DOCA Documentation v2.10.0


This guide provides an overview and configuration instructions for the DOCA RDMA API.


This library is currently supported at beta level only.

DOCA RDMA enables direct access to the memory of remote machines, without interrupting the processing of their CPUs or operating systems. Avoiding CPU interruptions reduces context switching for I/O operations, leading to lower latency and higher bandwidth compared to traditional network communication methods.

DOCA RDMA library provides an API to execute the various RDMA operations.

This document is intended for software developers wishing to improve their applications by utilizing RDMA operations.


RDMA operations should be executed over a secure channel in a production deployment, given the sensitivity that arises from the nature of the protocol.

This library follows the architecture of a DOCA Core Context, it is recommended read the following sections before proceeding:

DOCA RDMA-based applications can run either on the host machine or on the NVIDIA® BlueField® networking platform (DPU or SuperNIC).

DOCA RDMA is a DOCA Context as defined by DOCA Core. See NVIDIA DOCA Core Context for more information.

DOCA RDMA consists of two connected sides, passing data between one another. This includes the option for one side to access the remote side's memory if the granted permissions allow it.

The connection between the two sides can either be based on InfiniBand (IB) or based on Ethernet using RoCE.

DOCA RDMA leverages the Core architecture to expose asynchronous tasks/events that are offloaded to hardware.

The supported operations that may be executed between the two sides, using DOCA RDMA, are:

  • Receive

  • Send

  • Send with immediate

  • Write

  • Write with immediate

  • Read

  • Atomic compare and swap

  • Atomic fetch and add

  • Get remote DOCA Sync Event

  • Set remote DOCA Sync Event

  • Add remote DOCA Sync Event



The RDMA library requires a DOCA device to operate. This device is used to utilize the connection between the peers in RDMA, access memory, and perform the different operations.


The device must stay valid until the RDMA instance is destroyed.

Memory Map

Executing any DOCA RDMA operation in which data is passed between the peers requires creating a memory map (mmap) on each side.

  • The mmap's permissions must include the relevant RDMA permission, according to the required RDMA operations. Tasks fail in case of insufficient permissions.


    Refer to section "Permissions" for more information.

  • To allow the peer to execute RDMA operations, the mmap must be exported, using doca_mmap_export_rdma(), and passed to the peer (i.e., the side requesting the RDMA operation) where the remote mmap is created and used to access the memory.

Buffer Inventory and Buffers

Executing any DOCA RDMA operation, in which data is passed between the peers, requires using buffers, and thus requires a buffer inventory as well.

Each operation calls for a different set-up for the buffers in use, this is explicitly explained in the "Tasks" section.

To start using the library you need to first go through a configuration phase as described in DOCA Core Context Configuration Phase

This section describes how to configure and start the context, to allow execution of tasks and retrieval of events.


The context can be configured to match the application use case.

Mandatory Configurations

These configurations are mandatory and must be set by the application before attempting to start the context:

Task Configurations

At least one task/event type must be configured. See configuration of Tasks and/or Events.


Different tasks require different permission to be set for both the RDMA and the mmap in use.

The following table summarizes the necessary RDMA and mmap permissions for each RDMA operation:

DOCA RDMA task Types

Minimal Permissions

Should Export MMAP? 1

The Side Submitting the Task

The Peer






Get Remote Sync Event

Local read write

RDMA read

Local read write | RDMA read



Write with Immediate

Set Remote Sync Event

Local read write

RDMA write

Local read write | RDMA write


Atomic Compare and Swap

Atomic Fetch and Add

Add Remote Sync Event

Local read write

RDMA atomic

Local read write | RDMA atomic



Send with Immediate

Local read write

Local read write



Depending on the received task

Local read write

Not relevant

  1. Refers to the peer. A side that only submits tasks is never required to export an mmap.     

Optional Configurations

If these configurations are not set, a default value is used.

Users may edit the default properties of the RDMA instance using the doca_rdma_set_<property>(). The user may also query the default/set properties using doca_rdma_cap_get_<property>(struct doca_rdma *, …) functions.


The number of tasks that can be submitted in bulk is dependent on the properties max_send_buf_list_len and send_queue_size.

Refer to section "Library Capability" for querying valid property values when configuring the library context.


While it is possible to select "dynamically connected" (DC) as transport type using doca_rdma_set_transport_type(), current support for this transport type is in alpha level only.

Device Support

DOCA RDMA requires a device to operate. For picking a device, see DOCA Core Device Discovery.

As device capabilities may change in the future, it is recommended to query each doca_devinfo fo r its capabilities relevant to RDMA operations, using doca_rdma_cap_*(struct doca_devinfo *, …) functions, and check whether the device is suitable for the required RDMA task types, using doca_rdma_task_<task_type>_is_supported().

BlueField-2 and higher devices are supported:

  • On the host, any doca_dev is supported

  • On the BlueField Platform, applications must provide the library with SFs as a doca_dev. See OpenvSwitch Acceleration - OVS in DOCA and BlueField DPU Scalable Function to see how to create SFs and connect them to the appropriate ports.


    An exception to this is when running RDMA on the DPA datapath, which currently only supports PFs.

Buffer Support

The DOCA RDMA library utilizes different buffer types, depending on the task and the buffer's purpose:

  • Local mmap buffer

  • Mmap from RDMA export buffer

  • Mmap from PCIe export buffers


    This type of buffer can be used in an equivalent manner to local mmap buffers.

  • Linked list buffer

For task-specific information, refer to section "Tasks".

Multiple Connections

Multiple parallel connections can be established between peers, enabling an RDMA instance to simultaneously connect to different peers. A unique connection object is provided as to identify and use each established connection.

The maximum number of connection supported by a RDMA instance may be configured using doca_rdma_set_max_num_connections().

To terminate a connection, the connection object must be provided as input to doca_rdma_connection_disconnect().


All established connections are automatically terminated when the context is stopped


All connection methods allow multiple connections. However, the specifics way for providing the connection object depends on the connection methods. See section "Establishing RDMA Connections" for more information

Establishing RDMA Connections

To establish the communication between the peers and allow the execution of different DOCA RDMA tasks, the RDMA instances must be connected.


This should be executed after doca_ctx_start() is called.


Refer to section "State Machine" for more information.

There are three methods for establishing RDMA connections as detailed in the following subsections.

Exporting and Connecting RDMA

Connecting the RDMA instances can be done by e xporting each RDMA instance to the remote side to a blob by using doca_rdma_export(), transferring the blob to the opposite side, out-of-band (OOB), and providing it as input to the doca_rdma_connect() function on that side.

All in all, the configuration flow should be as presented in the following image:



The exported data contains sensitive information. Make sure to pass this data through a secure channel!


The doca_rdma_export() returns a unique connection object identifying this connection. This object must be provided as input to doca_rdma_connect() ( to perform a connection ) or to doca_rdma_connection_disconnect() (to perform a disconnection), and to all task allocations exchanged over this connection.


