Class AnnotatedDoubleBufferTransmitter
Defined in File annotated_double_buffer_transmitter.hpp
Base Type
public nvidia::gxf::DoubleBufferTransmitter
class AnnotatedDoubleBufferTransmitter : public nvidia::gxf::DoubleBufferTransmitter
AnnotatedDoubleBufferTransmitter class tracks every published message by attaching a MessageLabel that has a timestamp.
Public Functions
- AnnotatedDoubleBufferTransmitter() = default
- gxf_result_t publish_abi(gxf_uid_t uid)
Override the DoubleBufferTransmitter::publish_abi() function. It adds a MessageLabel to the publish GXF Entity and finally calls the base class’ publish_abi() function. It gets the input message labels of every operator and then adds that consolidated message label to the published message.
For root operators, it also updates the number of published messages.
- inline holoscan::Operator *op()
inline void op(holoscan::Operator *op)
Set the associated operator for this AnnotatedDoubleBufferTransmitter. It is set at the.
See alsocreate_input_port() function.
- Parameters
op – The operator that this transmitter is attached to.