Class ManagerInfer

Clara Holoscan v0.4.0
class ManagerInfer

Manager class for multi ai inference.

Public Functions


Default Constructor.

InferStatus set_inference_params(std::shared_ptr<MultiAISpecs> &multiai_specs)

Create inference settings and memory.


multiai_specs – Multi AI specifications for inference


InferStatus with appropriate code and message

InferStatus execute_inference(DataMap &preprocess_data_map, DataMap &output_data_map)

Prepares and launches multi ai inference.

  • preprocess_data_map – Input DataMap with model name as key and DataBuffer as value

  • output_data_map – Output DataMap with tensor name as key and DataBuffer as value


InferStatus with appropriate code and message

InferStatus run_core_inference(const std::string &model_name, DataMap &permodel_preprocess_data, DataMap &permodel_output_data)

Executes Core inference for a particular model and generates inferred data.

  • model_name – Input model to do the inference on

  • permodel_preprocess_data – Input DataMap with model name as key and DataBuffer as value

  • permodel_output_data – Output DataMap with tensor name as key and DataBuffer as value


InferStatus with appropriate code and message

void cleanup()

Cleans up internal context per model.

void print_dimensions()

Prints input and output data dimensions per model.

DimType get_input_dimensions() const

Get input dimension per model.


Map with model name as key and dimension as value

DimType get_output_dimensions() const

Get output dimension per tensor.


Map with tensor name as key and dimension as value

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