An RDMA instance can perform an asymmetric disconnection process using doca_rdma_connection_disconnect().


The RDMA instance which did not initiate the disconnection process will not receive a notification.

Connecting Using RDMA CM Connection Flow

The RDMA CM (communication manager) flow uses the server/client scheme where one of the RDMA instances acts as a server for the second RDMA instance (client). The process for both RDMA instances is non-blocking, event driven, and governed by the progress engine (PE). The connection process is reported to both instances by callbacks which should be set with doca_rdma_set_connection_state_callbacks().

There are four state callbacks:

  • Connection request callback – This function is called by doca_pe_progress() when a connection request is received by an RDMA instance acting as server

  • Connection established callback – This function is called by doca_pe_progress() when a connection is successfully established between server/client RDMA instances

  • Connection failure callback – This function is called by doca_pe_progress() when a connection fails to be established between server/client RDMA instances

  • Connection disconnection callback – This function is called by doca_pe_progress() when a connection disconnects either server/client RDMA instances

A typical connection flow would be as follows:

  1. Prior to initiating a connection, the RDMA instance acting as server (i.e., RDMA server) must start active listening for a connection from a remote RDMA peer (using RDMA CM) to a specific port using doca_rdma_start_listen_to_port(). An RDMA server can stop listening for a connection from a remote RDMA peer (using RDMA CM) by using doca_rdma_stop_listen_to_port().

  2. The RDMA CM instance acting as client (i.e., RDMA client) can now perform an RDMA connection to the RDMA server. As first step it must create an address object by using doca_rdma_addr_create(). The parameters to this function correspond to the RDMA server details required to perform a connection. This object can be destroyed by using doca_rdma_addr_destroy(), and retrieve it from a connection with doca_rdma_connection_get_addr().

  3. The RDMA client can set the connection user data to include in each connection using doca_rdma_connection_set_user_data(), and retrieve it from a connection using doca_rdma_connection_get_user_data().

  4. The RDMA client can now perform a connection to the RDMA server using doca_rdma_connect_to_addr(). Depending on the network topology and configuration, the connection can be established with IPv4, IPv6, or GID.

  5. The RDMA server receives a notification with a connection request through the previously set connection request callback function. The RDMA server can decide to accept the connection with doca_rdma_connection_accept() or reject the connection with doca_rdma_connection_reject().

    • If the RDMA server rejects the connection or the connection cannot be successfully established, the RDMA server and RDMA client receive a notification through the connection failure callback function.

    • If the RDMA server accepts the connection and the connection can be successfully established, the RDMA server and RDMA client receive a notification through the connection established callback function.

  6. After the RDMA operation is complete, either side can perform the disconnection process using doca_rdma_connection_disconnect(). The RDMA instance that did not initiate the disconnection process receives a notification through the disconnection callback function.



The connection process involves resolving the RDMA server connection address. This process is limited by the connection_request_timeout property which can be set using doca_rdma_set_connection_request_timeout() and retrieved using doca_rdma_get_connection_request_timeout().


The RDMA server "connection request" callback and the RDMA client "connection established" callback functions provide a connection object unique to the connection. This object must be provided as input to doca_rdma_connection_accept() , doca_rdma_connection_reject(), and/or doca_rdma_connection_disconnect() as well as to all task allocations exchanged over this connection. The same procedure is followed for each separate connection in order to have a unique connection object per connection.


If a connection fails to be established between server/client RDMA instances, the connection object is valid only in the connection failure callback, and is implicitly destroyed immediately after return.


The doca_rdma_connection_accept() method accepts private data as an input parameter that gets transparently passed to the remote side as part of the communication request.

Using Bridge Functions to Accept CM Connection

DOCA RDMA offers connection functionality for user RDMA CM applications acting as a server that maintains a CM event channel and performs the listen process itself (i.e., not using DOCA RDMA connection flow functions).

The functionality must be executed as follows:

  1. Server user application, using RDMA CM, must create an RDMA CM event channel, start active listening for a connection from a remote RDMA peer, and monitor the created CM event channel. These functions are performed without the use of the DOCA RDMA connection flow functions explained in section "Connecting Using RDMA CM Connection Flow".

  2. Once the server user application received a connection request from a remote RDMA peer acting as client (using RDMA CM), it can call doca_rdma_bridge_accept(). This method acts as a bridge to accept a connection request from an application that performs the listen process by itself. The previously explained doca_rdma_connection_accept() cannot be used for this connection step as the user application needs to provide the RDMA CM id to accept the connection.

  3. After the server side calls doca_rdma_bridge_accept() and confirms the client connection is successfully established, it should call doca_rdma_bridge_established() to finish the connection process from the server side. Only after a connection is established can DOCA RDMA tasks be allocated and submitted.



The doca_rdma_bridge_accept() method returns a unique connection object that identifies the connection. This object must be provided as input to doca_rdma_bridge_established() to finish the connection process from the server side as well as to all task allocations exchanged over this connection. The same procedure is required for each separate connection so as to have a unique connection object per connection.


The doca_rdma_bridge_accept() method accepts private data as input parameter that is transparently passed to the remote side as part of the communication request.

This section describes execution on CPU using DOCA Core PE. For additional execution environments refer to section "Alternative Datapath Options".


DOCA RDMA exposes asynchronous tasks that leverage the DPU hardware according to the DOCA Core architecture. See DOCA Core Task.


Most DOCA RDMA operations are not atomic and therefore it is imperative that the application handle synchronization appropriately. Moreover, successful completion of a write task, with or without immediate, does not guarantee data has been fully written to the remote address.


All buffers used in DOCA RDMA tasks must remain valid until the task result is retrieved.

Receive Task

This task should be submitted prior to an expected submission of a send/send with immediate/write with immediate task on the remote side.

Task Configuration


API to Set the Configuration

API to Query Support

Enable the task



Number of tasks


Destination buffer list length



Task Input

Common input as described in DOCA Core Task.




Destination buffer

Buffer pointing to a local memory address. The data is written to the buffer upon successful completion of the task.

  • Linked list buffers are supported

  • The given destination buffer/list of buffers (given in dst_buf) must have a total length sufficient for the expected message size or the task would fail

  • The destination buffer is not mandatory and may be NULL when the requested DOCA RDMA task on the remote side is "write with immediate" or when the remote side is sending an empty message, with or without immediate (these tasks are presented later on in the "Tasks" section)

  • For the DOCA RDMA receive task, the length of each buffer is considered as the length from the end of the data section until the end of the buffer, as this is the available memory that can be written to in each buffer. The data length is increased in each buffer if data is written to it once the task is successfully completed.

Task Output

Common output as described in DOCA Core Task.




