each composed by GPU_BUF_NUM doca_gpu_buf elements, each 512B in size.

The goal is for the client to fill a single server buffer of 1kB with two GPU buffers of 512B as illustrated in the following figure:


To show how to use RDMA write and send, even buffers are sent from the client with write immediate, while odd buffers are sent with send immediate. In both cases, the server must pre-post the RDMA receive operations.

For each buffer, the CUDA kernel code repeats the handshake:


Once all buffers are filled, the server double checks that all values are valid. The server output should be as follows:

DOCA RDMA Server side


# Ensure DOCA and DPDK are in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable $ cd /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_gpunetio/gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write $ ./build/doca_gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write -gpu 17:00.0 -d mlx5_0   [14:11:43:000930][1173110][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write_main.c:250][main] Starting the sample ... [14:11:43:686610][1173110][DOCA][INF][rdma_common.c:91][oob_connection_server_setup] Listening for incoming connections [14:11:45:681523][1173110][DOCA][INF][rdma_common.c:105][oob_connection_server_setup] Client connected at IP: and port: 46274 ... [14:11:45:771807][1173110][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write_sample.c:644][rdma_write_server] Before launching CUDA kernel, buffer array A is: [14:11:45:771822][1173110][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write_sample.c:646][rdma_write_server] Buffer 0 -> offset 0: 1111 | offset 128: 1111 [14:11:45:771837][1173110][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write_sample.c:646][rdma_write_server] Buffer 1 -> offset 0: 1111 | offset 128: 1111 [14:11:45:771851][1173110][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write_sample.c:646][rdma_write_server] Buffer 2 -> offset 0: 1111 | offset 128: 1111 [14:11:45:771864][1173110][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write_sample.c:646][rdma_write_server] Buffer 3 -> offset 0: 1111 | offset 128: 1111 RDMA Recv 2 ops completed with immediate values 0 and 1! RDMA Recv 2 ops completed with immediate values 1 and 2! RDMA Recv 2 ops completed with immediate values 2 and 3! RDMA Recv 2 ops completed with immediate values 3 and 4! [14:11:45:781561][1173110][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write_sample.c:671][rdma_write_server] After launching CUDA kernel, buffer array A is: [14:11:45:781574][1173110][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write_sample.c:673][rdma_write_server] Buffer 0 -> offset 0: 2222 | offset 128: 3333 [14:11:45:781583][1173110][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write_sample.c:673][rdma_write_server] Buffer 1 -> offset 0: 2222 | offset 128: 3333 [14:11:45:781593][1173110][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write_sample.c:673][rdma_write_server] Buffer 2 -> offset 0: 2222 | offset 128: 3333 [14:11:45:781602][1173110][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write_sample.c:673][rdma_write_server] Buffer 3 -> offset 0: 2222 | offset 128: 3333 [14:11:45:781640][1173110][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write_main.c:294][main] Sample finished successfully

On the other side, assuming the server is at IP address, the client output should be as follows:

DOCA RDMA Client side


# Ensure DOCA and DPDK are in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable   $ cd /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_gpunetio/gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write $ ./build/doca_gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write -gpu 17:00.0 -d mlx5_0 -c   [16:08:22:335744][160913][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write_main.c:197][main] Starting the sample ... [16:08:25:753316][160913][DOCA][INF][rdma_common.c:147][oob_connection_client_setup] Connected with server successfully ...... Client waiting on flag 7f6596735000 for server to post RDMA Recvs Thread 0 post rdma write imm 0 Thread 1 post rdma write imm 0 Client waiting on flag 7f6596735001 for server to post RDMA Recvs Thread 0 post rdma send imm 1 Thread 1 post rdma send imm 1 Client waiting on flag 7f6596735002 for server to post RDMA Recvs Thread 0 post rdma write imm 2 Thread 1 post rdma write imm 2 Client waiting on flag 7f6596735003 for server to post RDMA Recvs Thread 0 post rdma send imm 3 Thread 1 post rdma send imm 3 [16:08:25:853454][160913][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write_main.c:241][main] Sample finished successfully


With RDMA, the network device must be specified by name (e.g., mlx5_0 ) instead of the PCIe address (as is the case for Ethernet).

