NVIDIA UFM Enterprise REST API Guide v6.18.0
NVIDIA UFM Enterprise REST API Guide v6.18.0

Access Tokens API

  • Description – returns information on all created tokens by the user

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/app/tokens

  • Response:


    [ { "access_token": "czQYeCfKIeXqlwSqtorunOPysaSp2r", "revoked": false, "issued_at": 1637067961, "expires_in": 315360000, "username": "admin" } ]

  • Status Codes:

    • 200 – Ok

  • Description – Create a new token

  • Request URL – POST /ufmRest/app/tokens

  • Response:


    { "access_token": "czQYeCfKIeXqlwSqtorunOPysaSp2r", "revoked": false, "issued_at": 1637067961, "expires_in": 315360000, "username": "admin" }

  • Status Codes:

    • 200 – Ok

  • Description – Revoke a specific token

  • Request URL – POST /ufmRest/app/tokens/revoke

  • Request Content Type – Multipart/form-data


    token: oiR3v37KxscBKfemvMnXzgazqZD15Z

  • Status Codes:

    • 200 – Ok

    • 404 – Not Found

The access token should be attached in the header of the API request as the following example:

To get all fabric events using the token based authentication:

  • URL /ufmRestV3/app/events

  • Headers: {… Authorization: Basic <access_token> …}

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