Result length

The length of data received by the task

Valid only on successful completion of the task

Result opcode

The opcode of the operation executed by the peer and received by the task

Valid only after task completion, irrespective of success

Result immediate data

The immediate data received by the task

  • Valid only on successful completion of the task

  • Valid only when an immediate value was received (i.e. when the result opcode is DOCA_RDMA_OPCODE_RECV_SEND_WITH_IMM or DOCA_RDMA_OPCODE_RECV_WRITE_WITH_IMM) – may be retrieved using doca_rdma_task_receive_get_result_opcode())

RDMA connection

The RDMA connection used by the task

Valid only on successful completion callback of the task

Task Completion Success

After the task completes successfully, the following happens:

  • The received data is copied to the tail segment extending the original data segment

  • The data length is increased by the received data length

Task Completion Failure

If the task fails midway:

  • If a fatal error occurs, the context is stopped, and the task should be freed by the user

  • If a non-fatal error occurs, the task status is updated. Some buffers may be updated and some may remain unchanged.

Task Limitations

  • The operation is not atomic and therefore it is imperative that the application handle synchronization appropriately

  • The destination buffer must remain valid until task is completed

  • The total length of the message must not exceed the max_message_size device capability

  • The buffer list length must not exceed the dst_buf_list_len property of the DOCA RDMA receive task

  • Other limitations are described in DOCA Core Task

Send Task

This task should be submitted to transfer a message to the remote side, and while the remote side is expecting a message and had submitted a receive task beforehand.

Task Configuration


API to Set the Configuration

API to Query Support

Enable the task



Number of tasks


Source buffer list length

doca_rdma_set_max_send_buf_list_len 2


  1. This configuration affects other tasks as well.     

Task Input

Common input as described in DOCA Core Task.




Source buffer

Buffer pointing to a local memory address and holds the data to be sent to the remote peer

  • Linked list buffers are supported

  • The total length of the given source buffer/list of buffers (in src_buf) may not exceed the expected message size on the remote side or the task fails

  • The source buffer is not mandatory and may be NULL when wishing to send an empty message

  • For the DOCA RDMA send task, the length of each buffer is considered as its data length

RDMA connection

The RDMA connection to use on the task

Connection object provided in the connection establishment process as described in the "Establishing RDMA Connections" section

Task Output

Common output as described in DOCA Core Task.

Task Completion Success

After the task completes successfully, the following happens:

  • On successful completion of the task, the data in the source buffer will be sent to the remote side.

  • It doesn't indicate that the data is received by the remote side.

Task Completion Failure

If the task fails midway:

  • If a fatal error occurs, the context is stopped, and the task should be freed by the user

  • If a non-fatal error occurs, the task status is updated

Task Limitations

  • The operation is not atomic. Therefore, it is imperative for the application to handle synchronization appropriately.

  • The source buffer must remain valid until the task completes

  • The total length of the message must not exceed the max_message_size device capability

  • The buffer list length must not exceed the max_send_buf_list_len property of the DOCA RDMA instance

  • Other limitations are described in DOCA Core Task

Send With Immediate Task

This task should be submitted to transfer a message to the remote side with immediate data (a 32-bit value sent to the remote side, out-of-band) , and while the remote side is expecting a message and had submitted a receive task beforehand.

Task Configuration


API to Set the Configuration

API to Query Support

Enable the task



Number of tasks


Source buffer list length

doca_rdma_set_max_send_buf_list_len 3


  1. This configuration affects other tasks as well.     

Task Input

Common input as described in DOCA Core Task.




Source buffer

Buffer pointing to a local memory address and holding the data to be sent to the remote peer

  • Linked list buffers are supported.

  • The total length of the given source buffer/list of buffers (in src_buf) may not exceed the expected message size on the remote side or the task fails.

  • The source buffer is not mandatory and may be NULL when wishing to send an empty message (may be relevant when wishing to keep a connection alive)

  • For the DOCA RDMA send task, the length of each buffer is considered as its data length

Immediate data

32-bit value sent to the remote side, out-of-band

  • The immediate_data field should be in Big-Endian format. This value is received by the remote side only once a receive task is completed successfully.

RDMA connection

The RDMA connection to use on the task

Connection object provided in the connection establishment process as described in the "Establishing RDMA Connections" section

Task Output

Common output as described in DOCA Core Task.

Task Completion Success

After the task completes successfully, the following happens:

  • The data in the source buffer is sent to the remote side

  • It does not indicate that the data is received by the remote side

Task Completion Failure

If the task fails midway:

  • If a fatal error occurs, the context is stopped, and the task should be freed by the user

  • If a non-fatal error occurs, the task status is updated

Task Limitations

  • The operation is not atomic. Therefore, it is imperative for the application to handle synchronization appropriately.

  • The source buffer must remain valid until the task completes

  • The total length of the message must not exceed the max_message_size device capability

  • The buffer list length must not exceed the max_send_buf_list_len property of the DOCA RDMA instance

  • Other limitations are described in DOCA Core Task

Read Task

This task should be submitted when wishing to read data from remote memory (i.e., the memory on the remote side of the connection).

Task Configuration


API to Set the Configuration

API to Query Support

Enable the task



Number of tasks


Destination buffer list length

doca_rdma_set_max_send_buf_list_len 4


  1. This configuration affects other tasks as well.     

Task Input

Common input as described in DOCA Core Task.




Source buffer

Points to a remote memory address and holds the data to be read

  • Linked list buffers are not supported

  • The source buffer (src_buf) is not mandatory and may be NULL when wishing to read zero bytes (may be relevant when wishing to keep a connection alive)

  • The data is read only from the data section of the source buffer

  • The length of the source buffer is considered its data length. The length of data read from the source buffer depends on its data length yet cannot exceed the total length of the given destination buffer/list of buffers. That is, the actual length read depends on the minimal length between the source and destination.

Destination buffer

Points to a local memory address. The data is written to the buffer upon successful completion of the task

  • Linked list buffers are supported

  • The length of each destination buffer is considered as the length from the end of the data section until the end of the buffer, as this is the available memory that can be written to in each buffer

  • May be NULL if the source buffer has been set to NULL

RDMA connection

The RDMA connection to use on the task

Connection object provided in the connection establishment process as described in the "Establishing RDMA Connections" section

Task Output

Common output as described in DOCA Core Task.




Result length

The length of data read by the task

Valid only on successful completion of the task

Task Completion Success

After the task completes successfully, the following happens:

  • The read data is appended after the data section in the destination buffer, as it was prior to the task submission

  • The data length is increased by the read data length

Task Completion Failure

If the task fails midway:

  • If a fatal error occurs, the context is stopped, and the task should be freed by the user

  • If a non-fatal error occurs, the task status is updated. Some destination buffers may be updated, and some may remain unchanged.

Task Limitations

  • The operation is not atomic. Therefore, it is imperative for the application to handle synchronization appropriately.

  • The task buffers must remain valid until task is completed

  • The given source buffer length must not exceed the max_message_size device capability

  • The destination buffer list length must not exceed the max_send_buf_list_len property of the DOCA RDMA instance

  • Other limitations are described in DOCA Core Task

Write Task

This task should be submitted when wishing to write data to remote memory (i.e., the memory on the remote side of the connection).

