NVIDIA UFM Enterprise REST API Guide v6.18.0
NVIDIA UFM Enterprise REST API Guide v6.18.0

Client Authentication REST API

  • Description: Get client authentication settings

  • URL: GET /ufmRest/app/client_authentication/settings

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Request Data: N/A

  • Response:


    { "enable": true, "client_cert_sans": [ { "san": "ufm-test.net", "user": "ufmsysadmin" } ], "ssl_cert_hostnames": [ "ufm-test.net" ], "ssl_cert_file": "Present", "ca_intermediate_cert_file": "Present", "cert_auto_refresh": { "enabled": true, "root_intermediate_certs_url": https://test.net, "ssl_cert_url": https://rest.net, "ssl_cert_thumbprint": "41EBA872F116E720E494A0AE1ED357EF8A0C60C9", "last_checked": "2022-03-15 11:35:40", "last_updated": "2022-03-15 11:35:40", "bootstrap_cert_file": "Present" } }

  • Status Codes:

    • 200 – Ok

  • Description: Configure settings

  • URL: PUT /ufmRest/app/client_authentication/settings

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Request Data format:


    { "enable": true, "client_cert_sans": [ { "san": "ufm-test.net", "user": "ufmsysadmin" } ], "ssl_cert_hostnames": [ "ufm-test.net" ], "cert_auto_refresh": { "enable": true, "root_intermediate_certs_url": https://test.net2, "ssl_cert_url": passwordhttps://test.net, "ssl_cert_thumbprint": "2268BDD79DF7FD9C818EB97F315AE0F35D223A16", "bootstrap_pfx_password": "password", "bootstrap_cert_file": base64 test format              "bootstrap_pfx_password_file":           }

  • Response: N/A

    • Only switches to "auto-refresh after refresh.

    • The bootstrap_cert_file file should be made up of base64 strings

  • Status Codes:

    • 200 – Ok

    • 400 - Bad Request (bad or missing parameters)

    • 404 – Resource does not exist


Bootstrap certificate bootstrap_pfx_password_file and bootstrap_pfx_password options are mutually exclusive, only one should be provided.

  • Description: Update certificates

  • URL: POST /ufmRest/app/client_authentication/auto_refresh_certificates

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Request Data: N/A

  • Response: N/A


    After the certificates are updated, the system switches to client certificates.

  • Status Codes:

    • 200 – Ok

    • 400 – Bad Request (bad or missing parameters)

  • Description: Delete client certificates return to user/password

  • URL: DELETE /ufmRest/app/client_authentication/settings

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Request Data: N/A

  • Response: "Success"

  • Status Codes:

    • 200 – Ok

    • 400 – Bad Request (bad or missing parameters)

    • 404 - Resource does not exist

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