It is also possible to enable the RDMA CM mode, establishing two connections with the same RDMA GPU handler. An example on the client side:

DOCA RDMA Client side with CM


# Ensure DOCA and DPDK are in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable   $ cd /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_gpunetio/gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write $ ./build/samples/doca_gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write -d mlx5_0 -gpu 17:00.0 -gid 3 -c -cm --server-addr-type ipv4 --server-addr   [11:30:34:489781][3853018][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write_main.c:461][main] Starting the sample ... [11:30:35:038828][3853018][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write_sample.c:950][rdma_write_client] Client is waiting for a connection establishment [11:30:35:082039][3853018][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write_sample.c:963][rdma_write_client] Client - Connection 1 is established ... [11:30:35:095282][3853018][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write_sample.c:1006][rdma_write_client] Establishing connection 2.. [11:30:35:097521][3853018][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write_sample.c:1016][rdma_write_client] Client is waiting for a connection establishment [11:30:35:102718][3853018][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write_sample.c:1029][rdma_write_client] Client - Connection 2 is established [11:30:35:102783][3853018][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write_sample.c:1046][rdma_write_client] Client, terminate kernels Client waiting on flag 7f16067b5000 for server to post RDMA Recvs Thread 0 post rdma write imm 0 Thread 1 post rdma write imm 1 Client waiting on flag 7f16067b5001 for server to post RDMA Recvs Thread 0 post rdma send imm 1 Thread 1 post rdma send imm 2 Client waiting on flag 7f16067b5002 for server to post RDMA Recvs Thread 0 post rdma write imm 2 Thread 1 post rdma write imm 3 Client waiting on flag 7f16067b5003 for server to post RDMA Recvs Thread 0 post rdma send imm 3 Thread 1 post rdma send imm 4 Client posted and completed 4 RDMA commits on connection 0. Waiting on the exit flag. Client waiting on flag 7f16067b5000 for server to post RDMA Recvs Thread 0 post rdma write imm 0 Thread 1 post rdma write imm 1 Client waiting on flag 7f16067b5001 for server to post RDMA Recvs Thread 0 post rdma send imm 1 Thread 1 post rdma send imm 2 Client waiting on flag 7f16067b5002 for server to post RDMA Recvs Thread 0 post rdma write imm 2 Thread 1 post rdma write imm 3 Client waiting on flag 7f16067b5003 for server to post RDMA Recvs Thread 0 post rdma send imm 3 Thread 1 post rdma send imm 4 Client posted and completed 4 RDMA commits on connection 1. Waiting on the exit flag. [11:30:35:122448][3853018][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_rdma_client_server_write_main.c:512][main] Sample finished successfully

In case of RDMA CM, the command option -cm must be specified on the server side.


Printing from a CUDA kernel is not recommended for performance. It may make sense for debugging purposes and for simple samples like this one.


This sample exhibits how to use the DOCA DMA and DOCA GPUNetIO libraries to DMA copy a memory buffer from the CPU to the GPU (with DOCA DMA CPU functions) and from the GPU to the CPU (with DOCA GPUNetIO DMA device functions) from a CUDA kernel. This sample requires a DPU as it uses the DMA engine on it.

DOCA RDMA Client side


$ cd /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_gpunetio/gpunetio_dma_memcpy   # Build the sample and then execute   $ ./build/doca_gpunetio_dma_memcpy -g 17:00.0 -n ca:00.0 [15:44:04:189462][862197][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_dma_memcpy_main.c:164][main] Starting the sample EAL: Detected CPU lcores: 64 EAL: Detected NUMA nodes: 2 EAL: Detected shared linkage of DPDK EAL: Selected IOVA mode 'VA' EAL: No free 2048 kB hugepages reported on node 0 EAL: No free 2048 kB hugepages reported on node 1 EAL: VFIO support initialized TELEMETRY: No legacy callbacks, legacy socket not created EAL: Probe PCI driver: gpu_cuda (10de:2331) device: 0000:17:00.0 (socket 0) [15:44:04:857251][862197][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_dma_memcpy_sample.c:211][init_sample_mem_objs] The CPU source buffer value to be copied to GPU memory: This is a sample piece of text from CPU [15:44:04:857359][862197][DOCA][WRN][doca_mmap.cpp:1743][doca_mmap_set_memrange] Mmap 0x55aec6206140: Memory range isn't cache-line aligned - addr=0x55aec52ceb10. For best performance align address to 64B [15:44:04:858839][862197][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_dma_memcpy_sample.c:158][init_sample_mem_objs] The GPU source buffer value to be copied to CPU memory: This is a sample piece of text from GPU [15:44:04:921702][862197][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_dma_memcpy_sample.c:570][submit_dma_memcpy_task] Success, DMA memcpy job done successfully CUDA KERNEL INFO: The GPU destination buffer value after the memcpy: This is a sample piece of text from CPU CPU received message from GPU: This is a sample piece of text from GPU [15:44:04:930087][862197][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_dma_memcpy_sample.c:364][gpu_dma_cleanup] Cleanup DMA ctx with GPU data path [15:44:04:932658][862197][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_dma_memcpy_sample.c:404][gpu_dma_cleanup] Cleanup DMA ctx with CPU data path [15:44:04:954156][862197][DOCA][INF][gpunetio_dma_memcpy_main.c:197][main] Sample finished successfully

© Copyright 2025, NVIDIA. Last updated on Feb 10, 2025.