Task Configuration


API to Set the Configuration

API to Query Support

Enable the task



Number of tasks


Source buffer list length

doca_rdma_set_max_send_buf_list_len 5


  1. This configuration affects other tasks as well.     

Task Input

Common input as described in DOCA Core Task.




Source buffer

Buffer pointing to a local memory address and holding the data to be written to the remote peer.

  • Linked list buffers are supported

  • The source buffer should point to a local memory address from which the data should be read. The data is read only from the data section of the source buffer.

  • The source buffer (src_buf) is not mandatory and may be NULL when wishing to write zero bytes (may be relevant when wishing to keep a connection alive)

  • The length of the buffer is considered as its data length

Destination buffer

Points to a remote memory address. The data is written to the buffer upon successful completion of the task.

  • Linked list buffers are not supported

  • The destination buffer ( dst_buf ) should point to a remote memory address

  • The length of the buffer is considered as its data length

  • The length of the destination buffer is considered as the length from the end of the data section until the end of the buffer, as this is the available memory that can be written to

  • The length of data written to the destination buffer depends on the total length of the given source buffer/list of buffers

  • May be NULL if the source buffer was set to NULL

RDMA connection

The RDMA connection to use on the task

Connection object provided in the connection establishment process as described in the "Establishing RDMA Connections" section

Task Output

Common output as described in DOCA Core Task.

Task Completion Success

After the task completes successfully, the following happens:

  • The written data is appended after the data section in the destination buffer, as it was prior to the task submission.

  • The data length is increased by the written data length

Task Completion Failure

If the task fails midway:

  • If a fatal error occurs, the context is stopped, and the task should be freed by the user

  • If a non-fatal error occurs, the task status is updated. Some destination buffers may be updated, and some may remain unchanged.

Task Limitations

  • The operation is not atomic. Therefore, it is imperative for the application to handle synchronization appropriately.

  • The task buffers must remain valid until task is completed

  • The total length of the given source buffer/list of buffers must be not exceed the max_message_size device capability

  • The source buffer list length must not exceed the max_send_buf_list_len property of the DOCA RDMA instance

  • Other limitations are described in DOCA Core Task

Write With Immediate Task

This task should be submitted when wishing to write data to remote memory (i.e., the memory on the remote side of the connection).

Task Configuration


API to Set the Configuration

API to Query Support

Enable the task



Number of tasks


Source buffer list length

doca_rdma_set_max_send_buf_list_len 6


  1. This configuration affects other tasks as well.     

Task Input

Common input as described in DOCA Core Task.




Source buffer

Buffer pointing to a local memory address and holding the data to be written to the remote peer

  • Linked list buffers are supported

  • The source buffer should point to a local memory address from which the data should be read. The data is read only from the data section of the source buffer.

  • The source buffer (src_buf) is not mandatory and may be NULL when wishing to write zero bytes

  • The length of the buffer is considered as its data length

Destination buffer

Points to a remote memory address. The data is written to the buffer upon successful completion of the task.

  • Linked list buffers are not supported

  • The destination buffer ( dst_buf ) should point to a remote memory address

  • The length of the buffer is considered as its data length

  • The length of the destination buffer is considered as the length from the end of the data section until the end of the buffer, as this is the available memory that can be written to

  • The length of data written to the destination buffer depends on the total length of the given source buffer/list of buffers

  • May be NULL if the source buffer was set to NULL

Immediate data

32-bit value sent to the remote side, out-of-band

  • Should be in a Big-Endian format

  • Value is received by the remote side only once a receive task completes successfully

RDMA connection

The RDMA connection to use on the task

Connection object provided in the connection establishment process as described in the "Establishing RDMA Connections" section

Task Output

Common output as described in DOCA Core Task.

Task Completion Success

A write with immediate task succeeds only if the remote side is expecting the immediate and had submitted a receive task beforehand.

After the task completes successfully, the following happens:

  • The written data is appended after the data section in the destination buffer, as it was prior to the task submission

  • The data length is increased by the written data length.

Task Completion Failure

If the task fails midway:

  • If a fatal error occurs, the context is stopped, and the task should be freed by the user

  • If a non-fatal error occurs, the task status is updated. Some destination buffers may be updated, and some may remain unchanged .

Task Limitations

  • The operation is not atomic. Therefore, it is imperative for the application to handle synchronization appropriately.

  • The tasks buffers must remain valid until task is completed

  • The total length of the given source buffer/list of buffers must be not exceed the max_message_size device capability

  • The source buffer list length must not exceed the max_send_buf_list_len property of the DOCA RDMA instance

  • Other limitations are described in DOCA Core Task

Atomic Compare and Swap Task

This task should be submitted when wishing to execute an 8-byte atomic read-modify-write operation on the remote memory (i.e., the memory on the remote side of the connection), in which the remote value is retrieved and updated if it is equal to a given value.

Task Configuration


API to Set the Configuration

API to Query Support

Enable the task



Number of tasks


Task Input

Common input as described in DOCA Core Task.




Destination buffer

Buffer pointing to a remote memory address

  • Linked list buffers are not supported

  • The destination buffer's data section must begin in a memory address aligned to 8-bytes

  • Only the first 8-bytes following the data address are considered for atomic operations

Compare data

64-bit value to be compared with the value in the destination buffer

Swap data

64-bit value to be swapped with the value in the destination buffer

  • The value in the destination buffer is only swapped if the compared data value is equal to the value in the destination buffer. Otherwise, the destination buffer remains unchanged.

Result buffer

Buffer pointing to a local memory address. The original value of the destination buffer (before executing the atomic operation) is written to the buffer upon success.

  • Linked list buffers are not supported

  • The result is written to the first 8-bytes following the data address

RDMA connection

The RDMA connection to use on the task

Connection object provided in the connection establishment process as described in the "Establishing RDMA Connections" section

Task Output

Common output as described in DOCA Core Task.

Task Completion Success

After the task completes successfully, the following happens:

  • If the compared values are equal, the value in the destination is swapped with the 64-bit value in the task's swap data field (swap_data)

  • If the compared values are not equal, the value in the destination value remains unchanged

  • The original value of the destination buffer (before executing the atomic operation) is written to the result buffer

Task Completion Failure

If the task fails midway:

  • The context is stopped, and the task should be freed by the user

Task Limitations

  • Task buffers must remain valid until task is completed

  • Other limitations are described in DOCA Core Task

Atomic Fetch and Add Task

This task should be submitted when wishing to execute an 8-byte atomic read-modify-write operation on the remote memory (i.e., the memory on the remote side of the connection), in which the remote value is retrieved and increased by a given value.

Task Configuration


API to Set the Configuration

API to Query Support

Enable the task



Number of tasks


Task Input

Common input as described in DOCA Core Task.




