NVIDIA UFM Enterprise REST API Guide v6.18.0
NVIDIA UFM Enterprise REST API Guide v6.18.0

Events to FluentD Streaming (EFS) Plugin REST API

The following authentication types are supported:

  • basic (/ufmRest)

  • client (/ufmRestV2)

  • token (/ufmRestV3)

  • Description: Get the current streaming configurations

  • URL: GET ufmRest/plugin/efs/conf

  • Request Data: N/A

  • Response:


    {  "UFM-syslog-endpoint": {      "host": "",      "port": 5140  },  "fluent-bit-endpoint": {      "destination_host": "",      "destination_port": 24226,      "enabled": true,      "message_tag_name": "ufm_syslog",      "source_port": 24227  },  "logs-config": {      "log_file_backup_count": 5,      "log_file_max_size": 10485760,      "logs_file_name": "/log/efs.log",      "logs_level": "INFO"  },  "streaming": {      "enabled": false  },  "syslog-destination-endpoint": {      "enabled": false,      "host": "",      "port": 514  } }

  • Description: Update the current streaming configurations

  • URL: PUT ufmRest/plugin/efs/conf

  • Request Data:


    {  "UFM-syslog-endpoint": {      "host": "",      "port": 5140  },  "fluent-bit-endpoint": {      "destination_host": "",      "destination_port": 24226,      "enabled": true,      "message_tag_name": "ufm_syslog",      "source_port": 24227  },  "logs-config": {      "log_file_backup_count": 5,      "log_file_max_size": 10485760,      "logs_file_name": "/log/efs.log",      "logs_level": "INFO"  },  "streaming": {      "enabled": false  },  "syslog-destination-endpoint": {      "enabled": false,      "host": "",      "port": 514  } }

  • Response: string “set configurations has been done successfully”

  • Status Codes:

    • 200 – Ok.

    • 400 – bad request (bad or missing parameters).

    © Copyright 2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Aug 29, 2024.