NVIDIA UFM Enterprise REST API Guide v6.18.0
NVIDIA UFM Enterprise REST API Guide v6.18.0

Events and Periodic Reports Recipients Configuration REST API

  • Description – manages recipients of events and periodic reports, including getting, adding, removing, and deleting existing recipients

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/app/smtp/recipients

  • Main operations

    • Get recipients list

    • Add new recipients

    • Delete existing recipients

    • Update existing recipients

  • Description – get recipients list of events or periodic reports

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/app/smtp/recipients ?recipients_type=("events", "periodic_report")


    Note: recipients_type should either be “events” or “periodic_report”

  • Request Content Type – application/json

  • Response


    { "recipients":[ "anasb@mellanox.com" ], "recipients_type":"events" }

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – OK

    • 404 – bad request

  • Description – adds new recipients of the events or periodic reports

  • Request URL – POST /ufmRest/app/smtp/recipients

  • Request Content Type – application/json

  • Request Data


    { "recipients":[ "anasb@mellanox.com" ], "recipients_type":"events" }

  • Status Codes

    • 201 – created

    • 404 – bad request

  • Description – deletes existing recipients from the events or periodic reports

  • Request URL – POST /ufmRest/app/smtp/recipients

  • Request Content Type – application/json

  • Request Data


    { "recipients":[ "anasb@mellanox.com" ], "recipients_type":"events" }

  • Status Codes

    • 204 – NO CONTENT

    • 404 – bad request

  • Description – updates the recipients of the events or periodic reports

  • Request URL – PUT /ufmRest/app/smtp/recipients

  • Request Content Type – application/json

  • Request Data


    { "old_recipients":[ "anasb@mellanox.com" ], "new_recipients":[ "new@mellanox.com" ], "recipients_type":"events" }

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – OK

    • 404 – bad request

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