Holoscan Sensor Bridge v1.0.0

Running Holoscan Sensor Bridge examples

Holoscan sensor bridge example applications are located under the examples directory. Below are instructions for running the applications on the IGX and the Jetson AGX platforms.

  • Examples starting with the word “linux_” in the filename use the unaccelerated Linux Sockets API network receiver operator. These examples work on both IGX and AGX systems.

  • Examples without “linux_” in the filename use the accelerated network receiver operator and require ConnectX SmartNIC controllers, like those on IGX. AGX systems cannot run these examples.

  • These examples all work on both iGPU and dGPU configurations. If the underlying OS and Holoscan sensor bridge container are built with the appropriate iGPU or dGPU setting, the application code itself does not change.

Most examples have both the accelerated and an unaccelerated Linux Sockets API version.

To run the high-speed video player with IMX274, in the demo container with a ConnectX accelerated network controller,


$ python3 examples/imx274_player.py

or, for unaccelerated configurations (e.g. AGX),


$ python3 examples/linux_imx274_player.py

Documentation breaking down the source code for the IMX274 player application is available here; this example illustrates the basic sensor bridge workflow which is described in the architecture documentation. Press Control/C to stop the video player.

The tao-peoplenet example demonstrates running inference on a live video feed. Tao PeopleNet provides a model that given an image can detect persons, bags, and faces. In this example, when those items are detected, bounding boxes are shown as an overlay over the live video.

Prerequisite: Download the PeopleNet ONNX model from the NGC website:


wget --content-disposition 'https://api.ngc.nvidia.com/v2/models/org/nvidia/team/tao/peoplenet/pruned_quantized_decrypted_v2.3.3/files?redirect=true&path=resnet34_peoplenet_int8.onnx' -O examples/resnet34_peoplenet_int8.onnx

For systems with accelerated network interfaces,


python3 examples/tao_peoplenet.py

or unaccelerated configurations,


python3 examples/linux_tao_peoplenet.py

This will bring up the Holoscan visualizer on the GUI showing the live video feed from the IMX274 device as well as red/green box overlays when a person image is captured. Press Ctrl/C to exit. More information about this application can be found here.

Prerequisite: Download the YOLOv8 ONNX model from the YOLOv8 website and generate the body pose ONNX model. Within the Holoscan sensor bridge demo container:

From the repo base directory hololink:


apt-get update && apt-get install -y ffmpeg pip3 install ultralytics onnx cd examples yolo export model=yolov8n-pose.pt format=onnx cd -

Note that this conversion step only needs to be executed once; the yolov8n-pose.onnx file contains the converted model and is all that’s needed for the demo to run. The installed components will be forgotten when the container is exited; those do not need to be present in future runs of the demo.

For systems with accelerated network interfaces, within the sensor bridge demo container, launch the Body Pose estimation:


python3 examples/body_pose_estimation.py

For unaccelerated configurations (e.g. AGX), launch the Body Pose estimation example within the demo container this way:


python3 examples/linux_body_pose_estimation.py

This will bring up the Holoscan visualizer on the GUI showing the live video feed from the IMX274 device, along with a green overlay showing keypoints found by the body pose net model. The first time the body pose example is run, the model is converted to an fp32 file, which can take several minutes. These conversion results are cached in a local file and reused on subsequent runs of the example program. For more information about this application, look here.

Press Ctrl/C to exit.

examples/stereo_imx274_player.py shows an example with two independent pipelines, one for each camera on the dual-camera module. Only an accelerated version is included, and both network ports must be connected between the IGX and the Holoscan sensor bridge unit.


python3 examples/stereo_imx274_player.py

This brings up a visualizer display with two frames, one for the left channel and the other for the right.

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