Destination buffer

Buffer that points to a remote memory address

  • Linked list buffers are not supported

  • The destination buffer's data section must begin in a memory address aligned to 8-bytes

  • Only the first 8-bytes following the data address are considered for atomic operations

Add data

64-bit value to be added to the value in the destination buffer

Result buffer

Buffer pointing to a local memory address. The original value of the destination buffer (before executing the atomic operation) is written to the buffer upon success.

  • Linked list buffers are not supported

  • The result is written to the first 8-bytes following the data address

RDMA connection

The RDMA connection to use on the task

Connection object provided in the connection establishment process as described in the "Establishing RDMA Connections" section

Task Output

Common output as described in DOCA Core Task.

Task Completion Success

After the task completes successfully, the following happens:

  • The value in the destination is increased by the 64-bit value in the task's add data field

  • The original value of the destination buffer (before executing the atomic operation) is written to the result buffer

Task Completion Failure

If the task fails midway:

  • The context is stopped, and the task should be freed by the user

Task Limitations

  • Task buffers must remain valid until task is completed

  • Other limitations are described in DOCA Core Task

Get Remote Sync Event Task

This task should be submitted when wishing to get the value of a remote sync event.

Task Configuration


API to Set the Configuration

API to Query Support

Enable the task



Number of tasks


Destination buffer list length

doca_rdma_set_max_send_buf_list_len 7


  1. This configuration affects other tasks as well.     

Task Input

Common input as described in DOCA Core Task.




Sync Event

The remote DOCA Sync Event to get its value

Destination buffer

Points to a local memory address. The Sync Event value is written to the buffer upon successful completion of the task.

  • Linked list buffers are supported

  • The length of the each buffer is considered as the length from the end of the data section until the end of the buffer, as this is the available memory that can be written to in each buffer

RDMA connection

The RDMA connection to use on the task

Connection object provided in the connection establishment process as described in the "Establishing RDMA Connections" section

Task Output

Common output as described in DOCA Core Task.




Result length

The length of data received by the task

Valid only on successful completion of the task

Task Completion Success

After the task completes successfully, the following happens:

  • The remote Sync Event value is appended after the data section in the destination buffer, as it was prior to the task submission

  • The data length is increased by the retrieved data length

Task Completion Failure

If the task fails midway:

  • If a fatal error occurs, the context is stopped, and the task should be freed by the user

  • If a non-fatal error occurs, the task status is updated. Some destination buffers may be updated, and some may remain unchanged .

Task Limitations

  • The operation is not atomic. Therefore, it is imperative for the application to handle synchronization appropriately.

  • The destination buffer must remain valid until the task is completed

  • The destination buffer list length must not exceed the max_send_buf_list_len property of the DOCA RDMA instance

  • Other limitations are described in DOCA Core Task

Set Remote Sync Event Task

This task should be submitted when wishing to set a remote sync event to a given value.

Task Configuration


API to Set the Configuration

API to Query Support

Enable the task



Number of tasks


Source buffer list length

doca_rdma_set_max_send_buf_list_len 8


  1. This configuration affects other tasks as well.     

Task Input

Common input as described in DOCA Core Task.




Source buffer

Points to a local memory address from which the Sync Event should be retrieved

  • Linked list buffers are supported

  • The data is retrieved only from the buffer data section, until 8-bytes

  • The length of the source buffer is considered its data length. The length of data retrieved from the source buffer will not exceed the Sync Event value length (8-bytes) . Thus, the actual length retrieved depends on the minimal length between the source buffer and Sync Event value length .

Sync Event

The remote DOCA Sync Event to get its value

RDMA connection

The RDMA connection to use on the task

Connection object provided in the connection establishment process as described in the "Establishing RDMA Connections" section

Task Output

Common output as described in DOCA Core Task.

Task Completion Success

After the task completes successfully, the following happens:

  • The remote sync event value is set to the data in the source buffer

Task Completion Failure

If the task fails midway:

  • If a fatal error occurs, the context is stopped, and the task should be freed by the user

  • If a non-fatal error occurs, the task status is updated, and the Sync Event value is undefined

Task Limitations

  • The operation is not atomic. Therefore, it is imperative for the application to handle synchronization appropriately.

  • The source buffer must remain valid until the task completes

  • The source buffer list length must not exceed the max_send_buf_list_len property of the DOCA RDMA instance

  • Other limitations are described in DOCA Core Task

Add Remote Sync Event Task

This task should be submitted when wishing to atomically increase a remote sync event by a given value.

Task Configuration


API to Set the Configuration

API to Query Support

Enable the task



Number of tasks


Task Input

Common input as described in DOCA Core Task.




Sync event

A remote Sync Event

Add data

64-bit value that is added to the Sync Event value

Result buffer

Buffer pointing to a local memory address. The original Sync Event value of the destination buffer (before executing the atomic operation) is written to the buffer upon success.

  • Linked list buffers are not supported

  • The result is written to the first 8-bytes following the data address

RDMA connection

The RDMA connection to use on the task

Connection object provided in the connection establishment process as described in the "Establishing RDMA Connections" section

Task Output

Common output as described in DOCA Core Task.

Task Completion Success

After the task completes successfully, the following happens:

  • The value of the remote sync event is increased by the 64-bit value in the task's add data field

  • The original value of the remote sync event (before executing the operation) is written to the result buffer

Task Completion Failure

If the task fails midway:

  • The context is stopped, and the task should be freed by the user

Task Limitations

  • Result buffer must remain valid until task is completed

  • Other limitations are described in DOCA Core Task


DOCA RDMA exposes asynchronous events to notify about changes that happen unexpectedly, according to DOCA Core architecture.

The only event DOCA RDMA exposes is common events as described in DOCA Core Event.

The DOCA RDMA library follows the Context state machine as described in DOCA Core Context State Machine .

The following section describes how to move states and what is allowed in each state.


In this state, it is expected that application either:

  • Destroys the context

  • Starts the context

Allowed operations:

  • Configuring the context according to section "Configurations"

  • Starting the context

It is possible to reach this state as follows:

Previous State

Transition Action


Create the context


Call stop after making sure all tasks have been freed


Call progress until all tasks are completed and freed


This state cannot be reached.


In this state, it is expected that application:

  1. Connects the RDMA instances on both peers. Refer to section "Establishing RDMA Connections" for more information.

  2. Performs an RDMA instance disconnection process . Refer to section "Establishing RDMA Connections" for more information.

  3. Performs a new connection of the RDMA instances on both peers after an RDMA instance disconnection process. Refer to section "Establishing RDMA Connections" for more information.

  4. Accepts and indicates an established RDMA connection if the listening and CM channel monitoring was done by the user application. Refer to section "Connecting Using RDMA CM Connection Flow" for more information.

