NVIDIA Holoscan SDK v0.4.0
Clara Holoscan v0.4.0

GXF extensions

page md_gxf_extensions_README

See the User Guide for details regarding the extensions in GXF and Holoscan SDK, and for instructions to build your own extensions

  • aja: support AJA capture card as source. It offers support for GPUDirect-RDMA on Quadro GPUs. The output is a VideoBuffer object.

  • bayer_demosaic: calls to the NVIDIA CUDA based demosaicing algorithm to create RGB planes from Bayer format.

  • custom_lstm_inference: provide LSTM (Long-Short Term Memory) stateful inference module using TensorRT

  • emergent: support camera from Emergent Vision Technologies as the source. The datastream from this camera is transferred through Mellanox ConnectX NIC using Rivermax SDK.

  • format_converter: provide common video or tensor operations in inference pipelines to change datatypes, resize images, reorder channels, and normalize and scale values.

  • holoviz: Holoviz is a Vulkan API based visualizer to display video buffer and geometry from a tensor.

  • multiai_inference: Multi AI inference supported by TRT and onnxruntime backend.

  • multiai_postprocessor: Executes data processing on multiple tensors. Currently supports only one operation for icardio models.

  • visualizer_icardio: Prepares results from plax chamber model (from icardio) for visualization.

  • opengl: OpenGL Renderer(visualizer) to display a VideoBuffer, leveraging OpenGL/CUDA interop.

  • probe: print tensor information

  • segmentation_postprocessor: segmentation model postprocessing converting inference output to highest-probability class index, including support for sigmoid, softmax, and activations.

  • segmentation_visualizer: OpenGL renderer that combines segmentation output overlaid on video input, using CUDA/OpenGL interop.

  • stream_playback: provide video stream playback module to output video frames as a Tensor object.

  • tensor_rt _(duplicate from GXF)_: Run inference with TensorRT

  • v4l2: Video for Linux 2 source supporting USB cameras and other media inputs. The output is a VideoBuffer object.

  • visualizer_tool_tracking: custom visualizer component that handles compositing, blending, and visualization of tool labels, tips, and masks given the output tensors of the custom_lstm_inference

  • mocks: provide mock components such as VideoBufferMock.

  • sample: provide sample ping_tx/ping_rx components.

© Copyright 2022, NVIDIA. Last updated on Jun 28, 2023.