NVIDIA UFM Enterprise REST API Guide v6.18.0
NVIDIA UFM Enterprise REST API Guide v6.18.0

Events Policy REST API

  • Description – these interfaces are used for retrieving information on and updating existing event policies in UFM

  • Request URL – /ufmRest/app/events_policy

  • Main operations

    • Get all events policies

    • Get an events policy using its ID

    • Get all simulated events policy messages

    • Update a specific events policy

    • Simulate events policy

  • Description – retrieve information on all events policies in UFM

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/app/events_policy/

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Request Data – N/A

  • Response


    { "133": { "severity": "Minor", "to_snmp": false, "use_alarm": true, "threshold": 10.0, "to_syslog": false, "policy_object": "Port", "duration": 300, "to_ui": true, "to_mail": false, "call_script": false, "to_log": true, "description": "Port Normalized Transmit Wait", "action":"Isolated" }, "130": { "severity": "Minor", "to_snmp": false, "use_alarm": true, "threshold": 1.0, "to_syslog": false, "policy_object": "Port", "duration": 0, "to_ui": true, "to_mail": false, "call_script": false, "to_log": true, "description": "Non-optimal link width" } }

  • Possible Filters – may be used to filter the request:

    • ids – retrieves information on events policies per ID



      GET /ufmRest/app/events_policy?ids=133,135

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – OK

  • Description – retrieve information on an events policy using its ID

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/app/events_policy/<policy_id>

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Request Data – N/A

  • Response


    { "severity": "Minor", "to_snmp": false, "use_alarm": true, "threshold": 10.0, "to_syslog": false, "policy_object": "Port", "duration": 300, "to_ui": true, "to_mail": false, "call_script": false, "to_log": true, "description": "Port Normalized Transmit Wait", "action":"Isolated" }

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – OK

  • Description – Retrieves all simulated events messages.

  • Request URL – GET /ufmRest/app/events_policy/simulated_messages

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Request Data – N/A

  • Response


{ "64": "GID Address In Service: prefix ff12601bffff0000,guid 0xb8599f03000a7768", "65": "GID Address Out of Service: prefix ff12601bffff0000,guid 0xb8599f03000a7768", "66": "New MCast group is created: ff12601bffff0000, 0xb8599f03000a7768", "67": "Mcast group is deleted: ff12601bffff0000, 0x123", "110": "Symbol-Error counter rate threshold exceeded. Threshold is 0, received value is 5. Peer info: default(2) / Switch: sw-ufm-qm01 / 35.", "111": "Link-Error-Recovery counter rate threshold exceeded. Threshold is 0, received value is 5. Peer info: default(2) / Switch: sw-ufm-qm01 / 35.", "112": "Link-Downed counter delta threshold exceeded. Threshold is 0, calculated delta is 5. Peer info: default(2) / Switch: sw-ufm-qm01 / 35.", "113": "PortRcvErrors counter rate threshold exceeded. Threshold is 0, received value is 5. Peer info: default(2) / Switch: sw-ufm-qm01 / 35.", "114": "PortRcvRemotePhysicalErrors counter rate threshold exceeded. Threshold is 0, received value is 5. Peer info: default(2) / Switch: sw-ufm-qm01 / 35.", "115": "PortRcvSwitchRelayErrors counter rate threshold exceeded. Threshold is 5, received value is 5. Peer info: default(2) / Switch: sw-ufm-qm01 / 35.", "116": "PortXmitDiscards counter rate threshold exceeded. Threshold is 0 received value is 5. Peer info: default(2) / Switch: sw-ufm-qm01 / 35.", "117": "PortXmitConstraintErrors counter rate threshold exceeded. Threshold is 0, received value is 5. Peer info: default(2) / Switch: sw-ufm-qm01 / 35.", "118": "PortRcvConstraintErrors counter rate threshold exceeded. Threshold is 0, received value is 5. Peer info: default(2) / Switch: sw-ufm-qm01 / 35.", "119": "LocalLinkIntegrityErrors counter rate threshold exceeded. Threshold is 0, received value is 5. Peer info: default(2) / Switch: sw-ufm-qm01 / 35.", "120": "ExcessiveBufferOverrunErrors counter rate threshold exceeded. Threshold is 0, received value is 5. Peer info: default(2) / Switch: sw-ufm-qm01 / 35.", "121": "VL15Dropped counter rate threshold exceeded. Threshold is 0, received value is 5. Peer info: default(2) / Switch: sw-ufm-qm01 / 35.", "122": "Congested Bandwidth (in percents) threshold exceeded. Threshold is 0, received value is 5. Peer info: default(2) / Switch: sw-ufm-qm01 / 35.", "123": "Port Normalized Transmit BW counter threshold exceeded. Threshold is 0, received value is 5. Peer info: default(2) / Switch: sw-ufm-qm01 / 35.", "130": "Found a 4x link that operates in 1x width mode.", "134": "T4 Congested Bandwidth (in percents) threshold exceeded. Threshold is 0 received value is 5. Peer info: default(2) / Switch: sw-ufm-qm01 / 35.", "141": "Flow Control Update watchdog timer has expired: lid 15, port #20", "144": "Capability Mask Modified: lid 4431, mask 0xa751e848", "145": "System Image GUID is changed: 100, 0x0c42a1030079a66c", "156": "Ethernet Gateway(s) identified - Link speed enforcement is disabled in the fabric. Restart the Ethernet Gateway(s) for change to take effect.", "250": "UFM License has expired 20 days ago! UFM is now running in Limited Mode!", "251": "UFM License has expired 10 days ago! UFM will switch to limited mode in 3 days!", "252": "UFM License has expired. Please restart UFM server", "253": "Duplicate Serial Number 12342 detected on installed licenses. Please refer to your system vendor representative to update your license", ........... }

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – OK

  • Description – update an existing events policy using its ID

  • Request URL – PUT /ufmRest/app/events_policy/<policy_id>

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Request Data


    { "duration": 10, "to_log": true, "to_syslog": true, "to_snmp": true, "to_ui": true, "to_mail": true, "use_alarm": true, "threshold": 10, "call_script":true, "severity": "Warning", "action": "Isolated" }

  • Response – N/A

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – OK

    • 400 – BAD REQUEST

  • Description – update multiple existing event policies

  • Request URL – PATCH /ufmRest/app/events_policy

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Request Data


    [ { "name": "64", "to_log": true, "to_mail": false, "to_snmp": false, "to_syslog": false, "to_ui": true, "use_alarm": false }, { "name": "65", "to_log": true, "to_mail": false, "to_snmp": false, "to_syslog": false, "to_ui": true, "use_alarm": true }, { "name": "66", "to_log": true, "to_mail": false, "to_snmp": false, "to_syslog": false, "to_ui": true, "use_alarm": false } ]

  • Response – N/A

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – OK

    • 400 – BAD REQUEST

  • Description – Simulates a list of events policies.

  • Request URL – POST /ufmRest/app/events_policy/simulation

  • Request Content Type – Application/json

  • Request Data


    {"events_ids": ["250", "156", "344", "388", "502", "339", "911", "1525", "352"]}

  • Response – N/A

  • Status Codes

    • 200 – OK

    • 400 – BAD REQUEST

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