  5. Allocates and submits tasks.

  6. Calls progress to complete tasks and/or receive events.

Allowed operations:

  • Performing a connection between 2 peers

  • Allocating previously configured task

  • Submitting an allocated task

  • Calling stop

It is possible to reach this state as follows:

Previous State

Transition Action


Call start after configuration


In this state, it is expected that application:

  1. Calls progress to complete all inflight tasks (tasks complete with failure)

  2. Frees any completed tasks

  3. Performs an RDMA instance disconnection process. Refer to section "Establishing RDMA Connections" for more information

Allowed operations:

  • Call progress

It is possible to reach this state as follows:

Previous State

Transition Action


Call progress and fatal error occurs


Call stop without freeing all tasks

DOCA RDMA allows data path to be run on DPA or GPU.

DPA Datapath

DOCA offers the DOCA DPA library which provides a programming model for offloading communication-centric user code to run on the DPA processor on the BlueField DPU. For additional information on the DOCA DPA library.

The user can choose to run an RDMA operation on the DPA datapath by configuring the DOCA RDMA context used by the application in the following manner:

  1. Obtain DOCA CTX by calling doca_rdma_as_ctx().

  2. Set the datapath of the context to DPA by calling doca_ctx_set_datapath_on_dpa(). For additional information, refer to DOCA Core Alternative Data Path.

  3. Finish context configuration and start the context by calling doca_ctx_start(). For additional information, refer to DOCA Context.

After configuring the datapath, the user can obtain a DPA handle for the DOCA RDMA context by calling doca_rdma_get_dpa_handle().

The DPA handle can be used by the DOCA DPA library for datapath operations. For additional information, refer to DOCA DPA Communication Model.

GPU Datapath

DOCA offers the DOCA GPUNetIO library which provides a programming model for offloading the orchestration of the communication to a GPU CUDA kernel. For additional information on the DOCA GPUNetIO library.

The user can choose to run an RDMA operation on the GPU datapath by configuring the DOCA RDMA context used by the application in the following manner:

  1. Obtain DOCA CTX by calling doca_rdma_as_ctx().

  2. Set the datapath of the context to GPU by calling doca_ctx_set_datapath_on_gpu(). For additional information, refer to DOCA Core Alternative Data Path.

  3. Finish context configuration and start the context by calling doca_ctx_start(). For additional information, refer to DOCA Core Context.

After configuring the datapath, the user can obtain a GPU handle for the DOCA RDMA context by calling doca_rdma_get_gpu_handle().

The GPU handle must be passed to a GPU CUDA kernel so the DOCA GPUNetIO CUDA device functions can execute datapath operations. For additional information, refer to DOCA GPUNetIO device functions.

These samples illustrate how to use the DOCA RDMA API to execute DOCA RDMA operations.


All the DOCA samples described in this section are governed under the BSD-3 software license agreement.

Running the Samples

  1. Refer to the following documents:

  2. To build a given sample:


    cd /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/<sample_name> meson /tmp/build ninja -C /tmp/build


    The binary doca_<sample_name> is created under /tmp/build/.

  3. Sample usage:

    • Common arguments



      -d, --device

      IB device name (optional). If not provided, a random IB device is assigned.

      -ld, --local-descriptor-path

      Local descriptor file path that includes the local connection information to be copied to the remote program

      -re, --remote-descriptor-path

      Remote descriptor file path that includes the remote connection information to be copied from the remote program

      -m, --mmap-descriptor-path

      Remote descriptor file path that includes the remote mmap connection information to be copied from the remote program

      -g, --gid-index

      GID index for DOCA RDMA (optional)

      -tt, ---transport-type

      Transport type for DOCA RDMA (RC or DC; optional); only useful for single out-of-band RDMA connection currently

      -cm, --use-rdma-cm

      Whether to use RDMA CM or OOB to setup connection

      -lp, --listen-port

      Server listen port number

      -sa, --server-addr

      RDMA CM server device address

      -sat, --server-addr-type

      RDMA CM server device address type: IPv4, IPv6, or GID

    • Sample-specific arguments




      RDMA Read Responder

      -r, --read-string

      String to read (optional). If not provided, "Hi DOCA RDMA!" is defined.

      RDMA Send

      RDMA Send Immediate

      RDMA Multi-conn Send

      -s, --send-string

      RDMA Write Requester

      RDMA Write Immediate Requester

      -w, --write-string

      RDMA Multi-conn Send

      RDMA Multi-conn Receive

      -nc, --num-connections

      Number of connections for DOCA RDMA (optional); max connections number must be ≤8 in this sample

  4. For additional information per sample, use the -h option:


    /tmp/build/<sample_name> -h


Each sample presents a connection between two peers, transferring data from one to another, using a different RDMA operation in each sample. For more information on the available RDMA operations, refer to section "Tasks".

Each sample is comprised of two executables, each running on a peer.

The samples can run on either DPU or host, as long as the chosen peers have a connection between them.


Prior to running the samples, ensure that the chosen devices, selected by the device name and the GID index, are set correctly and have a connection between one another. In each sample, it is the user's responsibility to copy the descriptors between the peers.

Most of the samples follow the following main basic steps:

  1. Allocating resources:

    1. Locating and opening a device. The chosen device is one that supports the tasks relevant for the sample. If the sample requires no task, any device may be chosen.

    2. Creating a local MMAP and configuring it (including setting the MMAP memory range and relevant permissions)

    3. Creating a DOCA PE

    4. Creating an RDMA instance and configuring it (including setting the relevant permissions)

    5. Connecting the RDMA context to the PE

  2. Sample-specific configurations:

    1. Configuring the tasks relevant to the sample, if any. Including:

      1. Setting the number of tasks for each task type.

      2. Setting callback functions for each task type, with the following logic:

        1. Successful completion callback:

          1. Verifying the data received from the remote, if any, is valid.

          2. Printing the transferred data.

          3. Freeing the task and task-specific resources (such as source/destination buffers).

          4. If an error occurs in steps a. and b., update the error that was encountered.


            If the context is not in idle sate, only the first error in the flow is saved.

          5. Decreasing the number of remaining tasks and stopping the context once it reaches 0.

        2. Failed completion callback:

          1. Update the error that was encountered.


            If the context is not in idle sate, only the first error in the flow is saved.

          2. Freeing the task and task-specific resources (such as source/destination buffers).

          3. Decreasing the number of remaining tasks and stopping the context once it reaches 0.

    2. Setting a state change callback function, with the following logic:

      • Once the context moves to Starting state (can only be reached from Idle), export and connect the RDMA and, in some samples, export the local mmap or the sync event.


        During this step, the user is responsible for copying the descriptors between the two peers.


        The descriptors are to be read and used only by the peer, using the relevant DOCA functions (the descriptors contain encoded data).

      • Once the context moves to Running state (can only be reached from Starting state in RDMA samples):

        • In some samples, only print a log and wait for the peer, or synchronize events

        • In other samples, prepare and submit a task:

          1. If needed, create an mmap from the received exported mmap descriptor, passed from the peer.

          2. Request the required buffers from the buffer inventory.

          3. Allocate and initiate the required task, together with setting the number of remaining tasks parameter as the task's user data.

