NVIDIA Holoscan SDK v0.4.0
Clara Holoscan v0.4.0

Class ArgList

class ArgList

Vector-like container for holding the arguments.

Public Functions

ArgList() = default

inline explicit ArgList(std::initializer_list<Arg> args)

Construct a new ArgList object.


args – The arguments as an initializer list.

~ArgList() = default

inline size_t size() const

Get the number of arguments.


The number of arguments.

inline std::vector<Arg>::iterator begin()

Return an iterator to the beginning.


The iterator to the first element.

inline std::vector<Arg>::iterator end()

Return an iterator to the end.


The iterator to the element following the last element.

inline std::vector<Arg>::const_iterator begin() const

Return a const iterator to the beginning.


The const iterator to the first element.

inline std::vector<Arg>::const_iterator end() const

Return a const iterator to the end.


The const iterator to the element following the last element.

inline void clear()

Erase all elements from the container.

inline std::vector<Arg> &args()

Get the vector of arguments.


The reference to the vector of arguments.

template<typename typeT>
inline typeT as()

Get the value of the argument as a specific type.

This method takes a type as a template parameter and returns the value of the argument as that type. Only the first item in the argument list is taken into account.

If the cast fails, an error message is logged and a default value for the type is returned.



bool is_rdma = from_config("aja.rdma").as<bool>();

Template Parameters

typeT – The type to cast the argument to.


The value of the argument as the specified type.

inline void add(const Arg &arg)

Add an argument to the list.


arg – The argument to add.

inline void add(Arg &&arg)

Add an argument to the list.


arg – The argument to add.

inline void add(const ArgList &arg)

Add an argument list to the list.


arg – The argument list to add.

inline void add(ArgList &&arg)

Add an argument list to the list.


arg – The argument list to add.

inline const std::string &name() const

Get the name of the argument list.


The name of the argument list.

© Copyright 2022, NVIDIA. Last updated on Jun 28, 2023.