          4. Submit the task.

      • Once the context moves to Stopping state, print a relevant log.

      • Once the context moves to Idle state:

        1. Print a relevant log.

        2. Send update that the main loop may be stopped.

  3. Setting the program's resources as the context user data to be used in callbacks.

  4. Creating a buffer inventory and starting it.

  5. Starting the context.


    After starting the context, the state change callback function is called by the PE which executes the relevant steps.


    In a successful run, each section is executed in the order they are presented in section 2.b.

  6. Progressing the PE until the context returns to Idle state and the main loop may be stooped, either because of a run in which all tasks have been completed, or due to a fatal error.

  7. Cleaning up the resources.


RDMA Read Requester

This sample illustrates how to read from a remote peer (the responder) using DOCA RDMA.

The sample logic is as presented in the General Sample Steps, with attention to the following:

  1. The permissions for the local mmap in this sample are set to local read and write.

  2. A read task is configured for this sample.

  3. In this sample, data is read from the peer, verified to be valid, and printed in the successful task completion callback.

  4. The local mmap is not exported as the peer does not intend to access it.

  5. To read from the peer, a remote mmap is created from the peer's exported mmap.


  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_read_requester/rdma_read_requester_sample.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_read_requester/rdma_read_requester_main.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_read_requester/

RDMA Read Responder

This sample illustrates how to set up a remote peer for a DOCA RDMA read request.

The sample logic is as presented in the General Sample Steps, with attention to the following:

  1. The permissions for both the local mmap and the RDMA instance in this sample allow for RDMA read.

  2. No tasks are configured for this sample, and thus no tasks are prepared and submitted, nor are there task completion callbacks.

  3. The local mmap is exported to the remote memory to allow it to be used by the peer for RDMA read.

  4. No remote mmap is created as there is no intention to access the remote memory in this sample.


  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_read_responder/rdma_read_responder_sample.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_read_responder/rdma_read_responder_main.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_read_responder/

RDMA Write

RDMA Write Requester

This sample illustrates how to write to a remote peer (the responder) using DOCA RDMA.

The sample logic is as presented in the General Sample Steps, with attention to the following:

  1. The permissions for the local mmap in this sample are set to local read and write.

  2. A write task is configured for this sample.

  3. In this sample, data is written to the peer and printed in the successful task completion callback.

  4. The local mmap is not exported as the peer does not intend to access it.

  5. To write to the peer, a remote mmap is created from the peer's exported mmap.


  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_write_requester/rdma_write_requester_sample.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_write_requester/rdma_write_requester_main.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_write_requester/

RDMA Write Responder

This sample illustrates how to set up a remote peer for a DOCA RDMA write request.

The sample logic is as presented in the General Sample Steps, with attention to the following:

  1. The permissions for both the local mmap and the RDMA instance in this sample allow for RDMA write.

  2. No tasks are configured for this sample, and thus no tasks are prepared and submitted, nor are there task completion callbacks. In this sample, the data written to the memory of the responder is printed once the context state is changed to Running, using the state change callback. This is done only after receiving input from the user, indicating that the requester had finished writing.

  3. The local mmap is exported to the remote memory to allow it to be used by the peer for RDMA write.

  4. No remote mmap is created as there is no intention to access the remote memory in this sample.


  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_write_responder/rdma_write_responder_sample.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_write_responder/rdma_write_responder_main.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_write_responder/

RDMA Write Immediate

RDMA Write Immediate Requester

This sample illustrates how to write to a remote peer (the responder) using DOCA RDMA along with a 32-bit immediate value which is sent OOB.

The sample logic is as presented in the General Sample Steps, with attention to the following:

  1. The permissions for the local mmap in this sample are set to local read and write.

  2. A write with immediate task is configured for this sample.

  3. In this sample, data is written to the peer and printed in the successful task completion callback.

  4. The local mmap is not exported as the peer does not intend to access it.

  5. To write to the peer, a remote mmap is created from the peer's exported mmap.


  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_write_immediate_requester/rdma_write_immediate_requester_sample.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_write_immediate_requester/rdma_write_immediate_requester_main.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_write_immediate_requester/

RDMA Write Immediate Responder

This sample illustrates how the set up a remote peer for a DOCA RDMA write request whilst receiving a 32-bit immediate value from the peer's OOB.

The sample logic is as presented in the General Sample Steps, with attention to the following:

  1. The permissions for both the local mmap and the RDMA instance in this sample allow for RDMA write.

  2. A receive task is configured for this sample to retrieve the immediate value. Failing to submit a receive task prior to the write with immediate task results in a fatal failure.

  3. In this sample, the successful task completion callback also includes:

    1. Checking the result opcode, to verify that the receive task has completed after receiving a write with immediate request.

    2. Verifying the data written to the memory of the responder is valid and printing it, along with the immediate data received.

  4. The local mmap is exported to the remote memory, to allow it to be used by the peer for RDMA write.

  5. No remote mmap is created as there is no intention to access the remote memory in this sample.


  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_write_immediate_responder/rdma_write_immediate_responder_sample.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_write_immediate_responder/rdma_write_immediate_responder_main.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_write_immediate_responder/

RDMA Send and Receive


This sample illustrates how to send a message to a remote peer using DOCA RDMA.

The sample logic is as presented in the General Sample Steps, with attention to the following:

  1. The permissions for the local mmap in this sample is set to local read and write.

  2. A send task is configured for this sample.

  3. In this sample, the data sent is printed during the task preparation, not in the successful task completion callback.

  4. The local mmap is not exported as the peer does not intend to access it.

  5. No remote mmap is created as there is no intention to access the remote memory in this sample.


  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_send/rdma_send_sample.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_send/rdma_send_main.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_send/

RDMA Receive

This sample illustrates how the remote peer can receive a message sent by the peer (the sender).

The sample logic is as presented in the General Sample Steps, with attention to the following:

  1. The permissions for the local mmap in this sample is set to local read and write.

  2. A receive task is configured for this sample to retrieve the sent data. Failing to submit a receive task prior to the send task results in a fatal failure.

  3. In this sample, data is received from the peer verified to be valid and printed in the successful task completion callback.

  4. The local mmap is not exported as the peer does not intend to access it.

  5. No remote mmap is created as there is no intention to access the remote memory in this sample.


  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_receive/rdma_receive_sample.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_receive/rdma_receive_main.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_receive/

RDMA Send and Receive with Immediate

RDMA Send with Immediate

This sample illustrates how to send a message to a remote peer using DOCA RDMA along with a 32-bit immediate value which is sent OOB.

The sample logic is as presented in the General Sample Steps, with attention to the following:

  1. The permissions for the local mmap in this sample is set to local read and write.

  2. A send with immediate task is configured for this sample.

  3. In this sample, the data sent is printed during the task preparation, not in the successful task completion callback.

  4. The local mmap is not exported as the peer does not intend to access it.

  5. No remote mmap is created as there is no intention to access the remote memory in this sample.


  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_send_immediate/rdma_send_immediate_sample.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_send_immediate/rdma_send_immediate_main.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_send_immediate/

RDMA Receive with Immediate

This sample illustrates how the remote peer can receive a message sent by the peer (the sender) while also receiving a 32-bit immediate value from the peer's OOB.

The sample logic is as presented in the General Sample Steps, with attention to the following:

  1. The permissions for the local mmap in this sample is set to local read and write.

  2. A receive task is configured for this sample to retrieve the sent data and the immediate value. Failing to submit a receive task prior to the send with immediate task results in a fatal failure.

  3. In this sample, the successful task completion callback also includes:

    1. Checking the result opcode, to verify that the receive task has completed after receiving a sent message with an immediate.

    2. Verifying the data received from the peer is valid and printing it along with the immediate data received.

  4. In this sample, data is received from the peer verified to be valid and printed in the successful task completion callback.

  5. The local mmap is not exported as the peer does not intend to access it.

  6. No remote mmap is created as there is no intention to access the remote memory in this sample.


  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_receive_immediate/rdma_receive_immediate_sample.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_receive_immediate/rdma_receive_immediate_main.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_receive_immediate/

RDMA Remote Sync Event

This sample illustrates how to synchronize between local sync event and a remote sync event DOCA RDMA.

RDMA Remote Sync Event Requester

The sample logic is as presented in the General Sample Steps, with attention to the following:

  1. The permissions for the local mmap in this sample is set to local read and write.

  2. A "remote net sync event notify set" task is configured for this sample.

    • For this task, the successful task completion callback has the following logic:

      1. Printing an info log saying the task was successfully completed and a specific successful completion log for the task.

      2. Decreasing the number of remaining tasks. Once 0 is reached:

        1. Freeing the task and task-specific resources.

        2. Stopping the context.

    • For this task, the failed task completion callback stops the context even when the number of remaining tasks is different than 0 (since the synchronization between the peers would fail).

  3. A "remote net sync event get" task is configured for this sample.

    • For this task, the successful task completion callback also includes:

      1. Resubmitting the task, until a value greater than or equal to the expected value is retrieved.

      2. Once such value is retrieved, submitting a "remote net sync event notify set" task to signal sample completion, including:

        1. Updating the successful completion message accordingly.

        2. Increasing the number of submitted tasks.

        3. If an error was encountered, and the "remote net sync event notify set" task was not submitted, the task and task resources are freed.

    • For this task, the failed task completion callback also includes freeing the "remote net sync event notify set" task and task resources.

  4. The local mmap is not exported as the peer does not intend to access it.

  5. No remote mmap is created as there is no intention to access the remote memory in this sample.

  6. To synchronize events with the peer, a sync event remote net is created from the peer's exported sync event.

  7. Both tasks are prepared and submitted in the state change callback, once the context moves from starting to running.

  8. The user data of the "remote net sync event get" task points to the "remote net sync event notify set" task.


  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_sync_event_requester/rdma_sync_event_requester_sample.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_sync_event_requester/rdma_sync_event_requester_main.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_sync_event_requester/

RDMA Remote Sync Event Responder

The sample logic is as presented in the General Sample Steps, with attention to the following:

  1. The permissions for the local mmap in this sample is set to local read and write.

  2. This sample includes creating a local sync event and exporting it to the remote memory to allow the peer to create a remote handle.

  3. No tasks are configured for this sample, and thus no tasks are prepared and submitted, nor are there task completion callbacks. In this sample, the following steps are executed once the context moves from starting to running, using the state change callback:

    1. Waiting for the sync event to be signaled from the remote side.

    2. Notifying the sync event from the local side.

    3. Waiting for completion notification from the remote side.


  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_sync_event_responder/rdma_sync_event_responder_sample.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_sync_event_responder/rdma_sync_event_responder_main.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_sync_event_responder/

RDMA Multi-connections Send and Receive

The following samples illustrates how to multiple connections can be performed to demonstrate an exchange of messages between peers.

Please note, using DOCA RDMA CM flow (see section "Connecting Using RDMA CM Connection Flow"):

  1. One sample would act as Server while the other would act as a client

  2. Multiple instances of the sample acting as client need to be independently executed to simulate each client peer to reach the amount of desired RDMA connections.

RDMA Multi-conn Send

This sample shows how multiple connections can be established and demonstrates:


In DOCA RDMA CM flow multiple instances of this sample need to be independently executed to simulate each client peer to reach the amount of desired RDMA connections.

The sample logic is as presented in the General Sample Steps, with attention to the following:

  1. The permissions for the local mmap in this sample is set to local read and write.

  2. A send task is configured for this sample.

  3. In this sample, the data sent is printed during the task preparation, not in the successful task completion callback.

  4. The local mmap is not exported as the peer does not intend to access it.

  5. No remote mmap is created as there is no intention to access the remote memory in this sample.

  6. The number of connections option can be set to

    1. the number of remote peers expected by the single peer (server sender) when using DOCA RDMA CM flow (see section "Connecting Using RDMA CM Connection Flow").

    2. the number of peers to connect to its remote peers using the DOCA RDMA exporting and connection flow (see section "Exporting and Connecting RDMA").


In DOCA RDMA CM flow, the number of connections cannot be used to simulate each client peer.


  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_multi_conn_send/rdma_multi_conn_send_sample.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_multi_conn_send/rdma_multi_conn_send_main.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_multi_conn_send/

RDMA Multi-conn Receive

This sample shows how multiple connections can be performed and demonstrates:


In DOCA RDMA CM flow multiple instances of this sample need to be independently executed to simulate each client peer to reach the amount of desired RDMA connections.

The sample logic is as presented in the General Sample Steps, with attention to the following:

  1. The permissions for the local mmap in this sample is set to local read and write.

  2. A receive task is configured for this sample to retrieve the sent data.


    Failing to submit a receive task prior to the send task results in a fatal failure.

  3. In this sample, data is received from the peer verified to be valid and printed in the successful task completion callback.

  4. The local mmap is not exported as the peer does not intend to access it.

  5. No remote mmap is created as there is no intention to access the remote memory in this sample.

  6. The number of connections can be set to:

    1. The number of peers expected by the single remote peer (server) when using DOCA RDMA CM flow (see section "Connecting Using RDMA CM Connection Flow").

    2. The number of remote peers connected to their sender peers using the DOCA RDMA exporting and connection flow (see section "Exporting and Connecting RDMA").


In DOCA RDMA CM flow the number of connections cannot be used to simulate each client peer.


  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_multi_conn_receive/rdma_multi_conn_receive_sample.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_multi_conn_receive/rdma_multi_conn_receive_main.c

  • /opt/mellanox/doca/samples/doca_rdma/rdma_multi_conn_receive/

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